[Kiana: North Star Bud Heart? It's obviously Bud Yi, right? 】

[Nha Yi: No... That's not me. 】

The cook's hunch has always been accurate.

In the end, she had a premonition that this girl was called Beichen Bud Heart.

Most likely a!

In this regard, the cook must go to the relationship between them.

She, Bud Yi, will not become a bland!

[Rita: So... How many words would Lord Tak and Stargaza borrow a sword for the captain? 】

[Bai Ze: In a word. 】

[Kiana: Impossible, absolutely impossible, how can you borrow a sword in a word? How can there be such stupid people in this world? 】

[Teresa: What the eldest niece said is that there will not be such a person in the world! ] If I were to say, stargazing is borrowed from the sword in three sentences! 】

[Lauderdale: Three words, this... Wouldn't it be too obtrusive? For a samurai, the sword is her second life, which is very important, and I think that three sentences cannot be borrowed. 】

[Teresa: Hmm... But the question is, what stargazing says is borrowed in three sentences? 】

[Himeko: Headmaster, do you say that there is a possibility that the three in the mouth of stargazing is actually a measure word, or rather, an exaggerated statement? 】

[Teresa: Makes sense, so..... It's seven sentences, right? 】

[Shirasawa: Yes... That's right, Principal Academy, you are so smart, and Beichen Bud Xin is not as smart as you. 】

【Bud clothes:.......】

[Teresa: ... I always feel that Bai Ze are connotating me?! 】

[Bai Ze: How is that possible? How could I have such a good and intelligent school adult? 】

Well, don't pretend, showdown!

I, Bai Ze, am connotating Teresa!

Without him.

Teresa also said for a second that there are no fools in the world who are deceived by a word.

Can be fruited

Dumb Goose's words made Teresa decisively give up the correct answer.

This..... Isn't "660" the dumbest person in the world?

I guessed correctly once.

But he was fooled and lame again.

Teresa, Teresa, let's have a snack in the future!

[Alicia: Speaking of which, stargazing is really skinny, and it actually dismantled the little Tesla into scrap iron, and some skin is too much! ] 】

[Pardophyllis: Actually, this is also very good, you can naturally touch the fish! ] 】

[Mebius: That..... Pado will cooperate with me in the operation, I promise you, no one will let you go to work during the operation?! 】

[Alicia: I agree! 】

[Grace: I agree too! 】

[Cosmoz: COO1! ] 】

[Pardophyllis: No... Forget it, Sister Snake, I still want to live! Let's still look at the problem, let's stop making fun of Pardo. 】

In Pado's plea for mercy, the countdown to the first rush to answer arrived.


"Congratulations Bai Ze!"

"Please answer..........."

Bai Ze: "I choose B, 3 times." "

"Correct answer."

"Reward Turning Elixir x3."

Bai Ze's eyes flashed.

Turning elixir.

This stuff is so useful for him.

It can quickly improve his strength and give him sufficient confidence to save stargazing and the moon.

Bai Ze did not hesitate and swallowed the Zhuan Ling Pill into his stomach.


In an instant, an incomparable spiritual power burst out of Bai Ze's body.

One after another, the surging elixir power was suddenly divided and absorbed.

It was refined into spiritual power and entered the dantian.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the spiritual power in Bai Ze's body continued to grow, and he could even vaguely see a slight tendency to turn into liquid.

Spiritual power transformation liquid, this is one of the symbols of the cultivation of "Evergreen Determination".

And he already had a tendency to transform spiritual power liquid at this time.

It's growing a lot faster than he thought.

Preliminary estimates, Bai Ze believes that his strength is now comparable to that of an S-class Valkyrie.

Of course, it is an ordinary S-class Valkyrie.

And not a BT-level S-class Valkyrie like Stupid Goose.

At the same time.

The video in the light curtain continues to play.

In the picture, Stargazing took a step towards Beichen Bud Xin, gently shook the feather fan in his hand and said slowly.

"Beichen Bud Xin, Ru is a brave and loyal person around Uncle Huang?"

Beichen Bud Xin: "Courage does not dare to bear, loyalty is unique." "

Stargazing: "How is that Ru and others wielding swords at our defenseless people different from those ruffians who seek wealth and murder?" Isn't this shame on the face of the imperial uncle? "

Beichen Yaxin hesitated and tried to defend himself; “... This one..... I have an order, how can I speak the same kind, besides..."

Stargazing raised his hand to interrupt her, and his tone became stern, "Sophistry stops!" Rather, Ru will give a sword to my guard, and if he is not against you, my generation will go back with you!" "

When the words fell, Beichen thought for a moment, and then decisively untied a matching sword and threw it in front of the captain impartially.

"Warriors do not kill unarmed people, what His Highness said is extremely true, and now the sword is obtained, and the words of His Highness will be taken back."

