"Good friend...?"

After Ji Zi heard this word, she couldn't help but froze for a while.

How did you become good friends when you met for the first time?

But compared to his wife, this word may be better, and it will reduce the shame in her heart by hundreds of millions of points!

"Well, yes, good, good friend!"

"Since you are a good friend, can you help me fulfill a wish that I have not fulfilled for eighteen years?"

Bai Ze's acting skills were online, and Oki Himeko showed a pitiful expression.

Although he didn't want to, Ji Zinai couldn't help Bai Ze's constant gaze.

Innocent and innocent.

"You, you say, if you can... I don't mind..."

"Please let me hug you!"

Himeko is a spirit.

What the hell!

Hug me?

Isn't it so open to good friends now?

"Just give it a hug, please help me fulfill my wish that has existed for eighteen years, okay?"

Bai Ze still had a pitiful expression.

Then he used his words to guide Himeko slowly into the trap he had set.

"Please let me hug you, just once, let our relationship stop here, I won't pester you anymore...."


"Steamed. "

Looking at Bai Ze, who nodded firmly, Jizi was still a little doubtful.

But think again, Bai Ze's strength is obviously stronger than himself, really want to... You don't have to act like that, do you?

Well... Just believe in him once.

Compared to his wife... Himeko still chooses to stop the relationship at being good friends.

"I... That one... You, come on..."

I thought I could say this sentence lightly, but who wants to... The voice is getting lower and lower.

The tone stuttered, and the delicate cheeks were still involuntarily hot.

When he made up his mind, he was very firm, but when Bai Ze really stepped forward, the whole person was going to heat up.

The heartbeat is like the rousing sound of the drum "063" when beating.

His eyes also flickered, and he never dared to look directly at Bai Ze's gaze.

White smoke billowed overhead.

The body couldn't help but tremble.

I don't know... Thought something indescribable was going to happen.

But in reality, it's just a hug.

After successfully fooling Himeko to agree, Shirasawa was overjoyed at the same time... There is also a feeling of guilt that deceives the feelings of an ignorant girl.

But think again... These things will be done in the future.

Just a little ahead of schedule.

It's not a big deal.

The guilt in my heart suddenly dissipated, leaving only simple joy.

"Himeko, I'm sorry, I deceived you, but I will definitely compensate you, definitely!"

Bai Ze no longer hesitated, decisively moved forward, and held Himeko's alluring delicate body in his arms.

So soft, so fragrant, so big

Feeling the alluring and delicate body of Ji Zi in his arms, Bai Ze couldn't help but feel his heart beating faster.

Although Himeko has never been in love, there is no doubt that she is very attractive, and the delicate balance between youth and charm is vividly displayed in her uh.

Just as the so-called blood qi Fang Gang suddenly hugged such a tempting delicate body, Bai Ze's heart shook violently.

Some aspects of the feeling are also stronger than in the past, and the imagination in my mind is that I want to be closer to Himeko.

If you stop, and if you continue, Himeko will hate herself. "

Bai Ze instantly calmed down.

Hugging is already Himeko's bottom line, and now this is already a bully.

If you take advantage further... It's really excessive.

His bottom line is minus three meters, not no bottom line, hold back first, take your time.

Bai Ze thought so.

But if you want to endure it, it is really more difficult than you imagined.

Fortunately, at this time, the light curtain played a new round of video, allowing him to look away.

In the picture, the captain and his party begin to explore the maze.

Soon, they encountered another stone wall.

This time, Bronia stood up and proved herself with the Reloaded Bunny!

The roar of the stone wall turned into a pile of rubble.

The captain suddenly felt a little embarrassed, why did he become the most useless one in the team now?

"Say good RPGs don't have shortcuts?"

"Captain, there is no road in this world, and when there are more people, it becomes a road. "

Bronia replied without blushing and without a heartbeat.

Then, the present newspaper came.

The captain said faintly, "You didn't say that before!"

For the spit, Bronia chose to ignore, and behind the broken stone wall, she found a teleportation array.

I don't know what kind of heart I had, maybe I wanted to take risks and prove that I was not a waste, and the captain stepped directly into it.

"Why doesn't this teleportation array start when you stand in?"

The captain stared at Bronia in surprise: "Could it be that when you just broke the wall, you also gave the teleportation certificate..."

Perhaps Bronia knew her own reason and left here without saying a word.

Soon, she found another stone door.

"It doesn't seem to be much different from the stone gate before, but... Bronia didn't think he could easily break it. "

Fu Hua stepped forward, "The material of the stone gate has changed, look at me - inch strength landslide!"

