[Bud Yi: The captain is good, no matter what, he should have respect for food. 】

In the video, the captain's words are recognized by the cook.

The perception of the captain in my heart was a few better.

[Kiana: How does Miss Ben think that her expression is a little wrong? 】

[Teresa: Is the grilled fish too fragrant? 】

Although not physical, you can see the captain's attitude towards food cooking.

and golden oil droplets on grilled fish.

Microfocus epidermis to judge.

This grilled fish... It should ~ be delicious!

In this regard...- Bai Ze was very helpless.

Teresa's hunch, as always, was extremely bad.

The grilled fish is not delicious.

Even... It tastes like chewing wax and is difficult to swallow.

So much so, after a thousand years, Stargazing still clearly remembers the rather unpalatable grilled fish.

Well.... Isn't that an honor?

That fish, remembered by stargazing for a thousand years, ordinary people... Where can there be such treatment?!

[Bai Ze: Stargazing is the heir of the emperor, what delicious food has not been tasted? ] Such an expression can only show that this grilled fish is surprisingly difficult... No, it's the taste that is surprisingly unique. 】

[Bronia: Shouldn't it... So unique that you can't eat it, right? 】

Bai Ze did not speak.

It turns out.

After all, legal loli is not as good as loli in the true sense.

Bronia beat Teresa in its entirety.

At the same time, the video in the light curtain continues to play.

While the captain eats fish with the stars.

The little Tesla puppets take the initiative to kill the assassins who are secretly following them.

Around the campfire, the atmosphere between the captain and stargazing was slightly awkward.

The sound of the bonfire burning was particularly harsh in this short but rather awkward silence.

The captain didn't know what to say.


Silence is the Cambridge of this evening.

For a long time, it was finally Stargazing who broke the silence first with a weak voice.

"Mr. Assassin... Thank you for the grilled fish. "

"You're welcome, it's just a little thing, by the way, how does it taste, is it to your taste?"

"To be honest... It's pretty unpalatable. "

It seems that he is afraid of the embarrassment of the captain, and stargazing weakly staggers his gaze and gives the captain a certain amount of decency.

But the resentment in the tone could not be concealed.

There was a hint of reproach in her beautiful eyes.

Although this is very rude, stargazing... I still couldn't help but complain in my heart.

Don't grill fish if you can't grill it?

This fish is too unpalatable!

It tastes like chewing wax, hard to swallow, and I have never eaten such an unpalatable grilled fish in my life.

Estimate... I will never eat such unpalatable grilled fish again!

"One side is scorched, and the fishtail is still raw here..."

Mr. Assassin?!

"You shouldn't usually cook much, right?"

The captain scratched his head, very embarrassed.

Then I thought about how I had vowed to her to have a minimum respect for food and then grilled the fish to such a disastrous taste.

The captain couldn't help but become even more embarrassed.

It's hard to find a seam to drill into.

[Nha Yi: Huh? Can grilled fish really be that bad? Doesn't that mean a good attitude towards food? 】

The cook was confused.

Why is there such a big gap before and after?

I still see you as a very good chef, and the grilled fish is half raw?

Dishonor the name of the chef!

[Bronia: The attitude towards food is very good, and the only attitude left is good! ] 】

[Kiana: Whose subordinate is this, so brave?! ] The rice cooked is actually more difficult to eat than Miss Ben, although Miss Ben's cooking skills are not proficient, but it is really difficult to grill a fish? 】

[Himeko: It's really not difficult, but Kiana, where is the fish you grilled, why is there only an iron bar left?] 】

[Kiana: Aha?! Then, wasn't that day when the wind was strong, and the fire blew up, and then the grilled fish was burned by the fire?! 】

[Bai Ze: Please don't quibble, please be honest! ] 】

[Aponia: Please don't quibble, please be honest! ] 】

[Alicia: Please don't quibble, please be honest! ] 】

The essence of human beings is a repeater.

Bai Ze's words were repeated.

The contradiction was instantly transferred to Kiana.

For a while, Kiana was stunned, obviously she was denouncing Bai Ze, why was Miss Ben suddenly criticized?

At the same time, the video in the light continues to play.

In the picture, stargazing is not angry because of the unpalatable grilled fish, but the mood is more stable.

There was a little reminiscence in those azure eyes.

The temperament instantly became melancholy.

"There used to be someone who looked a lot like you."

"Obviously the cooking skills are not good, but I always pretend to be good at it and make all kinds of unpalatable things for me."

"Sometimes he would take advantage of the attention of the maid at home to take me to the pond in the back mountain to fish, and then bake it for me to eat."

"Of course, the craftsmanship is also poor."

