Chiba Academy.


"Su Xuan, I remembered!"

Finally remembering when she had seen Kiana from Yuno Sato, she said excitedly to Su Xuan in her heart.

【...... Kiana thinks so fast. Kiana

: ???

"What do you mean by that? I spent a few lessons recalling the details! "

【...... Are you sure... Aren't you because you don't want to go to class? Looking

at the white-haired ball in front of the screen who finally picked up his spirits, the corners of Su Xuan's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

This guy....

Since I sat in the classroom seat, I was drowsy and couldn't open my eyelids.


She slept for one class and was punished by the teacher for standing for two more classes.

In the last lesson, the bored white-haired dango rarely remembered Yuno Sato.

“...... Ahem, how is it possible, I like classes the most!"

The white-haired dango's bright eyes flickered, as if she had said something against her heart.

Looking at the small expression on the white-haired danzi's face, Su Xuan sat on the sofa and couldn't help but smile, and then he whispered to the girl: [Okay, okay, let's go to your bud clothes first, she didn't come to school today on leave, maybe her emotional management is out of control. ]

"Oh, how could Miss Ben forget such a big event!"

The girl snorted softly and said with disdain, but her cheeks couldn't help but feel hot.

It's really a shame, she chatted with Su Xuan, and she had forgotten that there was still Bud Yi waiting for her to save.


The girl's azure eyes couldn't help but flash a hint of a different color.

All blame this man!

If it wasn't for him, how could she have forgotten Bud Yi!

Kiana quickly got up and walked towards the school gate.

[I'll leave it to you Kiana, I trust you.] "

Huh? Su Xuan, what do you mean by this? The girl opened her mouth slightly, and her face couldn't help but have a hint of confusion.

The dog-headed military division has not decided on any plan, only said a word and handed it to you?

It's not....

So what use does she want this military master?

Is it eye-catching?



It seems like... It's really eye-catching.

[I'm not a god, how can I know what you and Raiden Bud Yi will talk about every day, so I ask you to communicate with Raiden Bud Yi, presumably Kiana, you won't even be able to do such a simple thing, right? ]

Su Xuan had a slightly ridiculous voice, which made the corner of the girl's mouth couldn't help but have a touch of disdain.

"The Agitation Method is of no use to Miss Ben."

The girl pinched her waist and said with a look of anger.

[But, Kiana, you don't want Raiden Bud to endure the isolation of others and become a lawyer in despair, right?

Listening to the words in her mind, the girl's face couldn't help but become more and more strange: "Why is your tone more and more strange?" Although

she really didn't want the words in Su Xuan's mouth to become facts, but...


Instead of motivating her, this tone made her turn her attention entirely to this sentence?

【...... And people learn, well, you go for it. 】

“...... Su Xuan? Su Xuan? The

girl called out to the man twice in her mind, but received no response.

It seems that she really has to rely on herself.

Perhaps even she didn't realize that she had begun to rely on the man she had known for less than two days.

The white-haired dango fixed his mind, and then quickly rushed towards Raiden Bud's house.

Although she and Raiden Bud Yi have not known each other for a long time, they just happened to be in time for Raiden Bud Yi's family after an accident, as Raiden Bud Yi's only friend in school, of course she knows where Raiden Bud Yi lives.

At the same time....

Su Xuan's world.

The man looked at the girl who was burning up in front of the screen and smiled helplessly, and then slowly got up.


Sitting on the car speeding on the road, Su Xuan held his cheek with one hand and looked at the cityscape that kept skimming backwards outside the car window.

A quarter of an hour later.

"Su Nu... Your purpose, sir. The

man approaching the middle-aged man turned his head to inform the guest in the back seat.

It seemed that he had just noticed Su Xuan's face, and in a trance, he even almost recognized the wrong gender.

“...... Well. Su

Xuan's face had a hint of helplessness, and he took out the paper money from his pocket and paid the money.

He has long been accustomed to being mistaken for his gender.

What's more, since he received the protection from the golden finger, even the white-haired dango was about to be unable to bear it, even if he had already converged his charm.

But that sense of superiority that comes from the level of life will also make people...

Speaking of....

The first pot of gold he earned in this world, or because of this face?

Of course, he was only 12 years old when he first came into this world, and he couldn't be selling.


Sell moe....

At that time, because he had just crossed, his brain was still relatively confused, and then he was pulled into an acting group in confusion.

Then he played a supporting role.

The role of that supporting role is to sell moe.

Adhering to the idea that he picked up for nothing, he betrayed his temperance in exchange for the first pot of gold to gain a foothold in this world.

Well, it's worth mentioning that the character he played at the time was a little girl.

At that time, when the secondary sex characteristics were not yet apparent, unless he took off his pants to prove his innocence, no one would treat him as a man.

Neutral voice with cute looks.

At that time, someone even pointed at him and said that if this was a man, he washed his hair upside down on the spot.

The memory of the past slowly came to mind, standing at the door of the mobile phone store, the corners of Su Xuan's mouth turned up slightly, and slowly walked towards the store.

He only has a cell phone.

The phone was still charged by him and kept at home, and yesterday he had tested it with Kiana, as long as he switched apps, Kiana would return to this world in an instant.


That phone is already a ruthless Honkai trilogen.

What's more, if Kiana wants to stay in this world for a while, she will definitely not be able to do without a mobile phone.

Yesterday, because he was busy helping Kiana make plans, in addition to jumping out of Kiana and returning to this world because of a sales call, letting him know that he couldn't switch interfaces, he still had a lot of multi-functions that he didn't understand.

However, after seeing the girl's urgent expression, he silently put these thoughts down.

Anyway, at least for now, Kiana can even be said to be bound to herself.

So it's almost the same to wait for Kiana to succeed in establishing a good relationship with Raiden Bud Yi and others.

And Yuno Sato's favorability has long been filled by Kiana, and the rest of the time will be more abundant than they thought.

Su Xuan dared to guarantee.


The white-haired dango is a school scumbag.

During this month, she definitely does not want to go to school all day.

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