In the picture, the atmosphere of the conference room is quite depressing.

Whether it is a small room or a flickering light, it adds a touch of spookiness to this sudden memory.

"I don't have much time left... Let's just say the most important thing. "

Straight to the point:

"Guys, from a name on paper to the last floodgates in the world today, the moth of fire... To be honest, when I joined this organization, I did not foresee what it is today. "

"I'm not a fusion warrior, and I don't have a long life to correct my mistakes."

"Before the complete defeat of Honkai... I would probably lose my life as a human first. "

"So, there are some things that I have to entrust to you."

"Today, I don't want to hear any lies."

After a pause, Mei whispered:

"Everyone, please recall carefully..."

"How did you meet Alicia?"

The atmosphere was even more somber, and no one wanted to speak.

In other words, those present, including Kevin, also had questions about the need for this meeting.

Only, Kevin will not be hostile to May.

He believes that May is not a person who can do useless work.

She was always so calm, so sharp, that nothing unusual seemed to escape her eyes.

After that, under Mei's sharp eyes, under Kevin's silent coercion, the meeting went on.

But the result, obvious.

Mei didn't get anything.

It turns out that these people's acquaintance with Alicia is very logical, and not all of them are Alicia taking the initiative to contact.

The meeting ended in a gloomy atmosphere, leaving only Kevin and May in the end.


May let out a soft sigh and leaned back on the bench.

She took off her glasses and gently pinched her forehead, and her tone was equally relieved:

"At least... Alicia's suspicions have been lifted for the time being..."

"So cold... Kevin, you're still there..."

Kevin: "Well, I always be. "

"In order to ensure order at the meeting, I did not ask you."

"But the truth of this matter... And your motivation ... What the hell is it..."

Mei: "..."

"Thanks... Without you standing by my side, I really can't let these people speak honestly..."

"But... I can understand that after all, they helped me rise to power because they didn't want to see human civil strife, but now I have instead pointed the finger at Alicia, meaning that 653 is setting off a civil strife again..."

"But, I had to, Kevin... It's your words, you must be able to understand me..."

Kevin: "May..."

"Are you hiding something from me... What happened to your illness? "

Mei Guan'er smiled: "Hehe... Is the focus here..."

"Don't worry... Su is a doctor, the medicine he prescribed for me is very good, and my collapse disease is almost cured..."

"It's okay, Kevin. When the collapse is over... Whether we win or not, I will return to you, and the two of us will leave here and never be separated..."

Saying that, Mei's watch gradually became serious.

"But since the collapse is not over yet... As a leader, I have to make sure I'm calm enough. "

"My life is not as long as yours, so I don't have much time to test whether something is right or wrong."

"So, this time... I just went in and called you straight to the meeting. "

"I haven't told them why, but I think with Dr. Mebius' mind, she should be able to guess."

Kevin: "The Thirteenth Lawyer... Is it? "

Mei nodded and coated.

Kevin: "But... Why? "

Mei: "Remember our response to the tenth collapse?" "

"I used DNA selection technology to screen out a thousand abnormal individuals in the human gene pool and carried out targeted crusades."

"At that time, there was a special individual among these thousand people - L10-997."

Kevin: "He is the high-ranking of the Fire Moth, and he led a large number of lawyers, attacking the Key of God Research Institute. "

"Why bring it up again now?"

Mei: "It's an accident, a few days ago because of those things at the top, the fire moth almost fell into a split. "

"There is no fixed way for Honkai to come, so ... I suspect that something similar has arisen in the top. "

"So, I did that technology again, and I did a check on everyone in our organization."

"At the time of the tenth collapse, our sample size was hundreds of thousands, and after the last two collapses, the number of samples is only a few thousand."

"This means that I can screen in more detail than I did last time."

"It's also better to find problems..."

Kevin: "So... Has a problem with Alicia? "

Mei shook her head slightly:

"I can't confirm... Just a little confused..."

"Compared to the rest of you... The situation with the Alicia gene pool is indeed somewhat special. "

"This may be explained by the peculiarities of the fusion warriors, but the action record of the fire moth has a strange mission."