Feeling the girl's low mood, the captain tentatively asked, "He... It should be someone who is very important to you, right? "

Stargazing nodded, "Well, it's my grandfather." "

Captain: "Sorry. "

There was suddenly a hint of anger in Stargazing's tone.

"Why apologize?"

"Grandpa, he fought to protect the empire and died to protect the people."

"My generation should be proud of this!"

"It's true, though, that it's sometimes a little lonely... If it weren't for those alien beasts..."

Even if stargazing deceives yourself very hard.

But... Some things will never be forgotten.

Even if her grandfather's departure is indeed glorious, even she understands the glory that belongs to her grandfather.

But only the sadness of losing her grandfather is still deeply rooted in her petite body with her soul.

[Bai Ze: Lord Bishop, have you realized? Only if you go, you will be a great person, otherwise.....]


No... I treat you as a friend, and you expect me to die?

Do you have a friend who does that?

Bai Ze... You are overdoing it!

[Lauderdale: Why is Lord Bishop greater when he dies? 】

The goose is quite straightforward.

If you don't understand, just ask.

Absolutely not hidden.

And her words also made everyone a little speechless.

No... We all know these words, why should we say them?

[Pardophyllis: A sage once told me such a saying, if you see through it, you are still a good friend! Now, I give this to Miss Lauderdale. 】

[Alicia: Eh... Phyllis, why didn't you send me a word? 】

A hint of cunning flashed in the pink fairy lady's beautiful eyes.

Decided to take this opportunity.

To make the searching Paduo bleed, it is best to let her give herself a treasure.

Correct... Pado just gave her a word.

[Pardolphyllis: I advise Sister Ellie, rat tail juice! ] 】

[Alicia: Abominable, abominable, Phyllis, you are so hateful, Eden, you have to be the master for me, don't give her treasure in the future! ] 】

Miss Pink Goblin pounced on Eden aggrievedly.

Pardophyllis rushed to Alicia's side extremely quickly.

Holding the pink fairy lady tightly, her round, straight, fleshy and elastic thighs decisively confessed.

"Sister Ellie, I was wrong, Pado will never be again.."

At the same time, the video in the light curtain continues to play.

Stargazing tells the captain about the catastrophe of the alien beast.

And three months ago, her grandfather led 100,000 elite soldiers to successfully block the alien beast and died of illness.

At that moment, there was a violent noise in the forest not far away.

Stargazing was very curious and wanted to go over to check it out, but was stopped by the captain.

Then, another violent sound came from the forest not far away.

Stargazing was even more curious, and when she was about to step forward, the captain hurriedly used some other reason to prevaricate her.

But my heart was speechless.

Without him.

The little Tesla puppet fights the assassin too loudly.

Convergence is not known at all.

Fortunately, I was smart enough to leave stargazing.

Otherwise, this mission can be terminated early.

But this is still a stopgap measure after all.

Stargazing was really smart and quickly reacted, and the captain deliberately did not let her pass.

Unhappy all of a sudden.

Hehe... If you don't let me go, then I'm going to go, I'd rather see what the hell is this guy of yours doing!"

Fortunately, when the captain was about to be unable to stop it, the little Tesla doll rushed back in time and caught a few fish very rigorously.

Only then did the captain round out the lie.

It was the little Tesla puppet who used a cannon to fry fish in the river.

Stargazing will be suspicious, but looking at the fish that keep bouncing on the ground, I can't find the flaw for a while.

The little Tesla doll took the opportunity to pull the captain aside.

Whispered. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Its awesome three punches have already used two.

Now there is only one punch left to save his life.

So... Future battles will require the captain to stand up bravely!

The captain pouted, very helpless.

Sure enough, the little Tesla doll is as unreliable as ever.

At this time, Stargazing quietly came over, as if to eavesdrop on the whispers between the captain and the little Tess doll.

But... The captain, who had already noticed it, had already staggered the topic.

I didn't hear what I wanted, and stargazing was a little depressed, but I didn't show it.

Just at night, while people are asleep.

Alone, he creatively disassembled the little Tesla figure into parts.

The next day, early in the morning.

The girl's sweet voice rubbed in the wet fog of the early morning, waking the captain from his dream.

It's still early.

But Stargazing was already chanting something on the grass beside him.

"Good morning, stargazing. You are in... Morning exercise? "

Stargazing did not take care of the captain, did not even look at it, and continued to paint something on the ground.

The captain interjected: "If it is some kind of rain ceremony, there is no need to bother, let Xiaote go to the sky..."

The captain's chatter made Stargazing a little upset, and he rolled his eyes at the captain without anger.

"Foolishness! This is to lead the fire into the water, please enter the urn array! "

"You assassin...."

"What is the use of carrying a flying iron tool with you?"

Then, Stargazing told the captain about the power of his formation.

The captain kept entertaining quite sensibly.

