Fu Hua was really a little confused at the moment.

She had always thought that something had happened to Kevin, so much so that he disappeared in the fifth century.

But now the light curtain told her that Ling's best friend turned out to be the stigmata plan, and Fu Hua really couldn't accept it...

Fu Hua: "The light curtain said that Kevin's third chance of turning the gears of destiny was the Stigmata Project..."

"But this matter is too bizarre, the implementation of the stigmata plan should be something that both of them agree to, and theoretically there will be no such problem..."

"I have the impression that the Stigmata plan was originally entrusted to Su to execute, and with these two people's understanding of the plan, it should be impossible to have a dispute."

"So I'm all a little weird... Is the light curtain wrong..."

Bronia: "According to the meaning of the squad leader, it is Kiana and Bud Yi who fought because of something that they both knew and recognized..."

"In the end, both of them were defeated, and neither of them got any benefit."

"Indeed... Bronia can't imagine..."

Nha Yi: "I can't imagine either..."

"Even if there is a conflict of ideas, according to my point of view, there is nothing that is not negotiable..."

"If one day Kiana and I really have a conflict over some conceptual problems, I will definitely not take action against her, which is too rude and pathetic..."

Kiana: "Hahaha, Miss Ben likes bud clothes the most!" "

"There will definitely be no problems between the two of us, you can rest assured, squad leader."

Bronia: "Stupid Kiana, don't mess with the Flag..."

Fu Hua smiled: "Sometimes, this is really not something you can decide. "

"Kevin and Sue have been friends for thousands of years, didn't they finally fight each other?"

"It's a little weird, but I really want to know the truth about that..."

"And... I also have some guesses in my heart..."

Bronia: "The class leader means, the letter that Dr. May gave to Sue?" "

Fu Hua nodded: "Supervisor plan." "

"Ironically, Otto told me five years ago."

"Four hundred years ago, I helped him find soul steel around the world, and accidentally mentioned Kevin, after all, in the early days of civilization, Kevin took away a large part of resources."

"Otto takes this matter very seriously, he consulted it in the First God's Key for hundreds of years, and finally really turned up something I didn't know."

"Among them, there is the Ombudsman Program."

"These are the two letters that May left behind at the end, one is a letter to Kevin, and the other is a second mission to Sue."

"As Kevin's lover, she knows Kevin's character very well, has experienced countless tragedies and hatred, and wanton destruction is a cathartic scheme."

"And Sue, as Kevin's best friend, has to play a heavy role in preventing Kevin from going astray."

"But that's the problem... From what I know of these two men, they have spent at least three thousand years peacefully, and Kevin is even stronger than May thought. "

"It was the Stigmata Project that made the Watchdog plan execute, not Kevin going astray... This goes against the intent of the Ombudsman's plan..."

"Neither Kevin nor Su Zhong, I don't think this will happen..."

Kiana: "Squad leader! The light curtain is moving! "

Kiana's voice interrupted Fu Hua's thoughts.

She looked at the light curtain, and saw that under the barrage of countless [Salute to Heroes], the picture was gradually switching...

The picture changes scene by scene.

A large number of dormant capsules sank into the ground, preserving the last fire of civilization.

The Salvation Hero chooses to enter the next era and fight against Honkai.

The Serpent of the Realm Devourer chose to practice [Infinite], and the ark of civilization left the earth.

The Celestial Enlightened One entered the Second Divine Key, broke away from real space in advance, and began a long observation that lasted for 50,000 years.

Hengsha plan, officially implemented.

After that, the sky darkened, and finally the power was launched from the moon.

Meteorites descend from the sky and the world burns out.

The final arrival wiped out all civilization on the surface, filled the interior of the earth with collapse energy, and killed all living things.

After doing these things, the final lawyer of the moon lost his power.

It was no longer huge, no longer maintained its human appearance, turned into a lifeless stone statue, and fell into the city of the moon.

Over the next five hundred years, the wandering dead and broken beasts all died and returned to Honkai.

In addition to the collapse energy everywhere, the earth has gradually returned to normal...

Time is long, and countless spring and autumn seasons pass by at the snap of your fingers.

In the universe, the fourth god key is constantly running.

