After arriving at the newspaper office, Lin Shangzhou walked into the office area as usual. After he opened the door and entered the room, the employees focused their attention on him. Lin Shangzhou knew why they looked at him like this, so he squeezed out a smile and said to them: "Don't look at me like that, I feel okay now."

After saying that, he walked towards his office, with Letia following him closely. When he walked to the front of the office, Lin Shangzhou was stopped by Goebbels.

Goebbels said to him with regret and concern: "If you want to rest these days, just rest. I am here and I will take care of those things, so you don't have to worry about it."。”

“No matter what, I can't put all the burden on you. "

Lin Shangzhou shook his head vigorously. This shaking of his head caused another pain in his head, but this time it was still within the acceptable range. He just frowned slightly and did not react too drastically. Goebbels said for

him , He has done enough things for the newspaper, and Lin Shangzhou doesn’t want to leave this matter to him. Goebbels’s work is already heavy enough, and he doesn’t want to increase his pressure. Goebbels looked at Lin Shangzhou,

he I wanted to be tougher and said to him: "Do you think you can handle things well in your current state? "

But when he thought of his current state, Goebbels thought that he could not speak to him so forcefully directly. He had seen the changes in Lin Shangzhou caused by his uncle's death. He also discussed it with Louis last night and thought that it would be better to Lin Shangzhou's mood improved, and the biggest breakthrough to get out of the shadows was the people close to him.

The two agreed that Lin Shangzhou must need the comfort of others now, but the comfort of their friends does not play a big role. What he needs is from relatives or family members But unfortunately,

Lin Yangyu was his only relative and family. After Lin Yangyu passed away, Lin Shangzhou was alone in this world. He did have

friends like them around him, but his friends and family could not row. Equal sign, and Lin Shangzhou is also a Chinese. They believe that Chinese people value their family more than any other country in the world. What's more, Lin Shangzhou only has one relative, Lin Yangyu, who is very important to Lin Shangzhou. The degree is self-evident.

Although this is not completely a breakthrough, the two still started to think about how to boost his spirit, and the final result of the discussion was to rely on Lei, the girl who has the closest relationship with Lin Shangzhou besides them

. Tia and Noya are the people who are expected to become Lin Shangzhou's wives in the future. Wife is family. Although Cecilia is blocking the way, it is obvious now that there is no way to rely on Cecilia and cannot rely on her. She is not here, and There was no relationship between the two, so they could only rely on these two girls.

Noah followed Alexandrine to Flanders Wallon, and the two of them naturally turned their attention to Letia. Letitia and Lin Shangzhou have always maintained an ambiguous relationship. Although the contact between the two has become less after coming to Berlin, this does not mean that the relationship has weakened. Goebbels stepped aside to make way for

Lin Shangzhou, and Lin Shangzhou He opened the door and walked into the office. When Letia walked in, Goebbels whispered to her: "Fritz is troubling you. I hope you can help him get out of his predicament. "

Letia nodded, and then walked into the office.

Goebbels stood looking at the door of the office and praying that Lin Shangzhou could recover as soon as possible. He had a premonition in his heart that if Lin Shangzhou could not get over the grief of his uncle's death in time this time, If he could come out of it, he might take a completely different path in the future than he is now.

After standing for a few seconds, Goebbels turned and returned to his office, and the employees also started their work, because of what happened yesterday , they will be very busy next.

In Lin Shangzhou's office, Letia sat on a chair and stared at Lin Shangzhou, who seemed to be at work. He flipped through the documents on the table over and over again, and he looked at the contents. Turning his mind to think of something, he needed to think about what to do next, how to make a big fuss about his uncle's death so that those racists would be punished. It was not

difficult to come up with a solution. On the contrary, it was It's very simple for Lin Shangzhou. In the past, he only needed to think for a few minutes to come up with a good method, but now, no matter how he thinks about it, the only thing that appears in his mind is the death of his uncle.

And It echoed in his ears together with what the nightmare said to him in the nightmare that lasted less than an hour not long ago: "You killed my uncle. "

A guy who seemed to be his predecessor appeared in his dream. He didn't know whether it was the predecessor or just a nightmare that troubled his mind. The nightmare accused him of killing Lin Yangyu, saying that he had no feelings from yesterday to now. She shed a tear for Lin Yangyu. He didn't care about the so-called "uncle" at all.

In the dream, Lin Shangzhou was so confused that he couldn't think of any words to refute that guy, so he could only bear his abuse. In the end, he couldn't stand it anymore. He forced himself to wake up on the other side.

He didn't want to think about what the nightmare said in his dream, but no matter how he tried to escape, those harsh words kept echoing in his ears along with the death of his uncle in his mind.。

“You don't care about your uncle at all. You have never regarded him as your own uncle.。”

“You killed his nephew first, and then you killed him, you are an out-and-out murderer!”


Every word of the nightmare is a question that Lin Shangzhou doesn't want to think about, and this also causes him to be unable to concentrate on what he wants to think about.。

“Fritz, is there anything you need my help with at work? "

Suddenly, Laitia's voice pulled Lin Shangzhou's brain out of chaos. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Laedia standing in front of his desk. He looked at Laedia's face, and a trace of doubt arose in his heart: Where is Kevin?

"Laydia, why did you come in too? Where's Kevin? "

Lin Shangzhou asked his doubts. After hearing this, Letia felt a little dissatisfied in her heart, thinking that he didn't pay attention to her after he came in.

Letia curled her mouth, but did not express her emotions. , she said to Lin Shangzhou: "Kevin went to deal with other things. It seems to take a few days, so during this time, I will be your secretary temporarily.…”


Lin Shangzhou subconsciously wanted to question Laitia, but Laitia's words made him swallow it back the next second.。

“Just like in the past. "

He looked up at Laetia's eyes. He seemed to see his current haggard appearance from those blue pupils, and then nodded.。

“Um. "

In the following time, Lin Shangzhou handled some simple tasks with the help of Laitia. Laidia deliberately picked up some unimportant things and asked Lin Shangzhou to do it to distract him. The effect of this was It was also obvious that Lin Shangzhou's condition was much better than when he first arrived. At

ten o'clock in the morning, Letia sat on a chair and looked through the newspaper that Lin Wenhua had sent in a few minutes ago. The content on it surprised her. This was An article from the "Central Daily News" newspaper strongly condemned the actions of the racists and called on people to oppose these extreme guys.

After seeing these contents, Laetia's first thought was to tell the story to Lin Shangzhou, but then she thought that it was best not to mention this matter to Lin Shangzhou now��。

Letia turned to look at Lin Shangzhou, and was surprised to find that the newspaper editor-in-chief who was supposed to be working semi-seriously had fallen asleep on his desk.。

“Just go to sleep slowly. "

Laydia felt a little more relaxed. She put down the newspaper, walked quietly to the door, opened it and walked out. She borrowed a blanket from outside that was used by an unknown employee who stayed in the newspaper office at midnight and walked in. She came to Lin Shangzhou and gently covered him with the blanket.

After standing next to him and looking at him for a while, Letia left the office.

She thought Lin Shangzhou's condition had improved a little, but what she didn't notice was that Lin Shangzhou's brows were furrowed on the table.

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