In the picture, golden threads appear.

They are rooted above everyone's head and cast into the infinite firmament.

And at this moment, those threads are broken.

A pair of hands that arrange the stars cut those silk threads, erased them, and returned them to nothingness.

Aponia's eyes suddenly blurred.

She found that she couldn't seem to see what happened next.

She knew that Alicia had fulfilled her promise and shattered her prophecy.

The picture freezes here, and above the light curtain, subtitles appear.

[Alicia, the Law of the Origin.] 】

[She died as the Thirteenth Lawyer, unleashing her powers to completely change the mechanism of collapse.] 】

[She was like all the beautiful gatherings in the world, and here she ushered in a tragic end that belongs to her. 】

[Alicia's sacrifice erased the thread of fate. 】

[After that, mankind will no longer have a predetermined destiny, and the future will be full of hope. 】

[So is civilization, and so is Kevin.] 】

[In the established destiny, Kevin will eventually die, annihilated into history along with the lost civilization. 】

[However, when the thread of destiny disappears, everything becomes infinitely possible. 】

[Human beings thus have the possibility of crossing the end. 】

[And Kevin, because of this, avoided the fate of mortality, and got the opportunity to live to the next era. ] 】

[The gears of fate turn here, guiding Kevin's life to the future. 】

[With Alicia's blessing and everyone's expectations, Kevin will set foot on the moon and fight the final battle with the final Yan. ] 】

[The major node of Kevin's fate, the final battle, will be played.] 】

【Stay tuned.】 】

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Otto stood up and bowed slightly to Alicia in the light curtain.

This operation directly stunned Lauderdale and Rita. "Four Nine Three" In their impression, Otto is the type who does not look at most people and is self-respecting.

It's magical to want him to not do a show and really greet someone.

In today's world, I am afraid that there are not many people who deserve the respect of the bishop of Heavenly Destiny.

Now, this magic is playing out at this moment.

Otto sat down again, but the previous banter and contempt disappeared in his eyes:

"Interesting... Interesting..."

"I finally know what my problem is, it seems that my imagination of Honkai is still a little conservative..."

"The Thirteenth Divine Key, it turned out to be this..."

Lauderdale: "Bishop... Why did you suddenly get up in the Riddler..."

Otto did not answer Lauderdale's question, but smiled slightly:

"Two of you, can you see anything valuable in this video?"

"Frankly speaking, the gold content of this video is like a treasure for our mission against Honkai..."

Lauderdale: "Valuable information..."

"Sorry... I only heard about Project Stigmata and felt Kevin's extreme sadness..."

"As for the rest... I don't see anything..."

Rita: "Rita thinks that Lord Lauderdale is right..."

"In addition, it seems that Lady Alicia did something very difficult before she voluntarily died..."

"Your Honor... Rita guesses that's why you bowed to Lady Alicia..."

Otto clapped his hands and refilled himself with a glass of red wine.

He looked up at the sky and said with a smile:

"Yes, Alicia has indeed earned my respect..."

"To me, her greatness may only be equal to that of Saint Kalien."

"But to the world, to humanity, Alicia deserves to be called a savior more than Kevin."

"No wonder people in our time can be so comfortable in the face of Honkai, heh... It's all because of her dedication..."

Lauderdale fell into thought:

"I remember that Alicia mentioned that she hoped that the lawyer of the next era would be like her."

"You mean, because of Alicia's sacrifice... So did the lawyer of later generations gain humanity? "

Otto nodded: "Indeed, this solves the doubts that have plagued me for a long time." "

"I have found some accounts about the former civilization law in the void ten thousand treasures, and coupled with the verification of the light curtain during this time, I have basically determined the existence form of the law master."

"Plus Alicia's sacrifice... Scold... At this time, I probably have the essence of the collapse in my heart..."

"So... The fact that Alicia was able to personalize the lawyer of our time can only be summed up by miracles. "

"Huh... Previously, some overestimated the technology of the pre-civilizations, and their impact on the final cocoon was not simply technology, but the result of Alicia's sacrifice. "

Rita: "Lord Bishop... Is this something we can know..."

