Mebius tried to get out of the way when Alicia hugged her.

But it didn't work, so he was directly hugged by Alicia.

After listening, Mebius was directly a little angry: "Me, petty? Alicia, are you really blind?

"He's complaining about me and being heard by me, why can't I trouble him?"

"And! Alicia, let me go! Hurry up and let me go! If you don't let go, do you believe that I will send you to my operating table right now? Seeing

Mebius constantly struggling, Alicia had to let go.

"That's it, you will forgive Ah Tian this time, and I can promise you on his behalf that the next time he complains about you, he will never let you hear."

Before Mebius could react, he saw Alicia pulling Ling Tian and running.

At this moment, Mebius, who was originally just a little unhappy, was even more unhappy.

"Alicia, you wait for me, not only hold me, but also pull the guinea pig and run, next time you want to enter my laboratory, this is absolutely impossible!"


Ling Tian, who was pulled away by Alicia, was thinking about a problem at this time.

Just now Alicia hugged Mebius, which Alicia did in order to help him solve the problem.

Or with the help of this, for the sake of Alicia she did it for herself.

Ling Tian thought for a while, and he felt that the second possibility was more likely.

Alicia is because she wants to hold Mebius herself, and then take such an opportunity to do it directly.

As for the consequences of this, it is nothing more than Mebius scolding a few words, and then putting a few cruel words.

Say something like not letting Alicia into her lab again.

And the next time Alicia wants to enter the laboratory, she can definitely go in.

After all, Mebius is just angry now, and it will be good if the anger subsides after a while.

What's more, Mebius just said this with a hard mouth, and she didn't really dislike Alicia.

Otherwise, by virtue of the first meeting between Alicia and her, she was tricked away by the number one badge, and Mebius would have already been in trouble.

How can it wait until now!

It was at this moment that Alicia stopped.

Although Ling Tian was thinking, and since Mebius suddenly appeared behind him just now, this caused him to use his mental power to start probing the surroundings.

Although it was not far from probing under his control, Alicia was next to him, and he could clearly detect it.

So he reacted directly and stopped.

"Two viewers, you guys made me wait!"

Hearing Weiwei's voice, Ling Tian directly didn't say a word, and pulled Alicia to run behind him.

If you listen to the sound, you know that it is a great magician.

He remembered the surprise the Great Magician had said when he called him two days earlier.

If he guessed correctly, a surprise was about to come.

Surprise sounds like surprise, but it is actually shock.

After all, he also likes whole surprises.

Before he could run two steps, he saw a mechanical dinosaur, and on the head of the mechanical dinosaur, it was Vilvie who was sitting.

"Well, two viewers, this is indeed a surprise, right? This is my newly developed No. 1036 against Ling Tian! Wei Wei manipulated the mechanical dinosaur and said in a very excited tone to Ling Tian and Alicia below.

Looking up at the mechanical dinosaur, Ling Tian only had one doubt.

This is the headquarters of the fire moth, and Vilvie has made a mechanical dinosaur, and the movement is still so big.

Don't those old dens who eat people and don't do personnel care?

If they don't care, then they are really waste!

"Vilvie, to be honest, you mechanical little dinosaur really shocked me."

"But Vilvie, are you sure you want to use this little mechanical dinosaur of yours against me? Aren't you afraid I'll ruin him?

After hearing this, Wei Wei directly smiled: "If you think you can destroy, then you can try."

"This is the edge of the headquarters of the Fire Moth, and the surrounding cameras have been temporarily blocked by me, so you can safely and boldly shoot."

Hearing that Wei Wei had done so thoroughly, Ling Tian directly decided to obey Wei Wei's meaning and directly destroyed this mechanical little dinosaur, no, Ling Tian's armed number one thousand and thirty-six.

Raise your right hand and hit it with a crisp snap of your fingers.

Countless golden threads appeared on the body of Ling Tian's armed number one thousand and thirty-six in front of him.

And this means that Ling Tian directly snatched this control over Ling Tian's armed No. 1036.

From using his authority to now snatching control over, Ling Tian took less than a second.

Therefore, Wilvie lost directly before she could react.

But the next moment, Wei Wei saw the number one thousand and thirty-six of the Lingtian Armament he was riding, and directly began to disintegrate the body and turn it into a part again.

Seeing this scene, Wei Wei found Ling Tian as soon as she landed steadily.

"Ling Tian! You compensate me for the number one thousand and thirty-six of Ling Tian's arms!" "

Isn't that what you made me ruin?" I'll do what you want, why are you still in trouble with me now,"

"Well, I said that, but I didn't say that I wouldn't lose money with you when I came back!" If you don't believe it, you can ask Ellie. Turning

his gaze to Alicia, he saw Alicia nodding.

At this moment, Ling Tian only felt a little speechless.

He felt that he himself had been routined, by Vilvie.

The most important thing is that Alicia is on Vilvi's side this time, not on his side.

"How much?"

"It's not expensive, it's 180 million."

After Ling Tian listened, he was even more speechless.

"If you are short of money, you can say bluntly, I can invest in you a little as your friend, or I can help you introduce people, such as Eden, you can also pull investment."

"No matter how bad it is, you go to rob the bank, there is a lot of money there, I think with your level of genius in Vilvie, this should be very simple, right?" So don't blackmail me like this, right?

Velo laughed directly angrily.

"Am I excessive? Do you know how long it took me to assemble this pair of Lingtian Armed No. 1036?

"That's a whole twenty days, twenty days are gone, do you think my time is precious, shouldn't you compensate me for so much money?"

After Ling Tian listened, he pondered that Wei Wei's words did make some sense.

But it only makes some sense, and it is essentially vexatious.

Vilvie took advantage of this incident to take revenge for not going to her in the first place.

After understanding this, Ling Tian understood how to deal with this problem.

"Vilvie, although I broke this mechanical dinosaur, I won't lose so much money, right?"

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