Probably a while later, in Mebius' lab.

"Let go of me! Today, I can only live one !! with Su Shixiu's seniors "

Okay, Klein, calm down, don't be so angry in the girl's family, it's not cute ♪"

Although Alicia said so, she didn't dare to let go of the arms that locked Klein, for fear that as long as Klein broke free, he would raise his weapon again to find Su Shixiu desperately!

"Teacher Mebius, I'm afraid..." As

for Mebius, he looked at Su Shixiu hiding behind him with a black line, and couldn't help but feel a little big.

"It's a young man, you really know how to play."

Carrying away the marks of Klein's big scissors, he was helpless at the moment.

Blanca did not come, and after learning of Klein's retaliation against Su Shixiu here, she was afraid that she would become the target of Su Shixiu's retaliation, and obediently stayed at home to watch Grace go away.

"Isn't the cause still that you pit someone?"

Kevin ruthlessly came to Su Shixiu's side to mend the knife.

"Then why don't you say that I was still pitted by Senior Sister Blanca? 555T^T~"


What does this make him say? He really has nothing to say!

"Your tradition is really that generation after generation is passed on from generation to generation, right?" Mark complained.

"Don't think I'll be okay with you. Trace, the cause of everything is that your family Blanca brought Axiu over. Mark

immediately shut up, for Mebius, he could avoid the limelight, and he would never run into it, after all, this ruthless man who really almost choked his waist in the first place.

Then, Mebius had a wit in his heart, and immediately took out a handkerchief, squatted down and wiped Su Shixiu's face.

"Well, Axiu, don't cry, the teacher is here, well-behaved!"

Su Shixiu: QWQ→(ᗜ ˰ ᗜ)???

Kevin: (⊙o⊙)!!

Marks: (≖╻≖; ) !!!

Alicia: (⌯︎¤̴̶̷̀ω¤̴̶̷́)♪!!

Klein: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ!!

Mebius: (≧︎▽︎≦︎)!!

This unguarded commotion directly made everyone present look stupid, and even Su Shixiu, who deliberately pretended to be aggrieved, was petrified on the spot.

"Uh, teacher, I..."

"It's okay, Ashu, come and hug!"

Su Shixiu, who looked confused, was directly held in his arms like this, and his whole face was forced into a piece of softness.

The others were dumbfounded, except for Alicia, who showed a playful smile.

"Hmm, mmmm!"

Everyone could only hear Su Shixiu's voice, looking at his vigorous waving arms, everyone thought that he would be very happy in Mebius's arms.

However, after a while, Klein suddenly discovered that Su Shixiu was waving his arms faster and faster.

Immediately afterwards, it suddenly slowed down, as if he had no strength in an instant.

Thinking of something, Klein's face changed instantly!

"Doctor! Senior Shi Xiu is going to suffocate! "

Everyone: !!

Mebius's face was shocked, and he quickly let go of Su Shixiu in his arms, but he didn't expect that as soon as he let go, Su Shixiu fell directly backwards in place.

Looking at Su Shixiu, who had passed out, his face instantly became serious.

"Do artificial respiration quickly!!"

"Let me !!"

"Get out of the way! Dr. Mebius, Axiu has been suffocated by you, do you still think that torturing him is not cruel enough? Seeing

Alicia come to him angrily, Mebius looked questionable.

WTF? I give artificial respiration to my students, what does it matter to you?

"I am Ashu's teacher, and I am obliged to save him!"

"I'm still Captain Ash! It's all enough just now, so you have to change me, right?

In an instant, the laboratory was filled with the smell of gunpowder, and several people looked at the arguing Alicia and Mebius, and couldn't help but glance at each other in amazement, and shrugged helplessly.

"Klein, you just now..." asked Chen, looking at Klein beside him.

"It's just discouragement. Since the doctor and Sister Ellie are arguing non-stop, how about I go to the senior...?

However, Kevin reached out and stopped her.

"I think if you go up, you may be torn to pieces by both of them."

Now even Kevin who is not very emotionally intelligent can see it, which shows that it is the breath of the Asura field!

"However, Senior Shi Xiu

, he..." "He is a warrior stronger than me, so he won't lose gas because he has eaten tofu for half a day, let him lie down."

Hearing this, Klein no longer said anything, to put it bluntly, there is no need to bother with this mind.

"Hmm... I didn't expect the mess to be like this, but fortunately the workload for the next three months has been completed. "

Kevin & Trace:?!

