"Vilvie, this..."

Sure enough, as a "lawyer", your strength is strong enough. Even a simple authority containing the energy of Collapse can make this weapon qualitatively change.

After finalizing this model, "expert" Vilvie left the computer and came to the past Inheritance Shadow Time Frost.

At the same time, all the connections around this weapon took the initiative to retract, and Su Shixiu also picked up this long sword that was as transparent as frost.

Under normal circumstances, the Sword of Frost Hua, which resembles the appearance of the Chengying Sword, really looks like it is composed of pure cold ice, pure and flawless, bright and moving, and if you don't know, it will be mistaken for a work of art.

As soon as his mind moved, the shadow of the past life in his hand, the frost of time, the middle of the sword body actively separated, revealing the ion cannon barrel rich in technological style.

"In terms of your ability, you can turn this weapon into two modifiable forms. Sure enough, Honkai can collapse energy, and everything can be solved with Honkai Energy! "

Uh, the law of universal collapse?

"Su Shixiu, try to put away this sword."

Su Shixiu nodded, thinking about collecting the sword.

Soon, the blade of the sword closed, and the ion cannon barrel disappeared, just looking at the past life Inheritance Shadow Time Frost, Su Shixiu still didn't understand it.

How could such a thin blade accommodate such a large ion barrel?

As if he could see what Su Shixiu was puzzled about, the "expert" Wei Wei began to explain: "

Your lawyer authority has the ability to freeze space and contract. I just used this ability to freeze the part related to the cannon after the former Shadow Time Frost returned to its sword form, and then compressed the frozen space in that part very small. Waving

the long sword in his hand, Su Shixiu was surprised to find that the long sword form of the Inheritance Shadow Time Frost in the past life was actually much lighter than the sword cannon form!

"That's it, the sword won't affect your battle. As for the cannon form, you can try to inject your own Law Breaker Collapse Energy, but don't inject too much. Not to mention whether the detector will find your lawyer reaction, there is an upper limit to the collapse energy that the ion cannon barrel can withstand.

Su Shixiu nodded, and then, thinking about putting it away again.

Then, the Shadow of Time Frost in the past instantly contracted, and the ice blue long sword just now directly turned into a warm bracelet, and it didn't look good.


"The same principle as just now makes it easier to take out when you fight." This is something that only you, as a lawyer, can do. Su

Shixiu was stunned for a while, by freezing the object, and then infinitely shrinking the frozen part of the space, Mao felt that this part of the ability was a little touched with the law of emptiness?

But people have the ability to travel through space, and they don't seem to have it.

"Alas, thanks. Wei Wei, if the budget is insufficient in the future, remember to come to me, Shenzhou Su Clan Zhi'en Tubao, will not help you.

"Well, thanks. If you want to test the power of the cannon, don't be in the simulation training room, your Honkai can be injected to the extreme, and you can destroy the simulation training room with one shot. "

Su Shixiu: ......

Yes, I still made a big killer!

After thanking him again, Su Shixiu had a few polite chats with the "expert" Wei Wei, but as a result, people were still busy developing the core of the third lawyer, and there was no way to pay attention to him.

After a few pleasantries, Su Shixiu took the initiative to leave, he knew that the "expert" Weiwei usually had no intention of chatting with others, after all, most of the time was mainly busy with her.

"The Great Magician, the Conductor, the Evil, the Man Who Looks Over the Stars, who else hasn't met yet?"

After leaving the office of the Minister of Engineering, Su Shixiu couldn't help but think about this problem.

"Forget it, now I have only seen "experts", "Barilla" and "self". When is it better to remind the "self" Vilvi that if there is too much divided thinking, the main consciousness may become a sub-consciousness............

Soon, three months passed.

The Middle East, a wasteland.


An ice-blue energy cannon blasted out, directly opening a hole in the several peaks in front of it, and the broken beasts and dead soldiers along the way turned into ashes in this cannon and disappeared!

Su Shixiu, who was carrying the form of the Inheritance Shadow Time Frost Sword Cannon in the past, hurriedly moved his mind.

The sword cannon in his hand quickly closed into a long sword, and Su Shixiu just wanted to lift the sword, when a pink crystal arrow suddenly shot from afar!


The arrow almost stuck to Su Shixiu's side, and soon hit a piece of nothingness behind Su Shixiu.

After being hit by the arrow, the void flashed, and the figure of the Shen Ling Dead appeared!

Subsequently, this dead man was quickly engulfed in flames under the explosion of crystal arrows!

"Did the beautiful girl's rescue move your heart, Ash ♪?"

