Moth of Fire, in the living room of Alicia's dormitory.

"Did you ever suspect that I was an Ice Lawyer?!"

"Yes, after all, you are very capable. But according to Vilvie, even if she searched through the historical materials of the former civilization, she could not find the record of me as a lawyer! Asho, will you be our last hope ♪? Taking

the orange juice handed over by Alicia, Su Shixiu took a sip, nodded thoughtfully, and shook his head again.

"I'm not sure, but I probably know that I am the messenger of the opponent of Honkai, the lawyer named "Heavenly Frost"."

In this short chat, Su Shixiu had already understood the general situation, and he knew that he was safe.

And even without the comfort of the girl in front of him, Su Shixiu could confirm that Alicia was absolutely trustworthy.

After all, there will be no one in this world who always treats everyone around her with sincerity and a smile like her.

Saying that, Su Shixiu remembered something and continued.

"The power of the 'Law of Heavenly Frost' can never be only a frost that is more terrifying than ice, and as for the other authority, I still don't know what it is."

Thinking of this, Su Shixiu sighed.

"Don't be discouraged, Axiu, take your time, anyway, the third collapse has just passed, let's not worry ♪!"

Alicia just wanted to reach out to Xue Su Shixiu's head, but he was directly dodged by the quick reaction.

"Actually, I'm quite entangled, Sister Ellie, let's not talk about the identity of the "lawyer", because of the awakening of the core of the lawyer, I just remembered a dream I had more than a month ago."


Saying that, Su Shixiu put down the cup in his hand, stood up directly, and began to lift his top!

"Aa Axiu! Even if we've known each other for so long, we can't be so direct, right? Girls are generally very shy!

Alicia shook her head in panic, and quickly covered her eyes with her hands, but the gap between her hands was large enough to fully reveal her pink eyes!

Looking at Alicia while "Dar Bleat.jpg and looking full of interest, Su Shixiu was secretly speechless for a while.

Scold! Woman!

Su Shixiu, who didn't think so much at all, directly took off his shirt, exposing his perfect figure.

Without waiting for Alicia to admire Su Shixiu's upper body, the three purple peculiar patterns on Su Shixiu's back directly attracted her attention!

"Native Stigmata?!"

"I had a dream before, but now that I think about it, it should be the dream that this stigmata space gave me."

Su Shixiu did not see Alicia's consternation, and explained again: "At least in that dream, I learned that this set of stigmata was her power. "


"The power of the last civilization savior, this set of stigmata, supposedly called the "Apocalypse", belongs to that girl." Su Shixiu's voice became a lot more serious, and finally sighed softly, "And that girl, people used to call her Jiuxiao." "

Penglai Temple, Jiuxiao!"

Alicia froze, and kept chanting the name that Su Shixiu said.

"Penglai Temple Jiuxiao, Penglai Temple Jiuxiao..."

This civilization, not many people know this name, and in the last civilization, this name symbolizes the last hope of mankind!

"Unfortunately, although I have her approval, I can't exert the power of the stigmata."

This directly put Alicia in order.

She also has stigmata, which is somewhat similar to Su Shixiu's situation, and she is all a native stigmata that comes with her body.

Like Su Shixiu, the stigmata on his body is a hero inherited from the previous civilization, and Alicia really doesn't know how to help.

She didn't know her own situation, so how could she have the strength to help others?

"How about you fumbling? My stigmata is my own, I could have used it, as for how to advise you... There's really nothing I can do about this! Seeing

that Alicia also began to rot, although Su Shixiu regretted it, he could only give up.

As for the weapon of the Divine Key, Su Shixiu thought about learning the treasure of the next civilization and using the power of the lawyer to get a handful for himself, but as far as his current power control level...

Come on, it's good to be able to summon the weapons of the lawyer, what's the dissatisfaction?

It is enough at this stage, anyway, the law and collapse in this period are not much stronger.

After suppressing the confusion in his heart, Su Shixiu began to chat with Alicia about other things.

Most of it is the matter of the fire moth, of course, there is also the black material of Alicia shaking Mebius, and the news that Kevin and May successfully joined the fire moth.

As for Sue... There is no news at this stage, but there is nothing wrong with that guy.

According to the original Pre-Civilization timeline, Sue didn't learn until at least after the seventh collapse that his friends were chasing the fire moth, and then began to apply to join.

