Honkai Impact: Knight Simulation, Meet Alicia

Chapter 201: The Mysterious Clown α

The screen returns to the plot screen of episode 12 of the drama "Kamen Rider Mochizuki"

"You mean, Tesla's research will be going on for a long time? Why have I never heard her say that?"

Mochizuki tilted her head and asked the elegant maid in front of her with some vigilance.

After all, this is someone else's territory, and I only have Tesla as my acquaintance. It's better to be more careful. Otto is someone you still have to guard against...

"The incident happened suddenly. This was also Lord Otto's order. The task Dr. Tesla accepted this time was to do more in-depth research on the "first collapse phenomenon"

Considering the secrecy of the research...it is not convenient for me to disclose more details to you. Of course, this was what she meant before leaving. Please don't worry..."

Rita's seamless rhetoric apparently successfully hid the young man in front of her.

After saying "Oh," Mochizuki politely shook hands with Rita and asked some other questions, which were nothing more than insinuations.

Mochizuki's plan has long been understood by Rita, and she has prevaricated all the key issues.

"Then if there's nothing else, I'll take my leave first. Please have a good rest, Lord Mochizuki." After bowing lightly, Yingta turned around and left the room.

Mochizuki, who had found nothing, was left lying on the bed, staring straight at the ceiling. I went over everything that happened in the past few days in my mind, trying to find some clues to follow.

Unfortunately, judging from the information he knew in front of him, he still knew nothing about it.

"Dong dong dong`" A sudden knock on the door interrupted Wang Yue's thoughts. After patting the back of his head, Wang Yue got out of bed and went to open the door.

"Mr. Mochizuki, I have your letter..." A Valkyrie stood outside the door in a serious manner, holding a yellowed kraft paper envelope in her hand.

"Mine? It's really weird...but thank you anyway! I'd be sorry to bother you with a trip." He thanked the Valkyrie in front of him.

Mochizuki took the envelope and closed the door. Start studying it...

There was no signature or sender on the envelope. When he smelled it, an elegant smell was coming into his nose.

"Love letter? Or is it a letter written by my fans..." After a brief analysis, Mochizuki was still confused. This is my first time to come to the Tianming Headquarters.

Who could write a letter to me in a place I am unfamiliar with?

After weighing it, I decided not to believe what I saw, so I opened the letter myself to see what happened.

As soon as he opened the envelope, Wang Yue's eyes were filled with the extraordinary and beautiful words.

"Mr. Mochizuki:

I have always heard about your deeds. Apart from the word "admiration", I'm afraid I can't find any words to describe my respect for you...

You don’t need to know my true identity. The only thing you need to remember is that no matter it is now or in the future, someone is always watching you silently and looking forward to it.

Your heroic performance. Speaking of which, I can't help but think of an old friend. She has a lot in common with you, she is so beautiful and strong..."

Most of the content of the letter expressed respect and admiration for Wang Yue. The sincerity of his attitude made Wang Yue feel a little embarrassed.

Strangely, a small part of the content is about him telling stories about his friends of the opposite sex. Every time he mentions this, Mochizuki seems to be able to read between the lines.

Feel the writer's admiration and love for this woman

However, more of the content in the letter was the sender's understanding and concern for Mochizuki's current situation, which quite surprised him.

Looking at the signature at the end of the letter - Clown A, he slowly touched it with his palm. At this moment, Wangyue felt a little warmth in her heart that she had not seen for a long time...

Even so, there are still people who are worried about him and paying attention to him in the dark... For him, such words are the most precious thing to him now.

In this destiny headquarters, there is no need to worry about other problems. I've always been treated as "weird" by other staff here...

Presumably, the power he possesses is the source of fear that makes everyone feel uneasy about him... It is not surprising to have such a reaction.

The clown who wrote the letter was still patiently guiding him after learning about his situation. At the end of the letter, he even made a request to become a pen pal with Mochizuki.

Although he doesn't know where he got the news, answering these concerns is no longer something that Mochizuki needs to think about.

Without thinking much, Wangyue immediately took out the pen. I borrowed letter paper and ink to write a reply to this "Clown A"...

At this point, the exchange of letters between Mochizuki and this mysterious man, the clown, began.

For a long time afterwards, Wang Yue liked to write a letter to his pen pal in his spare time.

From Mochizuki's own complaints and jokes to his daily moods and feelings, the boy and his new pen pal could talk about everything...

And the other party would always listen carefully and then give him advice or words of encouragement, which also gave Demochizuki some comfort in his original lonely mood.

Gradually, he began to try to accept the daily inspections and test arrangements, and his original resistance was gone.

I thought that the happy time would go on like this forever, but on that day, Wang Yue's ordinary life quietly changed dramatically...

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