After getting the autograph of the Red Queen, the tree that said the commotion did not break his word.

Gave up the teleportation array behind him.

After Fu Hua vomited a few more times.

Finally, on the way to the journey, he got a new weapon, a torch that will not be extinguished.

After that, according to the game setting, they meet the Roaring Snowman.

Looking at the torch in the captain's hand, the roaring snowman chose not to be arrogant and tentatively asked: "What are you holding in your hand?"

Captain: "It's just an ordinary torch!"

Having said that, the Roar Snowman is not a vegetarian either, and it is clear at a glance that the torch can restrain himself.

The attitude became more humble, and the tone became stammering.

"I, I'm not afraid of you, I've learned the meaning of physical immunity!"

The captain smiled, his eyes a little playful, "Oh, is it so powerful?"

The roaring snowman said again: "Prank Forest, the hammer you knocked on me, my lord has a lot of things to ignore without calculation." "

"Thank you so much. "

As he spoke, the captain held a torch and approached the roaring snowman step by step.

The Roaring Snowman panicked even more.

"You, don't come here, I'll tell you I'm very strong now!"

"Are you finished?"

"Not yet. "

"Then let's talk while roasting the fire. "

The captain smiled wickedly, stretched out the torch to the roar snowman, on bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, the captain is professional!

After that, he ended his tragic life in the screams of the roaring people.

Fu Hua just glanced at the wall behind the roaring snowman.

He said firmly.

"There's a baby behind this wall. "

Captain: "How do you know?"

Fu Hua: "Because I am a sage!"

Captain Nunu mouthed, "This setting is really useful, so do you still know what is behind this wall?"

Fu Hua: "My physical magic can't destroy this wall!"

Captain: "That means we still need to find new props before we can open them?"

Fu Hua shook his head, "Not quite, the so-called sincerity, the golden stone is open, you just need to put your hand on the desktop wall, and then meditate in your heart——"

Captain: "Silent on what?"

Fu Hua: "Red Kite Immortal, I'm not lying. "

Captain: "04?? I think you must be lying to me." "

Fu Hua: "If you don't try it, how do you know?"

With a skeptical attitude, the captain began his first attempt.


Fu Hua said, your heart is not sincere enough.

The captain tried for the second time.


Fu Hua also said, sincerity in heart is spiritual, and your heart is not sincere enough.

The captain tried for the third time.

The walls pounded, and then... And there was no more.

Fu Hua is still that sentence, sincerity is spirit, your heart is not sincere enough.

The captain tried for the fourth time.

The walls are ready to move, and then... And there was no more.

There is an old saying in Shenzhou that it is not more than three.

But this is already the fourth time, but Fu Hua, still that sentence, sincerity is spirit, your heart is not sincere enough.

The captain made the fifth attempt.

The wall that was stirring, the wall that was about to move, finally fell at this moment!

It turns out that the Red Kite Immortal really didn't lie.

It's just that this process is slightly tortuous.

The captain happily stepped forward to see the big treasure, but found that... This so-called treasure turned out to be a teleportation array.

Or a broken teleportation array.

The captain's heart suddenly fell to the bottom.

The naked eye can see the low fall.

Bronia quickly waved her hand, "I didn't do it this time!"

The captain was speechless, stuffy forward, not wanting to speak.

Red Iris Immortal, I won't lie!

Won't lie?

Hehe... Saying that the big baby has become a broken teleportation array, this is not lying?

"Eh... Wait, Fuhua Halo Teleportation Array.

And this is again a broken teleportation array.

So... To Fu Hua, this is the big treasure, so, the Red Kite Immortal really didn't lie?"

At this moment, the captain figured it out.

But... It is useless.

At this moment, the captain and his party encountered a delivery man.

It was the one from the March Hare Snack House.

His name is Sanada.

Like the March Hare, she always said that it was below, under it, just like now

"I've been waiting here for a long time! Sanada Yukimura, join it!"

And then an inexplicable battle unfolded.

As a result, Sanada was defeated.

But she also said stiffly, if you want to kill or kill, you will listen to it all.

The captain was blinded.

What kind of moth are they all engaged in, I just want to ask for directions, that's all.

But Sanada, who didn't seem to care what the captain said, still mechanically repeated the lines that belonged to him.

She said he was tasked with revitalizing the Sanada family.

According to the apocalypse,

Ten strange men had to be recruited to fight against the Tokugawa army.

