As Kevin said.

No one thinks that Alicia should be sacrificed, and no one believes that Alicia is a heinous lawyer.

Kevin is like that, and so is May.

In the past, everyone would only think that this was Alicia's prank and Alicia's good-natured joke~.

But now, the situation is - how can it be the same as usual?

In the face of Kevin's inquiry, May spoke hoarsely and told this heartbreaking truth in a low voice.

Alicia is indeed a lawyer.

She is a miracle born of delusion, a betrayer of the cocoon of the end, the smallest possibility born from a thousand worlds.

She is, the Law of the Origin.

Mei's words were low and firm, stating this cold truth.

Kevin believed in May and always believed.

But now, he would rather it was Mei who got it wrong.

He really didn't want anyone to leave him anymore.

However, things will not go his way.

May sighed softly and played a recording of her conversation with Alicia for Kevin.

In the audio, Alicia softly confesses to May the fact that she is a lawyer.

She discusses the mechanism of Honkai with Mei and proves to May that the so-called God of Honkai does not exist.

She convinces May to stick to the Stigmata plan, but not to abandon the Tinder plan.

She showed her lawyer core, leaving a slightly poignant smile.

All kinds of evidence was in front of Kevin, so he couldn't believe it.

Kevin was silent.

He certainly knew what it meant to be a lawyer.

Like the Law of Death, like the Law of Erosion.

The personalities of all lawyers, all are false, and Alicia naturally cannot escape the rules of the world.

But Kevin believes that although Alicia has become a traitor in her identity, she has never stood in any position contrary to humans.

In this case, is it possible not to kill her?

Yes, Kevin knew he had relented.

He sat limply across from May, asking the decision-maker for such a slim possibility.

However, the answer was exactly what he thought.

There is no possibility.

Alicia, must die...

This is May's will, and Alicia's own request.

May told Kevin that there was no way around it.

Alicia has already spread the word about this matter, and one moment it will reach everyone's ears.

People's hatred of the lawyer is far beyond all imagination.

They would easily kill an innocent child just because she might be a lawyer.

What about Alicia, if people knew the fact that she was a lawyer, would those people restrain their hatred and madness?

Apparently not, human nature in the last days is the least tested.

If they knew that Alicia was a lawyer and that the moth of fire did nothing.

Then the infighting of humanity will become more intense, destroying itself before the collapse breaks out.

This is definitely not what Alicia wants to see.

And, there is one more important reason.

That is, the smooth implementation of the stigmata plan could not be separated from Alicia's sacrifice.

It's ironic.

The cruelest and most bottomless stigmata plan actually required humans to sacrifice the kindest and most beautiful Alicia.

May told Kevin.

The Stigmata Project was never something he could carry alone.

Because, this lacks a premise.

Humans are not lawyers, nor are they fusion warriors, they do not have the resistance to collapse.

This is something that only Alicia, who was born a lawyer, possesses.

For the smooth implementation of the Stigmata Plan, humanity needs the [Stigmata Factor], which needs the core of Alicia's Lawyer.

Therefore, May gave this task to Kevin.

Kill Alicia and get her core back.

With this... Tie-up for this gorgeous girl...

As soon as the picture turned, the time had already come to dusk.

Kevin held the letter in his hand and walked alone to the agreed place.

Pushing open the door of the room, the wide dance floor meets Kevin's eyes.

He remembers that this was a traditional show when the fire-chasing moth was flourishing.

On that day every year, all warriors put aside their sorrow and pain, danced on the dance floor, and had a relaxing night of only once a year.

Even when disaster rages, people always have to learn to give themselves a vacation.

Of course, human beings now have no chance to give themselves a holiday, and they are no longer able to heal their own pain.

Alicia chose the occasion of the banquet here, as if to create some trivial ritual sense for her last night...

Kevin's nose was slightly sour, he didn't want to be the one who killed Alicia at all.

However, he walked in anyway.

He certainly knew what Alicia's choice meant.

As the leader of the Thirteen Yingji, as a friend of Alicia.

Kevin chose to give respect, just like Sakura's time...

Candles flicker on the huge dance floor and beautiful flowers decorate the empty room.