As for Kevin and Mei, they basically knew each other because of Su Shixiu, otherwise Alicia would have only heard of Mei at most, and as for Kevin, it would be a nobody.

Kevin started as a soldier, at least before he grew up, he

had to climb up step by step, unlike Mei, with her extraordinary scientific research talent, she had come to a position close to the top.

"So, Sister Ellie, who else knows about me being a lawyer?"

"Hmm~ let me think... Wilvie knows that you are a lawyer, and there should be Mebius. There's no one else, huh ♪?"

So why should my teacher know?

"Of course it is... You guess?

Looking at Alicia's deliberately mischievous expression, Su Shixiu couldn't help but feel a headache.

"Knowing you don't like to guess. Axiu, you don't know how sad Mebius was when you were brought back by me in a coma! "

Su Shixiu: Huh?!

"Although she took you away with a gloomy face, after returning to the laboratory, standing outside the door, I could hear her crying, how much like a cute little girl ♪~"

Su Shixiu was shocked in his heart, leaning, could it be that when he just woke up, Mentor Mebius just wanted to joke with himself, but suddenly realized that it was a little too much, so he would be so emotionally out of control???

Good fellow, Su Shixiu suddenly realized that something was incredible, and if this trend continues, there may really be nothing good!

"See? How deeply is Teacher Mebius's concern for his student Ash?

"I'd better forget it..."

Su Shixiu felt that he had to be calm and calm today.

But something has to be done.

Because Blanca looked for herself, she naturally left Mebius Lab earlier than the original plot.

As for Klein, it was probably after joining the Fire Moth in China, after that celebration dinner, he was introduced to Mebius's assistant.

However, the dinner was also fast, after all, it was to celebrate the success of the crusade against the Third Law.

"So, Sister Ellie, can you check something for me?"

Su Shixiu, who had not yet reached the end of the Fire Moth, could only ask this pink fairy lady ♪ beside him.

"Huh ♪?"

"What is the current situation in Canghai City?"

"Canghai City? I remember that it was quite close to Changkong City, could it be that there was Ashu's little girlfriend there?!

Su Shixiu's face froze, and he wanted to open his mouth to refute, but he didn't want to refute either.

With Alicia's character, even if she explains it clearly, she will definitely be able to draw darker and darker.

"It's not."

"Okay then, I'll check it out for you."

Unexpectedly, Alicia did not joke about this matter, but quickly used the terminal to check it.

"About a day ago, the rescue team of the fire moth went to Canghai City. Well, although it is not the center of the third collapse, it has also been affected, and if it were not for the speed at which we eliminated the third lawyer, I am afraid that the peripheral cities would also be affected.

Su Shixiu nodded, the power of the Thunder Law is indeed quite strong, but fortunately, at the time of the crusade, that guy has not developed at all, and even the most basic self-preservation ability is not much.

At least, the affiliated collapsed beast of the Thunder Law, she did not come out, even in the original plot, the Thunder Lawyer was blown up by human technology, it was simply the face of the thunder bud!

The Law of Thunder in this civilization: What? Do I want to whip my corpse? Can you be an individual, ah no, can you be a lawyer?

"By the way, Axiu, is there anyone important about you in Canghai City? It's rare to see you so attentive to a city, even surpassing Changkong City, it's really strange ♪! "

Hmm... Some personal reasons for it. "

Su Shixiu can't always say that Hua in this period was rescued by the fifth squad leader of the Fire Moth in Canghai City, which has been destroyed, right?

Although some plot changes may change because of his arrival, some important plot changes should not be too big, at least because he has not affected too many things.

Even if there is a butterfly effect, Su Shixiu, who is half a high-level student, can roughly control the degree of influence of himself.

There can be errors, but never the separation spectrum.

At least, the fire-chasing moth squad that rescued the residents of Canghai City was still the fifth squad, which Su Shixiu only knew when he saw Alicia's terminal.

"Forget it, it seems that I don't want to answer. So Axiu, congratulations, your review passed. It's just..." "

What's wrong?"

"Su Guozhi, that high-ranking member of the Fire Moth, let me take good care of you. So, what does he have to do with you? "

Oh oh, then my old man."

"So it is... Ha?! The high-level of the Shenzhou branch and the high-level of Shenzhou who chased the fire moth turned out to be Axiu's own grandfather?!