But as a result, the blow to what should have been a crack in the mountain disappeared as if it had been absorbed by a sponge.

"Although I don't know what the specific material is, this stone gate seems to be able to absorb my fist power and transmit it underground. "

"Even if manpower can open mountains and crack rocks, they will not be able to shake the earth in the end, which means that this gate cannot be destroyed at all. "

"In that case, you can only escape from this secret room by cracking the mechanism. "

The captain, Fu Hua, and Bronia began to discuss the current situation.

March Hare stood dumbfounded not far away, wanting to speak, but not knowing what to say.

She is very strong, but he is aboriginal, and his knowledge is still too shallow after all.

Not long after, Bronia, who had made up for the work, looked for the mechanism, and cracked the mechanism, found the tree that could talk about the noise before.

"So Mr. Tree, what is your purpose in following us here?"

The picture stops abruptly.

New problems arise.

[Excuse me: Why did the tree who said the trouble follow the captain's group here?]

[A tree in the Prank Forest is his younger brother, Fu Hua has carved words on it, and he wants to find Fu Hua to take revenge. ] 】

[B: He fell in love with the captain at first sight and wanted to become the captain's partner and explore the mysteries of the world together. 】

[C: He is a brain-dead fan of Her Royal Highness the Red Queen and wants the autograph of the Red Queen. 】

[D: He is the little brother of the White Witch's subordinates, and he has received a mission to prevent the captain and his party from finding Alice. 】

[Kiana: It's him again, I still remember him, the tree that can talk a lot, he appeared before and then slipped away!]

[Bronia: Stupid Kiana, please don't talk about these useless things, the most important thing we need to figure out at the moment is Mr. Tree's purpose. 】

[Teresa: I feel that he should be the little brother under the White Witch.

After all, what Mr. Tree did before.

It did not help the captain and his group, but bothered him. 】

New problems have finally arisen.

Teresa finally waited for the opportunity for revenge.

This time, she wanted to take back all she had lost, so she was not willing to let Kiana deny her analysis.

She, Teresa, the head of St. Freya Academy, the Destiny S-class Valkyrie!

This time, be sure to analyze the most correct answer!

[Alicia: Eh... Could it be Option A?

Mr. Shu worked hard to avenge his little brother.

Such a story is quite exciting, isn't it?】

[Bai Ze: It makes sense, I believe that Miss Ellie, you must be like this, it must be a very interesting and wonderful story. 】

Bai Ze continued to follow the words of the pink fairy lady.

This is a wrong option.

But what Bai Ze wants to do is to refer to the rat as a duck, that is, to confuse the facts, reverse black and white, and exclude competitors who threaten him!

But at this moment, another mindless guy came out.

In an almost outrageous way.

Say the correct answer.

[Rosalia: Is this kind of question difficult? The universal formula can be set! Three long and one short choice is the shortest, so option C is correct!]

[Kiana: Aha?! Do you also know the universal formula for answering this question?

Rosalia's words resonated deeply with Kiana.

Two mindless bumping together.

The so-called universal formula was studied.

But that's not the funniest.

The funny thing is that Alicia, who has never read the book, actually believes it. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

He also joined in with great interest and discussed it with the two of them.

This scene made Bai Ze smile.

But soon, Bai Ze couldn't laugh.

Without him.

This time the opportunity to answer was grabbed by Miss Pink Goblin.

"Love Lixia!"

"Please select.."

[Alicia: Great, great, you see, I really grabbed it!]

[Kiana: Come on, trust our formula!]

[Rosalia: Our formula is the most invincible, go on, it's up to you, lovely Miss Alicia!]

[Bai Ze: What kind of shit alliance is this? School Scum Alliance? Mindless Alliance? or....]

Bai Zeren was numb.

After all, it still failed to prevent the existence of no brain!

And Ellie is also true.

How can one's own beliefs be easily shaken?

Spit and complain, lovely Li she really grabbed the spot, and also made her or their answer at this time.

Alicia: "I choose C, he is a brain-dead fan of Her Royal Highness the Red Queen and wants the autograph of the Red Queen." "

"Correct answer. "

"Reward: Give Alicia a speaker from the future with a passage carefully designed by Alicia. "

"Did I design it myself? That would have made sense, right?"

Alicia thought so, and her heart was already looking forward to it.

And the same goes for the other two mindless guys.

Kiana even took the initiative to raise Alicia.

[Kiana: Alicia, look, I believe Miss Ben is right, come on, let's listen to our rewards!]

[Rosalia: And me, and me, please don't forget me!]

[Alicia: Okay, okay, this is the reward we got for working together, and we will definitely share it with you!]

