Genshin World.

Inazuma, castle tower.

This video had a great impact on both viewers present.

It shows the cruelty of the broken world and the powerlessness of Kevin in the face of choices.

What about great power, he still can't protect the things he cherishes...

Finally, the shadow let out a sigh of emotion.

"This, it's Honkai..."

"Although I have always known that this catastrophe will cost human civilization dearly."

"But from Kevin's point of view, after experiencing the end of that Sakura, I knew how cruel the essence of Honkai was, and what pain Kevin had experienced over the years..."

Yae Miko also nodded, quite acknowledging Kage's words.

Yae Miko: "I often say that some people's lives are written in novels, not even a few pages. "

"But Kevin... The thickness of his life in the past few years has exceeded that of most people..."

"Hehe, whether it is you or me, there have been few difficult events in the past thousands of years, but Kevin has been experiencing it."

Shadow sighed: "Indeed..."

"Inazuma has never had a big deal in the last 3,000 years."

"The only thing that can be called fierce is the dark calamity five hundred years ago."

"Our losses are indeed heavy, but compared to the intensity and frequency of the catastrophe in the collapsed world, the calamity five hundred years ago was just a small trouble..."

"The only thing that can be countered is probably the Demon God War."

Hearing the Demon God War, Yae Miko suddenly became interested:

"The Demon God War lasted for thousands of years, and although it was not as fierce as the Collapse World, the victory was long enough in time."

"But then again, do you think something interesting will happen if you throw Kevin and these warriors into that era?"

"Not to mention Kevin's monster, even if it is a swordsman with a similar appearance to me, his strength must not be underestimated."

Hearing Miko's joking-like remarks, Kage began to think seriously about this issue.

Then, she looked up at the sky and whispered:

"Don't talk nonsense, it's a dangerous topic."

"I'm not sure if the one in the sky was awakened by the movement of this light curtain..."

Yae Miko smiled slightly:

"What are you afraid of, you don't have the heart of God, and you are no longer a subordinate god in essence."

"I didn't sign the contract like the Rock King Emperor of the neighboring 02 country, and I wasn't afraid of that person's monitoring, and I wanted to say what is your freedom."

Shadow: "It seems to be so..."

"No, Miko... Did you come to me for inspiration for Light Novels? "

"But... It's still an interesting topic..."

Saying that, Kage suddenly laughed.

"If that's the case..."

"Don't say much, just bring Kevin and that Sakura to that era, I'm afraid the Demon God War will end a thousand years earlier."

Yae Miko: "Huh? Are you sure? "

"The Demon God War lasted for a thousand years, do you mean they can end the Demon God War?"

Shadow: "No, the demon gods were divided at that time, and they did not submit to each other. "

"Even if Kevin and Sakura came to that era, it would take decades to clean up in the face of a large number of demon gods with different abilities."

"Of course, this is based on the fact that they don't try to destroy the world."

"But in fact, there is an easier way to end the Demon God War."

Saying that, Shadow stretched out his finger and pointed to the sky and pointed to the suspended island among the clouds.

Then, make a neck rubbing gesture.

"Got it, Miko."

Yae Miko: "..."

"Hahaha, you."

"Just said it's a dangerous topic... But your attitude seems more dangerous. "

"Unexpectedly, you actually hit the idea."

Shadow: "Just tell the truth. "

"After all, the Demon God War was provoked by Tianli, and the managers of the seven corresponding elements were screened out among hundreds of Demon Gods."

"The original creation of the world has delineated the rules of Tivat, and who can not abide by the demon gods born in the homeland."

"Even if everyone wants to cooperate and overturn the heavenly principles that make the game together, the rules of the world will not allow it."

"After all, on this continent, life and death, time and space are controlled by high-level existences, and even history and memory can be modified by certain existences."

Yae Miko: "Indeed... Hehe, we are not counting this as talking about Istarou behind our backs. "

"But if it were Him, I probably wouldn't care."

Shadow: "Under many restrictions, we demon gods are just some wretched people without freedom." "

"As I said, the history and memory of Tivat can even be modified, and how many hidden secrets are buried in the dead ends of our memory?"

"However, outsiders will not be affected, will not be subject to memory modification, and even wear and tear will not exist."