"Uh, is there a problem?" Su Shixiu looked confused.

"I suddenly understood, no wonder Mebius wanted you in the first place..." "

The Su family, don't say Shenzhou, even the whole world is a famous family.

At that time, Mebius, although she knew that Su Shixiu was quite talented, it was definitely not enough to enter her eyes.

As for why he could accept Su Shixiu, it may probably be related to the Su family.

Mebius' various experiments always require a lot of money, but the Fire Moth has many restrictions on her.

It's just that maybe she didn't expect that after getting along for a long time, the relationship between Mebius and Su Shixiu had become so good.

Even coupled with Su Shixiu's own talent and efforts, Dr. Mebius will unceremoniously praise in front of others: Su Shixiu is her best student!

However, Su Shixiu did not know that Alicia saw so much, he always thought that his achievements and level at that time were just showing their edge among their peers.

Before entering Mebius's laboratory, Mei, who was much stronger than Su Shi at that time, was still very low-key, and as for Kevin, he only transferred to Chiba Academy in the second half of that time.

Mei only showed her edge during this time, but she directly surprised the whole world, Su Shixiu could not compare to Mei, he recognized, after all, Mei is the strongest brain of the former civilization.


"Maybe you like our cute Axiu, right?"

Su Shixiu: ......

Do you see my reason for believing you?

However, he couldn't force Alicia to say why.

"I'll go to Mu Continent at that time, and look for a junior for me there, otherwise I won't be at ease if no one leaves."

"In this way, students care about teachers, and teachers care about students. Uh-huh, I seem to have seen a beautiful relationship ♪~

" "Don't gossip!"

After giving Alicia a glance, Su Shixiu brought out all the university student information on the Mu Continent.

If others don't, just look for that Klein with the same hair color as Mebius! Don't look for duplicate names!

In this way, Klein, who was originally good at school, did not know that he was targeted again, and the time of being targeted was much earlier.

Seeing that Su Shixiu looked at the mobile phone, Alicia cast a curious gaze.

Seeing that people were doing business, and the speed of flipping through the phone was fast, Alicia decided not to disturb people.

Although you usually joke casually, you can't be disturbed when you get down to business!

"Axiu, you first look here slowly, I'll go find Vilvi, remember not to miss me ♪ too much~

" "Okay, Sister Ellie will come back early!"

Alicia, who came out of the dormitory, couldn't help but be stunned.

Why does this suddenly have the feeling that the husband is far away, and the daughter-in-law is at home telling her husband?

After throwing out this outrageous thought in her mind, Alicia picked up the Chengying Sword (Frost Huazuo) that Su Shixiu gave her, and rushed towards the engineering department.

At this time, the moth of fire, on the soldier's training playground, a group of recruits who had just come in were resting.

"Kevin! I heard, Mei, who is in your heart, has now become a scientific researcher, and her status is not far from our high-level! A

recruit, who was already familiar with Kevin, walked up to him and patted him on the shoulder.

"Well, thank you, is there any information about Su and Su Shixiu?"

"Sue... I haven't heard of this person. But Su Shixiu's words, that is a genius that has caused a sensation for all fighters! "


"Although we haven't seen him, when he first used the simulation training room to assess combat strength, he directly refreshed the ranking of all fighters, even the captain of the special squad, Alicia, the strongest of our fire moths, was not as strong as him when he first came in!"

"This way!" Kevin nodded thoughtfully.

Originally, among the three of them, the strongest physical and physical advantage was naturally Kevin, who usually did not study very hard.

But I don't know what's going on, about a month before the final exam, when Su Shixiu came back, he suddenly had more strength than him, and as for that physical physique, it was already far from comparable.

As for the current Su Shixiu... This distance feels a little bigger.

"It is said that the warrior named 'Apocalypse' is about to join the special squad!"

"By the way, Miles, what is the special squad?"

"Well, you don't understand this, do you?" The recruit smiled slightly, "As far as I know, the special squad of the Fire Moth was established specifically to deal with the existence of the Lawyer!" "

The Lawyer...," Kevin muttered absently.

In the past few days, Kevin is not ignorant of nothing, he knows a lot of things that he didn't know before.

Honkai, Honkai disease, Honkai energy, Honkai beast, dead man, and one of the culprits of Honkai, the Lawyer.

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