As soon as the words fell, she raised the long knife in her hand again and put it on her neck, "Father, unfilial daughter Sanada, failed to fulfill your last wish, you can only meet in the spring..."

This sudden turn caught the captain off guard.

There was no reaction for a while.

Fortunately, the March Rabbit spoke up in time to save Sanada, "What are you doing here?

Sanada people are numb!

March Hare, are you the devil?

Didn't you see that I was brewing emotions and preparing to commit suicide?

Why do you still want me to deliver food?

Don't care about my life at all, do you?

O evil capitalist, I can see through you, one day I will definitely send you to Siberia, ask you to eat a potato-sized fist, let you grow potatoes with a big fist!

Sanada secretly vowed, still answering respectfully on the surface.

"Lingering here all the time, searching for the way of truth..."

March Hare waved his hand and gave Sanada a blank look.

If you get lost, you get lost, and you say so high.

If it weren't for the fact that I'm a road idiot, I'd really be bluffed by you!

"I've been lost for a month, what else are you going to give?!" the captain couldn't help but complain at this time, "After all, since you want to fight against the Tokugawa army, why do you choose to be a delivery boy?"

The picture stops abruptly.

New problems arise.

[Excuse me: What is Sanada Yukimura's purpose in choosing to be a delivery boy?]

[A laid out in advance and poisoned the food of the Tokugawa army. 】

[B: Forced to prepare military salaries. 】

[C: I want to recruit the March Hare. 】

[D: In order to better meet strange people. 】

[Kiana: Aha, poisoning the food of the Tokugawa army?

Kiana shook her head violently, the scene was terrifying just thinking about it.

It can be said that it is crazy.

Poisoning food, is this really something people do?

It is to be punished by heaven!

"It's okay, I honestly only eat rice made by Bud Yi!"

[Bronia: Stupid Kiana, people didn't say that they wanted to poison the food of the Tokugawa army.

This is just an option, a guess.


[Bud Yi: But poisoning food, this matter is really too much, right?]

The Law of Thunder, also known as the Law of Rice.

The most food is very picky.

When she saw someone Huo Huo food, the anger in her heart could not be held back at all.

[Bai Ze: It's just a guess, don't be too anxious about the cook. 】

[Alicia: Eh... Of the four options, I prefer option c.

If I were Sanada....

I would choose to get the cute Miss March Hare. 】

[Himeko: But they are all girls, some things...] (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

[Alicia: Oh, it doesn't matter, cute girls are the first in the world!]

[Mebius: Please don't be crazy, don't bring bad children!]

In the past, Mebius gave Alicia a blank look.

Silently pulled Grace into his arms.

Once again, it blinded her.

And in Himeko's boudoir, Bai Ze looked at Himeko with interest, "Some things..."

Himeko chose silence and sat quietly on the sofa.

Sit dignified.

It's not like the lazy and casual ones on weekdays.

The body was still faintly weak, and it seemed that he was still immersed in what happened before.

The guy named Bai Ze in front of her took away her first hug, and although nothing more happened, she still felt very shy!

On the other hand, Bai Ze looked like an old god at ease.

Some things can't be rushed.

The result has long been preordained, and it is the process to be enjoyed, to break through with skill, not brute force.

In a relationship, if you push too hard at the beginning, you may have unexpected effects.

But if you continue to push too deeply, it is no longer a pleasure.

So... Be sure to learn to pull!

"Oh, by the way, I have a technique you want to try?"

"What exercises?"

"Exercises that can make up for your overdrawn body!"

"That... Try it?!"

Without the anesthesia of alcohol, the negative effects of artificial stigmata in her body made it difficult for her to endure and no longer bear pain all the time.

If the exercises Bai Ze said were really effective, she wouldn't mind what she did for Bai Ze?

After all, Bai Ze's strength is still quite strong.

The inadvertent glance also made her a little amazed, and the capital was strong enough.

In the conversation between Himeko and Shirasawa.

Time passed quietly.

Everyone still has different opinions about the correct answer, and no one's opinion is convincing.

But time does not wait.

The countdown to the first preemptive answer arrived as promised.


"Congratulations Bai Ze!"

"Please answer . . ."

This time, Bai Ze, who was not distracted, finally grabbed the qualification to answer the question.

Answer decisively.

Bai Ze: "I chose C to recruit the March Rabbit." "

"Correct answer. "

"Reward: Martial arts exercises "Good and Evil are Rewarded". "


Bai Ze rubbed his eyes.

