Far East, Fire Moth Headquarters, Airport.

"Uh, Shi Xiu, isn't it?"

Not long after getting off the plane, seeing Su Shixiu go straight to the store to buy so many gifts for the girl, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"Very much, if this apology is not good, I suspect that the next time I hit my waist may not be the teacher, but the Klein sister who stabbed me!!

Trace: Uh....

"Well, I can understand. Come on, brother, I am in silence for you in spirit! After

patting Su Shixiu's shoulder and sending him a reassuring look, he walked directly with the combat weapon on his back, leaving Su Shixiu with a dumbfounded face.

"Gee, it seems that I have to find an opportunity to rattle your waist first, and it's not too big to see the excitement."

Carrying such a bag of things, Su Shixiu silently extended his middle finger to the back of the trace, and sent him sincere friendly greetings.

"Looks like you're having a good chat?"

The shoulder was suddenly patted, and he turned his head to see that it was his captain.

"Where the hell did you tell that I'm happy, Sister Ellie..."

Wow, I can't see it, I didn't expect Axiu to be quite intimate ♪! Glancing

at the items Su Shixiu bought, even Alicia was surprised.

"When I was an assistant, you said this..." Su Shixiu silently stabbed through all this.

"Ahem, that doesn't matter. There should be no more tasks today, and you can arrange the rest of the time. Of course, if you want to have a romantic date with me, I don't care ♪

" "Well, I still want to live."

Wiping the cold sweat that did not exist on his forehead, Su Shixiu knew that he did not have that strength, he did not dare to be so fierce, let alone this was a joke with his life.

"Really, people are not fierce beasts, and they won't eat you, hum!"

Su Shixiu instantly felt a headache, although Alicia is very good, but it is really difficult for him to deal with, perhaps as a sentence says: I am afraid that only Alicia can deal with Alicia.

"Well, I didn't mean that. Sister Ellie, that, I..." "

Axiu, Alicia!"

Just when Su Shixiu had a headache, a savior suddenly appeared, pulling him out of this awkward atmosphere.

"Sister Mei!" "Yay! Hello, dear Dr. ♪ May

" "Hmm."

Mei, who came over, nodded and glanced at Alicia with a somewhat solemn expression.

"What's wrong, Sister Mei?"

Su Shixiu, who is familiar with Mei, can see this abnormality.

Mei shook her head lightly and looked at Alicia: "Alicia, I'll borrow Axiu for a while, is it okay?"

"Of course, at least for today, there will be ♪ nothing else for the lovely Ashu."

Mei nodded, then walked directly to Su Shixiu, took his hand, and hurriedly walked towards other places.

"Alas, alas! Sister Mei, let's pay attention to the influence..." "

What are you afraid of, you are my brother!"

Su Shixiu: ......

"Can you let me put these things first..."

"Wait a minute, just come here!"


Su Shixiu had to follow the people and obediently came to an office, and just after coming in, Mei quickly closed the door.

"Put things aside first. Hurry up, Ashu, I can't wait. "

Huh? I*Sister Mei, what are you doing~? As

soon as he put a bag of things on the table next to him, Su Shixiu noticed that Mei in front of him had actually taken off his white coat!

Ahem, calm down, Sister Mei, you are my sister, we can't be so hungry, right? I can't put a hat on Kevin's good brother!

Fortunately, Mei was still wearing a casual outfit, which was equivalent to just taking off a coat.

"Ah Xiu, you come here... What are you doing? Just

about to call Su Shixiu, Mei turned her head and saw that the person had covered her eyes with her hands.

"Ahem, Sister Mei, calm down, I'm not that kind of person, I can't put a hat on Kevin!"


"It's itchy, isn't it? I'm asking you to see this thing! It

wasn't until Mei put a laptop in front of her that Su Shixiu reacted.

Yes, I just thought too much about myself.

"Meteorological data? Is this still the data of the Australian division? Just

a glance, Su Shixiu was directly dumbfounded on the spot.

"Come on, sit down and talk slowly. Axiu, I feel that the weather in Australia is a little wrong these days. "

As early as when I was in school, the two of them, as the top students in the whole school, often had the habit of discussing some things.

Then sat down at a table, Su Shixiu waited for Mei to open the computer, and then the data chart above began to change.

"The wind during this time ... Getting more and more violent?

"Well, and you should also know that the collapse in Australia has always broken out during this time, although it is all small, but it is a little too dense."

Su Shixiu nodded, pondered for a while and spoke: "It's like the former Changkong City and the surrounding cities."

After Su Shixiu's words came out, both of them were stunned.

