The two of them were so close, and the two of them were so close.

[Kiana] "You! Mei, look at her."

[Raiden Mei] "Okay, okay."

There's nothing I can do. She's the one I care about the most, so I can only spoil her.

[Sirin] "My name is Sirin, and I'm a magical girl. Your concern is really nice."

[Kiana] "Hey, such a cute girl, and a magical girl. Is there really magic in the world?"

Kiana looked at Sirin with her eyes flickering, and for some reason she felt particularly close to her.

[Raiden Mei] "Wait, your name is Sirin, and you're the Second Herrscher."

Raiden Mei was wary of the other party. She had learned how many innocent people were hurt by the Second Great Collapse during class. Even Kiana's mother died at that time. I'm afraid she will harm Kiana.

【Bronya】"Mei, calm down, she is not from our world"

Raiden Mei calmed down after hearing this. After all, she is the Herrscher of Thunder, and she hurt countless lives in the third Great Collapse. If it weren't for Kiana, she would have been...

【Kiana】"It's okay, Mei, they are just Herrschers. Look, I will beat them down in a minute."

【Bronya】"Stupid Kiana, please stop daydreaming. You are only a B-class Valkyrie, and you can't even beat Bronya."

【Raiden Mei】"Sorry, Miss Celine, I was a little offended just now, please forgive me."

【Celine】"It's okay, although I don't know What is the second law you are talking about. "

【Wendy】"Hello, friends from another world, I am Wendy from Mondstadt, the best bard on the continent of Teyvat"

【Qin】"I am Qin, the acting leader of the Mondstadt Knights of Favonius, and I have heard of you, Mr. Wendy. It is said that you often get drunk at the Goethe Hotel and owe a lot of money for drinks."

【Wendy】"Hey, didn't I use performance to offset it, and Master Diluk also acquiesced"

Qin thought about it and it seemed to be true. Although the senior was often dissatisfied with this bard, he didn't care too much. At most, he gave a verbal warning and didn't embarrass him too much.

【Wendy】"In addition, this lady from Fontaine, don't you want to introduce yourself?"

Wendy looked at Funina. He knew from the wind that she was the new water god Fukaros from Fontaine, and he also felt the divine power and the breath of a curse on her body.

What he was more concerned about was that the other party's mental state was a bit bad. Although it didn't look like anything on the surface, as a 2,000-year-old senior, he could see it at a glance. Could it be that five hundred years of work made her so worn out? After all, he heard that the water god almost had fun with the residents every day, and would never miss any trial, plus the curse on her body.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that it was the right choice to give up ruling Mondstadt and often disappear in front of people. The more contact, the more serious the wear.

The rock god of Liyue, the thunder god of Inazuma, and the grass god of Xumi would not manage too much in person, but would appear in front of everyone when necessary, especially the grass god. It is said that the people of Xumi have not seen their gods for five hundred years.

[Funina] "Ah? Ahem, hello, friends from a foreign country, I am from Fontaine, one of the seven rulers of the world, the queen of all waters, all directions, all people and all laws, the water god Fukaros, Funina de Fontaine!"

Funina reacted and began to introduce herself. She also noticed the power of Wendy. According to the memory in my mind, the other party should be the wind god Barbatos.

[(Inner) Finina] "The me in the mirror, do you know what's going on? That Wendy seems to be the wind god of Mondstadt. Will our plan be exposed?"

[(Inner) Fukaros] "It's okay, Finina, the other party can only detect my divine power, but not my existence. Besides, it seems that this place will not be detected by the law of nature. Even if it is discovered, it should be fine. But just in case, I'd better not expose it."

That's right, in fact, not only Finina, but also Fukaros who was in the Cardinal of the Oracle Judgment was invited. The reason why the question and answer space didn't say it was because Fukaros and Finina were in a fusion state, and now they are considered one.

Simply put, Finina's current state is a situation of two souls in one body.

It is because of this that Finina felt unprecedented power and memories from Fukaros.

Through her memory, she also knew all of Fukaros's plans. Although she wanted

She felt sad that she had to sacrifice herself to protect the entire Fontaine, and she didn't want her to sacrifice like this, but for the people of Fontaine and to solve the prophecy crisis, she had to do it.

Just like the task that Fukaros gave me five hundred years ago, I and the entire Fontaine chose the people of Fontaine without hesitation.

Thinking of this, Funina's tears flowed again.

[Captain] "Um, are you okay?"

[Funina] "What's wrong?"

[Raiden Mei] "You seem to be crying, did something happen?"

[Funina] "Ah? Well, that was a very touching drama just now, and I'm a little unsatisfied."

[Kiana] "Is that so? I heard you say you are a god? Even a drama can move you to tears, do you cry often?"

[Funina] "Haha, I am the god in charge of the water element, and the water element in my body is relatively full, you don't have to worry about it."

Funina hurriedly wiped it Tears

[Qin] "You are the water god of Fontaine. I am so lucky. Please forgive me if I have offended you just now."

[Funina] "It's okay. The person next to you didn't say anything."

[Qin] "Sir Wendy?"

[Funina] "Huh? From your expression, don't you know that he is from Mondstadt..."

[Wendy] "The best bard in Mondstadt! Oh, I didn't expect that the famous water god would know a little person like me. I am so lucky."

Wendy hurriedly interrupted and winked at Funina.

Funina had lived for five hundred years and instantly understood that he was hiding his identity. Although she didn't know why he did it, she still helped him hide it.

[Funina] "Uh, yes, that's right."

[Traveler Ying] "You are the god of Fontaine, so have you seen my brother?"

[Funina] "Your brother? What does he look like?"

[Traveler Ying] "Similar to me"

[Funina] "..., I'm sorry, I don't remember seeing your brother."

[Traveler Ying] "Is that so"

[Paimon] "It's okay, traveler, you will definitely find your brother."

[Traveler Ying] "Thank you Paimon."

[Qin] "Our Knights can also help find him."

[Traveler Ying] "Thank you everyone."

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