But a bad heart, the captain actually said the real use of these formations for stargazing.

It is to lead the beast of the supreme sun to the altar at the bottom of the sea.

Stargazing's face suddenly changed.

The delicate face was full of surprise and guard.

Start torturing the captain.

Let the captain explain his true identity.

And where did you hear this confidential information.

And the captain, still gagging casually saying something, trying to stagger the topic.

But stargazing is wise.

She was not misled by the captain and stared at the captain deadly.

"Quickly and honestly!"

"My generation doesn't have time to entangle with you here!"

"The seven-star formation has not yet been completed, there are still many places to be arranged, next, you need to go down to Ziyuan Town not far away..."

As Stargazing continued to ask, the captain's situation became worse and worse.

Just when the captain did not know how to answer.

An unexpected savior has arrived.

The captain raised his hand to signal Stargazing to stop talking, and looked at the tree not far away, where an assassin was hiding.

Stargazing's face changed drastically.

The assassin, who knew that he had been exposed, also came out generously.

She said that eavesdropping and snooping was the next act, and it was definitely not her intention, but just now the two of them had a good conversation, it was really not disturbing, if there was any offense, please forgive me.

After that, she said her name - Beichen Bud Heart.

The purpose of her trip was to carry out the mission of the second prince and bring back the stargazing.

In this regard, stargazing is naturally reluctant.

Beichen Yaxin did not have much persuasion, only saying that the order of her trip was to bring the stargazing back, dead or alive.

As she spoke, her hands were already lightly resting on her two sabers.

Stargazing understands that a vicious battle is inevitable.

But at this moment, the captain interrupted her unfinished words, which made her already bad mood even worse.

"You coarse man! Today is the second time I have been interrupted. "

The captain did not care, and continued: "The rough work of fighting is still left to me." "

"Huh?" Stargazing first sighed in surprise, and then said disdainfully: "You are a novice assassin who can't get out even if you step on a trap, how can you compete with that imperial uncle's personal guard?" "

The girl's tone was quite cold and disdainful, but if you think about it, why is this not a concern for the captain?

The wisdom of stargazing is beyond doubt.

She also knows that it will be very unsafe to be around, so she will pretend to be cold and dissuade the people around her with a cold attitude.

This is a disguise that belongs to the girl alone, and it is also a kind of protection for others.

However, the person next to stargazing is the captain.

The captain will not give up on her.

Despite the danger, the captain bravely stepped forward to protect the stargazing behind him.

He did not have absolute confidence to defeat Beichen Bud Heart.

But he has the little Tesla doll, and the two of them will definitely be able to defeat Beichen Bud Heart when they join forces.

However, earth-shattering bad news always comes out of nowhere.

Just like now, when the captain needs the help of the little Tesla doll, the little Tesla doll is delayed.

On the contrary, stargazing is a mocking picture.

It turned out that yesterday night, curious, she disassembled the little Tesla doll into parts.

But because of the dark.

She didn't assemble the little Tesla doll.

As a result, the little Tesla doll at this time is still down.

The captain is numb!

At this moment, he finally understood why some people would say that pig teammates are more terrifying than powerful enemies.

Under the rather helpless eyes of the captain, Stargazing said weakly: "He... Why not?! What is wrong with my curiosity?! "

"How, how?"

"Isn't it impossible to beat without her?"


Watching the girl know that she put it wrong, but still... A cute justification with a hard mouth.

The captain sighed.

Forget it, so be it, the wife you picked, what's wrong with your curiosity?

It's a pity for the little Tesla doll.

Good artificial intelligence, disassemble the stargazing into a pile of scrap iron.

No wonder the little Tesla doll doesn't wait to see stargazing, and calls her a stinky fortune teller every day!

Who can stand it?

The little Tesla doll did not call the invincible quantum explosive punch to stargazing, it is already very restrained, great!

And now

It is impossible to retreat, but it can only be hardened.

It's just that winning will be harder.

It was at this moment that the captain suddenly discovered that a big war was imminent, and he did not have a weapon.

In desperation, the captain tried to ask Stargazing for help.

Stargazers are numb too!

"It's not... You, an assassin, why don't you even wear a weapon with you?! "

The captain was speechless.

How many times have they said it?

I'm not an assassin, not an assassin, not an assassin?!

"Lord Stargazer, please help me find a weapon, I will hold on as much as possible before you come..."

Listen to the captain's request.

Stargazing waves casually.

"Isn't it just a broken sword? In three sentences, help you get it! "

Saying that, Stargazing took a step towards the heart of the North Star Bud.

The picture stops abruptly.

New problems arise.

[Excuse me: Stargazing used a few words at the end to receive the sword from Beichen Bud Xin? ] 】




[D: 7 in].

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