Civilization was almost half destroyed by him, or he died when he died, and dragged countless people together to be buried with him, which is really evil.

Similar behavior, there are many memories obtained by Ling Tian.

After all, he is SSS in these mock scores, and the system's score is the bigger the whole life, the higher the score.

And these times are SSS every time, which can be described as bigger and bigger every time.

And every mental state has problems.

Originally, Ling Tian felt that he was normal, and his spirit was countless times better than him in the simulator.

But now he feels that he is not normal, the memories of several madmen are piled together, can he be mentally normal?

Unless it's negative to positive.

After calming his mood for a while, Ling Tian began to check the reward this time and the prompt sound of the system just now.

Looking at the reward given by this simulation, Ling Tian directly ignored the introduction of the system.

That thing is full of meaning, and it is better to see that thing than to use it directly.

Skip the soul steel body directly, because this is useless to him.

Now his body can be much stronger than the soul steel body, and his combat power is also more powerful.

The most crucial point is to use soul steel as a body, which is indeed a bit obscure.

So just skip it.

When Ling Tian saw the infinite energy, his breathing immediately became rapid.

If he hadn't had no energy before, he wouldn't have been injured by the Thunder Law in Changkong City.

That is to use the energy of one lawyer to create two lawyers, and you can imagine how weak the strength of those two lawyers.

In this case, he was injured, which is not a loss of energy.

Now that this problem is solved, it means that he is now truly invincible.

After using all the rewards given by the system, Ling Tian directly began to use the time stop.

This time, after five seconds

, he stopped, the energy in his body was close to exhaustion, although he could draw energy from imaginary space, but it would take time to recover.

According to Ling Tian's own calculations, it would take at least half an hour to charge and stop in five seconds.

"I'm still too greedy, it's not bad to be able to stop for five seconds, anyway, five seconds, the average lawyer has not reacted, and he will be directly killed by me."

Ling Tian shook his head and said.

Originally, he also wanted to summon a Honkai Beast, but he thought of summoning a chariot-level Avalanche Beast several meters tall at this time.

Then he won't be able to watch tomorrow's concert, so he decided to try it again in a few days.

After using it, Ling Tian opened the system space, and then saw the compensation package that the system said.

At this moment, his eyes lit up all of a sudden.

Because the things that the system compensates for are Alicia figures, it looks like there are at least thousands of different looks like this.

Immediately Ling Tian stopped greeting the system in his heart.

The system has sent him such a good thing, and he has no reason to continue to greet the system.

Looking at these figures, Ling Tian quickly found one that was different from the other.

This figure has a rope on it, and it is even tied very specially, if he is not mistaken, it should be a tortoise shell.

So Ling Tian immediately looked away, and then casually placed this figure in the most conspicuous place of the system space.

After doing all this, he took out an ordinary style of Alicia figure and looked at the details on it, while Ling Tian was thinking about the system upgrade.

This time, the system said everything he wanted to upgrade.

Special time periods, such as the Middle Ages, are created with reverse entropy.

Then it should be said that this special time period should also include the world bubble that Lauderdale went to, and when the next civilization has just begun.

Of course, this is just Ling Tian's current conjecture, after all, the system only said two, so he could only rely on guessing.

The reason why I guessed the world bubble that Lauderdale went to was that it was similar to the two examples given by the system.

And when the next civilization just began, it was because of Cang Xuan and Danzhu.

After thinking of Cang Xuan and Danzhu, Ling Tian remembered something and quickly called Mebius.

"Mouse, when you were following Alicia, you actually knew to call me, which really made me feel quite strange!"

"Well, Doctor, let me ask you something, is Klein okay now?"

"Huh! What do you think? She worked twenty-seven hours overtime, and when you left, you didn't even know to call her.

Mebius's voice was full of complaints, and Ling Tian was a little embarrassed.

At that time, he did call Klein when he left, but Klein was too serious to hear what he said.

At that time, he was also a little anxious, so he left directly.

It had now been more than two hours before he called Mebius, and the response was indeed somewhat sluggish.

"Doctor, listening to your voice, shouldn't you be like that again?"

"Huh? What are you talking about? I couldn't hear it, so I hung up first.

Mebius hung up the phone directly, and Ling Tian didn't know what to say for a while.

Mebius experimented on herself to death again.

Otherwise, Mebius would have returned to her original state of mind long ago, and would not have looked like that little loli every time he saw her.

Although he still likes this kind of Mebius.

"Forget it, don't think about it, let's think about how to deal with Alicia."

As he spoke, Ling Tian began to calculate how to deal with Alicia.

But after calculating for a moment, he stopped counting.

Because Alicia will definitely not do anything to him, so we will see when the time comes.

If Alicia brought up the matter, then he apologized at the speed of light and did not do the slightest delay.

If Alicia doesn't mention it, then he won't mention it, after all, don't make more trouble for yourself.

As for whether Alicia believed what he said, then Ling Tian didn't know.

Anyway, as long as the attitude is sincere when apologizing, with Alicia's character, it should be forgiving, which is nothing more than a matter of time.

There is also Aponia, although he has a memory, but the memory does not tell him how to deal with his relationship with her.

Before he could think more, there was a sudden knock on the door.

Opening the door, Ling Tian saw Xiao Xie who was dejected.

When he saw Xiao Eclipse, Ling Tian instinctively wanted to mock two words, but in the end, he still held back and didn't say it.

"Xiao Eclipse, is there something wrong with me?"

"Love, sister, she is looking for you, just in the room where Ellie and I are sleeping now, you go to find her yourself, and I will leave first."

Looking at the extremely abnormal Xiao Eclipse, he wanted to ask something, but before he could ask the exit, Xiao Eclipse had already left.

Walking into the living room of the next room, Ling Tian saw Alicia sitting on the sofa and waiting for him for a long time.

"Ah Tian, do you have time to chat with me?"

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