"At that time, you and I were still young, and the Fire Moth was still the most authoritative organization against Avalanche under the United Nations."

"For this mission, they dispatched almost a few squads, but the goal was only to go to a small town to investigate."

"They went door-to-door, asking every household questions, and they did that no less than five times."

Kevin frowned slightly:

"Why would they do this... Or, did they gain anything? "

Mei: "They get nothing. "

"Later, after several more searches, they collected and returned."

"This matter has always been a fruitless action in the file of the fire moth."

Kevin: "Why do you say this, is it... Does this have to do with Alicia? "

Mei nodded: "Yes." "

"Alicia, came out of that town."

"She used to talk to me about living in an orphanage in that small town and knew about the existence of those searches."

"Originally, I didn't think there was anything strange at that time, after all, there were many people in that town, and it was very reasonable for a few people to walk out from there."

"But this time... I can't let go of any possibility of negligence. "

Kevin narrowed his eyes: "You mean... Is Alicia the cause of that unusual action? "

"There seems to be no factual basis for this..."

May sighed:

"There is indeed no basis, but I have a reason..."

"Yes, it is already this time, and human beings really do not have the energy to bear this so-called civil strife."

"But, because it's this time... I have all the more reason to be this wicked person..."

"Kevin, I haven't mentioned the real purpose of that operation to you."

"The name of that mission was—"

"Lawyer screening operation based on the Avalanche cluster..."

At this moment, there is a barrage sliding across the screen.

[Tesla: Bet on annoying everyone as a price... Do you also need to conduct a thorough internal investigation...】

[Walter Young: May's character is really suitable as a leader... Her rationality is simply not like words...]

[Rita: Rita thinks this is a bit radical... But it is necessary. 】

[Lauderdale: But seeing that there are so many absent people, this matter should not be well recognized...]

[Fu Hua: This is also inevitable... After all, the object of suspicion is Alicia..."

[Paimon: I feel that Mei's logic is so meticulous... I don't understand a little...】

[Ying: It's strange if you understand...]

[Paimon: Hey! Are you looking for fun with Paimon! 】

[Jean: Alicia... I remember the girl with pink hair who fought with a bouquet of crystal flowers..."

[Lisa: Huh... I remember her too. That girl is really beautiful... I like that genre a lot..."

[Kaia: Oh? Is Lisa actually a cute type? 】

[Mebius: Alicia, you seem to be remembered by the audience of the continent of Teyvat. 】

[Alicia: Oh, no way, who made me a girl as gorgeous as a flying flower? It only appeared a few times, and it was remembered by people from another world! 】

[Otto: It seems that the protagonist this time is that Alicia... It's interesting that Kevin's change of fortune is related to Alicia..."

[Lauderdale: The first time it was Dr. May who changed Kevin's fate, and the second time it turned out to be Alicia...]

[Charlotte: I smell the big news! 】

[Ferninga: Interesting, interesting! The love-hate relationship between Brother Kevin and two beautiful girls! Want to see! 】


[Hua: Furninga... actually silenced Kevin...] (Read violent novels, just go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Sakura: This unfolds... I really didn't expect that..."

Fire-chasing moths.

Everyone listened to the conversation between May and Kevin, and immediately recalled the gloomy meeting.

Originally, the atmosphere was still very low, but Furninga's words directly distorted the atmosphere of the promised land.

Sakura: "..."

"I left early... I don't know the truth about this..."

"But Kevin... Is what Ferina said true..."

Kevin: "..."

Vilvi: "Sakura... Hahaha, this question came out of your mouth, it's really interesting! "

"Kevin is too shy, embarrassed to answer, do you want to ask the party Ellie directly?"

Alicia also laughed:

"Me? Hahaha, I like Kevin. "

"Hmm... Rather, what I like is all of you! "

Kevin: "Sakura... There's something wrong with you..."

"Sue, when undergoing psychiatric treatment, remember to look twice..."

Sue: "I see..."