The two glanced at the girl strangely, and then couldn't help but glance at each other, casting an appreciative look at the girl.

What a workaholic! Whether it was Blanca or Su Shixiu back then, overtime had never been so fierce!

When Su Shixiu, the working hours were basically fixed, and the workload was neither more nor less; As for Blanca, the workload is definitely a little more, and the time is the same, but it is not how ruthless.

Glancing at Klein's not very raised peak, the two big men suddenly understood the reason.

"After all, I accidentally stunned Axiu, I should have a reason to get him back!"

"Oh? Dr. Mebius, what if you worsen Asher's suffocation?

"You put p! Alicia, don't be bad old lady! "

Huh? Isn't it not good ♪ to let the doctor enjoy the blessing alone after taking advantage of so long?

"Alicia, are you trying to fight?"

"Come on, Dr. Mebius, I'm not afraid of you ♪

" Seeing that the two were about to make a move, they couldn't stand it, so they could only quickly speak:

"Captain! Doctor! Stop it! You two don't fight anymore! The

fists of the two just stretched out and stopped directly in midair.

Looking at the traces of the key moment to solve the siege, Mebius rarely had a good impression of this bastard who abducted her assistant.

It's just that the next sentence of the mark directly made the two girls dumbfounded on the spot:

"You can't beat people like this!" If you want to fight outside, get a weapon, I will be a judge for you! "

Alicia & Mebius: .

The two looked at each other silently, and then Alicia extended her hand to Mebius.

"Doctor, shall we be together?"

"That's exactly what I mean."

The two girls nodded, rubbed their fists in unison, and walked slowly towards the mark.

"Ahem, that, Captain, Doctor, you just misheard, I didn't say..."

The sledgehammer that Mebius usually used to smash things in his experiments directly hit the place where Mark was standing just now.

Immediately afterwards, Alicia picked up the past Flying Flower Love Poem, and followed Mebius to chase the traces that slipped away.


For watching such a good show today, Kevin is still stupid until now.

"Don't look at me, it's also the first time I've seen such a doctor, and as for Ms. Alicia, it's also the first time I've seen her like this."

Then, Klein walked to Su Shixiu, who was lying in corpse, and gently shook him.

"The chest is still steadily heaving, proving that the effects of suffocation are no longer there. Senior Su, if you continue to lie in the corpse, I can consider calling the doctor and Ms. Alicia back together.

Then, Su Shixiu instantly opened his eyes, and a carp stood up directly.

"So you're fine, Ash, but you're lucky with this peach blossom."

Kevin came to Su Shixiu with a smile and patted him on the shoulder.

"you, the teacher is worried about the students, the captain is worried about the team members, that's all a reasonable thing, right?"

"Ah, yes, yes!" Kevin nodded, indicating that he didn't want to say anything, who let them not be the same kind of people at all.

For the rotten Kevin, Su Shixiu didn't plan to say anything, picked up his bag of things, and handed it directly to Klein.

"Another box lunch to the teacher, remember to ask her not to eat instant noodles and drink coffee all the time, that is not good for her health." You too, don't be busy working overtime, occasionally make some time, wear this massage equipment to relax and relax, often tense your nerves is not good for yourself. Klein

was stunned, then took the things and nodded.

"Thank you, senior. We are making such a fuss today, and the high-level of the fire moth will not treat us..."

"Don't worry, it will be fine." Let the doctor and my second uncle ask for subsidies. Thinking

of the status of the Shenzhou Su Clan in the Fire Moth, Klein nodded and silently remembered these words in his heart.

It seems that I can't go to work today, so let's take it as a holiday these days.

With such a mentality, Klein picked up the fat house happy water that Su Shixiu bought for himself and tasted it in small sips.

"Not bad! Delicious, senior, you are awesome!

"Just like it, then Kevin and I will go first."

"Well, goodbye!"

In this way, on the way back to his dormitory, Kevin kept staring at Su Shixiu with a stunned expression, and even once made Su Shixiu wonder if his face was blooming.

"What do you keep looking at me for? I'm not interested in boys.

"I'm not interested in that aspect of you. Axiu, do you really not understand or pretend not to understand?

Su Shixiu smiled slightly, and then gave a look.

"You guess?"

“...... Well, I believe you really don't understand. If you really understand, it is estimated that when you were in high school, Mei was already without me.

