As a proud centaur, Ronan is no worse than any human in terms of human sophistication,

Seeing that the two people in front of him were intimately reminiscing, and the guy who caused the eight-eyed spider to run away had no intention of catching up.

Ronan was far away in debt,

"Now that Lord Levine has arrived, I'll leave first. "

With that, he quietly left the scene.

What a good person who knows the times.

"Alright, Daisy, don't do that. "

Levin finally broke free of the horsewoman's enthusiastic arms and set foot on the earth again.

"I'm not a kid...... Ronan saw it all. "

"Hehehe, it's not because the little teacher hasn't come to see me. Daisy touched the back of her head and smirked, "I don't miss you anymore." "

Alas, how did he not see it at the beginning,

What a strong and optimistic little girl Daisy was originally,

Becoming a druid completely liberated Daisy's nature,

Who knows how she became naïve after liberating her nature?

"Alright, I heard Ronan say that you've always wanted to talk to me about the basilisk?"

"Yes!" Daisy nodded repeatedly,

"Originally, we were able to suppress the you sent, but lately that guy has been getting too much lately! If we don't deal with this problem sooner, we'll all be in trouble!"

"Well, let's go to my cabin and discuss the specifics. "

As she spoke, she stood sideways in front of Levin in three or two steps, bending her knees slightly.

"Well, you mean, let me ride it?" Levine blinked, "Isn't it bad that this is 'Eight-Seven-Zero'?" I've heard that the centaurs would take this behavior as an insult. "

"Cut, only an old antique like Bane would think that!" Daisy looked dismissive at this, "Besides, what do we have to do with this, do we care about this?"

"Well, you're right. Levin was a little moved, "Then you're welcome." "

As he spoke, he rolled over and got on the horseback of the centaurs.

"Hold on!"

Daisy said that, she turned around and ran away.

Levin noticed something was wrong when he rode on her,

The horseman had no saddle on his back, no mane for him to grasp,

Daisy is also a lively character, loves to run and jump, and is very active when running.

But this bump made Levin unbearable,

It's not that he faints, but he doesn't understand:

Where should he catch it?

Where can he catch it?

Where does he want to catch it!

Resisting the urge to grab the handle, Levine barely managed to concentrate in the bumps, using magic to braid Daisy's recently long hair into a ponytail and use it as a handle.

The psychic ability sensed it, and the other party seemed a little disappointed.

Soon, Daisy took him to a tall oak tree by the side of the valley,

A large wooden house was built on the oak tree, which was Daisy's home.

Shortly after becoming a druid, Daisy moved away from the centaur tribe,

It's not that she fell out with the centaurs.

On the contrary, her prestige among the centaurs is now comparable to that of the leader Margaery.

The wise leadership of the Centaur is the foundation of the survival of the centaur tribe, but the druids can provide many magical services that the centaurs desperately need.

For example, what plants in the forest are poisonous and what fruits are not.

The average centaur has to rely on experience to discern or take the risk to try it himself.

But in Daisy's case, all you need is a basic [Detect Toxicity].

Not to mention her services in the tribe's breeding, planting, medical treatment, etc.,

Even when the tribe needed stargazing, she was able to clear a clear sky with druid spells.

Now, she has changed from the rebellious girl who everyone didn't want to see to a strong woman who everyone respects.

It's just that the druid's cultivation needs to be close to nature, and staying in the tribe can't do that.

Daisy thought very clearly, the respect she received came from her own strength in the final analysis,

Therefore, if she wants to maintain this respect, if she wants to go further, she can't stay in the tribe all day long.

It's about moving out, living in nature, and seeking breakthroughs.

Levine still remembers Daisy's determination when she announced to him that she was moving.

The boy didn't expect that this horseman girl, who once lacked recognition, would be able to give up a life of flattery from day to night, clothes to reach out for food, and open her mouth.

From this point of view, she is indeed a good fit for the druid profession.

Thinking of this, Levin glanced at the centaur girl who was happily parked in front of the wooden house,

Sometimes he really wonders if the two are the same person.

"Hey, little teacher, we're here!"

Daisy turned her head and cheerfully reminded,

"Hey, hey, I've been wanting to do this for a long time when I've been carrying you around day in a long time. "

When Levin came down, the centaur walked around her, looking eager,

After going through this experience, Daisy fully understands why the arrogant unicorn is willing to carry him every day.

Being ridden like this, it's a few moments of being able to stick with the little teacher openly.

Occasionally, with a bump, you can feel the little teacher's whole person sticking to her back,

That feeling...... No matter how many times you repeat it, you won't get tired!

Rari is so bad that she eats alone?

"Next time, Daisy will pick up the little teacher!"

She announced earnestly.

"Then you'd better tie your hair ahead of time next time. Levin reluctantly agreed.

I always feel that when I get along with the opposite sex recently, I am the one who has been soaked.

This feeling made him a little uncomfortable.

"I need to be stronger. "

While thinking, Levine walked into the cabin under Daisy's lead.

The wooden house is very spacious, both in height and in size much larger than it looks.

This is all thanks to the spatial extension spell cast by Levin himself,

In fact, Daisy's move and the establishment of a new home, Levine was deeply involved.

This tall oak tree was also ripened and grown by Levine himself.

There's no way, my own apprentice, I can only hurt myself.

Daisy arranged for Levine to sit down on a wicker chair, and then brewed a pot of flower tea,

"Speaking of which, why don't you see Rari today?" Daisy was a little strange,

On weekdays, Levin first went to visit the unicorn, and then rode the unicorn to visit her.