Eden also smiled softly: "Sakura, you know Kevin's person." "

"It can be seen from this memory that Kevin is a strong supporter of Dr. May."

"Although, the appearance of this meeting is indeed reasonable, but it is not reasonable..."

Alicia: "yes, I was sad for a long time..."

"However, I have forgiven everyone."

"Of course, in a sense, Dr. May didn't say anything wrong."

"Judging from the results, Mei is actually the right one."

"At that time, I was still curious why Mei doubted me, so it was..."

"Mei's mind is really meticulous..."

Pardo: "Sister Ellie..."

Thousand Calamities: "Huh... Alicia, you're about to see your end, so you'd better be mentally prepared. "

Alicia smiled slightly: "Qianji, you don't think I don't know anything." "

"I didn't expect to see my own ending in the exposure about Kevin... Alas, what a bonus! "

Kosmo: "yes... Is Kevin's second twist of fate Alicia... I thought it was that battle on the moon. "

"It's really, somewhat unexpected..."

Aponia: "Could it be... Is that the reason..."

"So it is... I probably got it..."

Aponia's soft words didn't escape the ears of the others, but she didn't seem to intend to explain.

Above the light curtain, the picture continues to play...

The screen switches and the gloomy conference room has disappeared.

Kevin appeared in the center of the light curtain, sitting alone in his room.

More than 10 days have passed since the last meeting.

Everyone is waiting for the truth to be revealed, hoping that Alicia can clear Dr. May's suspicions.

Kevin is also looking forward to it.

But what he didn't expect was that the day the truth was revealed came so quickly.

Ten days later, he received a letter lit with a bouquet of crystal flowers.

The color of the letter was a girly pink, with a faint fragrance.

Whether it is the texture or the gesture of the envelope, it all reflects the girl's careful thinking, making people feel warm when they see it.

However, Kevin felt like falling into an ice cave at the moment.

He shouldn't have felt cold, but at the moment, the cold feeling was real...

And the reason is precisely that beautiful letter.

It was an invitation from Alicia, hoping that Kevin would come to the feast hosted by herself, but the theme of the banquet was the crusader of the thirteenth lawyer.

In the letterhead, Alicia confesses to Kevin about the fact that she is a lawyer, and invites Kevin to come and fight herself.

But how could Kevin accept it...

The Alicia who has always been lively and cheerful, the Alicia who loves everyone deeply, the Alicia who is trusted and loved by everyone.

She turned out to be a lawyer, but she turned out to be just a false personality...

And how can Kevin accept it?

He weakly threw the letter aside, stood up, and left his room.

He wants to personally find Alicia to confront the matter.

Kevin knew very well what Alicia's purpose was.

The rift between humans is widening, falling into the abyss of mutual suspicion, which will one day trigger an infighting again.

But human beings can no longer withstand the next infighting.

Alicia probably realized this and planned to sacrifice her life to present herself as the Thirteenth Lawyer and make herself the common enemy of all.

In the face of this enemy, humanity will have to repair the rift and unite together.

But Kevin couldn't take it.

First Mark, then Sakura, now is it Alicia's turn?

It is not difficult to accept that there will always be sacrifices on the way to the fight against Honkai. But now there is no collapse disaster, just an infighting between human beings.

If that's the case, why do you need Alicia's sacrifice? Are humans really worthy of Alicia's sacrifice?

Kevin didn't believe that Alicia was a lawyer at all.

He ran around the various areas of the headquarters, but never found Alicia.

The other party seemed to have realized this long ago and hid himself in advance.

Kevin ran to find Dr. May again, trying to get some details from May that he hadn't noticed before.

When he came to the war room, he was greeted by Mei's complicated expression.

She also received a letter from Alicia, and at the moment she was rubbing her forehead, looking quite confused.

The leader, who had been extremely calm most of the time, was also a little lost in his mind at the moment.

Seeing Kevin's arrival, May sighed softly:

"Kevin... You know about it..."

Kevin: "Mei, Leah, is she really a lawyer...."

"I don't believe... This is ridiculous...".

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