[In the year since you have come now, you have not looked for a reason to leave Celine. [

In your opinion, everything you can do has already been done, and there is nothing to do next, so you decide to spend the rest of your time with Celine. 】


Walking on the Siberian snowfield again, Ling Tian's eyes were full of comfort.

Celine was drinking milk tea, turned her head and asked in a low voice: "Bella, you said Ling Tian, what happened to him today?" So happy. "

Hmm... My Honor, I don't know. Originally

, Bella wanted to answer Celine's question, but after thinking for a while, she still didn't know, so she could only tell the truth, after all, she couldn't lie to Celine.

For Bella's answer, Celine could express understanding.

Ling Tian's brain circuits were different from ordinary people, and even she couldn't guess what Ling Tian was thinking now.

Stepping forward, Celine patted Ling Tian's shoulder.

"What are you thinking, can you tell me?"

"It's nothing, it's just some emotion."

"Sigh? What are you lamenting? Celine asked curiously.

"Feel the wonder of fate, feel my luck." Looking up at the sun in the sky, Ling Tian said slowly.

"Huh? You still believe in fate! Hearing Ling Tian say that he believed in fate himself, Xi Lin immediately felt surprised.

"Believe! How could I not believe it? Ling Tian suddenly turned his head and looked at Celine, "Remember when I first met you?"

"Remember, how could I forget?"

"When you and I first met, you were very eager to make friends with me, and looking at your eager eyes, I thought you had some purpose, so I only said one name."

When Celine spoke, she remembered the way she looked when she met Ling Tian for the first time before, and immediately laughed.

Ling Tian did not feel the slightest embarrassment.

He still has a little count in his heart, and he can make friends with Celine, purely by not being faceless, and arguing like a fly for Celine for two days.

At that time, fortunately, Celine was not a lawyer, otherwise she would have slapped him to death.

As soon as the words changed, Celine asked suspiciously: "Do you ask me what does this have to do with your belief in destiny?"

"Of course it matters, at that time I felt that you could take me away, and I quarreled with you for so long to be able to make friends with you."

"Originally, when I looked at you and looked at my grandfather, his eyes were full of anger and hatred, and I wanted to kill him and improve your favorability towards me."

"It's a pity that I was just an ordinary human child at the time, and I couldn't do it."

Now that he and Celine's friendship, Ling Tian is no longer particularly shy away, and he purposefully made friends with Celine.

After all, even if he didn't say it, Celine could probably guess some.

Besides, except for having purpose at the beginning, he didn't have any purpose at all after becoming friends with Celine.

"Oh! No wonder you were all desperate for me at the time, originally wanting me to take you away.

"But Ling Tian, I didn't have the ability at that time, why do you think I will have the ability to take you away?"

Xi Lin's question made Ling Tian think.

He had never thought about it yet, because he had thoroughly believed his feelings at the time, so he hadn't thought about it carefully now.

After thinking for a moment, Ling Tian replied with some uncertainty: "It should be the guidance of fate!" Hearing

Ling Tian's words, Cylin burst out laughing.

"Aren't you usually very smart? Still secretly mocking me from time to time for knowing more, but I can't use it, like an inflated pufferfish? Why is it that now it is said that fate is directed?

"If I were to say, you might as well believe in God than in the ethereal thing of fate!"

After Ling Tian listened, his eyes became a little strange as he looked at Xilin.

The information he received through him over the years, and the information he received from the promised land of the past.

He gradually pieced together the true identity of the god that Celine had said at the beginning, the former civilized mei's small heel, Banprometheus XVII.

After piecing together this information, Ling Tian hesitated when he remembered the god in the white space at that time, and he felt that it was very reasonable.

After all, what he was talking about was to destroy civilization, and it was of course reasonable for the Collapse God created by the previous civilization to hesitate.

It's just that he can't say these words, otherwise Celine will definitely ask him more things.

Isn't this pulling Celine in again?

So Ling Tian nodded and chose to shut up, following Celine's words.

Seeing that Ling Tian did not answer her words, Xi Linton felt bored, so she continued to drink the milk tea in her hand.

"Celine, will you be angry with me if something leaves you completely?" After hesitating for a moment, Ling Tian asked cautiously.

"Yes! Of course it will! The

answer given by Celine could be guessed by Ling Tian without asking.

Because he could be sure that his geographical position in Celine's heart was extremely high.

After all, he was Celine's last living friend.

"Why are you asking that? Could it be that you're going to do that?

"No, no, no! How can it be? How could I leave you completely? You are my Queen, and I can't leave you completely anyway!"

"After all, you are kind to me, if it weren't for you, I would be several meters tall in my grave grass."

Ling Tian's tone was very fast, which showed his panic.

He already somewhat regretted asking such an extremely naïve question to Celine.

Not only is it meaningless, but it also makes Celine aware of what she is doing.


[In a panic, you lied to Celine for the first time.

[Because in your plan, you have determined that the plan to exchange your life for Otto is completely unsuccessful, and Otto's life. 【

For this goal, you start your layout, only to wait for the last moment to come.】 [

So what you say now is lying to Celine. [

Even if you know how angry Celine will be when she finally knows, there is no way.] [

Now there are only two points that support you to live, one is Celine's only friend, and the other is Otto, your enemy, the only enemy.

[And in order to make Celine completely safe, and the two goals of revenge, you decide to die with Otto. [

Otto is always in danger alive, and no one knows when he will do something to Celine. 【In

this case, you think that only the dead Otto is good Otto.】

[So you decided to die with him, and by the way, let the last step of his plan fail.] [

I'm sorry for Celine, but this is what you want to do the most.] [

Silently accompany Celine, your mood can no longer be as comfortable as before. ] 】

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