Raiden Bud Yi is 17 years old.

A second-year student at Senba Academy.

As the only daughter of Raiden Ryoma, the president of the ME Club, because of her natural beauty and acquired aristocratic temperament.

Coupled with a strong background, Raiden Bud Yi undoubtedly has the arrogance of the eldest lady, which is not the vulgar arrogance that is revealed on the surface, but a kind of arrogance that does exist in the bones.

This pride is not annoying.

Because the girl's arrogance is manifested in her elegant and polite treatment of others, but at the same time maintaining a certain alienated behavior and a confident attitude from the family.

But just before December last year, her life took a turn.

Her father, Ryoma Raiden, was imprisoned for financial fraud, and the attitude of the classmates around her quickly turned cold and even disgusted.

The huge gap has turned his personality upside down in just one month, not only becoming more sensitive to the things around him, but also gradually becoming a little withdrawn.

In addition to worries about his father and frozen family property.

The complete breakdown of relationships in the academy is the main trigger.

"That's the rumored "eldest miss" Raiden Bud Yi, right? "

I heard that her father, Ryoma Raiden, was imprisoned for economic crimes."

"Huh? Are you sure? Then why is she still cold and proud now?

"I guess it's because I can't accept the transformation from a young lady to a poor person, after all, the family property has been frozen, or dirty money from fraud, it is estimated that life is a problem."

Suspicion, discussion, jealousy, malice.

In just one month, the girl felt malice that she had never experienced before.

Once the flower of Kaolin, the girl known as the Queen of Thunder and Lightning fell into the mud.

Just because such things are interesting, then people will not pay attention to what the truth of the matter is, allowing public opinion and malice to ferment wantonly.

Because the thoughts of the protagonist of the event will not be taken care of.

They only care about what interests them.

Even if it's fake.

Even if it leads to the death of a young girl.

However, they don't care.

Empathy may be in their minds, but when talking about these things, they will never think about how their words will hurt the person.

Raiden understands this.

So she didn't justify.

Because justification is meaningless, only not speaking is the only means of maintaining dignity.

Of course, there are people who dare to fight the atmosphere and tell the truth, and there are many.


Usually they just show up and die.

The world is so small that it can't even accommodate a single person who speaks the truth.

Raiden Bud Yi understood so until...

"Hey, I said it's funny for you to talk about others like that in front of them?"

"Don't you think this is disgusting?"

Raiden Bud Yi raised his head when he heard the sound, and what came into view was an exotic girl with white hair and blue eyes.

At this time, the girl coldly just these female students who openly talked about her with eyes like ice lake condensation.

The girl's unique appearance instantly reminded Raiden Bud Yi of her name - Kiana Kaslanna.

Transfer students from Germany.

The name of this transfer student has long been spread in the school.

Not only because of the girl's princess-like appearance, but also because of the girl's force.

Even an isolated person like Leidian Bud Yi vaguely knew that the force of this exotic transfer student was very terrifying.

According to legend, when she transferred to this school, she happened to encounter a group of punks blocking the gate of Chiba Academy.

Then he provoked her to death.

It took her less than 5 seconds to make the gangsters almost lose their breath.

There is even a grapevine about Kiana, that is, this expressionless girl can even kick and shatter a human leg bone with one kick.

"Qi... Kiana! Right...... I'm sorry! Recognizing

Kiana's female student, her originally disdainful face instantly turned into horror, and she quickly pulled her companion on the side to bend over to apologize, and then fled here without looking back.

The girl indifferently stared at the back of the other party leaving, and the small hand that was originally clenched could not help but slowly loosen.

"Count her fast."

The girl said disdainfully.

She didn't want to pay attention to this matter, after all, she still had things to solve, how could she still take care of others.


She saw the beautiful appearance of Raiden Bud.

Beautiful long purple hair, the extreme eastern characteristics of the women's sailor suit outline the perfect slim body curves, and the black silk knee-length socks on the slender legs under the skirt make the girl particularly eye-catching.

Beautiful person.

The girl felt that her heart touched a little.

"Hello, my name is Kiana Kaslana, just call me Kiana, I don't know your name..."

The princess-like girl stretched out her hand to herself.

This was the first thought that came to Bud's mind.

I didn't care about the rumors in the mouths of my classmates, and I didn't care about my identity as a sinner now.

In addition to being cordial and stunning, there were no other bad emotions in the azure clear eyes.

Raiden Bud Yi quickly held Kiana's outstretched hand, and whispered to her in the girl's surprised gaze: "My name is Raiden Bud Yi, just call me Bud Yi." "

Well, bud clothes? It's a nice name, and Bud Yi is as cute and beautiful as your name.


... Thank you, Kiana too, if I'm not mistaken, Kiana is the name of the goddess of the moon, Kiana is indeed a good match for the goddess. The

girl whispered the words she regretted the most in the future.

However, she did come from the heart.

"No, Dad used to say I looked like a tomboy."

Kiana touched her head awkwardly and smiled quickly at Bud Yi.


back to Kiana's actions just now, the corners of Nha Yi's mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly.

She felt that the girl's father was right, she did look like a tomboy.

"Then Bud Yi will advise more in the future."

"Well, please advise."

Bud Yi nodded lightly, silently imprinting the girl's bright smile into her mind.



"Bud clothes, bud clothes!"

The familiar voice came into her ears, and Nha Yi's thoughts instantly retracted, she turned around and looked at Kiana who was waving her hand on the side, and her face couldn't help but have a hint of curiosity: "Kiana, why are you here?" Aren't you still in class? "

Huh? What class, it's four o'clock now, and school has been out for half an hour! The

white-haired dango couldn't help but step up a kitten on his face, and he threw himself into the arms of the bud clothes, sniffed the fragrance of the girl, and explained to her.

"Eh..." Bud Yi was slightly startled, and then there was a wry smile on his face.

It turns out that she has been distracted for so long?

A moment later, the white-haired dango who reluctantly got up from Bud Yi's arms seemed to think of something and asked with a serious look on Bud Yi: "Bud Yi, has anything unusual happened around you recently?" "

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