St. Freya, College Quarters.

Himeko shook her head helplessly, she regretted Sakura's death.

Himeko: "Sakura... She shouldn't have died..."

"As long as she is willing to join forces with Kevin to face the cluster of dead created by the Law of Eclipse."

"Her ending will definitely not be as sad as we just saw..."

Teresa sighed:

"She's decided... It's useless for us to say anything..."

"Do you think Kevin is unwilling to stop her... No, Kevin made some gaffes in order to stop her and even the whole person..."

"But there is no way... Sakura is determined to die..."

"This is her last choice and will, and all Kevin can do is give respect..."

Himeko: "..."

"Persistent... Go to die..."

Himeko looked up at the sky outside the window, at the setting sun that gradually converged in light.

That afternoon in California ten years ago, it was the same kind of sunshine.

At that time, she sat on a university bench with her father, whom she had not seen for a long time, talking freely about campus life and future ideals.

My father always smiled and listened quietly to all his words.

In those days, Himeko really felt that it was the warmest time in her life,

Until an illness knocks her down, and when she wakes up from her coma, she only finds the nameless letter that her father has placed in front of her window.

Immeasurable Taryosuke, he died just like that, leaving only a piece of family letter...

All the clues point to Ryusuke dying of a terminal illness, but why didn't he see the body?

Himeko had many conjectures about her father's death.

She also found many clues in her father's research manuscripts, and thus added to the Mandate of Heaven.

At this moment, Teresa's words provided her with other possibilities.

It also gave her some other understanding of Sakura's choice...

Himeko: "I see, Dean...."

"Determined to die... This possibility does exist..."

"Sakura knows that the disaster is caused by her sister... So she has to stop her sister from making a big mistake with her own hands..."

"Suzu is the person she cherishes the most in the last days, and she hopes that in the last days of Suzu, she can give companionship..."

"For this reason, death is the destination she chooses for herself."

"In order to take responsibility for yourself... And to find a place to bury my bones..."

"My father... Did you make a similar choice in the end....."

Teresa nodded abruptly:

"You have a point... Himeko..."

"So Sakura said... She kept her sister's pride, it turned out to be like this..."

Saying that, Teresa smiled again:

"Do you want to say that Taronsuke has kept his father's pride?"

"Hahaha, maybe, your father said goodbye, it seems that there is a similar reason."

Himeko rubbed her forehead and smiled helplessly:

"How do I know, isn't this the reason why I joined the Mandate of Heaven in the first place..."

"But now, none of these things matter."

"Regardless of the truth, my father did die, and this is a fact that cannot be changed."

"For me personally, I can't be active on the battlefield for a long time, and I don't have much motivation to find out the truth..."

"People, after all, we cannot indulge in the past, we must always face the future."

"Compared to my life in the stormtroopers when I was younger, I actually lived more like a good life as a teacher at St. Freya."

"I prefer to be called Himeko-sensei than Major Himeko."

"Hahaha, wouldn't it be a little strange to say that..."

Teresa sighed: "No... You're right..."

"Himeko... You are a sad generation of warriors ... The artificial stigmata of Destiny was tested on you people..."

"The cost... It's your health..."

"Although I don't know what Grandpa thinks, I do owe you something..."

"Compared to you, as the trump card of the Far East Branch, a warrior who galloped on the battlefield, I also hope that you can have a better life in Saint Freya."

"Alas, both of us are a little strange today... No way, the story of Kevin and Sakura is too sad, it touches me deeply..."

"What's the use of being strong... At the end of the day, people still can't protect what they hold dear..."

"Living is perhaps the most important thing than dying alone."

"What do you say, Himeko?"

Himeko: "That's it." "

"Hahaha, although I said that, when the choice really appears in front of the academy head, I think you will probably choose to die..."

Teresa: "Huh... Each other. "

Himeko chuckled, "But... I can feel your heart..."

"So the head of the academy... Since you hope that I can have a better life..."

"Then next month's salary..."

"Let's see, can you..."