"Could it be that the little teacher was the first to visit me today?"

She asked, expectantly.

But Levine shook his head and shattered her misconceptions.

"No, I actually went to visit Rari first. It's just that in order to prevent the basilisk from attacking, I helped Rari move. "

"Moving, where?" said Daisy, curious.

"Moving to a half-plane – you can think of it as a small world of its own. Specifically, it's my neighborhood of home. "

When Daisy heard this, she immediately pursed her lips,

"Little teacher, you are too favoritism!"

"There are so many creatures that have been attacked by basilisks, why do you only care about unicorns!"

"No, I also want to live with the little teacher...... No, I mean, I'm going to be neighbors with the little teacher too!"

Daisy changed her previous chic appearance and shouted like a little girl.

Levine was a little nervous,

"Don't be willful, Daisy, what will happen to your people if you move in? You can't expect them to control the rooster against the basilisk. "

"But, but ......"

Daisy pursed her lips and squeezed out an aggrieved expression, looking at him with a pair of pink pupils.

It's a pity that I didn't hold back a tear for a long time.

is obviously a tomboy, but if he has to pretend to be a weak woman in front of himself, it will be difficult for Daisy.

Levin thought for a moment and said, "Otherwise, I'll directly arrange a passage for you to be near my house, and you and I can be regarded as neighbors, how about it?"

Upon hearing this, Daisy immediately became excited: "Is this really possible?"

Levine nodded, "You still don't believe me?"

Saying that, he went out and came to the oak tree, (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Levine asked Daisy for some mushroom spores, and sprinkled them on the ground under the other party's curious gaze,

Then comes the ripening of natural spells,

Soon, these spores grow a complete "mushroom ring".

The so-called mushroom circle, also known as the fairy circle, the fairy ring (called the fairy circle in English, the fairy circle), is actually a strange phenomenon produced when the fungus grows, which is caused by the radiation growth of mushroom mycelium........

The mycelium radiates from the middle point to the periphery, and after a long time, the center point and the aging mycelium die one after another, and the vitality of the outside is strong, so a natural mycelium ring is formed, and it grows into a mushroom ring.

Therefore, the so-called mushroom circle looks like a circle of mushrooms,

In fact, underground, the hyphae of these mushrooms are all connected to the same center of the circle.

In reality, mushroom rings are just a normal natural phenomenon.

But in natural magic, it has a unique meaning.

Levine grows a mushroom ring under Daisy's oak tree,

And he took a piece of hyphae from the mushroom ring,

Open the [Mansion Technique] to return to the half-plane, and planted it under his towering oak tree,

And another mushroom circle is catalyzed by a natural spell.

Since then, two mushroom rings of exact homology have been planted.

As the natural ritual unfolds, ripples of space suddenly appear in the center of this mushroom circle,

Daisy on the other side also saw this,

She stepped gently into the mushroom ring,

The next moment he found that he had left the druid hut and came to a huge tower.

And her little teacher was looking at her with a smile.

"How'......s that?

Before Levin could finish speaking, he was picked up by her again.

"Little teacher, you are so good to me!"

Caught in Daisy's arms again,

Levine could smell the scent of flowers and trees on her,

I always felt like there were a pair of big soft balls in my chest, which was very uncomfortable.

It took a while for Levin to be put down.

"Now you're satisfied?"


Daisy nodded repeatedly.

"In that case, let's talk about the basilisk. "

"I can solve the basilisk for you, but, Daisy, you're the centaur against the basilisk, and I'd like to hear from you about it. "

"Little teacher, even if you ask, I must know everything and say everything. Daisy said cheerfully.

The entire tribe of centaurs and herself had inherited Levin's great favor, and naturally he could meet any request.

Levine nodded and asked:

"You have to tell me, have you ever seen a little red-haired wizard during your recent tour of the Forbidden Forest?"

"Red-haired wizard?"

Daisy tilted her head,

"What does he look like?"

"His face is full of freckles and he looks ordinary...... By the way, and a big nose. "

Daisy pondered for a moment, then nodded.

"You say that, I seem to have seen such a Wu 4.3 division, and ...... more than once"

"That's right!" she slapped her thigh suddenly, "I remember, every time I see that little wizard, it seems to be after the basilisk is raging!"

"Sure enough, it was him. "

Levin nodded.

In that case, then he can be ready to start with Ron and solve this problem.

But before he can do that, he has to find a way to eliminate the basilisk as a threat.

As long as you look at each other, you will die, this skill is really a bit against the sky.

You must know that the [Petrified Magic Eye], which will petrify when you look at each other, is also the highest 9-ring spell among the druid spells.

And there is also a strong young Voldemort as a support.

If there were only basilisks, Levine could be blindfolded and use his psychic abilities instead of vision to guide the battle.

A young Voldemort alone, even if the spirit state can be immune to some spells, it is not enough for Levine to be afraid.

But the combination of the two is different.

The basilisk can make up for Voldemort's lack of frontal combat power,

Voldemort, on the other hand, can help the basilisk deal with all kinds of targeted tricks.

In the face of this combination, Levine inevitably has to be a little cautious.

But now he has a specific plan.

If you have played Baldur's Gate 3, you should be impressed by the ghost woman's house and the mushroom circle in the dark region.

The picture shows Daisy's humanoid.,The horse form is too hard to find.,Just use this as a reference for the upper body.。。

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