Su Shixiu shrugged, it is indeed undeniable that they pretended to be a couple when they were in high school, and even for a while they were really about to become a couple, just need to break that layer of paper, Su Shixiu can have a successful high school life and future career.

But because Su Shixiu knew Mei's importance to this former civilization and the next civilization, he did not let the disguise become real, or even never be true.

It didn't take long for the two to come to Su Shixiu's dormitory.

After entering the dormitory, Su Shixiu smoothly locked the door, then went to the kitchen to pour two cups of tea, came to the living room table, and brought a cup of tea to Kevin.

"Uh, Ash, you know I don't drink this stuff."

"I know, I just want to calm myself down."

Su Shixiu nodded, took a sip of the tea in his hand, and then put down the teacup.

“...... Alas, I hope you don't tell Sister Mei that you know the news of this matter.

"Don't worry, can you say it then?"

Su Shixiu nodded, "Even if I tell you, you won't be able to help her get rid of many troubles."

"After this period of inference from meteorological observations, coupled with the data of the previous civilization, we seriously suspect that the fourth collapse is about to happen."

Kevin's face changed instantly.

"Huh? You're kidding, right? Axiu, I'm not a fool today..."

"So I'm not kidding."

In such a short period of time, Kevin also noticed that Su Shixiu's current mood has not been very good.

Moreover, Su Shixiu did not need to joke about big things.

"The fourth collapse ... Can you tell me where it might have erupted?

Su Shixiu glanced at Kevin, thought for a while, and then said flatly: "Australia."

"This is the most detailed level of accuracy, and I don't know how precise it is."

Kevin nodded silently, and then suddenly thought of something, and his eyes lit up again.

"By the way, Axiu, didn't you and your captain annihilate the Third Law in the first place? Just a fourth lawyer, it shouldn't be that difficult for your entire special squad, right?

"It's afternoon, not suitable for daydreaming, dear."

Kevin was silent, then asked his own question.


"Are you fooling with Mei? When the lawyer was first born from the Avalanche, he needed to absorb enough Avalanche energy to become strong. This means that the newly born lawyer is also the best time to be destroyed. "

Last time the third collapse broke out, the third lawyer was a student of our Thousand Feather Academy, the distance is close and the outbreak time is short, and the combat power is slightly stronger can be easily eliminated!"

Kevin thought for a moment, then sighed.

"In the whole of Australia, this range is a bit large, even if it can be locked quickly, it will take some time to rush over, right?"

"Just for such a period of time, enough for a lawyer to have basic self-preservation ability and combat ability, far from the level of a newly born third lawyer."

In this way, Su Shixiu slowly sipped the tea, while Kevin sat opposite, looking at the smoke rising from the teacup in front of him, and the tea reflected his deep blue eyes.

During this time, Kevin's combat effectiveness has improved to a very high level, but it is not yet the level at which he can join a special squad.

Special squads exist mainly to deal with the lawyers, but also to deal with large collapses that are difficult for other forces to handle.

The special squad of the Fire Moth is actually the predecessor organization of the future Fire Chasing Thirteen Yingji, and the significance of the current existence of this team is equivalent to the Immortal Blade Team of the next Civilized Destiny.

"Axiu, when the time comes, I

want to..." "No, you don't want to!"

Without waiting for Kevin to finish speaking, Su Shixiu directly vetoed it.

"Let me put the words..."

"Take you to the Fourth Law?" No kidding, human beings against the lawyer never rely on piling up numbers. Listening

to Su Shixiu's words, Kevin was stunned.

"The birth of every lawyer is a disaster for civilization. Not always such good luck, to destroy the lawyer, humans usually have to pay a heavy price.

Standing up, Su Shixiu came to Kevin's side, his voice became extremely cold, but every word penetrated Kevin's heart:

"The anti-lawyer has never been a legend of heroes saving the world, but people challenge fate in order to be able to live tomorrow!" This kind of thing is never a joke!

"As far as you are now, you are not a match for the lawyer at all. Kevin, if something really happens to you, what will Sister Mei do?

Kevin was silent.

Looking at such a Kevin, Su Shixiu sighed inwardly.

Even according to the original pre-civilization plot, it was not clear who Su Shixiu was who eliminated the Law of Wind, and this was not mentioned.

However, that person is definitely not Kevin, at least the current Wind Lawyer, it can never be the existence that Kevin can face now!

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