Teresa shook her head suddenly: "No talk! Have you hit the next month! "

"You have to understand that the operation of St. Freya Academy also needs funds, and..."

St. Freya, College Quarters.

Looking at Sakura's tombstone in the drizzle, Fu Hua shook his head helplessly.

She didn't have this memory, so seeing this scene, Fu Hua's heart was only a lot more sad than the others.

Finally, she sighed:

"I understand Kevin... Also understand Sakura..."

"They were real warriors and they did their best during that time of crisis."

"Without Kevin's cleanup, the wandering dead would have taken the virus out of the base, making things even more difficult to control."

"If it weren't for Sakura's suicidal battle, the Law of Eclipse would not have had a sudden disorder and would have been sealed by Mei."

"They are great warriors and have done their limits..."

"Sakura is not a betrayer... Never..."

Bud Yi patted Fu Hua's shoulder and said with a smile:

"The squad leader also played an indelible role that time."

"Didn't Kevin also say that you dragged everyone's consciousness into a deep sleep, and then blocked the erosion of humans by the virus."

"Squad leader, they are great warriors... You too..."

Kiana: "But judging by the expression of the squad leader, she doesn't seem to remember this incident..."

"Ah, don't be sad, it's all in the past."

"In the words of the squad leader - Sakura's death is indeed a pity, but we have to look forward after all."

Fu Hua smiled: "Huh... It's not like learning at all. "

"But... Thank you, you're right..."

Kiana: "Hehe, Miss Ben is very smart!" "

"Even if you fail the exam, this does not deny Miss Ben's ingenuity!"

Bronia: "Kiana... Forget it..."

"However, I was surprised by one thing..."

"Kevin, he never even insisted on fighting Honkai... But even so, he took on people's hopes and expectations. "

"Living like this... Aren't you really tired..."

Fu Hua: "Indeed..." (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

"This memory seems to have been separated by me... However, it's not that I can't understand Kevin..."

"The fight against Honkai did not happen overnight."

"Some people are quick to strengthen their faith, but that's not the case with Kevin."

"Only by experiencing many blows and experiencing many pains can Kevin's attention be diverted from May's body."

"And the hatred that is superimposed in this way is extremely pure..."

"That's why Kevin is carrying out the Stigmata plan, not me or Sue..."

Bud Yi: "Indeed..."

"Just outside the picture, I can feel Kevin's killing intent... How pure this must be..."

"It's hard to imagine what kind of attitude Kevin, who has experienced so much pain, will come to our current civilization..."

Fu Hua: "..."

"Kevin he... I've always been a very restrained person..."

"Although he looks cold, he actually cherishes his companions more than anyone else, of course, without hindering his own plans..."

"This person's obsession may be lower than Otto's, but it is definitely stronger than ordinary people."

"Sometimes I also think... Could it be that those two things affected him so deeply that he couldn't even shed tears..."

Kiana: "Those two things?" "

"Huh? Will Kevin experience a tragedy similar to Sakura's? "

Fu Hua nodded: "Yes." "

"This is probably his second turn of fate..."

"That final dance."

"That, the battle for salvation..."

Above the light curtain, the gloomy morning is displayed, showing Sakura's unseemly tombstone.

Under the collapse, even if it is a hero, it is no different from ordinary people.

Above the light curtain, there is a continuous barrage sliding by.

[Tesla: A warrior of Sakura's strength, why do you want to die if you can't think about it for a while, how can I accept this! ] I hate these people who don't spare their lives the most! 】

[Walter Young: I can understand...]

[Tesla: It's you! Allies! You and that Sakura are both one-on-a-kind, do not cherish life at all, always go on adventures, and always do not take life seriously! 】

[Einstein: Ally, you should really reflect on it. 】

[Otto: Hahaha, some people gave their lives to fight Honkai, and Walter kept giving their lives to fight Honkai. 】

[Lauderdale: Bishop... Stop provoking anti-entropy...]

