After adding a pair of black and bright hair to himself, Li Heng held the core of the Void Law in his hand.

With six energetic cores in hand, Li Heng had never been so confident.

Li Heng closed his eyes in order to concentrate better.

The power of the Law of Emptiness was slowly mobilized by him, and with the power of the Law of Knowledge, like a hungry beast, looking for its prey.

Soon, he found that world bubble.

"So, Sue, I'm coming."

Li Heng smiled slightly, and then mobilized the power of the Law of Void to open up a spatial passage that led directly there.


Li Heng suddenly found that his ability to use the Law of Voidness seemed to become more handy.

"Is it an illusion?"

Li Heng was a little puzzled.

But the pathway to build a space can't be sloppy, because Li Heng's distraction, the spatial pathway has become a little unstable, and he has to temporarily put down this idea and concentrate on building a spatial pathway.

After the spatial passage was built, Li Heng smiled and immediately stepped into it.

But he suddenly thought of something, and as soon as he beckoned, a key flew towards his hand, it was the key that fixed this space.

Just kidding, if someone enters this room with space superimposed and sees the four guys lying in it, it will be troublesome.

Otto's guy is pretty good, but if Delisa and Ziegfrie see it, the plot line is estimated to be twisted into Tianjin twist.

Holding the key in his hand, Li Heng smiled, and now he could go to Su without any worries.

Immediately, he was about to jump again and enter the spatial pathway, but he was already halfway through his body, but he remembered what it was again, retreated back, and inserted the key.

After a while, Li Heng ran back with the hell judgment fart upside down.

"Oops, I almost forgot about you, old man."

Li Heng pulled out the key again, so that this space no longer overlapped with the real space, and after repeatedly confirming that he did not drop something, he plunged into the spatial passage.


For more than 4,400 years, the Second God's Key Thousand Worlds has been used to observe other [parallel worlds] on the [Tree of Imaginary Numbers]

. A man with long hair and waist sat quietly under a large tree with his eyes closed, reaching out to catch a leaf falling from the tree.

The man is none other than Su, the holder of the Thousand Worlds and the executor of Hengsha's plan.

"Another leaf has fallen."

Lifting the leaf high, his eyes never opened, but he still saw the information recorded in the leaf.

Each leaf represents a world.

Each leaf also represents the possibility of defeating Honkai.

However, the dead yellow leaf in front of him is still facing the end of being destroyed by collapse.

The leaves fell from Sue's hands and floated into the pile of dead leaves beneath him.

In the long period of observation, the world he had observed was already the number of sands in the Ganges, but he had never seen a leaf that would not wither.

The winner will fall... A brilliant civilization will eventually wither.

However, when Su looked up, the leaves on the tree were still luxuriant, and they did not become less because of the dead leaves that had fallen.

The leaves fall, the old leaves fade, and new leaves grow, and the flow is endless.

With a limited life, it is impossible to observe these infinite worlds.

But fortunately, he has found the answer, and now he only has to wait for the appearance of the destined man.


Su felt something and looked in one direction.

A door to space opened, and then a foot poked out, but quickly retracted.

After about ten seconds, it seemed that there was a person's body that had passed halfway, but he still retracted.

Su: "..."

He wanted to say something, he closed his eyes, and he could also feel that in the end,

a figure slowly condensed there, converging into the appearance of a young man.

"You, it seems, are not the one I am waiting for."

Sue slowly stood up, and a small green leaf appeared in his hand.

"Naturally not, I'm here to find you, Sue."

The youth smiled, and the youth didn't seem to have any reaction to Su's actions.

"I have never observed a presence similar to yours in other worlds, nor have I found your existence [in foresight]."

Su opened his eyes, looked at the young man in front of him, and slowly spoke.

"You, who the hell is it."

Su's tone became unprecedentedly cold, and the whole person's temperament changed greatly, if Su was a gentle tutor before, then now he is a stern examiner in the examination room.

"Me? I have many identities, but I still prefer to be called captain. "

The young man is Li Heng who came to Su after entering the spatial passage.

"Your existence is independent of my [foresight], independent of this world, no, you are even independent of the three thousand small worlds, and in each small world, there is no reflection of you."

"You are an outsider who does not belong to this world."

It can only be said that Su is worthy of being Su, and with just a few words, he dug up Li Heng's foundation clearly.

Li Heng was silent about this, but secretly complained in his heart, it was so well hidden for Mao's other people's crossers, how could I get here, and people easily dug me out in two steps.

"Your existence is a variable for the whole world."


, I have to eliminate you here for the sake of this world."

Li Henggang said three words, but was ruthlessly interrupted by Su.

Su came behind him in a flash, and directly slapped a palm on Li Heng's back.

Li Heng's heart of 10,000 grass and mud horses galloped past, not Su, you can't listen to the buddy finish talking!

After flashing this blow, Li Heng copied the hell trial and shot Su, but the bullet did not hit Su, but there was an energy with the same power as the bullet, sweeping towards Li Heng.

"[Karma Reincarnation] In this realm, your attacks on me will return to themselves, and the stronger the attack, the greater the backlash."

Su stood in front of Li Heng and explained.

However, to Su's surprise, the next moment, that force did not hit Li Heng, but flew aimlessly into the distance, and finally disappeared into the sky.

"I'm sorry, but I have some Second Law abilities, and it's a little difficult for them to hit me."

Li Heng smiled.

"It seems that if you want to eliminate you, my strength alone is not enough."

"Second God Key, help me."

The strange pattern appeared on the big tree behind Su, and the pattern became more and more brilliant, shrouding Li Heng in an instant.

Li Heng's eyes became confused, but in the next second, he regained his clarity again.

"How is it possible."

Sue was shocked.

"I also have a little grasp of the ability of the Knower."

Li Heng smiled, just now Su planned to trap Li Heng in it with endless reincarnation, so that the core of the law of knowledge in the body could help him get out of trouble in time.

"It seems that there seems to be only one way to trap you."

Su smiled, and the surrounding space suddenly trembled.

"Then, accompany me to the bottom of the Quantum Sea with this world, Captain."

Li Heng: "..."No

, why are you still anxious?!"

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