"I always feel that it has a lot to do with the nature of the world."

Otto smiled helplessly: "If it is me, I will definitely choose to hide it from you." "

"This kind of knowledge can significantly speed up the progress of civilization, the fewer people who know, the better, and the collapse can come a little slower."

"As for now... Huh..."

Lauderdale: "Now that there is a light curtain here, it can't be concealed, right?" "

Otto: "That's it... Fortunately, others do not have the Void, and they may not understand Alicia's sacrifice. "

"Rejoice, at least intellectually, your bishops are a little better than everyone, not even the Law of Reason."

Lauderdale: "So, what is the meaning of Alicia's death..."

"Since her greatness can be recognized by Lord Bishop, it cannot be just the so-called unity of the last days."

Otto rubbed his forehead and said with an embarrassed smile:

"Look at me... Forgot to get down to business again..."

"Ahhh... Before talking about the greatness of Alicia... I should probably teach you a little bit about cocooning. "

Rita: "Is it the thing our rover saw on the far side of the moon?" "

Otto: "No, no, no, no, it's a misunderstanding. "

"Including me... Before this video played, I myself was in this misunderstanding. "

"Indeed, I said this before, but I was wrong."

"Alicia's sacrifice reminds me that the so-called cocoon, like the tree, is some kind of conceptualized creation."

"Only the lawyer can perceive its existence, and only the final can see its existence directly."

"As for what we have seen, I am afraid it is just some kind of strange creation of the ancient civilization..."

"Of course, whatever it is, it's the right thing for us to block news."

"In the picture, Velvi once reminded Alicia that the essence of the power of the lawyer is to throw herself into the arms of the cocoon."

"Huh... This statement is actually quite accurate, and it is in line with my guess - the consciousness of the lawyer is essentially the consciousness of a cocoon. "

"All lawyers, including Alicia, are connected to the same object in some secret way."

"In the past, I and those who inverse entropy thought it was the so-called tree of imaginary numbers, but this is far from the case."

"The creation that decides this is the final cocoon, which is like a valve that controls everything about the collapse at the end of the imaginary number."

"It is the organ that controls the fate of the earth, the only imaginary singularity, and the core of the most essential lawyer."

"All the powers of the lawyer are just a projection of the cocoon between different dimensions, but a shadow of the end."

"How two, is this result different from our textbook, isn't it unbelievable?"

"Our destiny has long been held in the hands of the cocoon, and by the unknown existence that created the cocoon."

Lauderdale: "..."

"It feels like listening to a conspiracy theory... But the pre-civilization's sense of fatalism visible to the naked eye... It adds some credibility to this statement..."

Rita: "That's why Velvi reminded Alicia and told her the price of using power..." )

"The personality of all lawyers... Even Alicia is no exception..."

"Once you activate your own lawyer power, you are essentially taking the initiative to awaken the consciousness of the cocoon and eliminate your original personality..."

"In this way, the price of Alicia's sacrifice is indeed too great..."

"But... Why did she make such a choice, when she could solve the contradictions within humanity as long as she died. "

"If it were Rita, Rita would rather die as a human than a lawyer..."

Lauderdale: "Indeed... This is the glory of the warrior. "

"If she is not careful, she may really become a disaster for mankind..."

"But... I would like to believe Alicia. She chose to do this, there must be a purpose for her..."

Otto sighed softly:

"That's what I admire about her the most..."

"Alicia's sacrifice, in essence, contributed to the smooth running of four things."

"Bringing the pre-civilization humanity more united is one, and amplifying Kevin's determination to fight Honkai is another."

"And the third is that she has influenced all the laws of our time, affecting the mechanism of collapse."

"Doesn't that sound weird? But here's the answer. "

"This is the reason why our civilization gave birth to Walter and there will be lawbreakers who fight for mankind."

"Let's put it another way... Well... The final cocoon is like an operating system that manipulates the collapse, responsible for the investment and wisdom of the lawyer. "

"And Alicia, who launched the power, is like a Trojan horse virus against the final cocoon."

"Her so-called return is essentially using the last sobriety to activate the power of the origin to hack into the final cocoon and tamper with her mechanism."