They glanced at each other in unison, and a sudden realization suddenly appeared in Su Shixiu and Mei's eyes.

"Could it be that on the eve of the fourth collapse!"

"It should be. Axiu, I'll check the information of the last civilization first!

After the matter became clear, Mei picked up the computer in front of her, her fingertips quickly dialed on the keyboard, and the things displayed on the computer screen were constantly changing.

At this time, Su Shixiu just sat quietly on the side, and couldn't help but fall into thought.

"The fourth collapse ... The Law of the Wind? "

The fourth collapse, I didn't expect it to break out.

Even if it was confirmed that the Fourth Law One would be born there, even if he was prepared, Su Shixiu was not sure that he would be able to find that guy in the first place.

The authority of the law of wind is to create the ideal fluid, and once it is used to the extreme, it is even a trifle to extract the air of the entire planet, transform the gas into a solid or something, it is a breeze.

But what do we have to do to deal with the fourth collapse that is coming?

Looking at the busy Mei, Su Shixiu fell into deep thought.

"Found it! Ashu, in the records of the last civilization, the fourth law is called the law of the wind... Gone?! Curiously

looking over, Su Shixiu saw that on the computer in front of Mei, there was indeed an introduction to the fourth lawyer, but only the one named the law of wind, and the ability to control wind and fluids, and nothing else was said.

The brief news made the intelligence more unstable, and such information was completely insufficient to deal with the fourth collapse.

As the saying goes, only by knowing oneself and knowing one's opponent can one win a hundred battles. But their understanding of the Law of the Wind is only so little information, what do they take to guard against?

Looking at Mei's tightly locked brows, Su Shixiu sighed softly and silently asked about Penglai Temple Jiuxiao in the stigmata space.

"Lord Jiuxiao, if I fight against the Fourth Lawyer, do I have that chance?"

"There are still some. The Dark Apostle who controls the Wind of Innocence can block it and impose divine judgment as long as his power cannot disturb the territory for you and others!

Su Shixiu breathed a sigh of relief, Penglai Temple Jiuxiao said that he had a way, then he could probably fight.

As long as the fourth law is not strong, then he has a chance.

Thinking of this, Su Shixiu breathed a sigh of relief, and then gently patted Mei's shoulder.

"Don't worry, Sister Mei, the soldiers will come to block, the water will come to cover the soil, everything will be solved, just like the third lawyer, isn't it?"

Mei was silent for a moment, and her frown finally stretched a lot.

"You're right. Ash, humanity can't give up hope yet.

Su Shixiu smiled slightly, although he didn't know how strong the fourth law of the former civilization was, it would definitely not be like the third law of the original civilization plot, and it didn't take long to be killed by human technology.

At this time, outside the door of the office, a pair of blue eyes were calmly watching all this, speechless for a long time.

About ten minutes later, Su Shixiu just came out and saw Kevin standing on the side against the wall.

"Axiu, Mei she... How is it now?

"Much better, at least the mood is not so lost." Carrying this bag of things, Su Shixiu glanced at him, "Talk while walking?"

"Good." Kevin nodded and followed.

Along the way, Su Shixiu. are trying their best to enliven the atmosphere, but because of Mei's worries and concerns during this time, her mood has become bad, which also indirectly leads to worrying that her Kevin is not in such a good mood.

"So, what happened to the solemn topic you two just talked about?" Kevin's face was full of worry.

"Uh, you scumbag do you understand?"

“...... Looking for a fight, huh? Kevin's face froze, and he almost greeted with a fist.

"You beat me? Reservists? "

Kevin: .

. Yes, he really can't beat the current Su Shixiu.

"It's not impossible to tell you, but don't stab me in the back again."

For Kevin's kind of love brain, Su Shixiu is still quite afraid, for the girlfriend's backstabbing brother's action, this guy has not done this once or twice.

"What do you want? What can make Mei Du so annoying, I will casually mention it in front of her?

"It better be so. Okay, here, let's wait a minute.

Kevin was stunned, only to find that he followed Su Shixiu along the way, and he didn't know when he came to the Mebius laboratory.

After the pupil scan, an electronic female voice sounded out of thin air:

"Authentication successful!" Welcome, member of the special squad of the Fire Moth, "Apocalypse" Su Shixiu.

Looking at the open laboratory door, Su Shixiu walked directly in with a bag of items, while Kevin hesitated for a moment, and also followed into the Mebius laboratory, which was rumored to be hell by others.

However, Kevin, who had just stepped into the laboratory, heard a sound comparable to the speed of a single man for twenty years.

"How... Belch.