"Because they don't belong to Tivat and won't be subject to rules."

"Ying told me before that Liyue Yan God once made her a witness to this world, and this is the reason."

"It's like that, and it's the same with Kai and Sakura."

"The biggest difference between these two and us is that they are extremely defiant, and at the same time have the terrifying strength to turn the table on the chess game of Tianli."

"That kind of existence that came out of the last days, the degree of mental fortitude is not ordinary people, and it is only a little worse than the demon god, but this will also be made up by time."

"The moment they descend to this world, I am afraid that these two people will lead the human race to overthrow the rule of the demon god, and then continue to defeat Tianli."

"This is the general trend... And unstoppable..."

Yae Miko was silent for a few seconds and shook her head with a smile:

"Do you really think they can do it... For the Tenri, who is completely in control of this world, this does not seem to be difficult to solve. "

"Yes, their power is indeed strong, especially Kevin's kind of existence, whether Tianli can take his full force is not certain."

"But even if there are no other restrictions, time is equal for everyone."

"The one who is fully capable of banishing the Kevin duo to the river of time, so that they will never reach the day when they overthrow Heavenly Reason."

Shadow smiled: "I'm afraid Ishtaru won't care about these things, he himself has disappeared into time." "

"Even if He did what you said... I'm afraid it won't be very effective. "

"Kevin aside, but Sakura is definitely not an existence that will be limited by time or space..."

"While the video was playing, I was studying Sakura's swordsmanship."

"Judging from the fact that she can instantly create a heavenly sword light and disappear in an instant..."

"Sakura's sword skills... It is very likely to reach the realm of cutting through space and freezing time and space..."

"This is a realm that I dare not imagine..."

"The essence of the Collapsed World must be stronger than ours, otherwise such an existence would not have been born."

"And once she comes to Tivat as you said, I'm afraid Sakura will be enough to kill Ishtaru in the long river of time..."

At this moment, Yae Miko was silent.

Shadow's description surprised her almost speechless.

In fact, she didn't need to be reminded by the shadow, she could also see that Sakura's sword was not simple.

She knew that the moment Sakura pulled out the sword slightly, a sword light appeared in the space.

In the process, Sakura's sword was not even fully unsheathed, and there was not even a swing.

Originally, Miko thought that this was similar to the magic of the Witch Society, but where does magic exist in the Honkai world.

After this reminder of the shadow, the son of God realized the seriousness of the problem.

That is not a slash in the conventional sense at all, but a divine technique that cuts through time and space and freezes time!

Coming to a lower level world like Tivat, I'm afraid Sakura can really be like Kage, unconstrained by anything...

Finally, Miko also sighed softly and lay down on the carpet of the castle tower...

Yae Miko: "Ah, this is really interesting..."

"Without comparison, it's really hard to detect Sakura's strength..." (Read the violent novel, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Such an existence in the Collapsed World would die so easily... It's incredible..."

Kage also sighed: "It's hard to imagine how the last lawyer defeated these warriors of Kevin and destroyed the world..."

"How powerful it has to be to do this..."

"The world of collapse is always beyond my imagination..."

Saying that, she looked up at the rolling light curtain of the barrage and said softly:

"The next video is Kevin's second turn of fate."

"With these previous videos foreshadowing... I can understand why Kevin is so powerful, and I can understand why Kevin is cold..."

"Such a him, there will be a twist of fate... Frankly, it's kind of incredible..."

Yae Miko smiled gently:

"Nothing incredible, Shadow."

"Maybe in the current civilization, a long time will help him wash away his pain, and maybe find the meaning of life."

"Yaedo has many villains of light novels, and they all changed their evil ways like this."


"This doesn't seem to be the best ending for Kevin..."

Meru, Jozen Palace.

There were still undried tears in the corners of Nasida's eyes, and the sadness in her heart gushed out.

In order to better understand Kevin's state of mind, in this video, she has been turning on the mind reading state, trying to restore the whole picture of things from Kevin's perspective.

That is to say, her heart is connected to Kevin to some extent.

Therefore, as if she had personally experienced Kevin's story, Nasida was instantly swept away by indescribable grief.

This operation puzzled the skirmishers.

