Accompanied Kiana into the light gate in front of her.

A woman with white hair and green eyes, wearing purple diamond-shaped earrings, wearing a white dress, wearing a beaded necklace, and a blue rose pinned to the side of her head and chest came into the girl's sight.

“...... This is... My mom? The

girl's azure eyes revealed a thick surprise.

"That's right, she's your mother, Cecilia Shanyat. [

According to what I know about Otto, he probably won't react to your behavior today, but it's better to end it sooner.]

After all, the data that Bronia has today is not all of your mother's data. [

Well, okay. The

white-haired dango replied softly in his heart, forcibly suppressing the feelings that were about to rush out of his heart, and slowly said in a voice that only he could hear: "First meeting, Mother Cecilia." "



The headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven, a giant group of floating islands located over the Mediterranean Sea.

Office of the Archbishop of the Mandate of Destiny, Otto Apocalis.

A handsome man with golden hair stood quietly by the window and enjoyed the bustling scenery outside the window.

It's obviously just a thin white shirt, worn on a man's body, but I don't know why it always gives people a sense of superiority that is difficult to disobey.


The sound of high heels hitting the floor sounded in the hallway outside the office.

Knock knock.

Accompanied by a crisp knock on the door.

"Come in."

The man said slowly.

The voice just fell.

One wears a nun of Destiny with high heels on her feet, stockings, a gold diamond-shaped cloak on her back, and close-color goggles.

The sides of the hair are two upturned ends and a white braid is placed on the left chest.

This person is none other than Otto's secretary, Amber.

"Amber, what's wrong?"

Otto looked out the window and asked without turning his head.

"Lord Bishop, after our detection, someone has just hacked into the database of the Mandate of Heaven, according to the location, I have traced that the location of the hacker is located in the St. Freya Academy where Lord Teresa is, but there is another location that we cannot locate."

Amber said as she handed Otto the report she had just printed.

"And a location that can't be located?"

Hearing this, Otto suddenly became interested.

"Yes, it can't be located, we tracked it hundreds of times before, and the location of that hacker changed as many times."

Amber said with a serious expression.

According to Otto's previous attitude towards Teresa and her optimism about the K-423, if she only borrowed the database, she didn't even need to tell Otto.


She also did not believe that they could damage the information in the database.


This time is different.

A man with technology that was even more powerful than the most advanced hacker of Destiny invaded the headquarters of Heavenly Destiny.


There was a hint of amusement in Otto's turquoise eyes.

"Your Honor, do you need us to shut down immediately..."

Otto waved his hand, and then gave an order to his secretary: "Help me open the database and enter the terminal, I want to see where the rats come from who dare to enter the database of the Mandate of Heaven." "

Obey, Lord Bishop."

Amber nodded solemnly, and then immediately turned on the virtual computer facility and began to operate the relevant terminal after

a while.

"Lord Otto, it's already open."


Otto nodded, then lay down gracefully on the sofa and ordered again to his secretary: "Let's start." "


As soon as the words fell, Otto's consciousness also passed into the database of destiny.

In the boundless hall.

The blond man stood in the middle, as if the king had returned to his palace.

Otto slowly sorted out his clothes, then coughed lightly, and turned to a certain place with a smile: "I wonder if this gentleman can show his face?" Is it really like the rats in the gutter, dare not be exposed to the sun? The

man's voice was extremely mocking.

In the shadow facing Otto.

A black figure holding a black umbrella slowly stepped forward.

"Hello, Venerable Bishop of Destiny, Otto Apocalis."

After realizing that he was discovered by Otto, the figure greeted Otto although he felt a little surprised.

Calm with a little inferior microphone-like noise slowly sounded in the empty data hall.

It's creepy, it's like...

Standing in front of Otto, a cold viper with no temperature in blood.

He was dressed in black with a black hood.

The arm holding the black umbrella does not know whether it is external armor or mechanical outer limbs.

On his face, he covered this layer of white mask, and the black lines like two knives occupied most of his mask.

Just such an appearance.

Just looking at it can't help but make people feel daunted.

"I don't know what Mr. Gray Snake of the World Snake came to the database of contemptible people for?"

Otopi replied with a smile, borrowing the database, a gun with the same shape and structure as the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor appeared in his hand.

In this world built by data, Otto, as its master, can be said to be similar to an invincible existence.

As long as it is something that he can imagine, it can appear in his hands.

"I wonder why you know that I appeared in the database of Destiny."

The gray snake raised his hands in amusement, indicating surrender, and then slowly asked Otto.

There was no trace of fear in his tone.

Or rather....

His tone never changed from beginning to end.

But when asked why Otto was able to find himself, his tone had a rare hint of doubt.

He had been in and out of the Mandate Database many times, and this was the only time he had been discovered.

However, the gray snake may never have thought of it....

Because a duck and a white-haired ball came to the database, in order to prevent them from having any irreversible negative impact on the database, Amber specially ordered the people who managed the database to undergo multiple large-scale screenings.

Finally, the gray snake hidden in it was found for the last time.

"I feel... I don't seem to have to tell you. Otto

shook his head slightly, and raised the Heavenly Fire Saint Tailor in his hand to the gray snake.

"Since you don't want to tell me, then please forgive me."

The figure of the gray snake gradually became illusory, and after a moment completely disappeared in front of Otto.

Otto frowned slightly, did not say much, just turned to look at the data gate where the white-haired dango and the board duck were.

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