Miss Pink Leprechaun has never been a selfish person0....

Not to mention, without these two cute girls, she would not have been rewarded.

So, she's happy to play the words from the loudspeaker on the public screen.

But, at this time, Bai Ze seemed to realize something.

The expression suddenly became strange.

Horns from the future?

Was it the horn that Alicia bought from Padophelis with three crystal flowers?

If that's the case...

[Shirasawa: Alicia, friendly reminder, please do not play the content in the speaker on the public screen. ] 】

[Kiana: Bai Ze, shut up, this reward Miss Ben also has a share. 】

[Rosalia: That's it, I also have a share, Miss Ellie can't listen to rumors and swallow it alone!"

[Alicia:.. Thank you Bai Ze for your kindness, but this is our reward, Ellie can't swallow it alone. 】

[Kiana: It's still Miss Ellie's heart!]

[Shirasawa: Kiana, it's hard to persuade the damn ghost, I hope you can laugh after hearing those words]

Bai Ze was not in the way, and Alicia also repeated the words played on the loudspeaker to the group.

"Ahhh... Good care... Good care... I really want to touch the horns of the bud clothes~"

Ellie's voice just fell.

The group chat fell into an eerie silence.

Cook, Po Yayi, unknowingly, raised her head.

The eyes were stunned.

The expression is frozen.

"No, why do you still have your own name in this recording?"

"And how can the tone be so enchanting?"

"It's hard to make people not want to get into the wrong ~"

On the other side, Kiana directly fried!

No... Alicia, what's going on with you?

Just now, he was still calling me brothers and brothers, exchanging heartfelt complaints, and now he wants to kidnap my dearest Bud Yi?

I'm the biggest clown?!

Damn it!

It's just abominable!

Alicia, you, you must be a bad woman!

[Kiana: Alicia, that... Although you are very obedient to Miss Ben's wishes, but... If you dare to think about Bud Yi again, Miss Ben will definitely beat you!"



Although but... This turn came too quickly, right?

The boat of friendship is turned over.

Even, they failed to successfully go to the sea, and they have already turned over!

[Bai Ze: It's all said, don't let it go, don't let it go, but you still ... Look, now it's okay, the plastic sisterhood is gone!】

Bai Ze gloated with a smile.

Fang Cai's bright smile also disappeared from Kiana's face.

In its place is solemnity and vigilance.

Secretly set a flag in my heart!

Guard the best bud clothes in the world, and prevent the woman named Alicia from touching the bud clothes!

But Kiana forgot one thing.

Flag is not something that can be set up casually!

After the answer was revealed, the video in the light curtain began a new round of playback.

As Alicia chose.

The tree who said the commotion is the brain of the Red Queen, and secretly follows the captain, just to let the captain and his party help him find the autograph of the Red Queen hidden in the depths of the maze.

In exchange, it will allow Captain 1.6 and his party to use the teleportation array behind them without much effort.

In this way, the captain and his group began to walk towards the depths of the maze.

And there are actually very few paths that can be taken in this maze, more of this is the kind of teleportation array.

Through these teleportation arrays, the captain and his party can quickly reach the depths of the maze.

However, in the process of constantly teleporting, Fu Hua had a little accident.

She got motion sickness, no, she got motion sickness.

The face turned green, and to the end... Directly spit out regardless of the image.

This made Zhibao look at it with a heartache.

[Treasure: Old antiques, old antiques, if you can't talk, why hold on, you see now...

Eh, what a guy with a bad brain.

I don't know how to be considerate of myself at all, and I always worry about others. 】

【Fu Hua:...】

Although but... But listening to the nagging of the child of Zhibao, my heart is warm.

Fu Hua's impression of her changed.

It's a good guy.


A three-year-old teaches a 50,000-year-old to do things!

It's you!

Great Lady of the Lawyer!

The video continues.

After continuous transmission of the transmission certificate, they finally found the autograph of the Red Queen.

The captain also played a rotten terrier at this time - that's right, I grabbed hope in my hands.

Immediately afterwards, he was mercilessly mocked by Bronia.

"No, you just want to talk about this terrier. "

And when they brought the autograph of the Red Queen to the tree that spoke the riot.

Mr. Shu's reaction was even more violent.

"Her Royal Highness the Red Queen! "

"Brain-dead powder is terrible, Bronia don't look at it, she will learn badly." "

The captain reached out and covered Bronia's eyes.

As in the promised land, Dr. Mebius covered her eyes in spite of Grace's protests.

[Grace: Let go of me, I want to see, please don't blind me?!].

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