"Well, the appearance is not bad, but Wilvie, why don't you let me use this God Key?"

Sylvie said with a mysterious smile.

Ling Tian fell into a brief thought.

Originally, as long as he had some doubts, the answers to his doubts would appear.

But Ling Tian didn't feel surprised, after all, he was close to omniscient in this state.

So he turned this off a few years ago, although he himself doesn't know how he found the switch.

"Wouldn't it be... After all, that's the only way I can't use it. When

Wei Wei heard Ling Tian's answer, the whole person was stunned in place.

If she could really achieve what Ling Tian said, then how could she work so hard to directly create one to help her study.

"Just kidding, there's something to say, Velvi, don't do it! When

Ling Tian saw that Wei Wei was ready to make a move towards himself, he immediately panicked.

"It's late, Ling Tian, I've put up with you for a long time!" As

she spoke, Wei Wei directly moved her hand.

And Ling Tian put the Qi Thunder on the side of the table and ran directly.

Just kidding, staying here again would be beaten.

Although Wilvie couldn't beat him at all, he couldn't fight back.

After all, if you fight back, in case you hurt Vilvie.

After that, Wilvie stopped making the toys he wanted with him, which he didn't want to see anyway.

So he can only run.

Wei Wei was directly a little angry this time, Ling Tian was like nothing these days, running to her spiral workshop all day long.

You said you came fine, but once you came you had to argue about her research.

Although Ling Tian was alone most of the time, Ling Tian couldn't move and said something that made her slightly uncomfortable.

This is a good opportunity, just so she can take this opportunity to teach Ling Tian a lesson.

Anyway, it can't hurt Ling Tian.

Turning around and seeing Wei Wei chasing after him directly, Ling Tian suddenly ran faster.

While running, he turned his head: "Wrong! I'm really wrong, don't chase it, can you?" "

What do you think?

Otherwise, with the strength that Ling Tian could kill the lawyer alone, it would be impossible to be chased by her so embarrassed.

But before the words could be spoken, he saw Ling Tian flying directly.

It wasn't that Ling Tian took the initiative to fly, after all, he was just playing around now, and he didn't need to use the Collapse Energy.

So it was just an accident.

Looking up at Ling Tian stuck on the ceiling of the spiral workshop, Wei Wei laughed directly.

How do you feel about being sent to the sky by a trap you set yourself?" Not

long ago, Ling Tian deliberately set a trap in her spiral workshop.

Prepare for Mebius to be ejected in the air.

Not like he is now, of course.

It's just a simple flick of a few tens of centimeters to scare her.

But since this was done by Ling Tian himself, he chose the best materials for everything, so there was a gap of 100 million points from what he expected.

From the original ejection of tens of centimeters, it has become four or five meters now.

And after doing it well, Ling Tian had to forget to dismantle it.

It happened that the spiral workshop had not been blown up by Vilvie at this time, and then there was this accident.

On the ceiling, Ling Tian was very unhappy, but he was helpless.

After all, this is something he made himself, and he has not yet counted it in the end.

Now, he's been sent to the ceiling by his own trap.

"Virvie, you hurry up and save me, I can't get out now.

Looking up at the ceiling, Wei Wei replied a little helplessly: "You should not be able to get down in a short time, I will go to find tools to save you now." On

the ceiling, the stuck Ling Tiantou was outside the ceiling, but his body was inside the ceiling.

At this moment, he experienced what despair was.

Although he had a way to go down, the large ceiling around him had to be destroyed.

So he still decided to wait here for Vilvie to save him, after all, if it is damaged, it will cost money.


Ten minutes later, Ling Tian covered his neck with both hands, looking at Wei Wei in front of him, he was quite helpless.

Thinking of his fame, but being stuck in the ceiling by a trap of his own design and reduced to a joke made him very unhappy, but helpless.

"Velvi, I'm all like this, can you stop laughing?" "

Ah, when did I laugh at you, I just remembered the happy things I used to have.

After Velvi finished speaking, she laughed again.

Ling Tian moved his neck twice more, as if his hands were lowered.

He hadn't been injured in any way, and he was just doing this to make himself a little more comfortable.

"Let's get down to business, I'm satisfied with everything except your mood system. "

But Weiwei, you designed the Second God Key as a locomotive, do you want to prepare to drive the locomotive to the lawyers?" After

holding back a smile, Wei Wei said with a hint of excitement in her tone: "Who told you that the Second God Key is used to attack?"

And Wei Wei was used to Ling Tian being deliberately startled like this.

"Do you want to know what it's like outside of our world, and when the Second God Key is made, we can start probing. "

Isn't it existence..." Halfway

through the words, Ling Tian stopped directly.

He knew what was outside of this world, but if he said it now, he had no reason to explain.

So stop talking.

"What exists, Ling Tian, can you speak more completely?"

Seeing that Ling Tian was half of speaking, Vivi said with some impatience.

Every time, sometimes only half of the words, sometimes whispering.

She and Ben couldn't understand what Ling Tian was saying.

"Nothing, you heard me wrong.

Ling Tian directly shook his head to deny what he had just said.

Although Vilvie and he are friends, they are still extremely good friends.

But there were some things he still couldn't say, after all, it wasn't something that she knew about so far.

As for the future will understand that later, not now.

After Ling Tian chose to keep his mouth shut, Wei Wei did not continue to ask.

After all, if you continue to ask, you can't ask anything, it's better not to ask.

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