Soon, the countdown to the first preemptive answer came.


"Congratulations to the moon!"

"Please answer..."

Under the moon: "I choose D, under the moon." "

"Correct answer."

"Reward: Give a cup of holy water under the moon. It can remove all negative effects in the body, including but not limited to bloodthirsty cravings. "

[Bai Ze: This is good, this reward is good. 】

When others get the opportunity to grab the answer, Bai Ze may be depressed.

But... Under the moon is different.

If he gets the reward under the moon, he will only be sincerely happy.

[Teresa: So... In the future, you can become a vampire who does not suck blood? 】

But... A vampire who doesn't suck blood, or a vampire?!

Teresa frowned.

I thought about it very seriously.

[Alicia: Aha! Congratulations to Miss Moon! 】

[Pardophyllis: Congratulations to Miss Moon! ] 】

[Rita: Congratulations to Miss Tsukishita! ] 】

Amid everyone's congratulations, the moon swallowed the cup of holy water that was rewarded.

The feeling of warmth instantly flows in the body.

The whole body feels only comfortable.

The tyrannical mood under the moon also calmed down.


She found that her body was beginning to change.

Grew taller.

Also grew up.

The eyebrows also stretched.

But... The fangs inside the sandalwood are still tiny.

It's not going to be a.

On the contrary, there is a different kind of stimulation.

At this moment, she is no longer Loli under the moon, but.... Less royalty.

Ill is still the same, and there is still a strong possessiveness towards the captain.

So... Stargazing in the picture is still damned.

The video continues to play.

After some treatment, the captain slowly woke up and opened his eyes.

The sky is bright and dazzling.

The severe pain from his body made him subconsciously shout out.

What you get is stargazing rebuke.

"Noise! Give me patience! "

For a time, infinite grievances rose in the captain's heart.

It was clear that he was injured to save her, but she... But with such a tone to himself.

The look in the captain's eyes darkened.

Not a word.

Silently turn his head to the side.

After noticing the captain's low mood, the stargazing action paused.

I was a little panicked in my heart, and I was a little at a loss for a while.

08 She knew that the tone she had just spoken was a little heavier, but under the influence of the tsundere, she did not want to take the initiative to apologize to the captain.

Speaking of which, stargazing comes from a noble background.

She has always been taken care of, when did she ever do this care of people?

It would have been the first time.

But the captain woke up so uncooperative.

Then her tone is a little heavier, is there a problem?

No problem, right?

Makes sense.

But in the end, Stargazing still took the initiative to commit the crime and explained it to the captain. "This herb is good for your body! It's hard to help you chew it into a no-compress shape! "

Halfway through the apology, Stargazing's tone suddenly became grumbling, and childishly complained, "You know... How bitter is this herb? "

The captain was aggrieved.

Stargazing is also very aggrieved!

But even so, she still carefully and thoughtfully applied the chewed herbs to the captain's wounds.

After understanding everything, it was the captain's turn to be embarrassed, it turned out that he was a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain.


The captain turned around and wanted to say something.

But stargazing was the same as before, deliberately staggering his gaze.

For a moment, she looked at the captain uneasily, and coldly reprimanded: "Don't move, your injury is not light, it will be bandaged immediately!" "

The girl patiently wrapped the captain in silk cloth in a circle, her technique was rusty but careful, and her cold fingers would touch the captain's skin from time to time.

Looking closely, her forehead was already oozing sweat, and her originally beautiful cuffs were stained with a lot of dirt and blood.

"Sorry to worry you."

"Shame! What kind of assassin are you?! "

The captain apologized to Stargazing.

Stargazing still responds coldly.

"Stepping on a trap, being stabbed with a knife, even the fish can't pass the test, I'll seal you a piece of land and go back to farming!"

The tone was rather resentful.

It seems to blame the captain for not being stubborn.

Although the mouth was constantly reprimanded, the bandaging of the hand did not stop.

When the bandaging is over.

She snorted coldly and turned her head to where the captain's line of sight could not see.

It seems that he does not want to take care of the captain.

In fact, he secretly wiped the sweat from his pretty face.

Gambling generally didn't speak for a long time.

And the captain is also like a log, I don't know what to say, break the embarrassment like today.

In the end, stargazing was the first to exit.

Broke the silence.

She said, leveled, the captain saved her, she saved the captain, and now no one owes anyone!

The captain nodded in acknowledgment of Stargazing's words.

So I thought about waking up the little Tesla doll and continuing on the road.

But..... Stargazer's face flashed a trace of panic, and she decisively refused.

At first, the stargazing eyes were quite firm, but after a while, the eyes flickered, and in the end, they directly staggered their gaze.