The earth's environment has been rapidly restored, and the collapse energy that has seeped into the soil and the sea has disappeared.

The sun and the moon alternate, and the first life was born from the sea.

Sea fish go to land, and nature becomes lively again.

The scenes show the evolution of life and the long time of time.

And in this vitality.

One day, the earth began to shake.

The sleeping capsule, buried deep in the ground 50,000 years ago, now obtained an execution order.

Space was distorted, and turquoise leaves fell from the void.

Su came out of the mustard seeds and came to welcome the return of his best friend.

In 50,000 years, he has witnessed the birth of countless worlds and the demise of ten thousand worlds.

He has observed parallel worlds countless times, and the future outcome is mostly not optimistic.

Fifty thousand years of observation, after all, did not get any valuable information, only some subtle to ineffable nodes, may be able to determine the future direction.

However, Su could not control the rolling forward of the torrent.

In any case, humanity will eventually take this step.

Since time has come to the point where the forerunner was born, the next observation cannot be as easy as in these 50,000 years.

Su knew that he had to squeeze his spiritual power in these thousands of years and accelerate his search for a solution to fight Honkai.

Although the price was to shorten his nearly unlimited lifespan to several thousand years...

Sleeping pods emerged from the earth, releasing all the forerunners of the former civilization.

Kevin wakes up from one of the cabins and sees Sue, his best friend.

When the two met, they didn't say much.

Su told Kevin that Hengsha's plan had not yet borne fruit, but Kevin did not care, only urged him to continue the implementation of the plan.

Subsequently, Kevin, as the head of the thirteen heroes, gathered all the awakened people and clarified his mission for them.

After that, everyone went their separate ways...

Hua leads Danzhu Cangxuan to Shenzhou, while Kevin and Su go to the European continent.

A new era arrived, but Kevin did not show the slightest impatience for Honkai.

On the contrary, he is extremely calm and very resistant to loneliness.

After that, another 3,000 years passed.

Scenes slide by, showing Kevin and Sue's experience between three thousand years.

They walked through the desert and saw the pyramids built by humans.

They have entered the rainforest to find traces left by previous civilizations.

They wore robes and meditated under the temples of ancient Greece.

Kevin has been acting with Sue for three thousand years.

With the company of his best friends, Kevin doesn't seem alone.

He no longer talks about defeating Honkai, but travels around Europe, cleaning up the occasional Honkai disaster.

Under his and Soviet actions, Europe was no less peaceful than the land of God.

However, Sue knew.

The hatred and paranoia in Kevin's heart have not been washed away by time, but have become stronger.

He is calm because Kevin is by nature.

In the pre-civilization, he would not write emotions on his face when facing countless tragedies.

He always takes the blame on himself and never wants to cause trouble to those around him.

The Stigmata Project is the best proof of this.

When he learned that the Stigmata plan was originally carried out by Sue, Kevin immediately took the blame on himself.

He knew that this cruel plan was even more painful for the healer's benevolent Sue than letting him die.

But for himself, will the pain be lessened?

No, this will stain his hands with blood, which will make him attach a shackle called heartache to his future physical pain.

But Kevin did it anyway.

He still took over the Stigmata Project.

All this, Sue knew.

Because of this, he chose to accompany this old friend more in addition to the plan.

Whoever it is, if the accumulated pressure is too great, there will be problems.

And Kevin's existence, once there is a problem, the consequences are unimaginable.

As a psychic fusion warrior, Sue's abilities can effectively soothe Kevin's emotions.

In addition, as a psychologist, he will counsel Kevin every once in a while.

However, Sue knew that he could not solve Kevin on his own.

He was also someone who came out of that era and knew better than anyone what Kevin's pain was. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As an enlightened being, he sees very openly.

But Kevin, who was on a mission to defeat Honkai, could not get a moment of mental rest.

In the hundreds of years that followed, the two traveled to several civilized city-states, cleaning up the collapse and attending the lectures of philosophers.

Sue hopes that Kevin can find an answer on his own and help him resolve the confusion in the depths of his soul...

And the wisdom of this civilization should not be underestimated.

One day, the two accompanied them dressed as locals and traveled to the city of Athens.

Under an empty temple, Kevin came to see off a philosopher.

