Fire Moth, Engineering Department.

"It turned out to be such a weapon, I thought that newcomer preferred the Tang Dao, which was more similar to his weapon."

Holding this Chengying sword made of frost hua, Wei Wei looked at the information found on the computer and couldn't stop admiring.

"Shenzhou Top Ten Ancient Swords? It's a good idea ♪"

Alicia also stared at the computer screen with interest, the Chengying Sword can be called the top ten ancient swords in Shenzhou, it must have its strength.

"By the way, Alicia, has the resource problem been given above this time?"

"After all, it is the representative of the Su family in Shenzhou, and there will be no ambiguity in funding his family. Even I envy it ♪,"

Seeing that Alicia was about to pretend to be sad again, Velvi's brows couldn't help but furrow.

"If you want to cry, find other Vilvi, I'm going to be busy designing weapons for Su Shixiu."

"I'm so sorry!" Expert "Vilvie, then I won't bother? Come on ♪~

" Even if Alicia is usually naughty, she knows that "expert" Vilvie does not like to be disturbed by other things when she is working.


"Expert" Wei Wei nodded, quickly rushed to the computer, and began to design it with reference to this Chengying Sword made of Frost Hua, as well as the information on the Shenzhou Chengying Sword on another computer.

And Alicia secretly smiled, filmed this wonderful moment, and quietly slipped away.


"Hey, missed me, my lovely Ashu ♪?"

Seeing Alicia who suddenly appeared in front of him, Su Shixiu was indeed startled, but he quickly reacted, and then slowly stretched out his hand.

The goal is simple, mental damage and medical expenses!

However, Alicia rolled her small eyes and revealed a malicious smile.

"Ah, it turns out that Ah Xiu has such a hobby! No way, then I can only promise ♪"

said, before Su Shixiu, who realized that something was wrong, withdrew his hand, Alicia stretched out her head forward, and controlled to put her chin on Su Shixiu's palm!

Su Shixiu: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ!!

"How? Isn't the cute face of the beautiful girl very white and flawless, and I want Ah Xiu to can't help but pinch two?

Su Shixiu nodded dumbly, and then quickly shook his head.

Without him, Alicia's face does feel good, but we are not so familiar yet, can we collect our heads!!

Su Shixiu let out a life-saving roar in his heart!

However, looking at the hesitant look on Su Shixiu's face, Alicia's little face turned a little redder, and her pink beautiful eyes were almost in the shape of a peach heart!

Good guys, this is not love!

Su Shixiu was dumbfounded, to tell the truth, it was because Alicia was too good at teasing so actively, that he would be so embarrassed and helpless!

"Okay, don't tease you, Axiu is really cute ♪ as always~"

It wasn't until Alicia stood up that Su Shixiu hurriedly withdrew his hand, somewhat embarrassed.

However, a communicator appeared in his hand.

"The communicator of the fire moth. Axiu, from today onwards, you will be a member of the Fire Moth Special Squad, and I will be your captain, how about it, are you happy?

Su Shixiu nodded, and then his face suddenly froze.

The captain of the special squad is Alicia... As long as he thought of the days to come, he would definitely be increasingly provoked by this captain, and Su Shixiu suddenly felt that life was boring.

But thinking about it a little later, from now on, I no longer need to be with instant noodles every day, and after processing countless materials, the bitterness in my heart instantly disappeared a lot.

To be human, you have to learn to be content.


Moth of Fire, Mebius Laboratory.

“...... In short, this transfer information, please also ask the teacher to sign it! Looking

at the "Job Transfer Book" in front of him, Mebius had struggled to calm his emotions, but at this moment he almost ran away.

However, in order to pay attention to her image, even if she cares about Su Shixiu, she must calm down.

"Alas, even if I don't sign it, I guess I won't be able to stop you from jumping ship, right?"

Mebius's calmness surprised Su Shixiu, but he still nodded.

"The third collapse, the combat power I have shown, has been reported by Alicia. The above thinks that I am here, because I bury my combat talent, so..."

Mebius nodded, and the sourness and bitterness in his heart became heavier.

She knew that Su Shixiu could not leave her because of the disagreement of the concept, and he understood her and was willing to help her.