Stargazing smiled indifferently, "My generation, never break your word." "

Pre-war preparations are ready, but the captain's psychology is a little heavy, is there really no problem with this?

Stargazing, does she really give the future to herself?

Aren't you afraid of failing?

The captain thought in his heart, and the pressure was quite high.

But now, he has no choice to admit defeat, since Stargazing is willing to hand over the future to himself.

Then he categorically can't let her down,

For a while, the captain's faith in his heart became firm.

He picked up the sword on the ground, pulled out its scabbard, and weighed it in his hand.

The length of the sword is about two feet nine, one inch one inch wide, one inch three in the handguard, two inches six in width, seven points thick, the cold light of the sword body is intimidating, the end is engraved with Raven, and the opening edge is very sharp!

This..... Could it be the long-lost Qinghai Sword of the rivers and lakes?

For a while, the captain actually lost his mind.

And Beichen Bud's cold words pulled the captain's thoughts back.

"Before the battle, please ask the name of the guard, and do not kill the nameless under the sword."

"But it's just a boatman, the name is not enough, if you really want to call it, just call me a red scarf."

After a brief introduction, the battle officially begins.

Suddenly, the captain only felt a cold wind on his left, followed by the crisp crash of the iron in his hand.


It turns out that the muscles of the body respond first than the brain.

Fang Cai the other party stepped forward instantly, wanting to decide the victory or defeat in a breath, and the body was blocked by intuition.

After returning to his senses, he only felt that the tiger's mouth hurt, and even his entire forearm was faintly painful.

"Hey?! Mr. Assassin, are you all right? "

After noticing that something was wrong, a cold and concerned voice came from the side.

Although I often stir my mouth in the daily relationship.

But... Stargazing doesn't want to see the captain injured, let alone see the captain injured because of himself.

And the words of concern at stargazing made the captain's heart feel a little warm, and a wistful smile curled up on his lips.

In an instant, he felt that it was all worth it.

Moreover, Beichen Bud Heart is not a strong enemy that cannot be dealt with at all.

The battle began again.

Beichen Bud Xin stabbed at the captain with another sword.

This sword pointed directly at the door of the heart, and when it was clearly seen, it was impossible to block, and the upper block was the larynx, the lower block was the lung, the left pierced the middle ridge, and the right wounded artery....

In a hurry. The captain could only dodge to the right with all his strength, while protecting his left body with the sword in his hand.

Another ding.

Beichen Bud Xin's sword blade hit the sword held by the captain, deviating from the original trajectory.

Due to dodging, the captain lost his center of gravity and almost fell, but he immediately adjusted his balance, and after getting up, he only felt a hot left rib.

He also has to wait for him to check his injuries.

Stargazing's concerned words came into his ears again, "Mr. Assassin?!" "

It turned out that Fang Cai only had a sword, the captain only barely dodged, Beichen Bud Xin still scratched his left rib flesh, and the blood that flowed out dyed his clothes bright red.

I don't know if it was out of worry or anger, Stargazing's fan-holding hand was trembling slightly.

The look of worry in the girl's eyes seemed to be substantive, and her expression was no longer as indifferent as usual.

Vaguely, the captain found that the girl's beautiful eyes were filled with tears.

He opened his mouth, as if he wanted the captain to stop fighting.

But..... The captain did not give her a chance to speak, and shook his head gently at her, and firm words came out of his mouth.

"Don't worry, I will definitely protect you."

The voice was very soft, but it was heard very clearly by the stargazing.

Complicated emotions suddenly rose from the heart.

Since Grandpa left, no one seems to have said such things to her. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Rita, who loved her like a sister, would not say such bold words, but only silently supported her with actions behind her back.

She rarely saw such fiery feelings.

In an instant, the girl suddenly wanted to go back with Beichen Yaxin, so that the captain would no longer have to fight for himself.

After all, the sword just now was only an inch away from the captain's heart.

If something goes wrong, the captain will surely die.

Stargazing doesn't want to see that.

But the captain will not retreat, let alone let others take the stargazing away, so that he can survive.

That's not right, and it's something he doesn't want to see.

The sword just now almost killed the captain.

It was also that sword that allowed the captain to see the opportunity for victory.

A person who is good at double knives is suddenly used as a single knife, and there will definitely be subtle flaws.

Through the continuous battle with Beichen Bud Xin, the captain gradually found the flaw.

The pain of the wound on his ribs stimulated him, but he had a chance in his head.

It's just the final execution.

And Beichen Yaxin is the same, after several encounters, she also found out the captain's hole card.

The so-called victory or defeat depends on the last sword.

A sigh.

Beichen Bud Xin stabbed out an impeccable sword, fast as thunder and lightning, and the front walked in the middle section.

The previous flaws are gone, and all his strength will be poured into this sword.

