Honkai Impact: Knight Simulation, Meet Alicia

Chapter 202: Tesla: Is All My Research Useless?

With someone worthy of confiding her feelings, Mochizuki lived a very fulfilling life in the next few days.

I woke up early in the morning, underwent a series of inspections and tests, and returned to my room. I also happened to receive a reply from Clown A.

Although I also suspected that this timing was too timely, it made people suspicious.

But for Mochizuki, this issue is obviously not what he wants to consider next. After a brief read, the content is still the same as before

It's nothing more than some greetings and care for Mochizuki [simple content of several hundred words. But it is very precious for the current hope... This is the only connection he can get from the outer garden.

After reading the last column, he happily picked up his pen and began to reply...

After sending the new reply, the boy began to look forward to the content of tomorrow's letter. After briefly moving his body, Wangyue turned to sit cross-legged on the bed.

Continuing to adapt to his new power, after a long period of familiarity - the ability of "The Herrscher of Reason" is gradually being mastered step by step by Mochizuki.

Although boring, every day makes Wangyue 720 still feel fulfilled with the current life.

What made him even more gratified was that his strength gradually improved under this daily training.

He believes, give him some more time. You can use this extremely powerful power to protect all the beauty of time...

"Let me out! What on earth do you want to do? Bishop... where is Bishop Otto?! I want to see him!"

Deep in the confinement room of Tianming Headquarters, huge knocks on the door mixed with the girl's roar kept coming, but in this dark corner

Who can hear her appeal? Occasionally, only the twinkling lights in the aisle give her a silent response...

Suddenly, there was a buzzing sound from the loudspeaker above the head in the confinement room.

At this moment, the girl seemed to have grasped a life-saving straw, staring at the communication speaker above her head (aefj) with earnest eyes.

"Dr. Tesla, Bishop Otto hopes that you will stay here for a while... until we figure out the changes that happened to Mr. Mochizuki.

At that time, we will release you with him. "

A familiar voice came, and there was no doubt that it belonged to Rita.

"Don't talk so much! Rita, call the bishop here quickly. I have something to tell him! He promised me all this in advance.

Let me be responsible for Mochizuki’s research!”

Almost with a bit of hysteria, Tesla at this time no longer had the calmness and calmness before.

Maybe it was out of instinct...During the days of being imprisoned, an unknown premonition kept raging in her heart.

Whether it's out of feelings for Mochizuki or concern for his companions... in short, no matter what kind of mood it is

It was really impossible to let her just sit back and wait for death. Tesla hated himself like this, seeing that disaster was about to happen to the one he loved.

And this feeling of powerlessness that I can't do anything about... is really disgusting.

Faced with Tesla's request, the speaker above his head first fell into absolute silence.

Not long after, another familiar male voice came out slowly.

That's right...this is the voice of Bishop Otto, the leader of Destiny.

"Doctor...I understand your feelings very well, but I hope such transgressive behavior will not happen again in the future..."

"What? It's out of line...Mr. Bishop, what are you talking about?"

Tesla couldn't believe his ears. If this was an out-of-bounds behavior, then what would he have done with all his hard work...

"What I mean is that the final management of Mochizuki belongs to the entire destiny and to me! Indeed, I am very grateful to you for your outstanding contributions to me.

But that's it, as long as we can fully understand and grasp the changes that have happened to Mochizuki... until this power can fulfill the long-cherished wish of many years.

Otto's speech undoubtedly shocked Tesla's heart. Hearing this, her whole body seemed to have been suddenly drained of strength.

His legs softened and he fell to his knees with a plop. She couldn't believe it...and it was even harder to accept.

"That means...all my research is meaningless?" Tesla wriggled his lips and whispered to himself.

"It can't be said that your research has helped me understand Honkai further. Likewise, when I fully master this power

In that case, wouldn't it be easy to achieve the peace you imagined? Thank you again for your continued contribution [Dr.! Enjoy your vacation. "

The man's voice stopped suddenly. In contrast, the girl also fell into deep self-blame.

"How could it be...how could it be possible! I...did I always be like this? Am I wrong? Hope..."

A drop of clear tears slowly slid down, and in the dead silence of the gold coin room, only the lonely and sad figure of the girl remained here, feeling sad...

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