"This..... The consequences of removing the parts this time are a bit serious, and she will definitely murder me again. "

"I'm going to lose my temper for sure... But if you break into trouble, you should clean up by yourself, Your Highness Stargazer! "

"Rude! I..... I'll just wake her up, don't call me that!" "

See that the captain is unwilling to help himself deal with trouble.

Stargazing gave a final white look.

Huffing and walking, he walked back and assembled the little Tesla figure that had been disassembled into parts.

A few minutes later.

The little Tesla doll is resurrected in full blood.

A long yawn.

"It's already morning?"

Stargazing stood aside with a sincere and gentle tone: "Good morning, Mr. Iron Fist, did you sleep well?" "

"Huh? What's going on with you fortune teller, laughing so crookedly early in the morning? "

The little Tesla doll was a little hairy in his heart.

The anomaly of stargazing.

It made her feel that something was wrong.

"Is there anything you'd like to eat?" May I give you a morning massage? "

If you have nothing to offer, you are either a traitor or a thief.

Stargazing is so considerate that the little Tesla doll completely panicked.

Help-like eyes, looking at the captain.

"Gee... The one who drives the boat, what's going on with this guy? How did it suddenly become...."

"The one who sailed the boat... What's going on with this blood on you? "

"Wait... Downtime 10 hours 07 minutes?! "

The little feature doll was completely stunned, and it was already at the critical point of being on the verge of anger.

I can't hide things from my eyes.

Stargazing hurriedly made an excuse to stay away from the little Tesla doll.

"Ahem... That one.... I still have some things....."

This line made everyone in front of the light curtain laugh.

It's a very real reaction!

[Alicia: Really miss Padophyllis, how she was caught?! ] 】

[Pardophyllis: Sister Ellie, don't talk nonsense, will Pado really be caught? ] Padot doesn't do anything bad again! 】

[Mebius: Huh...]

[Bud Yi: Kiana was found stealing food, and she also fled the scene like this! ] 】

[Kiana: Bud Yi?! ] Am I not stealing food? I'm hungry, I'm hungry, I haven't eaten the food made by Bud Yi for ten minutes, I'm so hungry! 】

[Bronia: The stupid Kiana never has enough to eat. 】

[Teresa: So... Stargazing, is she really so skinny? With such an unstable appearance, how can he become the heir of the empire? 】

The head of the school couldn't figure it out.

After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't figure it out.

These performances of stargazing are no different from bear children.

There is not the slightest advantage in what can be the heir of the empire.

Teresa looked at the light curtain very curiously.

The screen turns.

It's afternoon.

The captain and Stargaza came to Ziyuan Town together.

Inside a bustling inn. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Several diners were discussing the stargazing escape.

In this regard, the captain was a little worried, but the stargazing was extremely calm.

There are many people in this place, and if there is no evidence, everyone will not take it seriously, just listen to it for fun.

As long as they don't take the initiative to go out and justify.

Don't spark too much debate.

Naturally, this news will also disappear.

Therefore, stargazing hopes that the captain can keep a low profile and not attract attention.


Just in the next second.

The stargazing little hand dishonestly pressed a button on the little Tesla doll.

is the button of the laser emitter.

Boom -

A red light flew out.

With just a loud bang, the door of the inn was shot out of a large hole with a thick bowl mouth by this beam, and the surrounding diners were shocked.

As for stargazing, be careful not to attract the attention of others.

Naturally, it also became a joke.

In broad daylight, blowing up the door of someone's inn, no matter how you say it, cannot be done carefully.

On the contrary, it is high-profile to the extreme.

At the moment, the little Tesla doll doesn't want to put up with it.

Began to count the crimes of stargazing, while it was sleeping, disassembled it into parts, hands have been honestly groping on it, and now even more....

Anger at the little Tesla doll.

Stargazing only faintly responded, "It's curiosity!" "

This answer made the little Tesla doll no longer tense, and viciously threatened, "Then I just have itchy hands!" "

So, the two began to face each other in a friendly way under the watchful eyes of everyone.

Only the captain was left alone in the wind messy.

"It's not... Before you quarrel, let's think about how to accompany people's doors! "

At this moment, the owner of the inn took the initiative to come out.

Not only do they not want the captain, they pay for the inn gate.

He even offered to hand the captain a jug of delicious wine.

The captain was confused at the moment, how... And this kind of good thing, but... Do they have some alcohol?

Captain Conan possesses him, and I senses something is wrong.

There was a secret more eye in my heart.

But the little Tesla doll took the drink without heart or lungs, and was about to open its mouth to taste it.

The innkeeper did not refuse.

And just when Stargazing said that she also wanted to taste it, the innkeeper decisively refused her request.

The captain finally confirmed his conjecture.

Something is wrong with the innkeeper.

This wine... Something is definitely not right either.

But now is not a good time to tear your face.

You can't directly remind the little Tesla doll that this wine cannot be drunk.

