Reason told Su that he should return to the surface of the sea and tell Li Heng the information he had obtained now.

But he always felt something whispering to him, calling him to continue walking into the depths of darkness.

In the process of searching, he also saw many fragmentary memories, which were very ordinary and recorded ordinary things.

Soon, he found an unusual memory again, and just by looking at the appearance, it was much larger than those fragmentary memories.

Su looked at the memory in front of him and thought to himself: Could it be that his secret is in this?

But before entering, no one knew what was in this memory, and Su stepped on his feet again and went straight in.

However, this memory is obviously more than just big.


Above the sea.

Li Hengbai looked at the calm sea boredly.

"Does Ye's past have so many secrets?"

He leaned down and touched the surface of the sea with his hand.


"It's really

dark here..." Li Heng looked at the sky, if there were no these stars, it was estimated that it would be dark here and five fingers could not be seen.

And against the background of those stars, there is only a slight loss of brightness here, and there is nothing when you look further away.

Looking at the stars in the sky, Li Heng suddenly had a strange emotion.

These stars... It seems that a long, long time ago, it was something important to oneself.

"When the sun goes down, don't be afraid, Captain, we will still turn into stars and be by your side."


Li Heng covered his forehead with his right hand, not daring to look directly at those stars, he always felt that the light of those stars was a little too shining.

"Hopefully... Su can bring me the answer..." Li

Heng looked at his right hand, his eyes a little confused.


"Here it is... Where?

Sue looked up and looked around.

In this memory, the weather was gloomy.

Thick clouds obscured the sky, making it impossible for him to judge the exact time.

Su himself was on a wide lawn, with a city full of tall buildings in the distance, and a long table in front of him.

The food on the long table showed signs of passivity, and it seemed that there had been a big party here not long ago.

And many decorations, such as streamers, balloons and other things were scattered all over the place, but no one cleaned up.

Before Sue came to the table, she picked up a fork and observed it carefully.

The bowls and chopsticks here seem to have traces of movement, but they are all covered with a slight layer of ash, only the fork in front of you, there is no dust on it.

What puzzled Su was that the dish was still in a warm state, and it didn't seem to have been here for too long.

This memory... What does that mean....

Su couldn't see it, and after putting the fork back in place, he unfolded his consciousness, trying to find more details in this consciousness.

Soon his face changed and he found something unusual.

He turned over the hill to the left of the long table, a cemetery, and it appeared before his eyes.

"This is ... A cemetery? Sue

came to the gate of the cemetery, and did not rush in, but pulled away the grass growing on the path, revealing the dirt below.

A shoe print appeared where it had been ripped off by Sue, and judging by the size and size, it was a woman.

A woman's shoe print?

The man's shoe print is good to say, he can guess that it is Li Heng's guy, but the woman....

He really couldn't guess.

Su pondered, he wanted to connect the table next to him with the cemetery here, but found that the two had no connection at all.

The final answer seems to be hidden in this strange cemetery in front of you.

The wind, blowing up.

Sue clapped her hands, and then slowly walked into the cemetery.

It's just a memory, how can it scare him.

As soon as he entered the cemetery, two tombstones towering in front of him, Sue opened his eyes and looked at the names on the tombstones.

Cecilia Shanyat and Siegfried Kaslana are buried here.

The Black Abyss White Flower and the Heavenly Fire Saint Cut were placed in front of their monuments.

"Kaslanna, Kevin's descendant? Is this Cecilia the user of the Black Abyss White Flower?

Sue muttered for a moment and continued to walk forward.

Soon, he passed by various tombstones.

It is engraved with various names and placed with various weapons.

Su Du just glanced at it, but didn't take a closer look.

What he wanted to know more was the reason for the existence of this cemetery.

He had seen too many warriors who died because of the collapse.

And the series of footprints did not stop in front of these tombstones, and seemed to walk firmly in one direction.

In the distance, Su seemed to have seen the end of the cemetery, and something was inserted straight at the end of the cemetery.

When he walked in, he found that it was a large fiery red sword.

Unlike the dusty weapons around it, its body and hilt were still so bright that it could even shine on Sue's shadow.

It was inserted there quietly, as if to tell Su some tragic story, but in the end, the cold wind blew through, and it was still inserted there, and there was no change.

Su looked at the name in front of the stele, and there were a few words engraved on it very hard.

'Kiana Kaslanna, rest here.

Su moved the great sword and did not speak, he came to the far left of the last row of tombstones.

There is also a tombstone here, but the difference is that there is only a large pit behind this tombstone, and no one seems to be sleeping.

Sue looked at the inscription.

On the "Captain Hyperion ##, Rest Here"

stele, the place where the name should have been engraved seems to have been rudely crossed out, leaving only two hideous marks.

The wind is still blowing.

Sue frowned, this memory gave him the feeling of two words, strange.

There is no one in this memory, only this eerie cemetery and an abandoned dinner place not far away.

Su finally came to the fiery red sword, took a deep breath, and pulled it out.

"Jiong ——!"

As soon as the sword was drawn, there seemed to be a voice ringing in Su's ears, and he noticed that the sword in front of him was a broken sword.

A memory separated from the broken sword and merged into Su's body, and his eyes flickered, and the surrounding scenery changed instantly.

Smoke rags and fires fill the ground, and Sue finds herself lying in the ruins of a building, with tearing pain coming from time to time.

"Captain, are you all right?"

A white-haired girl stuck a fiery red sword into the ground and came to Su.

Su took a closer look and saw that the big sword was the one inserted in the cemetery.

At this time, the white-haired girl was also in a bad state, her armor was broken in many places, and there was a hideous wound on her right shoulder, and she was covering it with her left hand at this time.

"It's okay... Captain, we should have thrown it off..." The

white-haired girl smiled and touched Sue's head with her right hand, and Sue could feel the constant trembling of her right hand from pain.

"The captain ... It used to be such a comfort... Kiana's, now, Kiana comforts you..."

Sue wanted to speak, but found that her throat seemed to be filled with lead, and she couldn't make a sound.

Suddenly, the earth trembled, and the face of the girl who called herself Kiana changed, and then she stood up with difficulty and pulled out the big sword.

"Captain, it's back, don't move, I'll lead it away."

Kiana left Sue a strong smile and then dragged her sword and left.

Seeing Kiana leave, Sue's eyelids also became heavy, and he tried his best to resist, but his consciousness eventually fell into darkness.

This memory ends here.

Su also opened his eyes, and the scene of the cemetery came into view again.

For a difference, a white-haired girl sat on the tombstone in front of him, staring at him with interest.

Seeing him wake up, the girl smiled and said.

"You shouldn't have come here."

The wind blew more violently.

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