"Is Kiana Kaslana there?"

Otto stared at the data gate where the girl was for a long time, and finally let go of the idea of meeting the girl.

Because the K-423 probably already knew the truth for a long time.

If there is any negative impression of Saint Freya because of him, it will not be worth the loss.

"The World Serpent... Has it already started?

Otto whispered to himself, a little pensive in his tone.

As the Archbishop of Destiny, he certainly knew about the World Serpent Organization.


He didn't know much.

Because about them they basically never show up.

If it weren't for Kiana's words today, maybe it would be a while before he would meet the members of this organization.

"Are you telling her own story to her mother?"

By listening to the voices in the database, Otto immediately knew what Kiana was doing.

He smiled gracefully, and then brought his consciousness back to reality.

However, if Otto listens carefully....

Maybe you will find out....

Kiana's experience in Changkong City...

It seems that it is not the same as her experience now~



"Cecilia... Goodbye sister. The

white-haired dango waved at the gentle white-haired woman in front of him.

"Well, goodbye Kiana."

Cecilia's projection also waved her hand, and her cyan eyes carried some indescribable emotion.

Seeing his mother's figure disappear in front of him, the white-haired dango adjusted the emotions in his heart, and asked Su Xuan in his mind:

[Su Xuan, can it be done?] [

It can be done, but ... How to say it...]

In his mind, the man's voice was a little puzzled.

[Huh? What does that mean? Can't Mother Cecilia..." The

light in the girl's eyes couldn't help but dim a little.

[No, no, no, you can be resurrected, but... A carrier is needed. 【

Carrier? [

Yes, similar to the carrier of the stigmata. Su

Xuan in front of the screen looked at Cecilia, who had entered the team and became black and white, and said slowly to Kiana.

As he guessed....

He can get stuck with a bug.

It's just...

Just know his name and plot to pull in the team.

But the system didn't tell him exactly how much the plot was.

According to the standards of the board duck and lightning bud clothing.

That is, they only need to know the plot of Changkong City, and then there is his existence.

He asked Kiana to tell Cecilia that the data projected was the plot of Changkong City.

He was sure that Otto would definitely eavesdrop, but after hearing what the white-haired dango said about Changkong City, he should not listen carefully.

But even if he listened carefully, Otto wouldn't be stupid enough to think that Kiana would foresee the future.

He would only think that this was a white lie that Kiana had compiled for Cecilia in order to show her bravery.

[So... Can the Celestine stigmata I drew earlier...]

[Sorry, no, the stigmata loaded with Cecilia is the stigmata that needs your mother's name. 【

According to the urine nature of this system, it should need to be extracted by you.】 [

But according to your luck, it should not take long to draw it.]

Looking at the conspicuous line of text on the screen, the corners of Su Xuan's mouth couldn't help but twitch.

[It has been detected that the character's soul and body have disappeared, and the character-specific stigmata is required as a carrier to be resurrected.] Good


But forget it, at least it can be resurrected.

And with the luck of the white-haired dango, this thing is not undrawn.

So there is no need to worry about whether Cecilia can be resurrected at all.

All in all....

This trip to the Mandate Database was very successful.

In this case....

As long as Thirteen Ying and other dead people are not irresurrected.


The white-haired dango was lucky enough.

【Oooh, good! How can Miss Ben's luck be bad!

After hearing Su Xuan's words, the originally lost white-haired dango instantly regained his spirits.



Otto, who left the data space, looked at Amber standing next to him, thought for a moment, and then ordered Amber: "Ask Rita to stay at Teresa in the past few months to collect K-423 data."

"Also, speed up the collection of information on the world's snakes."

"But Lord Bishop, if you want to speed up the world,

the funds of the Mandate of Heaven may be some..." Otto was slightly startled: "Where have the funds of the Mandate of Heaven gone recently?"

"Lord Otto, didn't you say yesterday that you were going to develop Karen Fantasy III?"

"You put one-tenth of the headquarters here."

“...... Take it all back.

The man said with some pain.

If it weren't for the sudden arrival of the World Serpent, he wouldn't have made this decision.

Organizations lurking in the shadows suddenly appeared.

This is for him....

But a double-edged sword.


Amber bowed respectfully to Otto, then put away her Chinese and left immediately.

"World snake..."

Watching Amber leave the office, Otto rubbed his brow with some headache, not knowing what he was thinking.

But in any case, the most important thing nowadays....

Or K-423.



St. Freya College.

"Stupid Kiana, it's time to get up."

"Kiana, it's time for Bronia to eat."

The sounds of the duck and the rice cooker reached the ears of the white-haired dango at the same time.

The white-haired dango slowly opened his eyes and looked at the two who were looking at him with a strange gaze, and a trace of doubt could not help but flash in his azure eyes.

"Nha Yi, has something happened to Bronia?"

“...... No, nothing happened. Bud

Yi shook his head slightly.

"Huh? Then why are you looking at me so strangely? "

[Because... Your current posture, my Miss Kiana. Su

Xuan's crying and laughing voice suddenly came in his mind, and the white-haired dango looked up at him suspiciously.

Suddenly, I found myself lying on the floor in a four-fold position.

White hair dumplings: ???

Why did she fall on the cold floor?

[Ah, ah, Su Xuan, why don't you tell me to go to bed and lie down! ] The

white-haired dango muttered to Su Xuan as if a cute little girlfriend had been wronged.

【...... I remember I already reminded you before. "

Ahhh.... Hahaha... Be... Is it? The

white-haired dango touched his little head and laughed.

PS: It's not short this time! And thank you guys for your tips!

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