[After a casual chat with Vilvie, you left with your newly acquired toy Seven Thunder. 【

You are now going to experiment with your new toy, although you may not want this toy after playing for a long time, but it is still new now, and you are quite interested in it.】

[And Vilvie is thinking about what you just didn't finish.] [

You don't know what Vilvie is thinking. [

But even if you know, you will still be very unconcerned.] [

After all, this is just a name, and it is not a thing that matters, you will know it if you know it.] 【Anyway

, it will not make the difficulty of Honkai increase.】 [

So it's not a big deal.] [

As for your reluctance to say, it's purely because you want to continue to be a riddler.] [

Otherwise, you would have said this little thing long ago.

【6,200 days, you are still trying on your new toy. [

And in order to play with your toys, you specially found a judgment-level Honkai beast to experiment.

[On the sixth thousand two hundred and two days, you continue to play with your new toy. 】


[On the 6,209th day, after playing for more than a week, you directly returned the Seven Thunder of Sin to Vilwei. [

When returning it, you also deliberately said that the sentence is not funny and not interesting. [

This made Vilvie suddenly want to ask you a rhetorical question: It's not fun or interesting, you actually played for nine days?]

[But in the end, Vilvie still didn't speak, after all, you have left. 】


[7,576 days.] Looking

at Kevin, who came to him to ask for advice on his experience in dealing with lawyers, Ling Tian took a sip of the tea in front of him.

Although I don't know how Ling Tian can still see people with his eyes closed.

After siping the tea in the cup, Ling Tian said slightly: "Kevin, if the lawyer is so easy to kill, you wouldn't have seen me come back from Australia last time with injuries all over my body." "

I know.

Opening his eyes, Ling Tianren was a little helpless.

The reason why he was able to kill the Lawyer was because he was gifted, and it was because he was not human in the first place.

And Kevin, although he is also talented, feels less open than him.

I knew how to think when I was born, and I lived alone on Dusk Street for a few days.

So he is open, and Kevin is not open, why learn from him

, so his experiences are all for himself, and cannot teach others.

"You should go to Mebius, or Vilvie, or go to your girlfriend Mei, they can help you improve your strength, but I can't." Ling

Tian's bitter advice made Kevin a little speechless.

He just came to ask Ling Tian about his experience in dealing with lawyers, and Ling Tian actually went to find someone else by himself, which is really some bull's head is not right for the horse's mouth.

Seeing that Kevin had not left yet, Ling Tian took a sip of the tea in his hand.

"You don't have to look at me like this, I really have no experience, otherwise I would have told you if I did."

"But I can tell you one thing, if you can kill the lawyer, you must not talk more nonsense with her, otherwise it will be you who will die in the end." After

drinking the last sip of tea in the teacup, Ling Tian got up and left.

I have to say that Kevin is really generous, and actually invited himself to drink hundreds of cups of tea.

After listening to Ling Tian's words, Kevin nodded thoughtfully.

He seemed to have realized something from Ling Tian's words.

Although he didn't know if it was right, it was right this time that it didn't come in vain.

[After meeting Kevin, you are going to continue to start your own happy life. [

Extort the high-level of the fire moth in the morning, go to Vilvie or Mebius in the afternoon, and play games alone in the evening.] [

And also go back to Dusk Street from time to time to chat with Aponia and go shopping with Pado.] This

life is very happy for you.

[But after a month, this happy life disappeared. [

Because the infighting of the fire moth has begun to increase again, and this time it directly involves you. [

And at this time, the Law of Ice came.

[At the same time, countless collapse events have erupted around the world. 【

A look like the end of the world is coming.】

】【Due to the advent of Honkai, the infighting of the Fire Moth was suspended and began to deal with Honkai. [

This time, you directly refused to deal with the Ice Lawyer, and the refusal was very crisp. [

This made those high-level officials very unhappy, but they couldn't do anything, so they could only hold it. 【

Three hours later, the Ice Law died.】 [

Although this is not done by the high-level of the fire-chasing moth, this news makes the high-level of the fire-chasing moth very excited. [

Because this proves that even without you playing, the lawyer can still be killed by others.] 【

After this incident, they discussed the possibility of doing something to you.】 【

Although you know this, you still don't pay special attention to it.】 [

After all, when they discuss the results, it will take several days. [

What's more, their interests in this regard are not yet a line, so they will not do anything to you in a short time. [

Besides, they don't have the strength to kill you right now. [

So you don't pay much attention to it at all. [

Anyway, the soldiers will come to block, and the water will cover the soil. 】


Three months later, Dusk Street.

Ling Tian kept smiling and looked at the man wearing the mask opposite.

"Don't look at me like that!" the masked man shouted angrily.

After listening, Ling Tian directly closed his eyes.

At this moment, the man wearing the mask, that is, the Thousand Tribulations, was directly and completely angry.

Don't close your eyes like a blind man!"


it was at this time that Aponia came directly here.

"Thousand Tribulations, don't pull Ling Tian out to fight. "

Aponia, don't stop me!" Qian

Calamity was noticeably smaller when he saw Aponia.

"Don't be like this, Thousand Calamities.

As he spoke, Aponia's gaze filled with a trace of pity.

Last time Thousand Tribulations asked Ling Tian for an appointment, Ling Tian readily agreed.

Then an hour, Qian Tribulation was carried back by Ling Tian with injuries all over his body.

If Ling Tian hadn't controlled his strength at that time, he would still be lying on the bed now.

"Fuck off, Aponia!"

After hearing this, Qian Hao pondered for a second or two before saying again: "Please go away, Aponia."

When Ling Tiandang heard this, he laughed directly.

This is indeed civilized, but only a little.

Please this can actually be used in this way, he is really insightful.

Seeing that her dissuasion was ineffective, Aponia's gaze was full of pity, but she still gave way.

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