It's just that Su Shixiu is right, his combat power is indeed terrifying.

After all, Su Shixiu was a lawyer, a lawyer who carried a special innate stigmata, and a new lawyer who did not belong to Honkai.

After Su Shixiu awakened as a lawyer, Mebius clearly understood that he would be a variable, the key variable for this civilization to defeat collapse.

Merely...... She is heartfelt and doesn't really want her best students to leave.

Obviously, reason had told her that Su Shixiu's departure was irreversible, and the documents of the fire moth were all in front of her.

In addition, Su Shixiu is a person from the Shenzhou Su clan, and the Shenzhou Su clan is the high-level of the fire moth, and Su Shixiu has the help of the Shenzhou Su clan, even if he doesn't sign, he can't change all this.

Obviously, reason is already very clear, but she just doesn't want Su Shixiu to leave.

The reason that can't be said, in short, is that he doesn't want to see Su Shixiu leave his side, he doesn't want Su Shixiu and that guy Alicia to get close, he doesn't want him to go to the battlefield, he doesn't want him to expose his identity as a lawyer and become the enemy of all mankind...

In short, she didn't want Su Shixiu to leave, and she didn't want Su Shixiu to do anything.

She dared to guarantee that even if her laboratory was the most terrifying existence for others, as long as Su Shixiu was willing to stay here, then she would be able to protect her students for a lifetime!

It's just that looking at Su Shixiu's pleading and longing gaze, the sour and aggrieved words in Mebius's heart can no longer be said for some reason.

A thousand words came to her lips, but she couldn't get out, and Mebius herself didn't realize that in more than a year, she would actually start to care so much about a person of the opposite sex.

Even if it was her best student, even if she used to teach him knowledge and assign him more tasks in order to hone him, she couldn't deny that the premise of all this was because she cared about this teenager in her heart.

"Teacher? Are you okay?

Just when Mebius was having mixed tastes in her heart, Su Shixiu's gentle voice awakened her thoughts to replenish herself.

"Ahhh What's wrong Ashu? Realizing

that he was a little gaffe, Mebius quickly suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his heart and tried to become more like his usual self.

“...... Nothing. Teacher, I'm just transferring positions, not going to the battlefield to die, don't worry about me so much!

Mebius was shocked in her heart, obviously she didn't say anything, how did Su Shixiu know that he was worried about her?

However, Su Shixiu's left hand had already reached out at some point, and the target was her face!

Mebius: Σ(っ °Д °;)っ!!

"Ashu! You..." Without

waiting for Mebius to finish speaking, Su Shixiu's fingers had already touched the underside of Mebius's right eye and gently wiped away something.

Feeling the collision between Su Shixiu's fingertips and his face, Mebius was full of excitement at that moment, as if he was electrocuted, and even the speed of his heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a lot.

However, after feeling the wetness on his face, looking at Su Shixiu, who withdrew his hand and smiled, Mebius suddenly realized something and quickly rubbed his eyes.

Looking at the water samples in his hand, Mebius opened his small mouth in disbelief.

She...... Tears?!

"Teacher, special squads will only be dispatched when the lawyer appears, and they are usually not dispatched easily. I won't be in any danger, even if you usually want to see me, as long as you make a communication, the students will definitely come if they are not busy!

"That's good, that's good... Ahem, little Axiu, who is worried about your safety? Also, how could I possibly miss you, Blanca just forget it, you are the same as your senior sister Blanca, both of them are negative people!

Su Shixiu saw Mebius's intention to force his composure, and couldn't help but smile helplessly.

Fortunately, now all Mebius is in the eyes of others, although she is an out-and-out madman, but she has not yet reached the level of sickness of the next civilization, at most she is just a tsundere.

"Yes, yes, teacher, you are right! In this way, when the celebration banquet is over in three days, I will personally find you an assistant? Hearing

Su Shixiu's proposal, Mebius was moved.

"That's what you said! Axiu, in a word?

"It's hard to chase a horse, I know I know!" That teacher, my "Job Transfer Book"?

"Just sign it for you!" Look at you in a hurry, so soon to find that bastard Alicia, with a new love and forget about your teacher. Oh, men are really the same! Although

Mebius's mouth was still damaging herself, her actions were very honest, and she signed her name without saying a word.