Skirmishers: "Boyel, have you forgotten the lesson from last time?" "

"Last time you connected your mind with Otto, you were hit by the impact of the broken will with him, and you almost died violently!"

"Now that you're doing the same to Kevin, aren't you afraid of getting some more messy contamination?"

Nasida sniffled:

"It won't... Ah hat..."

"Honkai World... There is no such thing as a broken will, Otto told me the second time he met God..."

"And... I believe in Kevin's fortitude, and no one can surpass him in this regard..."

"Kevin's mental strength is hundreds of millions of times harder than Rock Slime's armor..."

Skirmishers: "Strange metaphors ..."

"Well, although I don't know what you're talking about... But you just have it in your heart, and I don't have the extra divine power to help you clear the pollution..."

"How, what did you see this time?"

Nasida: "Ahma, my analogy is not surprising at all. "

"You don't know how sad Kevin is in this video!"

"He watched his closest comrades die, but he couldn't stop it and couldn't protect anyone..."

"Can you feel what a desperate thing this is..."

skirmishers: "..."

"I've had this experience... I thought Kevin was used to it..."

Nassida: "No... Kevin has never actually changed..."

"Before this incident, his essence was still that prince, but he wore a cloak called a hero."

"Despite the callousness of the performance, companions are quite important in Kevin's heart."

"Especially, in the time when there are only thirteen of his comrades left... It is no exaggeration to say that the status of these comrades-in-arms in Kevin's heart is already comparable to that of family..."

"That's why he angrily scolded Sakura when she was going to die, that's why he made a vow in front of Sakura's tombstone..."

"From start to finish... This sadness has been haunting my heart, trying to engulf me..."

"But, even so... Kevin remained steadfast and did not leave a single tear..."

"He didn't want to insult the determination of his comrades 830 with tears, he didn't want Sakura to see his weak side..."

"In essence, Kevin is still a gentle boy, but he is greeted by a world full of malice..."

skirmishers: "..."

"I know... But I didn't expect that the reason why Kevin didn't cry turned out to be this..."

"I thought he had become accustomed to parting and learned to control his sorrow..."

"So it is... Is it actually a determination not to insult his comrades..."

Nasida wiped the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, and her eyes were rosy:

"No one can get used to tragedy... Unless he abandons humanity..."

"Kevin might one day become like that... But at least not yet. "

"Ah hat, even if Kevin is really willing to give up his humanity, I will not condemn him in any way."

"The human heart is always soft, but a separation and betrayal will turn into a steel knife that attacks the heart, leaving a knife on the soft heart that flows blood one after another."

"The knife edge will not be restored, it will only scab over, making the soul no longer soft and hard."

"Especially... It's someone like Kevin who has experienced countless separations in a short period of time... His soft heart is already full of holes..."

"Before the wounds could scab over, new wounds appeared, and one bigger than the other, and one deeper than the other."

"The day when the blood will dry up, and the moment when humanity will fade."

"When he saw Sakura pass away, Kevin's heart at that time was full of sadness, but also indescribable anger."

"He was angry that Sakura insisted on sending her to death, angry that he didn't stop her, angry that he watched Sakura go to death but couldn't do anything."

"This anger and sadness almost made Kevin gaffe, so he smashed the headset that spoke to Mei, so he unconsciously squeezed blood out of his palm..."

"After Sakura died, he couldn't bear it anymore, all the sorrow exploded in his heart, and he went from anger to depression."

"That's why he would sit alone in the corner and confess to the warrior named Hua."

"Confess the fact that he has persisted until now because of Mei, and scold himself for being a hopeless rotten person."

At this moment, this combination of depression and grief in his heart turned into hatred... Hatred of Honkai..."

"That hatred is made up of countless sorrows, extremely pure, extremely sharp..."

skirmishers: "..."

"I see."

"When Kevin returned Sakura's body to his hometown, the scorched earth everywhere once again sublimated his hatred."

"Let that pure hatred turn into killing intent..."

Nasida nodded:

"Very good, Ah hat, you can finally get to know Kevin correctly."

"At first, I was wondering why a sunny boy could become as cold as he is now."

"But now I'm thinking about it."

"Kevin, why is he only cold (devilish) like this..."

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