It seems to be trying to confirm that I am not mistaken.

The reward seems to be an amazing exercise.

Although it was only a martial arts exercise, not an immortal method, this exercise was deeply loved by Bai Ze.

"Good and Evil Have a Report" is one of the exercises in the eight parts of the Dragon Heavenly Dragon.

Men and women can practice together to cultivate their self-cultivation and improve each other's cultivation.

To put it bluntly, it is a double practice.

And beside him happened to be a great beauty who fell in love with the country.

What's more, just now he said that he wanted to teach her an exercise, and the system rewarded the double cultivation method?

This cannot be said to be a hint, this is a naked explanation.

"It always feels like there's something dangerous in your eyes. "

Himeko seemed to sense something and shrunk.

Bai Ze didn't speak, just smiled.

He wanted to practice "Good and Evil Rewarded" with Himeko, but Jizi still had a dark disease left by the artificial stigmata experiment in his body.

For a while, it can't come.

She also needs to practice the Spiritual Power Cleansing Method first.

After her body improves, she will practice happy and pleasant exercises together, improve together, and enjoy a happy life together!

Seeing Bai Ze, he began to think about right and wrong again.

Himeko decides to reopen the topic to wake him up from his fantasy.

"What is your new exercise?"

"Huh?" After returning to his senses, Bai Ze's face was a little strange, and then he quipped: "Why are you so anxious?

Without waiting for Bai Ze to finish speaking.

Himeko's face turned red.

It's like a reddened pan.

A little crimson inadvertently crept up Himeko's delicate cheeks.

At this moment, she regretted it!

Knowing this, he should not stagger the topic, and he should let Bai Ze continue to think about wrongdoing.

"No, what are you blushing?"

Seeing Himeko's such a pure reaction, Bai Ze couldn't help but tease again, "I didn't say to practice with you..."

"Stop, stop! Stop it!"

Himeko waved her hand, her hot cheeks, and her white neck dyed a little crimson.

All of them tell the shyness in her heart.

Bai Ze this guy, 740 she can't stand it, really can't stand it, if it goes on like this, it will be played badly!

At the same time, the video in the light curtain begins a new round of playback.

As Bai Ze answered.

Sanada's purpose is indeed to recruit the March Hare.

In this regard, the March Hare decisively refused, although she plays with knives, she is not a samurai, and her swords are only wielded for snacks in this life.

Sanada turned his gaze and looked at Bai Ze: "And slowly, I see that Your Excellency's roots and bones are clear, and it will become atmospheric in the future, please be sure to help the humble." "


The captain sighed, who are these people?

Is there something wrong to say it directly, and why do you have to go around the bend?

It's like Sanada.

Didn't you just want to follow yourself out of this maze?

Just like that, Sanada joined the team.

The captain's party once again encountered Judas.

Reminded by the clues given by Judas, finally... Successfully get out of this labyrinth.

And then... They met Judas again.

Apparently, Judas was smarter than the captain's group combined.

So Judas swelled.

It began to complain about the captain, "Obviously you have given a hint, you can actually make me wait here for so long?"

When the words fell, Bronia said unpleasantly: "This cross is really arrogant!"

Judas did not care about Bronia's feelings and continued: "The person you are looking for is next door, please be sure to persuade her to leave." "

But when the captain entered the next room, a yawning and impatient voice came out.


The captain fixed his eyes on Teresa.

Teresa rubbed her eyes to see the person who was coming, and asked kindly, "Why did you come here, right??"

Captain: "Shouldn't this be my problem?"

"I was right here when I woke up. "

"Walking around casually, there doesn't seem to be a way to get out. "

"It just so happens that the cake and black tea here are good, so..."

Hearing Teresa's rather honest answer, Bronia silently gave a thumbs up: "So that's why Headmaster you stayed here to fish?"

The captain also reacted completely at this time.

Judas brought them here, and the person who wanted it must be Teresa, and there would be no one else!

And when the captain took Judas out, Teresa laughed happily.

And then... Teresa did something that the captain and his party could not have imagined.

The picture stops abruptly.

New problems arise.

[Excuse me: After getting Judas, what will Teresa do to shock the captain's group?]

[A turns Judas into a walker, sits on it, and starts walking and touching fish. 】

[B: I took out a lot of Roar comics from the interior space of Judas and read them with interest. 】

[C: Turn on the bed mode and enjoy a good life. 】

[D: Transform into a magical girl and gain peerless power to defeat the White Witch. 】

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