Early the next morning, the whole of Hogwarts was shocked by the new news,

The Ministry of Magic suspected that Hagrid had opened the Chamber of Secrets and imprisoned him in Azkaban Prison.

And Dumbledore was also collectively removed by the school board,

Unprecedented fear spreads rapidly in the castle,

It was a picturesque spring day outside the window, but it couldn't warm the hearts of Hogwarts people, and every face in the school looked panicked.

Harry kept repeating to himself the last words Dumbledore had said the night before.

"It was only when everyone here betrayed me that I really left the school...... At Hogwarts, those who ask for help are always available. "

He visited Hagrid with Hermione last night, and asked him the truth about fifty years ago.

Unfortunately, as they were about to leave, the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, Dumbledore, and several school trustees barged in and took Hagrid with them.

The school trustees even claimed that they had voted to expel Dumbledore.

This is exactly what Dumbledore said before he left - Harry suspected that Dumbledore had done it on purpose, and that he had spotted himself 08 hidden nearby.

But what is the use of these words?

Ron was absent from the adventure for several days due to sleepiness, and only Hermione could work with him to investigate the truth.

Now they have some clues, but who should they turn to for help?

"Levingrin!" said Harry, "and only he can help us now!"

"We should have asked him a long time ago. Hermione pouted, "But before I do, I have to go to the library, and this trip to the Forbidden Forest has given me a new inspiration." "

At noon, Levin was intercepted by the two in the hallway.

"Levine, Levin, you need to help us!" Harry tugged at his sleeve and said to him eagerly, "We already know what the monster in the Chamber of Secrets is?"

"Oh, you know?" Levine raised an eyebrow, "Tell me, what do you know?"

Harry hurriedly poured beans into a bamboo tube and said, "We visited Hagrid yesterday, and he told me that someone had actually opened the Chamber of Secrets fifty years ago and killed a student - that was the Myrtle in the bathroom, and she stayed there after her death. "

However, Hagrid became a scapegoat, and he was fired for opening the Chamber of Secrets. But we know that Hagrid is indeed hiding a monster, but he is hiding the eight-eyed spiders, the ones in the Forbidden Forest, which do not have the ability to petrify people. "

"And what is the real monster?" asked Levine cooperatively.

Harry looked at Hermione, who nodded, proudly stating his conclusion to Levin:

"The monster in the chamber is a basilisk!

In our country, there are many terrible beasts and monsters, the most bizarre and deadly of which is the basilisk, also known as the snake king.

The snake can become very large, usually living for hundreds of years, and it hatches from an egg and is hatched by a toad.

The basilisk kills people in an astonishing way, and in addition to its deadly fangs, its glare can also cause death.

Anyone who is stared at by it will die instantly.

The spider will run away when it sees the basilisk because the basilisk is the spider's mortal enemy, and the basilisk will run for its life whenever it hears the rooster's crow, because the rooster's crow is also fatal to it.

As she spoke, she said excitedly: "These conditions, in fact, can be matched one by one." Harry could hear whispers in the castle that no one else could hear, because he heard the words of the basilisk, and Harry was a parseltongue. "

"The reason why the attacked were only petrified was because all of them saw the basilisk's gaze indirectly. "

"The eight-eyed spider in the Forbidden Forest fled everywhere because of the discovery of the basilisk, and Hagrid's chicken pen was attacked, and also because the murderer wanted to prevent the basilisk from being killed by the rooster's crow. "

Speaking of this, she said strangely: "Since the method of cultivating a basilisk is so simple, there should be a lot of basilisks, but why is it mentioned in "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them" that in the Great Yin, there has been no record of witnessing a basilisk for at least four hundred years. "

Harry looked at Levine as well.

Levin explained: "Not every egg can hatch a basilisk, it has to be a male egg. "

"Does the rooster have eggs?" asked Harry, curious.

"Of course a rooster can have eggs. "

"In fact, if you look at the biology of Muggles, you'll see that birds don't have that much of a gender boundary compared to humans, and under extreme conditions, the sex of birds can change," Levine said. For example, when there are no roosters in the flock, there are occasional cases where the hen turns into a rooster. "

"In this case, the rooster actually has the sexual characteristics of both a rooster and a hen, and if you use magic to interfere, you can indeed achieve the result of the rooster laying eggs. "

After listening to Levin's words, the two opened their mouths wide,

It was the first time they had heard of such powerful knowledge. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Seeing that the two were interested, Levine continued to popularize science: "In fact, this kind of egg is incubated by xenomorphic creatures and gives birth to magical beasts, and there is more than one basilisk. "

"We all know that snakes are cold-blooded animals, and they can't hatch eggs, but if a snake hatches a hen's eggs, it will give birth to a chicken, snake, and beast. This creature is not as deadly as the basilisk, but their toxins can also petrify their victims. "

"There is a more extreme case, if the eggs laid by a snake are hatched by a rooster, that will give birth to a petrified lizard. It was an eight-legged lizard with a basilisk-like gaze, and while it couldn't kill people directly, it could turn people 957 to stone. "

Chicken, snake, petrified lizard?

The two of them were stunned by Levin's popular science, it turned out that there were so many messy things in the wizarding world.

That's weird, isn't it?

Seeing that the discussion was about to be crooked, Levin himself returned to the topic.

"Your analysis of monsters sounds very reasonable, and I also think that the monsters in the secret room are basilisks, and you did a good job in this matter!"

Hermione looked happy when she heard this, and Harry cracked his mouth,

It's really rare to get praise from Levengreen.

"But do you know who the heir to open the Chamber of Secrets is?"

"We had assumed it was Malfoy, but when we got to him, we didn't find anything, and even Malfoy himself was petrified. Harry spread his hands.

"Could it be that you've come to a conclusion?" Hermione's eyes lit up, "or you wouldn't have asked that question." "

"Clever. "

Levin nodded.

"I do come to the conclusion that the heir is Ron Weasley—at least for now. "

Update [5/4, Update] [28/56]

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