Otto pondered the gains and losses, and said with a smile: "Yes, I gave this money, and it should be regarded as the original compensation."

"Since you give money, then my goal is accomplished, goodbye!" Old stuff. Getting

up, Ling Tian left directly without even looking back.

Otto looked at Ling Tian's back, and the smile on his face gradually disappeared.


[After extorting a sum of money from Otto, you didn't stay at Destiny Airport and left directly. ]

[Back in the Americas, you transferred part of the money given by Otto by your means. [

This time I went to Heavenly Destiny to ask Otto for money, and it was indeed ordered by Celine.

[But in fact, you used up Celine's money, so you approached Celine, who had no concept of money, and talked about it.] [

She directly waved her hand and asked you to go to Otto to ask for money, and said that she should ask Otto for points. [

So, you used the excuse that Celine asked Otto for money, and directly asked for a part of yourself. ] [

After doing it, you directly found Celine. [

Celine didn't notice what you were doing, but dragged you to the amusement park as she used to do.] [

Two years later, you learned through your own channels that Otto had obtained the news of the Second God Key. [

After hearing the news, you directly found a reason to leave Celine. 】


"Gray Snake, didn't you say to stop Otto? How, didn't work out?

Shaking the white wine glass in his hand, Ling Tian turned around and smiled and said curiously to the gray snake not far away.

"It didn't work out, but isn't that what you want to see?"

"Well, that's exactly what I want to see." Squinting his eyes, Ling Tian took a sip of the wine in his glass.

"By the way, to tell you something, at that time, I was also in the fog capital."

After saying this, Ling Tian continued to take small sips of wine no matter how shocked the gray snake was at his words.

After drinking all the wine in your hand, the wine glass in your hand turns into a collapse and disappears into the air.

"How? Am I shocked by the fog too? Suddenly

coming behind the gray snake, Ling Tian asked with a smile.

"Before, I could enter the Promised Land directly without you individuals noticing, do you think you can monitor my whereabouts?"

"If it weren't for the fact that I was making a deal with her, it wouldn't be good to refute her face, otherwise you would definitely die!"

Although Ling Tian said these words with a smile, the rising concentration of Avalanche Energy around him did not indicate that he was angry now.

He hated being monitored the most.

In Babylon before, he was not capable of resisting.

But now that he has this ability, of course, he has to say it bluntly.

After getting up and clapping his hands, the concentration of Collapse Energy around Ling Tian's control decreased, so as not to give birth to Avalanche Beasts.

"Even if this time passes, if you are monitoring me after that, it will not be me who will come to you, but Celine."

"She doesn't like being monitored more than me, and her strength is much stronger than me, when the time comes, Shencheng Medicine is estimated to be erased, you can try it if you don't believe it."

When he said this, Ling Tian was already sitting on the tree not far from the gray snake and said.

He is looking for the gray snake today, the essence of which is to come to demonstrate.

Recently, Otto has obtained a thousand worlds multiplication, which only means that there is still one thing behind, and the plan can begin.

And at this critical time, he must not be exposed.

Otherwise, Otto will directly kill him without hesitation, which can eliminate his threat.

Since he was related to a certain Venerable Lord of the World Serpent, the World Serpent also had some information about him here.

Although this information is particularly small, this does not mean that Otto can't guess something.

As long as he guesses something casually, it awaits his own death in terms of his character.

So with the reason that the World Snake was monitoring himself, Ling Tian directly used his authority to start warning the World Snake.

"The snake won't be spying on you."

After receiving a message, the gray snake raised his head and said calmly.

When Ling Tian heard this, he immediately laughed.

"I take your word for it, but Dr. Mebius, how did you come out with such a humble body? I remember when I brought you a body made by the authority of the Reasonable Law? In

order to ensure that his plan could succeed, Ling Tian had deliberately gone to the Promised Land of the Past before.

Originally, he wanted to go to Vilvie to ask about the Void.

After all, the Void Ten Thousand Hidden Treasures were the last god key completed by the former civilization except for the Jizo Imperial Soul.

Except for some conjectures found in the soul steel of the former civilization, he did not find any other information.

So he wanted to ask Vilvi, the creator of the Void.

But I didn't expect to be noticed by Mebius as soon as I entered the promised land of the past.

After that, he and Mebius began a trade.

He gives Mebius the way to leave the promised land, and Mebius tells him the information he wants.

"Huh! I want to come out and come out, do you think you can manage me?

"No, you are Dr. Mebius's memory, I don't have that qualification, how can I care about you!"

The three words of the memory body Ling Tian said extremely heavy.

Where did he not know that the Mebius with the body of the gray snake in front of him was not the real Mebius, but only the memory of Mebius.

"Ling Tian! You have the guts to say it again! Mebius was a little angry after hearing this.

Ling Tian did not follow Mebius's words, but took out a tai knife and pointed it at Mebius.

"Memory, you are just a memory made of data, I don't know why you have to call yourself Mebius."

"If I don't think you're still valuable, and I still need the World Serpent to contain Otto, do you believe you're dead? Memory. Sitting

on the tree, shaking his legs, Ling Tian yawned and said in an icy tone.

Mebius was immediately shocked when he saw the Tai Dao in Ling Tian's hand.

"Jizo Imperial Soul? How is he in your hands?

"Of course I snatched it, otherwise how could it have appeared in my hands."

After smiling, he continued: "I have been here long enough today, Celine, she is probably looking for me, I will leave first." Jumping

off the tree, Ling Tian just took two steps and suddenly turned around: "I hope you can follow my words, although I really want to make that old thing of Otto feel hopeless and collapsed."

"But that doesn't mean I want him to do this, because I can just let him kill him right now."

"As for after killing him, if this is because you ruined my plans, then I don't mind letting you go with him."

"After all, he is my teacher, and I don't want him to be too lonely when he dies."


[After returning to Celine, you continue to accompany Celine as if nothing happened. 】

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