A pleasant smell gently calmed the captain's chaotic mood.

In addition, the soft interpretation of the back of the head is also very interesting.

The captain rubbed his eyes and looked at the maid lady wearing a strange horn hair ornament looking down at herself with a smile.

"Captain, are you resting?"

"Thanks, it's okay..."

The captain replied subconsciously politely, then shook his head, "No, it's not very good—it seems to have been some terrible nightmare." "

"Nightmare? Let's just think of it as a dream..."

The maid lady was first surprised, and then spoke, "Your task is to find out the future in which Lord Karen will not die—please keep this in mind." "

Captain: "Kalien? ... What are you talking about? "

Miss Maid: "Memory impairment caused by assimilation?" Please recall your identity as a captain..."

As soon as the words fell, the captain was wrapped again by a sudden heavy sleepiness.

While the vision gradually faded, the maid lady's voice seemed to drift away and erratic.

"Today is the first night you promised to assist Miss Himeko in her investigation... Please don't forget the time..."

The last moment of falling asleep.

The captain used all his strength to ask the words hidden in his heart, "My identity is..."

Correct... The maid lady did not answer.

The picture comes again to the first night that the captain and Himeko met in Canghai City.

The door of Roar's Happy Restaurant.

As before, the captain ... Still late

[Alicia: Why did you start over, what just happened... Could it be a dream? 】

Miss Pink Goblin looked at the plot that returned to the original point and fell into confusion.

Co-authored... The death of the knife that gave them came alive, and what made them heartbroken was just a dream?

That's really funny!

[Teresa: Dream? Hehe... The principal of this school wondered, how distorted does a person's mental state have to be to have such a dream? 】


The principal of St. Freya was dissatisfied.

What made her desperately use her brain, and the trouble Bala sighed, turned out to be just a dream.

This... Made Teresa feel like she was being teased.

Lost face.

Bai Ze... What a bad guy.

[Himeko: Is it possible that this is a dream now?] When he opened his eyes, he saw the beautiful maid sister, wasn't this exactly his original wish? 】

[Bronia: Bronia thinks that Himeko-sensei's analysis makes sense.

When people are dying, they can always burst out of power that ordinary people cannot imagine and beyond their own ability.

Reminisce about what happened in your life, or fantasize about something.

This situation is called regression in books. 】

[Pardolphyllis: Sounds like that... It seems to make sense.

So, what happened before is real, and now what we see is a dream.

When I opened my eyes, I was a beautiful maid sister.

It's really happy. 】

[Mebius: That Bai Ze's face is really big, and the encyclopedia system even records his dreams before he dies. ] 】

Obviously, Sister Snake did not approve of Bronia's analysis.

Compared to returning light.

Sister Snake prefers to believe that this is an experiment.

Again and again, the captain returns to the anchor where the story begins to take place, and then goes in search of a satisfying ending.

But... Can the arrangement of fate really be broken?

[Alicia: Eh... You guys are really, put Ellie in it.

What returns to light does not return light....

I just want to know what's going on now?

And also... Don't you think the maid lady just now is very familiar, I saw it before, it's that 'urban legend'?! 】

[Kiana: Ahem... Since you sincerely asked, then... Miss Ben will show you mercifully, that maid lady is the famous S-class Valkyrie Rita! 】

[Bronia: Stupid Kiana, please don't add drama to yourself, we didn't ask you. 】

[Alicia: Since it's Miss Rita, is the captain now in the infinite moon reading space in the urban weird talk? 】

[Mebius: Let you read more, you prefer to herd cattle.

Now it's okay, it's such a big little thing, Ellie, you don't understand.

Let me tell you, the current situation is....

Soon, Mebius put his analysis on the public screen, and everyone gave him a big thumbs up.

Mebius is worthy of being a doctor of a former civilization.

This wave of analysis is indeed much more reliable than Bronia's return of light.

Bai Ze also nodded.

How to say... It has to be scientists of the older generation, which are much more reliable than those so-called experts!

Moreover, the maid lady she saw when she opened her eyes was not Rita in the strict sense.

It's wife Rosemary.

Fish the 'lost' captain out of the Quantum Sea rosemary.


In the footage, the captain returns to the beginning of the investigation.

As before, Himeko will hope that the captain can go to the alley to investigate.

But just as Ji Zisa turned to leave, the captain felt that the atmosphere around him gradually became dignified with the rise and fall of his footsteps.

A certain white-haired girl in a black dress flashed through her mind.

Powerlessness hit my heart.

"Wait... Wait..."

"Why is your complexion so bad?" Himeko looked at the captain in surprise and said with concern, "Could it be that you are afraid of walking alone at night?" "

Captain: "...."

"I didn't expect you to have a cute side too, Captain Hyperion?!"

Himeko shook her head slightly helplessly and quipped.

"Well... There is no way around this, so I will accompany you for a special time, but... Only ~limited~to~night~oh~"

[Himeko: My God... What a bad line! 】

[Shirasawa: Aha? Isn't that nice? Himeko, don't you always want to find a favorite object? 】

[Himeko: Che, my sweetheart is a great hero, one day...].

[Bai Ze: Stop, refuse to love the brain. 】

[Himeko: You... It's better to have something. 】

The emotions that the old lady has worked hard to brew.


Was it summarized by you with such a fluttering 'love brain'?

Did you do that?

Bai Ze, you deserve to die, you really deserve to die!


The picture continues, Himeko turns around and finds that he is walking to the left, and for some reason Himeko's mood seems to have changed a lot.

The captain opened his mouth, and finally said nothing, silently followed.

Whenever I think of that white-haired girl, all kinds of entangled emotions spring up in my heart.

Fear, anger, and more overwhelming reluctance and powerlessness.

After that, the picture is exactly the same as before.

It's just that there is one more Himeko.

The captain and Himeko walked on the familiar path in his mind, but the further he went, the stronger the uneasiness in his chest became.

Then around the next corner, they saw a weak figure fall to the ground.

Himeko stepped forward with concern, "Hey... What happened to you? "

The picture stops abruptly.

New problems arise.

[Excuse me: What will happen next?] 】

[A: Girls suck Himeko's blood. 】

[B: The girl will suck the blood of the captain. 】

[C: The girl was taken back to the police station by Himeko as a suspect. 】

[D: The girl was taken home by the captain. 】


ps: Find the data

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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