Kevin saw that at the desk, a green-haired girl was burying her head in the computer frantically knocking, and on the screens of the three computers in front of her, all kinds of information and data were frantically saved and uploaded.

Even if one person controls three computers, her speed is not slow at all, and this hand speed makes Kevin directly stunned on the spot.

And the most outrageous thing is that next to this girl, there are several stacks of materials and books that are taller than him!

Obviously, those are unfinished to-dos.

“...... Ash, this is your tradition?

The corner of Su Shixiu's mouth twitched, "Yes, but I didn't seem to be so fierce at the beginning." This

work efficiency, Su Shixiu felt that he was completely inferior to others.

"Kevin, you wait for me for a while, I'll take care of it right away."

Kevin nodded stunned, thinking how dare he make such a scene?

If he had been pitted so badly, it is estimated that he would have already copied a baseball bat and unsheathed his good brother.

Kevin, who didn't think it was a big deal, actually found a chair to sit on, ready to watch the next good show.

After placing the bag of things in his hand on the reception table, Su Shixiu took out a boxed lunch from it and put it in front of Klein.

"Beef fried rice, put a little more hot sauce for you."

Looking at the box lunch in front of him, Klein was stunned for a moment, and then continued to type things quickly in front of the computer.

It only took a few minutes for Klein to get these things in place temporarily.

After saving it, Klein picked up the box lunch, put it aside first, and then silently copied the scalpel he carried with him.

"You still know to come to see me, Senior Su Shixiu~?"

Su Shixiu: !!

"Ahem, that, junior sister, isn't the life of an assistant very good?"

Klein was stunned for a moment, then revealed a strange smile.

"What do you say? My dear learned, long, big, human? I really want to blood you! Let me send you a knife first!" Then

, Klein took the scalpel and stabbed directly to the place where Su Shixiu's waist was repaired!

"Lean! Calm down! Klein, senior, I am also compelled, please understand!

Su Shixiu hurriedly jumped back, and a backflip jumped out of the range of the desk, perfectly dodging Klein's attack.

"Understand? I'll go you ****! I can get to where I am today, all thanks to you! Seeing

the scalpel flying over, Su Shixiu directly performed a wave of empty-handed white blades, which perfectly resolved a wave of crisis.

However, at this time, Klein had already carried a large pair of scissors taller than her whole person and walked towards him with great momentum.

"In order to repay the senior's 'kindness' to me, why don't we become good girlfriends, huh?"

"Calm down, Klein, sanity, don't be impulsive!"

The cold ice under his feet condensed, Su Shixiu made a sliding shovel, and once again dodged the large scissors that were directly smashed down.

"Litchi, what lychee are you asking me to take? Senior, your branch (quality) is really 666! "


Su Shixiu, who had just dodged on his side, looked at a crack in the laboratory floor that had cracked, and instantly felt a chill in his back.

If it hits you just now, even if you don't die, it hurts!

At about this time, the door to the laboratory inside opened.

"Klein, what are you doing... Ash machine?

Mebius, who had just come out, looked at the laboratory in front of him, which was already chaotic, and the entire snake's eyes widened in disbelief.

"I lean! Teacher, save me!

"Don't run! Senior, even a doctor can't save you! "

Ah I*! Teacher, save me, I'm going home! "


This large pair of scissors fell directly, and the laboratory, which was already not human-like, was once again damaged.

Mebius couldn't help but cover his head with a headache, and suddenly noticed Kevin, who was sitting at the entrance of the laboratory and had begun to bubble noodles, and quickly walked back to the laboratory inside.

After a while, she also held a bowl of instant noodles, moved a small bench and sat at the door of the laboratory inside, quietly watching the farce of Su Shixiu and Klein.

What is this wave called? He flees, she chases, he can't fly!

"About the Unspeakable Thing Between Me and Klein in Mebius Labs."

Mebius is not worried about the laboratory, anyway, there is a Su Shixiu in the party, and he can blackmail (cross out) his family to ask for research funds.

It just so happens that a batch of materials in the laboratory should also be replaced.

Therefore, Kevin and Mebius, who were not very familiar with each other, rarely reached an agreement and OMO together with bubble noodles.

"Teacher! Kevin! Why are you just watching? Su

Shixiu dodged the big scissors behind him, looking at Kevin and Mebius who were eating bubble noodles on both sides and watching the play, and the whole person was instantly cold.

"Don't run, senior! Let's be girlfriends together! "Of course, Klein, who rarely seizes a chance to take revenge, will definitely not give up so well!

"Ah! Sh*t! F**k you! "

Bang bang!!"


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