So, the captain's mind moved, learning the movements before stargazing, and quietly pressing the button of the laser transmitter.

Another laser flying snake came out, and the meal that had just been laid out instantly turned into a flying ash.

Little Tesla doll with a black line on its head.

People are numb.

The movements on the hands were also frozen in the air.

In the next second, the little Tesla man was furious, "Ahh

"Enough is enough... This genius has had enough of it! "

"That fortune teller has never seen the world, and he always wants to do something to me, what is the matter with you guy?"

The captain touched his head awkwardly, "Sorry, slippery hands!" "

The stark contrast of the emotions of the two.

Let the innkeeper stay in place for a while.


Is there such an explanation for you?

People are so angry that they are about to explode, and you... Just with an apologetic word, the hand slipped and wanted to prevaricate?

But soon, the innkeeper came to his senses.

His goal has not been achieved.

Can't be a melon-eating mass.

He asked the shop Xiaoer to prepare a table of food and wine for the captain and his group again.

But... This time the Little Tess doll stopped working.

She was angry.

Very angry.

Very angry.

I directly asked for a good guest room, and I went to sleep without looking back.

The dinner is naturally over.

[Alicia: It's really a poor little Tesla doll, dismantled into parts, and not allowed to eat, so miserable....]

The tragic experience of the little Tesla doll made Miss Pink Goblin sigh.

It's just miserable.

It's heart-wrenching.

In this regard, Bai Ze can only say, Miss Ellie, you still don't look carefully enough!

[Einstein: It feels like the captain pressed the button on purpose, deliberately not allowing the little Tesla doll to drink. 】

[Kiana: Aha?! Deliberately? That would be even more abominable! People are iron, rice is steel, how can you not let people eat? 】

Kiana, the number one foodie, fiercely condemned what the captain had done.

Same as Alicia.

She... I didn't look carefully, and I didn't notice any of the doubts.

And her great aunt.

So did Teresa.

[Teresa: Such a ruthless heart, 380 actually used this vicious means to bully people, it's too unbelievable! ] 】

[Bronia: Bronia believes that the captain must have a reason for doing this. 】

[Kiana: Stinky little ghost, don't speak for him, it doesn't make sense, it's a deliberate bully. 】

Thinking of Bai Ze's spanking her before.

Kiana was angry.

In a fit of rage, a moment of anger, and... It's gone!

It was precisely because of Bronia's words that everyone was more curious about the captain's behavior and looked at the video in the light curtain more seriously.

Could it be... The captain didn't let the little Tesla doll eat, is there really a secret in it?

The video continues to play.

It's midnight.

The captain alone found Miss Yae, the owner of the inn.

At this time, Miss Yae was sneaking something in the back kitchen.

After discovering the captain, there was not much reaction on his face, and he said to the captain quite calmly.

"The shop is closed, please come back tomorrow."

The captain smiled, "Tomorrow at the inn, can you still see Miss Yae?" "

Miss Yae looked dazed, "Huh? Guest officer, under ... Don't understand what you're saying? "

The captain snorted coldly.

He understood that the Yae in front of him was definitely the kind of person who did not see the coffin and did not shed tears.

Well... Seeing the coffin does not necessarily shed tears.

After that, the captain listed the doubts about her.

After coming to the inn, they didn't mention the name of stargazing, but... She called out directly.

Obviously, she knows stargazing, but stargazing, does not know her.

This is the biggest doubt.

The captain also concluded that there was definitely something wrong with Miss Yae, which would explain why the captain didn't let the little Tesla doll eat and drink.

Because, it's poisonous!

Hiccup when eating, burp when drinking, so the captain chooses to be a villain once!

Of course... It is also not ruled out that there are communiqués of personal vendetta in it.

Yae was stunned, and then said, "Since you have already discovered her identity, why didn't you make a move at that time, aren't you afraid to make a big deal out of it?" "

The captain shook his head, "You have no malice towards stargazing, and at this point, we are not enemies." "

Eight nodded and recognized the captain's words.

The captain continued, "If you are willing to give up and take her away from me..."

And this time, Yae did not echo the captain, and said unusually firmly: "Then now, Your Excellency, you are my enemy!" "

It turned out that Yae was the one from the prime minister's side.

Her mission is to bring the stargazing home safely.

Anyone who stands in her way is an enemy.

The picture stops abruptly.

New problems arise.

[Excuse me: How did the captain convince Miss Yae to become an ally from a hostile relationship?] 】

[A deceived Yae and said that he was also the prime minister. 】

[B: Physical persuasion, to convince people. 】

[C: Cast a bitter plot to show his injuries and tell how he faithfully protects stargazing. 】

[D: Tell Yae that stargazing ran away from home this time, in fact, there is another purpose. 】。

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