The two of them were talking, but the conversation was not going well.

Everyone was chatting happily, introducing themselves to each other, and soon an hour passed.

[Ten minutes have passed, please get ready! ]

[Q&A begins, video will be played below]

A screen appeared in front of everyone and started playing the video.

"Hey, wake up, you can sleep so well in the interrogation room, I really was underestimated by you!"

The captain opened his eyes.

What came into view was Ji Zi, who had a single ponytail, looking at him with dissatisfaction.

"Hey, interrogation room?!"

The captain came to his senses and sat up suddenly, "Wait, what did I do wrong?"

"Mr. Suspect of the continuous blood-sucking incident in Canghai City, what are you talking about in your sleep now?"

Jizi insisted that the captain was the suspect.

This shocking development made the captain's mind a little confused for a moment.

In a trance, the captain recalled the sultry and unreasonable encounter with the red-haired girl in front of him not long ago.

"Ah, it was that time... I wasn't! I didn't! I really didn't!"

"I tell you, you can eat but you can't talk nonsense."

"After all, I am the captain of the Hyperion, I have a status"

Jizi "Then should I call you a senior~officer~sir~?"

! The girl's tone made the captain think about it.

But the desire to survive that had been struggling for many years was desperately questioning why the captain dared to have such wild thoughts...

Jizi: "Well, it's true that ordinary people can't know the name of the ship under secret development."

"I have reported to confirm your identity, but before the result comes out..."

"Come and assist me in my investigation"

Captain: "Eh——"

Faced with Jizi's proposal, the captain frowned and expressed his unwillingness.

Jizi: "Or do you plan to go to the confinement room and steam the sauna full of passion and sweat for two days?"

Captain: "Let's go! Leave now! Let's work together to dig out the truth of the incident, Mr. Holmes."

Jizi, who claims to be a volunteer police officer in Canghai City, is very satisfied with the captain's performance.

【Kiana】"Wow, it's the young Jizi teacher."

【Captain】"This seems to be a world bubble that I just embarked on a journey. I really miss what happened at that time."

【Xilin】"Oh, is that when you met your first love?"

【Captain】"Ahem, don't talk nonsense."

【Kiana】"Hey, Jizi is your first love?"


The picture continued to play,

Jizi "Very good, but combined with the time of the previous incidents, the investigation will start at night."

"Tonight at 12 o'clock, at the entrance of the Houmu Happy Restaurant, don't be late~"

August 23, 2006 0:14:47

The night light of Canghai City is mottled neon lights.

The noise and clamor under various emotions mixed together, but became the most secret disguise.

At this moment, the captain was mixed in the crowd, trying to reveal the extraordinary under the ordinary.

...It seems that it should be like this.

Himeko: "Sir, sir? I remember the agreed time was 12 o'clock. What time is it now?"

Captain: "Sorry, sorry. I couldn't get a taxi so I had to run here... Well, it seems that I overestimated my physical strength."

Himeko: "A good man won't make such an excuse, Captain of the Hyperion?"

Captain: "Ahaha, you are really strict."

Himeko: "What are you talking about? This kind of alley near the block is the most ideal place for attackers to commit crimes. Now it's time to start the real work."

Captain: "It's dark and narrow, which is easy to hide and escape. Even if you call for help in the nearby blocks, it will be drowned out by the noise~ huh."

Himeko: "Hmm? You understand it so quickly... Could it be that you are a habitual offender?"

Captain: "Hey, do I look like a bad guy? Yes, I am a little injured."

Himeko: "Just kidding, I'll go to the right and check. The investigation on the left is up to you."

Himeko said this and turned away.

After Himeko left, the captain began to search the alley on the left as planned.

Streetlights and moonlight interweave in the narrow alleys.

The distorted and magnified shadows due to the angle are like aliens peeping in the dark, reflecting a subtle sense of shock.

The captain pretended to be calm while silently praying in his heart that nothing would happen.

Unfortunately, things did not go as he wished. At the next corner, the captain ran into a weak girl lying on the ground.


Ask the captain what he will do next? ]

[A: Pretend to ignore her and turn around and walk away]

[B: Call Ji Zi to help]

[C: Help the unconscious girl on the ground]

[D: Take the opportunity to take her home as your wife]

[Please start answering questions]

Looking at the frozen picture on the screen, everyone looked at the captain.

[Kiana] "Isn't this my period? What are you going to do to my period, damn captain!"

[Captain] "I'm a good man, how could I do such a thing to take advantage of someone's misfortune."

[Wendy] "Then what would you do in this situation?"

[Captain] "Of course I would take her back... Bah, help this helpless and poor girl"

[Funina] "You just wanted to say take her home as your wife."

[Captain] "No, no, I'm a good man, I would never do such a thing."

Everyone looked at the captain with contempt.

[Stargazing] "Mr. Assassin, since this is a question about you, you should answer it."

[Captain] "Okay, Mr. Stargazing."

[Sorry, I forgot to mention that in order to ensure fairness, people who are related to the question and have experienced it cannot answer the question first. They must wait until another person answers it incorrectly before they can answer the question. You can keep silent before that, or tell your friends the answer.]

[Captain] "Is that so?"

[Traveler Ying] "That is indeed fair."

[Bronya] "Then what would you do to the dean?"

[Captain] "Sorry, the matter is a bit far away, I have forgotten a little, but I know myself, I will definitely help her."

[Raiden Mei] "So it's either B or C?"

[Qin] "It should be B. In this case, it is best to ask someone to help. In case something goes wrong, there is still someone to take care of it."

[Kiana] "Hehe, it depends on me, Xiaobai, I choose C."

[Raiden Mei] "Kiana! Don't be so impulsive, what if you get the answer wrong!"

[Bronya] "You can see that stupid Kiana is punished."

[Congratulations to Kiana for the correct answer]

[Kiana] "Mei, look, I got it right, hehe. How's it, Bronya, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

[Bronya] "Hmph, just luck."

[Play video below]

Captain "Hey, you don't look good like this... Hey, this figure..."

Moonlight "Ahaha... Ahaha..."

The captain leaned over and hugged the panting figure, but couldn't help holding his breath.

The girl in his arms was so lovable.

In addition, there seemed to be something nostalgic.

Moonlight "Quick... Haah... Go"

"Quick... Leave... Here..."

The girl frowned and closed her eyes in pain.

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