As far as Klein's work is concerned, he has to do at least ten hours.

Plus go and help Mebius with the experiment, then he can do it the morning after tomorrow.

He didn't want that.

In Ling Tian, he directly lowered his head, and Mebius went to his own experiment.

She was a little busy, she had obtained the data from that memory not long ago, and she had to verify it one by one.

Then make sure that there are no problems before she can take it and use it.


Looking up at the sunny sky, Ling Tian only felt a headache.

Mebius actually had a big conscience and gave Klein two days off.

This kind of thing is not at all what Mebius can do.

So this was bitter, Klein rested for two days, and he worked non-stop for two consecutive days.

Originally, he wanted to be lazy halfway, but Mebius looked back at him every few minutes.

This makes him not lazy at all.

After all, in front of the boss, blatantly lazy, he still does not have this guts.

So he worked hard for two days and two nights, and if Alicia had not returned to the Fire Moth and came to Mebius to look for him, Mebius would not have let him go.

After all, now in the eyes of Mebius, Ling Tian is the material to be her assistant.

First of all, he can go days and nights without getting tired like himself, which neither Klein nor Blanca can match.

Secondly, Ling Tian was very familiar with the work he did, although he didn't know why, he only knew that he was familiar.

In the end, Ling Tian would only complain in his heart and would not say it openly.

Therefore, Mebius immediately decided to let Ling Tian work with her every day in the future.

When did she stop working, and when did Ling Tian stop working.

Doing so was also extremely effective in preventing Ling Tian from accidentally becoming someone else's.

As for Ling Tian's thoughts, of course, it was important, but Ling Tian didn't know how to say it.

So as long as he doesn't say anything, Mebius won't give him a vacation at all.

As for Ling Tian saying it, then he reluctantly took a day off, and then came back to continue the work of Zero Zero.

This can not only promote the efficiency of her experiment, but also let Ling Tian stay next to her, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

Ling Tian now thought about Mebius looking at his gaze before, and he only felt a chill all over his body.

He actually felt fear, an emotion he hadn't had in a long time.

The last time there was such a feeling of fear, it was last time.

"Oh my God, why did Mebius let you work for two days in a row?"

Hearing this, Ling Tian spread his hands and said helplessly: "How do I know, maybe the doctor has been working for too long, and I want me to experience this feeling too."

"This is also too undeserved, let you work for two days at once, Mebius is indeed a little abnormal."

After Alicia finished speaking, she noticed Ling Tian's strange eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Ellie, let me ask you something, Doctor, what is her reputation as a fire moth?"

Ling Tian did not answer, but instead asked a question.

After listening to it, Alicia pondered for a while and said, "Mebius, her reputation is indeed not very good, but does this have anything to do with the question I asked you?"

"If you can, you don't need to say it so tactfully, the doctor's reputation is particularly bad, so bad that almost everyone is afraid."

After Ling Tian finished saying this, he continued: "I was sent to eat in the cafeteria because I was an employee of the doctor.

"The soldiers and researchers who ate in the cafeteria looked at me with fear in their eyes, and then there was no one around me for a meter."

Alicia that Ling Tian said knew it, but what did this have to do with the question she asked?

She couldn't figure it out.

"And the reason why the doctor has such a bad reputation is to do human experiments, so do you think the doctor is usually normal?"

"Yes, Mebius is usually not normal, and now it is even more abnormal."

As Alicia spoke, her gaze filled with a trace of sympathy as she looked at Ling Tian.

Ling Tian felt the look in Alicia's eyes, and he was a little puzzled.

And at this time, he suddenly had a feeling of being targeted by a snake.

"Oops! Mouse, complain about me not far from my laboratory, it seems that your opinion of me is quite big! Hearing

this voice, Ling Tian only felt that it was not good.

Turning back slightly, he saw Mebius smiling at him.

At this moment, the surroundings were directly quiet.

Originally, because this was not far from Mebius' laboratory, there were generally no people.

Now Ling Tian directly stopped talking, of course, it was very quiet.

Quiet as death.

"Hmm... Doctor, how did you get out of the lab, what a coincidence! When

Ling Tian said this, he was a little scared.

Fear, no matter how much he was afraid, this emotion should not have appeared in him.

After all, now in this world, if the end does not come, he can be said to be invincible.

But it's not about strength, it's about emotion.

What's more, the other side is Mebius, in Ling Tian's eyes, she is much more terrifying than Honkai.

"Huh! It's quite a coincidence, I happened to be going to a meeting today, and I heard you complaining about me just out of the lab, why, you don't continue now?

Mebius's voice was tinged with coldness.

She thought that Ling Tian would complain about her, but she didn't think that Ling Tian was so bold and complained outside the gate of her laboratory.

Arguably, no one has ever done this.

Today, Ling Tian not only did this, but also happened to be heard by her.

You say it's a coincidence.

Seeing that Ling Tian was slow to speak, Mebius looked at Alicia.

"Alicia, I really don't know why you are so idle all day long, just returned to the fire moth and came to me."

"I don't know why those old things wait for you to be so idle all day long."

Although he really didn't know, in fact, Mebius knew why those high-ranking people let Alicia stay in the headquarters of the Fire Moth.

It is nothing more than to let Alicia stay, and if something happens on the headquarters side, let Alicia solve it directly, so as not to threaten their safety.

She knew yes, but she just didn't want to say it.

After all, if you say it, it is not mocking Alicia.

After listening to this, instead of being unhappy, Alicia walked to Mebius and hugged her directly.

"Dear Mebius, don't be so angry, Ah Tian, he didn't mean to say something about you."

"What's more, you let Ah Tian work for two consecutive days, this is originally your fault, can't Ah Tian complain about you for a word or two after doing it?"

"Don't be so petty! Mebius. "

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