"You haven't even shed a single tear for your uncle. You're not his nephew at all! You don't regard him as your uncle at all!" Lin Shangzhou suddenly opened his eyes, raised his head from the table and looked around in horror

. , he gasped for breath, and his nervous heart relaxed a little after he realized that he had woken up.

He took a deep breath and leaned back on the seat back. He reached out and wiped the sweat from his forehead. After wiping the sweat, his arm slid down and placed on his eyes.

This was a nightmare that was exactly the same as in the morning. He once again dreamed about the nightmare that seemed to be his predecessor, and this dream continued the content of the nightmare in the morning. The nightmare scolded him, and in the dream, his mind was as confused as in the morning. He could only passively accept it. His mind could not think of any words to refute the nightmare, as if everything he said was true.

Lin Shangzhou shook his head slightly and stopped thinking about the nightmare. He got up and wanted to go to the toilet. As soon as he was about to get up, his right leg felt numb and weak. No matter how hard he tried to move his right leg, it No movement at all。

“I can't sleep like this next time. "

Lin Shangzhou muttered to himself and beat his right leg. It is normal for his legs to be compressed and temporarily lose consciousness due to sleeping on the table. There is nothing to worry about. Lin Shangzhou didn't know how long he slept

. Now he felt that his condition was slightly better, but he didn't know whether he was actually better or not. He was asleep, but he had a nightmare, which made him feel very uncomfortable. After sitting on a chair and relaxing for a while,

he Lin Shangzhou slowly stood up with his hands on the table. Only then did Lin Shangzhou realize that he was the only one in the office. Laitia was missing. It was quiet and there was no sound outside. He looked up at the clock on the wall and saw the hour hand

. Pointing to the position after 12, you can understand what is going on. It is lunch break now. Everyone should go home and eat. It is normal for no one in the newspaper office at this time. Lin Shangzhou walked out of the office and stood at the door to look around the office

. Area, he only saw a few employees sleeping on the table like him before. After seeing them sleeping, Lin Shangzhou came to the door lightly, opened the door and came to the corridor. After standing in the corridor for a few seconds, Walking towards the stairs.

The reason for his leaving was simple - he was hungry and wanted to go out to eat.

Lin Shangzhou left the newspaper office and wandered aimlessly on the street. He wanted to eat something, but he didn't know where to go. What, after wandering around for about half an hour, he walked into a bakery and bought a piece of bread to satisfy his hunger.

He sat on a bench by the roadside and finished the bread in his hand. After resting for a while, he got up to report to the club and moved After taking a few steps, Lin Shangzhou turned around and returned to his seat. He thought of what Goebbels said in the morning: "If you want to rest these days, just rest. Lin

Shangzhou, whose mental state has recovered a little, thinks that Goebbels is right. He should really take a good rest. In this state, he can't do anything well. Staying in the newspaper office is just a burden. It is better to wait for him to recover before going back to work. Lin

Shangzhou As he thought, he looked up at the blue sky. He closed his eyes, and then suddenly opened his eyes again. As soon as he closed his eyes, a nightmare appeared in front of him, and he also remembered it in his ears. His harsh voice.

This destroyed the state he had just recovered. Next, he had to prepare for his uncle's funeral, and then he had to deal with the possible reaction of the right-wing media to this matter. In short, there were still many things to do. How could he go to rest?

His brain fell into chaos again. With his thoughts disordered, he got up and walked aimlessly to the side of the road. He kept walking on the streets of Berlin like this, and when he was tired, he sat in the public Rest on the seat. After resting enough, he got up again and started walking aimlessly along the road.

Lin Shangzhou didn't know why he did such a meaningless thing that would cause others to worry. He knew that he should repay the society now, otherwise Letia and the others would be very worried, but he wanted to find something to do for himself, and this aimless walking around was something that could distract him. He didn't know how many hours he walked before Lin Shangzhou stopped

. Following his footsteps, he looked up and saw a beer hall. He turned around and faced the small beer hall, hesitating whether to go in and drink some beer. Along the way,

he also figured out that the nightmare's words were very simple. , will only say that he hasn’t shed a drop of this PUA nonsense for his uncle from yesterday to now.

Didn’t that bitch say that he hasn’t shed a tear for his uncle? Then he might as well go drink some wine, and his emotions will be gone after he faints. It's easy to vent, and then you can cry loudly and vent your sadness.

Thinking like this, Lin Shangzhou made up his mind and walked into the beer hall. He opened the door and walked into the store, and went straight to the seat next to the bar. He sat down.

When the bartender saw a customer coming, he stepped forward to serve him. Before he could ask Lin Shangzhou what he wanted to drink, he saw Lin Shangzhou take out a hundred-denomination mark from his wallet, put it on the table and push it in front of him. .

He looked at Lin Shangzhou doubtfully. The bartender couldn't understand what the customer wanted to do.。

“Get me a beer, and when I'm done, refill it, and keep doing it until I cry. "

Lin Shangzhou said to the bartender. The bartender looked at him suspiciously. His request was very strange. He was served beer until he cried. What kind of request is this? But the other party already took out his mark, so the bartender couldn't refuse him

. At the request, he took Mark and gave Lin Shangzhou a glass of beer. Lin Shangzhou picked up the cup and smelled the beer, and then spent ten minutes drinking the beer bit by bit. After he finished the

beer Afterwards, the bartender took it as requested and was given a refill of beer. It took Lin Shangzhou more than 20 minutes to finish the second glass of beer, followed by the third and fourth glasses. Each glass of beer was close to The amount of five or six hundred milliliters, and the time it took him to finish a glass of beer was getting longer and longer, from ten minutes at the beginning to nearly half an hour afterwards. Every time he took a sip of beer, he would recall the past, Lin

Shangzhou He hoped to use his drunkenness and memories to make him cry. He wanted to vent the emotions in his heart, but no matter how he thought or recalled, he was indifferent. Maybe there was a moment when he wanted to cry, but soon Such emotions disappeared for no apparent reason.

In order to make himself cry, Lin Shangzhou drank beer one glass at a time, and his condition became worse and worse with the help of beer. I don’t know how long it had

passed, but Lin Shangzhou also He didn't know how many glasses of beer he had drank, but when he was about to ask the bartender for another beer, he heard a familiar shout.。

“Fritz, I finally found you……”

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