"This is essentially almost impossible to achieve, because the consciousness of the lawyer is the consciousness of the cocoon, and the cocoon will not do anything unfavorable to itself.0...."

"But here's the problem... Alicia, she did make this happen, and she did work miracles. "

"The principle that can explain this matter is probably only the power of the Law of Origin and has a strong relationship with fate."

"But what exactly... Scold... It's not clear yet. "

"Void Wanzang, you know?"


"Really, you're still asking me for permission to do so, old friend, there are only two years left, can't you wait any longer..."

Lauderdale: "So that's it..."

"That's why the lawyer of reason will fight for mankind, so the lawyer of this civilization has some self-will, not an empty shell like the previous civilization..."

"Is this the influence of Alicia's power..."

Rita: "It seems that those golden threads have been erased, symbolizing that the Cocoon of the End has mistaken control of the earth..."

"Combined with what Lord Bishop mentioned, the cocoon is the organ that decides the fate of the earth."

"Can this be understood to mean that Alicia mobilized her power to give humanity to the lawyer while erasing the established destiny?"

Otto smiled slightly:

"These two things are essentially no different."

"The root cause is that it interferes with the cocoon's operation like a Trojan horse, causing errors in its established program on Earth."

"Huh... To say that Alicia is a Trojan horse of fate, this metaphor is also appropriate..."

Lauderdale: "It's incredible..."

"The world... Sure enough, it's not enough to have a body..."

"Our enemies possess power that can be considered a paradox..."

Rita sighed: "I only hope that the origin of this era is not our enemy..."

Otto smiled: "Enemies..."

"It's hard to deal with without humanity... As long as that new origin has the possibility of communication, it will not be difficult to take her down..."

"However, since he is the Law of Origin, that existence has a high probability of inheriting the mantle of Alicia, and he is definitely not an evil person."

"By the way, I almost forgot the fourth thing that Alicia facilitated, which is something that has a great impact on our civilization..."

Lauderdale: "Is there a third thing big?" "

Otto: "No, but not much closer. "

"Alicia activates the Law Maker power, which means that her core is activated, which meets the requirements for creating the Key of God."

"She used her own sacrifice ... The key to the thirteenth god was provided for future generations. "

"It's not a weapon or some device in the conventional sense, but a piece of the gene of all mankind..."

"That was..."

Saying that, Otto's expression suddenly became a little solemn.

"Stigmata factor."

As soon as these words came out, Rita and Lauderdale looked at their arms at the same time.

The lines of the stigmata are faintly visible, but they blend naturally with the body and are not obtrusive.

This is an artificial stigmata developed by Otto and developed after a long test of 4.4 to enhance the strength of the Valkyrie.

Of course, in order to achieve this technology, Otto did a lot of cruel things.

The tragedy of the Tower of Babylon is one of them.

Behind the success of the fourth generation of artificial stigmata is the tragic death of countless orphans...

As the captain of the Valkyrie assassination squad, Rita has also heard a little about this dark deeds of destiny.

However, Otto's words just now seem to be somewhat different from this fact...

Rita: "The bishop means... Our stigmata, from Alicia? "

Otto nodded: "Indeed, this is also the point that surprised me..."

"Since I was born, I have seen more than a thousand natural stigmata awakeners, and countless people who have collapse resistance."

"So much so that I took it for granted..."

"But how can humans have the resistance to collapse energy? That's pure imaginary power, and it is constantly changing so that it doesn't play Darwin's survival of the fittest with humans

。 "

"And the truth of this matter turned out to be the thirteenth divine key that had no clue."

"Huh... Destiny searched for a long time, but I didn't expect that this divine key was in each of our bodies. "

"Another wonderful irony..."

Lauderdale: "Did you say... The pre-civilization added the core of Alicia to our genes in some way? "

Otto: "It's hard to believe, but that's what it seems. "

"The technology of the former civilization is too far ahead of us, and they have the means to do it."

"And the purpose of all this is probably not just to allow us to live longer under the erosion of collapse."

"This seems to be paving the way for the Stigmata Project..."

"Kevin came to our time, he carried more things than he could have imagined...".

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