"Sort of."

Looking at Alicia who jumped over, Su Shixiu nodded and smiled at her.

"What do you mean by 'a little'? Axiu, it's easy to make a girl sad like this, woo-woo~"

"Uh... Lie down! Su

Shixiu wanted to choose to ignore it, but when he saw the ranger dead man in the distance, he had already aimed his bow and arrow at Alicia in front of him.

And when he just saw it, the arrow of the ranger dead man had already been shot!

Can't care so much, for the safety of the people around him, Su Shixiu rushed directly over and forcibly crushed the unsuspecting Alicia to the ground!


Feeling the sharp air flow behind him, it was not difficult for Su Shixiu to know that he was almost penetrated by that arrow just now!

Even if it is even a second late, one of himself and Alicia will definitely be in danger!

"Whew, it's dangerous!"

After dodging this arrow, Su Shixiu breathed a sigh of relief, and only then did he have time to look at Alicia under him.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, you can see her tricky smile, and a group of divine beasts instantly flew in her heart.

Good guys, we're on the battlefield! There are such jokes on the battlefield, you are not afraid of making a fuss, I am afraid!

Su Shixiu endured the thought of complaining, but Alicia spoke.

"Oh, so suddenly! Axiu, there is no one now, I will plant it in your hands. Whatever you want to do to me, it's okay~♪" Hearing

this suggestive word, Su Shixiu swallowed a mouthful of spit, quickly dodged and stood up.

Oh, you are Alicia, you are still the most powerful single warrior of the Fire Moth, Su Shixiu does not try to stimulate the ability of the lawyer, and he can't beat the existence at all.

If Su Shixiu really dared to rush, unless he wanted to be a eunuch, or he didn't want to see the sun tomorrow!

"I'm not crazy yet."

"Oh, is my charm so bad? Even the cute Axiu is not interested in me, woo-woo, it's really sad" ♪

Su Shixiu broke out in a cold sweat, why is this again?

"Hey! Captain, Shi Xiu, can you two look at the occasion when you are in love? A bunch of big guys, are you dead? At

this moment, in the communicator of the two, there was a sudden complaint.

At the same time, on the mountain not far away, a missile fell directly on the side of the two!

Su Shixiu had already seen the strangeness, and when he raised his hand, it was a frosty ice curtain, completely enveloping himself and Alicia.

Then, there is the grand flame blooming.

After the missile exploded, the surrounding broken beasts and dead soldiers were all cleaned up, and Su Shixiu only unloaded the frost curtain.

Holding the Chengying Time Frost in his hand, Su Shixiu's mind moved, and the whole person turned into an ice blue sword light, like ice blue lightning, rushing madly towards the front!

At a super fast speed, Su Shixiu quickly passed through the bodies of several big guys in a short period of time.

As the ice blue streamer dissipated, Su Shixiu, who held the long sword in his hand, stood in place a little breathlessly, but fortunately did not insert the sword into the ground to support himself, which meant that although such an ability was quite consuming, it would not make himself instantly empty.

Immediately afterwards, several purple crystal arrows shot out instantly, instantly replenishing the body of the Broken Beast that Su Shixiu finally wore!

The arrow pierced the body of the Broken Beast, directly activating several sword marks left on its body!

As the light on the sword mark lit up, the body of the Broken Beast gradually split into pieces that were cut by Su Shixiu's swords, and then it was blown into ashes by the purple crystal arrow!

Looking at the dead soldiers who gradually swarmed in front of him, Su Shixiu let out a soft sigh, put away the ice blue long sword in his hand, as if he didn't see them, turned around directly, and was about to walk towards the rear.

However, at this moment, a dark blue big sword suddenly flew from the sky, and directly smashed on a dead man behind Su Shixiu, smashing this poor guy directly to pieces!

"Hey, I'm here!"

The mark appeared from nowhere, followed the direction that everyone flew over, fell directly in front of the big sword from the air, lifted the hilt of the sword by the hand, and smashed it directly forward!

After another unfortunate dead man was killed, he lifted his big sword, struggled to slash horizontally in front of him a few times, and solved several waves of dead soldiers!

"Hurry up, Trace!"

“*! Shi Xiu, you really stand and talk without back pain! Mark

grumbled, stuck his great sword on the ground beside him, took a special RPG from behind, and installed a rocket specially enhanced in power.

"This is, art!"

"Boom !!"

The shell dragged a long tail of smoke and slammed directly into the pile of dead soldiers, instantly rising a dazzling mushroom cloud.