"Heck, there is an old saying in Shenzhou: one day is a teacher, and one life is a father. Although the teacher is not the kind of senior, but Mentor Mebius is also the teacher I respect the most!

Sure enough, hearing this praise word, although Mebius did not say anything, a smile was outlined at the corner of his mouth.

"Teacher, it's still that sentence, if you miss me in the future, just call me directly." As long as students are not busy, they will definitely be available! Listening

to Su Shixiu's words so confidently, Mebius felt a touch of emotion in his heart.

Sure enough, Su Shixiu deserves to be his best student, not only all kinds of abilities are great, but also know how to learn about Entu, thank the teacher, sure enough, I picked a good student!

Mebius .jpg proudly

, "Of course, help is free!"

Mebius: ...

Yes, this sentence is your true intention!

"Dog Ash! You are still touched by the old lady! In

this way, the fire-chasing moth warriors who were still patrolling in the base all witnessed an extremely peculiar scene:

a silver-gray short-haired boy wearing the white robe of an experimenter was quickly fleeing for his life in front, and behind him, Dr. Mebius, who was holding two scalpels, did not care about his perfect body undoubtedly showing, and directly chased Su Shixiu with green hair!

"Axiu, you compensate me for touching me! You bastard! You're the worst student I've ever taken!

"Alas, alas, teacher calm down! Let's not do it! Pay attention to the majesty of your doctor!

"Majesty? Axiu, you first compensate me for touching me before speaking! Since

then, most of the low-level warriors in the Fire Moth, the stereotypical and even rumored terrifying impression of Mebius has changed a lot since then.

In some ways, that's a good thing, at least Mebius doesn't get along with strangers anymore.


In the Fire Moth Base, in a corridor on the fifth floor, a purple-haired girl wearing a white robe of a scientific researcher was quietly looking at the personnel coming and going downstairs, and her thoughts were chaotic.

"Alas, what an eventful time."

Looking at the information in her hand, as well as the current situation of her two friends, Mei only felt that time was in a hurry!

It is clear that a week ago, they were just carefree students, but a week ago, the third collapse broke out, completely changing their lives.

She became a researcher of the Fire Moth, Kevin slowly climbed up from the bottom of the Fire Moth, and her younger brother Su Shixiu was credited against the Third Law in the third collapse and directly promoted his position.

In addition, he met the standards in the combat strength test, and was admitted as a fighter of the special squad by the captain of the special squad, Alicia.

Just one collapse made these important friends of her embark on a different path, and as for those other people in the original Senba Academy, the victims of the death and the infection of the infection have long been unable to return to the school career.

"Ash, Kevin, when can we meet again?" Kind of missed everyone.

But what she didn't know was that one of the people she was chanting at this time had already seen her!

"Sister Mei!"

Mei was stunned, and then couldn't help but shake her head.

"So I thought so much about Asho, I could actually hallucinate his cries? It seems that maybe the proportion of Asho in my heart may be greater than that stupid person Kevin... Anyway, Axiu is my younger brother!

However, before she could finish chanting, another shout sounded in an even louder voice.

"Sister Mei, help!!"

Mei was taken aback, and quickly looked at the place where the voice came from, only to see Su Shijian's face frightened (pretended) running towards here.

"Sister Mei, save me! Mentor Mebius is crazy, she wants to shark me! "

Mei: Black question mark.jpg

but without waiting for her to continue to wonder, the electronic door at the end of the corridor suddenly opened, and the imposing Mebius held two scalpels and looked to this side with a strange smile, looking at Su Shixiu behind Mei.

"Hmph, little Axiu. Find, to, you, oh~"

Hearing this words full of sickness, Su Shixiu panicked even more, grabbed Mei's shoulders, and directly blocked her in front of him when she was confused!

Mei: Huh?!

Mebius: Licking his tongue and looking at him in surprise.jpg

Su Shixiu: !! ∑(°Д°ノ)ノ


Soon, the teacher and the student simply took Mei directly as a pillar, and staged a wave of realistic versions of King Qin circling the pillar, and her head was bigger!

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