However, Xu Shifangcai's words touched her heart, or thinking about how to use a single knife to break the captain's retreat next, her steps hesitated.

And hesitate, you will lose!


Once again, he collided with his sword and made a crisp sound.

But this time the sound was different, accompanied by a decisive noise.

"Sword..... Broken? "

Stargazing watching the battle not far away couldn't help but exclaim 0........

Following his gaze, on the grass not far away, the sword that had been held in Beichen Yaxin's hand lay quietly.

Or rather, most of the sword.

At this moment, Beichen Yaxin's hands only had a broken sword body left.

Beichen Bud heart lost.

She's not obsessed with bringing stargazing back.

Instead, he praised the captain to Stargaza as an excellent escort.

Stargazing gladly accepted this.

Completely ignoring what he said before,

Or rather, selectively forget that phrase from your mind.

"You, a novice assassin who can't even get out of the trap, how can you compete with that imperial uncle's personal guard?"

After that, the captain handed the sword in his hand to Beichen Bud Xin.

Asked apologetically.

"Do I need to reforge that broken sword? As long as Xiaote gets up, it doesn't take a few clicks to fix and new..."

Without waiting for the captain to speak, Beichen Yaxin turned into a philosopher.

Uttered a very pressing sentence.

"The broken sword shall not be reforged, and a person shall not be resurrected from death, and where it is broken, let her decay."

And when Beichen Bud Xin was ready to leave.

She turned around again kindly, reminding Stargazing to be more careful of Young Wolf Fu, the dog-headed military master of the second prince.

Where the second prince couldn't see, she was plotting something.

To this, Stargazing responded arrogantly, "Hmph... I don't need an enemy to ask what to look out for? "

After that, Beichen Yaxin walked towards the depths of the forest and gradually disappeared from view.

The captain was truly relieved.

But the words in his mouth are not finished.

A feeling of powerlessness suddenly spread throughout the body, plopping down, and the captain fell heavily to the ground.

Stargazing trotted to him regardless of the image.

Rude squatting on the ground.

The white and delicate little hand pressed against the captain's bleeding wound without hesitation.

There is not the slightest disgust.

The movements are clumsy and rusty, but they contain a lot of concern and tenderness.

She had never taken care of a person so carefully, and the captain was still the first, and probably would be the last.

But none of that matters.

The important thing is that she only wants the captain to live now.

But the captain's eyelids closed imperceptibly...


The darkness reminded him of trivial memories.

He had looked for someone in such darkness, chased someone.

That memory made his heart ache.

No... Not only heartache, he felt headaches, leg pain, pain all over his body...

The picture stops abruptly.

New problems arise.

[Excuse me: Who is someone that the captain has chased in such endless darkness?] 】

[A: Stargazing. 】

[B: Teresa. 】

[C: Fu Hua. 】

[D: Under the moon. 】

The corners of Bai Ze's mouth twitched slightly.

This question, this is not clear whether it is a sub-topic?

Definitely under the moon!

As for Teresa, she is strong enough in itself.

The background is also strong enough.

Not to mention Kiana, who will become the ultimate lawyer in the future.

Just now, Otto, Rita, and Lauderdale can all be her thugs.

If you want to move the 1.2 Lisa, you must be prepared in advance to accept Otto's anger and make enemies of the entire destiny.

Five hundred years ago, Otto's ability was still weak and could not protect Karian.

It was the pain of his life.

Now, Otto has become the leader of human civilization.

And Teresa, his granddaughter, has a status second only to Karen in his heart.

At this time, if there is no long-term eye to move Teresa.

Na Otto didn't mind letting him experience the extreme anger of the next person, and the heavy price of being linked to the Nine Clan.

As for Fu Hua.

That's a bug-level character who can break the rules of the game.

Open the sky.

With this trick alone, everyone who has a bad heart for her can know what is called the ultimate of Shenzhou martial arts!

Not to mention the great Lawyer of Time lady.

Will protect her dearest old antiques.

And stargazing, isn't it on her way to save her now?

So there is only one correct answer.

That is the moon when you are alone, without friends and rarely put in the most important position in your heart.

Bai Ze knew the answer.

Everyone knows it.

As a party, the moon naturally also knows.

In a certain timeline of the unknown world, the pair of blood pupils under the sick moon turned bright red.

She knew the captain would come to her rescue.

But... She has a strong possessiveness for the captain, after seeing the captain so badly injured because of stargazing.

Emotions exploded.

All around me is an indescribable horror.

The rusty giant axe suddenly appeared in her hand, in stark contrast to her petite body.

The danger in the blood-red pupil seems to turn into substance.

At this moment, she couldn't wait to rush to the captain's side and slash off the stargazing head with the axe in her hand!

She wasn't jealous.

Just want to eat fish, thank you.

"Humans... Remember, it's just me... Can always be by your side! "。

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