Loaded the bazooka with a shell and put it back behind him, he picked up the big sword on his back and quickly caught up with Su Shixiu, who had walked several steps.

"Shi Xiu, you are so fast!"

Su Shixiu's face turned dark, and he almost pulled out the lawyer's weapon directly!

“...... If you can't speak, you can shut up!

"Huh? How could you also say this from Mebius? You two are worthy of being masters and apprentices, and you even speak exactly the same! Mark still teased.

"Trace, Axiu is so powerful, how can it be so fast, right ♪?"

After Alicia did this point react, there was another meaning.

"Uh, cough, Shi Xiu is actually not happy at all..."

Seeing Su Shixiu pointing at his long sword, Mark quickly raised his hands, indicating that he would definitely not say more.

In this regard, Su Shixiu put away the inheritance of the past life and walked in front with an expressionless face.

"Captain, Shi Xiu, what's wrong? It's been a long and sullen past few days. "

Hmm... Ashu seems to be facing the problem that Blanca had encountered in the first place. Alicia recalled the events of the past few days and replied.


"Your family Blanca pits Axiu, and Axiu then pits Klein, but Axiu has already settled accounts with Blanca, so what do you say will be the problem?"

Looking at Alicia's smile, it dawned on her.

Yes, pit others, this is estimated to be found by someone, fortunately, Su Shixiu did not plan to calculate these things with Blanca, plus attacked his weakness with Grace, so it was easy to pass.

As for whether Klein is good or not... That's a thought-provoking question.

Thinking of this, looking at the young man walking in front, he couldn't help but mourn for three seconds in his heart.

"Six o'clock direction, about three kilometers, there is a source."

Hearing Su Shixiu say this, they stopped chatting and ran quickly in the designated direction.

It didn't take long for the three members of the special squad to reach their destination.

"Collapse crystal..." Looking

at the pink-purple crystal in her hand, Alicia couldn't help but frown.

"Rest assured, this piece is naturally generated."

Hearing Su Shixiu say this, Alicia was relieved.

"Huh? Shi Xiu, how can you see that? "Mark directly incarnated as a curious baby.

"Trace, don't ask ♪ more if you shouldn't."

When Alicia said this, Mark could only nod and quickly shut up.


"Of course."

Taking the collapse crystal from Alicia's hand, Su Shixiu put it away directly.

The power of his current lawyer authority is really weak, he can only summon the lawyer weapon, and he can't even open the lawyer form, let alone summon any lawyer companion beast, that can't think at all.

It is imperative to make yourself stronger as soon as possible.

This kind of collapse crystal, for other humans, is simply a deadly poison, not only can give birth to small collapse, but also natural and even breed medium-sized collapse, which will give birth to many collapsed beasts and dead soldiers.

Even humans who are very adaptable to Honkai do not dare to easily absorb this naturally formed Honkai crystal, but there is a type of people who can absorb it unscrupulously.

That is, the lawyer.

Since there were traces now, Su Shixiu did not choose to absorb it, but planned to wait until he went back.

"The source is done, then call for support?"

Alicia nodded and took out the communicator directly.

"Logistics troops, the task has been completed, the special squad needs helicopters to return home!"

"Received, Captain Alicia! The helicopter will arrive soon, please wait a little for the soldiers!

Alicia put away the flying flower love poem in her hand, and yawned slightly, revealing a trace of sleepiness.

Mark lifted his big sword and began to guard around the two, for fear that he would be attacked by a few fallen ones.

Although they are not afraid of low-level broken beasts and dead soldiers, after all, it is easy to dodge dark arrows and difficult to prevent, and some precautions are always good.

There are not many countries that have been conquered by Honkai, but in these countries, the social order has begun to be chaotic, and not only monsters must be guarded, but also villains.

Su Shixiu's consumption is a bit large, and Alicia didn't sleep well last night, so this job can only be lost to the trace.

But it's okay, in a while, the special squad will come again.

At least, now there is already the idea of letting Kevin join the special squad.

It didn't take long for the helicopter to come to the side of the special team, and the three quickly boarded the helicopter.

After getting on the helicopter, they left this place of right and wrong, even if there may be scattered broken beasts or dead soldiers, which are all handled by the local armed forces, and they don't need to bother anymore.

The source is gone, it is impossible to appear inexplicably, right? Unless the Law is born.

Of course, that kind of large-scale collapse has not yet happened, at least the recent fourth collapse, there should be a gap period of time.

In this way, after completing one of the many difficult tasks of the day, the special team embarked on the road back to the base camp of the Fire Moth.

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