The captain turned around, as if he wanted to say something to the vampire girl.


Fate did not seem to be on the captain's side again.

“... Right.. I'm sorry. "

The remaining feelings in the girl's blood-colored pupils are fading.

Next second.

Sharp fangs pierced the captain's skin.

Life is quickly withdrawn from the body.

The consciousness gradually faded, and faintly, the captain heard Karian's angry rebuke, "Stop..."

Kalien's anxious voice still echoed in her mind.

Himeko's screams came again.

All the while, I didn't hear an answer from the girl.

The captain was unwilling.

Barely open his eyes with residual consciousness.

In the bloody and hazy field of vision, the mad girl had already thrown Karen to the ground, and Himeko had long lost consciousness.

As for the girl, at this moment, she was completely unable to suppress the bloodthirsty desire in her body.

Roaring madly, "Blood... Blood... I want more blood, more..."

The captain reluctantly wanted to get up to stop the girl.


He can't do anything.

The body seemed to be weightless, falling towards the unknown abyss, and the consciousness gradually became confused, as if it was disconnected from something.

"Nope... Such an ending... And how can it be accepted? "

“... I... No... Never..."

"Will definitely save you... Certain... Will definitely save you, etc... Wait for me..."

An indistinct murmur came from the captain's mouth.

After that, the light curtain was dark.

It seems tragic... It's been completely over here....

An unspeakable heaviness surged into their hearts, and everyone only felt depressed, and a long silence came.

On the public screen, no barrage crossed.

The light curtain was still dark.

Mandate of Heaven.

The glass that Otto handed to his mouth stalled.

Under the light, the red wine in the glass rippled with a strange blood color, hitting Otto's delicate cheek.

At this moment, Archbishop Otto's heart throbbed inexplicably.

He knows... The Karen in the picture is not his Kalien.

But... Karen is still dead.

The other world's self has not been able to save it.

The same tragedy occurs in every world, he, Otto, the Archbishop of Destiny, the leader of the present civilization...

In the end, he is just a loser living in the past!

It was Karen who gave meaning to his life.

It was Karin....

Make him a complete loser.

The moment his life ended in the Karen Execution Ground, he was just a puppet.

A doll who wants to bring Karen back to life at all costs.

"The great inventor... Huh..."

For a long time, Otto moved, took a sip of red wine, but the taste was so bitter.

Great inventor....


A great inventor who can't do anything!

St. Freya Academy.

The majestic school headmaster Teresa's pupils shrank sharply.

The young heart is devastated again.

And... It is the horrible destruction of the little girl who sells nuclear bombs.

'She' in another world, dead.

'Kalien' is also dead

'Grandpa' was a complete defeat and completely isolated.

'Grandpa' deserves sympathy, but... All these tragedies seem to have been created by him.

If the 'self' of that world is not made.

Tragedy will not happen.

Or maybe 'Grandpa' can be nice to 'himself' in another world.

Let her become a real person, know the meaning of living, perhaps, she will not run away from that place, and tragedy can be avoided.

But 'Grandpa' just sees 'himself' as a tool.

Take what you take.

I don't care how 'myself' feels.

In the end, tragedy struck, and there was no chance of redemption.

A paradise of the past.

Alicia, who was smiling and was ready to watch the hero save the beauty and paste the plot, was completely dumbfounded.


The reversal is too sudden, right?

The girl gives people the feeling that she is obviously the weak party who is aggrieved.

Why did you suddenly become a 'murderer'?

It shouldn't be like this, the plot shouldn't be like this, who is the screenwriter? I said who the screenwriter is, stand up for me and revise the copywriting plot!

Although Miss Pink Goblin was very upset, she could barely keep calm.

But... The security guard who can't cook can't.

Anger suddenly rose.

The hair on the tail of the cat and cat Pador was scorched, and he wanted to complain, but he saw that the mental state of the robber brother was decided.

There is an old saying in Hua's hometown: Those who know the time are Junjie.

Suffering is a blessing.

Take a step back and open the sky.

Pado kept puathing himself, and finally endured it under the coercion of the robbery brother.

As for Brother Robbery, he has already been pulled out by Kevin to practice.

Without him.

The anger of the robber brother blackened the roof of the Promised Land Hall.

He had a hard time getting a heartbeat.


Just let him see this life-threatening knife?

Why, Brother Robber doesn't get angry, and he really uses me as a cook?

[Rita: @白泽, this is what you told Lord Bishop, the story behind is wonderful? 】

[Otto: My friend, you... Tricked me? 】

[Teresa: Wonderful? You tell me this TMD is called wonderful? Ah, what are all BT creators? It's a bunch of crazy people who ran out of a mental hospital, right? 】

[Bronia: Bronia agrees with the head of the school, and if she can, ask the bishop to order that all the unhinged BT creators be imprisoned. 】

[Lilia: Prison food? No way... That's too merciful, let come to the Siberian snowfields to dig potatoes. 】

[Rosalia: Yes, dig potatoes, pick minus 40 degrees weather and throw out to dig potatoes. 】

[Grace: Dead, how to paint the world, I didn't see how to die all at once? 】

[Himeko: What is this?] Reunion in Hades? 】

[Alicia: @白泽, you really have a bad taste!

The story behind is wonderful.

I'm curious, you... How could you say this without conscience? 】

[Bud Yi: Abominable, Abominable, Abominable...].

Seeing everyone's defense-breaking words, Bai Ze's mood suddenly relaxed.

You can't keep me getting knifed."

You also have to break the defense, you have to drop the little pearl, and you have to be fooled by the rice knife like me.

Teacher Yu Hua said that suffering is left to others, and joy is given to oneself.

Bai Ze smiled and chose silence.

Of course... It's not that he doesn't want to speak, but he doesn't dare to speak, for fear that he will spray everyone to death when he shows his head.

After all, this story is really wonderful!

But even if Bai Ze didn't speak, a few words of national essence still floated through the public screen from time to time, and everyone's mood could not be calmed for a long time.

Bai Ze could only hide and hide.

Fortunately, the light curtain lit up again, attracting everyone's attention in just a moment.

Tale... It's going to be reversed again.

Maybe Bai Ze didn't lie, this... It really will be a wonderful story.


The captain screamed and got up.

Crazy clamouring heart and cold sweat wet spine.

They all emphasize that what has just been experienced is not just a nightmare.


ps: ask for data?!

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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