The red carpet and music dispel the loneliness of the environment, but it is difficult to dispel the sadness that pervades the environment.

When Kevin entered, there were only three people present.

Velvi, Aponia, Eden.

After a brief greeting to the three, Kevin pulled over a chair and sat down beside them.

During this time, Kevin did not have the slightest communication with them.

He looked at the end of the red carpet, at the huge wooden door decorated with flowers and closed.

The music is melodious and accompanied by the ringing of the night bell.

When - when -

Twelve empty bells rang out, and the flower-decorated wooden door slowly opened.

There, a beautiful figure walked out.

She wore a white dress, light gauze on her head, and painted some light makeup, which was beautiful.

Her long pink hair was scattered behind her, and her eyes were as bright as flawless amethyst, reflecting the figures of the four people present.

Alicia, grand debut.


Alicia's smiling voice sounded.

"Am I prettier today than before?"

"I hope to hear a candid answer."

Kevin replied with silence, only Eden gently applauded her.

"Ellie, today you are indeed beautiful..."

Alicia smiled: "It's worthy of being my good Eden, only you know me best!" "

"But I know you think that in your hearts too, don't you?"

"Alas, although the absent friends are a bit much, but I still thank the four friends for coming to my final dance party and seeing me off..."

Wilvie: "Ellie... What the hell is going on here. "

"Is what you said in the stationery true?"

Alicia: "It's all true, Velvi. "

"I am indeed the Thirteenth Lawyer, at least, I will die calmly in this capacity and do the last thing I can do for humanity..."

Wilvie: "But... Ellie, is it really worth it..."

Alicia smiled lonely: "Of course..."

"Now human beings can no longer withstand any civil strife..."

"Alas, let's talk about the recent incident of the Thousand Tribulations, although the character of the Thousand Tribulations is like that, his behavior has invisibly widened the gap between human beings."

"If we continue to develop, [trust] between humans will only become less and less, and as the rift widens, we will defeat ourselves."

"I don't think you want to see such a result..."

When Alicia spoke, the picture had already changed slightly.

It was a thousand calamities dragging a charred corpse, throwing it in front of Aponia, and piling it up into a hill.

He pointed to the fifty-four corpses and questioned Aponia.

During the operation that killed Suzu, these people were on the scene.

They evaded the attack of the lawyers, but they were liquidated by a thousand calamities afterwards...

This matter, Aponia remembers very clearly. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Saying that, Alicia smiled.

"Having said that, the Thousand Tribulations are indeed a bit big this time..."

"He must have come to you too, Aponia, did anything happen?"

Aponia: "..."

Abonia chose silence, she was reluctant to recall the events of that day.

The horror of a thousand calamities can only be experienced by the parties concerned.

Alicia: "... Heck, it seems that a lot has happened. What you don't want to say... Let's continue with the topic just now. "

Aponia: "Alicia... The [trust] you want to believe, it doesn't exist. "

"Even if you bring us together and do what you can to keep this group together... One day, it will fall apart, as it is now. "

"We also don't have the possibility [starting from scratch]."

Alicia: "What a merciless statement, is this also what you [see]?" "

Aponia: "Well, I saw a desert. "

"In the end, all the [arrangements] of mankind will be in vain, even the promised land left by you and me... It will also collapse in the distant future and cease to exist. "

Hearing Aponia's prophecy, Alicia just smiled.

"Actually, everything is organic..."

There was no horror on her face, only a sly smile that was no different from usual.

"Prophecy... Let me try such an interesting thing. "

"But I don't have the same special ability as you, and I can only see some things that are close at hand, such as..."

"I see... There is still hope for our future..."

"All it takes is to use my lawyer power to change all this and create some beautiful miracles."

Velvi sighed: "Alicia... You should know the consequences..."

"Once you do that, it is tantamount to erasing your humanity and actively throwing yourself into the arms of the cocoon."

"At that point... Regardless of your will, you will become the enemy of humanity. "

"Actually... You don't have to do that..."

Alicia smiled and shook her head: "No, I have to do this..."

"Because... Even as a lawyer... But still loves all of you, loves all human beings..."