[Otto: Hahaha, how can this be called provocation? I'm telling the truth. 】

[Dadalia: Huh? Keep giving your life?! 】

[Sakura: ... Strange descriptions...]

[Pardolphilis: Huh! Hello sister Sakura! Eh, great, I'm really afraid that you will be crazy like this, and you have to reset your memory! 】

[Sakura: Sue is right... The past cannot be changed... Being able to see my end like this solved a lot of my doubts. 】

[Sue: I want to... You probably need some psychotherapy follow-up...]

[Nassida: It's just, pity Kevin... His heart is already full of holes like a lotus root under the water..."

[Ying: I can see it... Kevin was very uncomfortable...]

[Kujo Choro: I really didn't expect Kevin's awakening to be at this time... I thought he, as a general, was firmer than anyone else..."

[Kevin:... It's not worth wondering... I originally joined the Fire Moth for Mei, this is a fact, it will not change..."

[Fu Hua: Kevin... You're still so calm..."

[Shadow: The pattern of the knife determines the limit of martial arts, and Kevin's reason is not a big pattern... But it still has terrifying strength. It seems that Kevin at this moment is far from reaching the limit...]

[Kevin: Indeed... But that's not a bad thing. 】

[Kevin: If I suddenly go to the limit... It can only prove that the next civilization has also come to an end...]

[Alicia: Alas, it's a pity that this man turned completely into ice in the end, why didn't I see him say so many words in the promised land? 】

[Alicia: Kevin, you didn't cry in that situation, I don't know what else can make you cry. 】

[Eden: I think... There are still some...]

[Otto: Don't underestimate the power of hatred... I also wonder how many human emotions remain in Kevin's heart...]

As Otto's barrage slid by, a pink crystal bouquet suddenly bloomed above the light curtain.

Immediately, the bouquet gradually turned dark blue...

Switch to a small conference room.

The light is not too bright, but flickers slightly with the sound of electricity.

The collapse disaster cut off almost all human energy supply, so this small meeting chaired by May can only use this incandescent lamp, which is not normally used.

At this time, the matter of the Law of Erosion has been over for a long time.

A new collapse has yet to arrive, but the rift between the upper echelons of the Fire Moth is expanding.

They were so fierce that they once came close to plunging humanity's only combat power into civil war.

Therefore, May staged a coup d'état and was supported by all the fighters.

Since then, other senior officials have been forced to step aside, and May has become the true leader of the organization.

Immediately after, she called a meeting.

Kevin (okay), as the leader of the fusion warriors, naturally could not miss this meeting.

Although, he was the last to arrive...

The members of the meeting left Kevin the ninth chair.

The last handful.

But instead of sitting there, Kevin walked straight over and stood behind May's seat.

Kevin: "'~ I will not take any position contrary to her. That chair, you can leave for others. "

The gray light reflected on the faces of everyone present.

Alicia, Hua, Thousand Calamities... There are many absent people.

Although they rarely act together, it is indeed unprecedented that they are not fully present at a meeting of this level.

The people gathered here had their own thoughts, but they remained silent in tacit agreement.

They all knew very well that an invisible rift was slowly widening in this silence.

It took a long time before a rather sticky sneer finally broke the terrible silence.

Mebius: "Hey, look... I have long said that this will be the case. "

"A discussion that is not destined to lead to anything ... Waste of time. "

Eden: "All right, Dr. Mebius, don't be like this." "

"Now that everyone has arrived, let's calm down first and listen to what Dr. Mei summoned everyone here for."

Eden put down the wine glass in his hand and patted his hands gently.

It's like a clarion call. Everyone turned their eyes to the chair in front of Kevin.

The woman sitting there looked so tired and so weak that everyone present could easily destroy her body invisibly.

However, her starry eyes are always one step ahead, making people feel unspeakable fear.

No matter who it is, when they meet her line of sight, they will always unconsciously turn their heads...

Everyone knows that Dr. May is serious this time.

However, the object of her suspicion is unacceptable to most people.

That person was, Alicia....

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