"Mouse, for so many years, you are the first living person lying on this operating table."

Mebius looked at Li Heng lying quietly on the operating table with a smile.

"That's really lucky."

Li Heng smiled, not reacting at all to the way Mebius looked for a scalpel.

Sue also followed, he was watching this memory in the third person, although Mebius and Li Heng were very much alive, but they were only reflections of the past after all, and they couldn't see him.

He saw Li Heng on the operating table, looked at Mebius again, frowned, and evoked some bad memories.

"Well, okay~, then, let's give you 'their' genes."

Mebius came to the experimental table, knocked a few times, and a genetic spiral appeared on it.

"This is?"

When Su saw this spiral, he was shocked, he had never seen such a peculiar spiral.

He leaned in front of the computer and was surprised to find that this gene was spliced together from nine different Honkai Beast genes.

Mebius apparently improved the nine Broken Beast genes, removing their miscellaneous and retaining their essence.

Because the Avalanche Beast that this gene mimicks resembles a Shenzhou Dragon, Mebius named it "Dragon".

At this time, Mebius was going to fuse this heterozygous gene to Li Heng.

"Dr. Mebius, it's still so crazy..."

Su, who realized this, looked at Mebius who was about to go under the knife, and couldn't help sighing.

The fusion of the Collapse Beast gene is very dangerous in itself, and coupled with the fusion of this self-developed gene, it can be said that it is looking for death.

"Mouse, before it enters your body, you still have the opportunity to regret it~"

Mebius came to Li Heng and shook the small tube of reagent in his hand.

"Fusing the genes of the Avalanche Beast, but irreversible Oh~, there will be terrible side effects."

"You may be like Kevin, whose body temperature is below minus 30 degrees all year round, or you may become nervous like Sue."

Sue stood beside her, the corners of her mouth twitching.

Mebius, are you polite?

"Of course, it is also possible for you to be like the great Dr. Mebius and obtain the ability to die and die."

Li Heng smiled and said.

"Then may the great Dr. Mebius bless me and survive this transformation."

Mebius looked at Li Heng, who was still smiling, and couldn't help but say.

"Mice, even I'm a little curious about you, what kind of women are worth you to gain strength to protect them in this way."

"Isn't it normal for the captain to protect the crew?"

Li Heng asked with a smile.

"This is my responsibility, maybe I am a little different from other captains, after all, I pilot, but 'unsinkable ship - Hyperion'."

Mebius smiled, and Sue's heart trembled as she laughed.

She immediately connected the medicine to the needle and plunged it into Li Heng's body.

"Then, to survive oh, my good captain~"

Memory, stop here.

It seems that I am here and fall into a deep sleep.

Su looked at Mebius and Li Heng, who were still there.

He felt that Li Heng in his memory seemed to be far from Li Heng who came to find him.

Li Heng, who found himself, was like a wanderer, with no purpose or direction, just simply wandering in this world.

And this Li Heng in his memory, although he does not have strange power like Li Heng who came to find him, Su can always see the belief from under his eyes, and he can also feel his solid goal.

"It's time to find other memories."

Su sorted out the information he obtained:

First of all, Li Heng came to the promised land of the past world, although he was not sure if it was the promised land of their world.

Secondly, he received the 'Yingji gift' here, and was fused by Mebius with the genes of the Honkai Beast, and according to the one waiting for him on the surface of the sea, the operation was successful.

Secondly, there is one thing that Su cares about, Li Heng seems to be very attached to the title of 'captain', every time he mentions these two words, his emotions will produce some fluctuations, and his eyes will flash a trace of firmness.

After sorting out the information, Su left this memory, and at the same time, using this memory as the midpoint, searched in a circular range.

Since there is a forgotten memory here, there must also be a segment in this neighborhood.

Sure enough, Su found the follow-up to this memory not far from it.

He got on both feet and got in.


"What's going on here, Dr. Mebius?"

A slightly angry voice rushed into Sue's ears, and he was surprised to find that it was his own voice.

"It doesn't have to be that loud, Sue, I can hear it."

Mebius came out of the darkness and patted his clothes, as if there had been dust on them.

Su in his memory looked at Li Heng lying on the operating table, and the strange scales on the latter's right hand were slowly fading.

"You used the Fusion Warrior technique on him?"

Su in his memory didn't seem to know about Li Heng's acceptance of 'Yingwei's gift'.

Su, who came to this memory, took advantage of the conversation between the two to observe the surroundings.

The laboratory, which was still clean and tidy in the previous memory, became a mess in this memory.

The instruments, the walls were full of deep scratches, and the two chandeliers seemed to have been dragged down one by one, leaving only one flickering alone.

Su secretly said that it was not good, could it be that there was any accident in the experiment?

"What kind of expression are you, Sue."

Mebius seemed impatient with Sue and spoke.

"Do you know what kind of power he has now? It is a power that can shake the gods! "

Shake... God?

Sue's voice was filled with disbelief.

"Any lawyer core, as long as it is touched by him, can become his own power! You know, what is this concept?

Mebius said quietly.

"Any one?"

Sue lowered his head and pondered, but after only a few seconds, he instantly comprehended the terrifying nature of this ability.

This means that the Lawyers, whom they have defeated at countless cost, will be completely on the side of humanity.

You know, even if it is the key of God, it can only reproduce the power of the lawyer at that time, but it is still very helpful to human beings.

If only the direct lawyer were on the side of humanity....

In his memory, Sue was shocked by this ability.

"This power..."

Sue seemed to think of something, and came to the laboratory table, which was already half missing, and saw the string of hybrid genes before the computer completely shut down.

"Combinatorial genes? You actually used a combination gene for him? Su

in the memory was shocked, combined genes, since this thing was developed, no one has successfully matched, and the people who forcibly use it are not absent, but they have lost their minds and become monsters that are not ghosts or ghosts.

In the end, these combined (heterozygous) genes were sealed by the Fire Moth and forbidden to anyone to use them, but I didn't expect that Mebius still had a string here.

And the real Su fell into thinking, it turned out that Li Heng's ability to use the core of the lawyer originated from Mebius's experiment?

"Hahaha, so what, I succeeded, oh no, it was he who succeeded."

Mebius smiled elusively.

This memory ends here.

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