"I hope that in the future, all lawyers, like me, can have their own feelings and the right to determine their own lives."

"So, Vilvie... If in the future, you meet someone who has regained the law of humanity, please find a way to tell me. "

"In that case... I will be very happy! "

Eden: "Ellie..."

"I see..."

Alicia: "Don't be sad, Eden. "

"The last few years to have you by my side... I'm really happy..."

"Wait... Kevin doesn't seem to say anything! "

Alicia hurriedly turned around, lifted the hem of her skirt, and walked towards the man in the corner who said nothing.

Kevin watched all this quietly, as always.

It's just that the cold around him has weakened a lot...

Seeing such a Kevin, Alicia just smiled slightly.

"As for Kevin... Actually, I don't have anything to tell you. "

"You are a true hero, a worthy head of thirteen."

"If there is one person who can [sustain] humanity towards a tomorrow without collapse, then... That person must be you. "

"However, I have one last request, which is the question that you have never told me the answer..."

"I really want to know – Kevin, do they freeze if you shed tears?"

Kevin: "..."

Alicia: "Oops..."

"I'm just asking, don't you really cry..."

"Behave like a boy, okay?"

"But, thank you, now... I know the answer. "

"Look, it's really going to freeze..."

"But... It's so warm..."

At this moment, Kevin finally couldn't bear it.

This leader, the most powerful warrior of mankind, who always walks ahead of mankind, is also moved by Alicia.

He should abandon his feelings and let himself live like an ice cube, so that he can live better in the last days.

However, Kevin couldn't do it.

He has been through too much and repressed too much.

He collapsed by the successive departures of his comrades, unwilling to accept Alicia's voluntary sacrifice.

But he couldn't do anything, as usual.

He is powerless to save the mark in the black hole, powerless to stop Sakura, who is willing to die, and at this moment, he has no way to stop the passage of Ellie's life.

The most ironic thing is that you have to do this by yourself.

Kevin knows that he can only witness and remember himself at this moment.

After that, at what could not be called a banquet, Kevin watched Alicia dance, watching her give her carefully prepared bouquet of crystal flowers to everyone present.

At the same time, he bears witness to Alicia's dying wishes, witnesses her return to the cocoon of death, and for the first time unleashes her own legal powers.

Watching Alicia's crystal pupils gradually lose their radiance, Kevin knew that he should be responsible for this banquet to the end.

He got up from his seat, cold around him.

The pink crystal flowers were dyed dark blue, just like Alicia's body.

Just as usual.

Despite his heart's unbearability, Kevin had no choice.

Under the gaze of the three, he put his hand on Alicia's body, and while the other party's consciousness had not completely dissipated, he sealed her layer by layer into a coffin made of cold ice.

Alicia, died at the hands of Kevin.

The thirteenth lawyer was successfully crusaded.

The girl, who claimed to be as gorgeous as a flying flower, once admonished him to be strong and encouraged him to cheer up.

In that apocalypse full of despair in the future, a joyous birthday party was organized for him.

She once used love and sincerity to condense the last beauty in the world.

And her beloved comrades also sent her on the last ride.

Kevin looked at the sleeping Alicia in the coffin, and tears flowed uncontrollably out of her eyes again.

"There has never been a lawyer here, only a hero with the name [true self]."

His words were low, but almost a wordless declaration.

Immediately, Kevin left the scene without looking back.

He never wanted to experience this again, never to see any of his comrades go.

On the red carpet, there are some blue ice beads out of thin air...

The hall is still empty and deserted.

Only the ice coffin, the bouquet of crystal flowers, proved that Alicia had been here.

All three of Kevin had left, leaving only Aponia in the hall.

She recalls the conversation that happened here.

At that time, Alicia's tone was lively and light, as if she was just discussing with her what to eat for tomorrow's breakfast.

She has always been so lively and light, even when she looks back at her homeland for the last time.


Aponia walked out of the hall and looked up at the sky.

There were originally countless glowing filaments gathered there. That was only she could see, the [thread] of fate.

And now, those [threads] are disappearing into nothingness little by little.

It seems that a pair of hands that arrange the stars are erasing the originally demarcated future one by one... Small..

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