He claimed to be a student of the philosopher and met the philosopher for the last time.

It was a dying old man with white hair and a tall figure, but his eyes were not cloudy, and he did not look like a dying person.

Seeing the white-haired young man in front of him, he couldn't help but have some doubts.

Philosopher: "I'm sorry... I...... I don't remember you. "

Kevin: "—Kaslanna. "

Philosopher: "Kaslanna? Names I haven't heard..."

Kevin: "I've heard every one of your sermons. "

Philosopher: "Every one... Hah..."

The old man smiled, and he felt that the man in front of him was laughing with him.

He is seventy-one years old, and the time he preaches accounts for most of his life.

And the man in front of him looks like he is in his early twenties.0

Now that he is on the verge of death, the people who have heard every one of his preaching cannot be so young.

Philosopher: "... Why? "

Kevin: "I don't understand either. "

"In fact, among people I know, there is a vision far beyond your existence."

"I should have recalled her every word to determine my every move."

"—but I can't."

"When I try to solve the problems of this era, I also need to use the ideas of this era."

"In any case, I acknowledge your wisdom and know your narrow-mindedness."

"I thought about the questions you asked and came up with my own answers."

"But now I want to know..."

"As the apex of human intelligence in the past hundred years, after thinking about it for a lifetime, what is the answer you can give?"

Philosopher: "... Answer? "

Kevin: "Why do birds fly?" "

In Kevin's eyes, a dazed look appeared on the old man's face.

No one can think about a problem all their life.

As with Kevin himself as a special case, no one else can support himself to live a long life with such a simple starting point.

At this moment, the old man was attracted by Kevin's temperament.

Those eyes that are completely emotionless and like solid ice are the source of the other party's unique temperament.

Without the accumulation of a long period of time, young people with high spirits would not have such eyes.

This young man, what he said is true...

As a philosopher, the old man quickly accepted Kevin's words.

At the same time, he is also thinking seriously about his problems.

In any case, the old man did remember what he had said when he was younger.

Philosopher: "Because... They [wanted] to take to the sky, so they created wings for themselves. "

Kevin: "But it can't be. "

"It's just wishful thinking for romantics."

"I have the same philosophy – the desire to cross [childhood]."

"But I can't do it just because I want to."

Kevin's response was categorical and unhesitating.

As a witness to the final war, no one knows this feeling better than him.

He had wanted to spend his life quietly with Mei, and wanted Sakura and Alicia to survive.

Want, to lead mankind across the end...

But all this is not something that can be obtained by wanting...

He worked hard and sacrificed for it, but he was unable to stop the destruction of civilization.

Philosopher: "So... What do you think? "

Kevin: "Because, it [must] fly into the sky." "

"When the final meteorite descends in the Cretaceous, only free birds can jump out of the predetermined demise."

Philosopher: "..."

"I don't understand what you're saying."

"But I can see ... You seem to believe that survival of the fittest, the outcome will be the litmus test of everything, and victory is the axiom. "

"So... Young man, before I die, let me give you one last preaching. "

"I'm going to tell you about a man named Icarus, and let you know..."

"Some people fly precisely to fall."

Kevin: 0.6 "I know the story of Icarus. "

"Together with his father, who was a craftsman, he used feathers to make wings in an attempt to escape the island where they were imprisoned..."

But he did not want to listen to his father's full understanding, and flew to heights that he should not have reached. The sun melted the wax used to fix the feathers, causing him to drown in the sea. "

Philosopher: "Huh... You are really well-informed. "

"But I want to... You haven't talked to him like I did. "

"That's right, he's a mythical figure, just like you — that's why he ever existed."

Kevin: "? "

Kevin suddenly realized that he seemed to be looking too lightly at the wisdom of the person in front of him.

Instead of his groundless speculation, the old man is engaged in the resonance of thoughts, and in this way he is close to the truth...

Philosopher: "Everyone believes that Icarus died in an accident out of arrogance. "

"But what if this was something he wanted to do many years ago?"

"When he was little, he said this with his own mouth - I will fly into the sky and meet my victory with a fall."

Kevin: "..."

"Their ideals are the opposite, they want their ideals to be trampled on."

"This is what you've seen... Another kind of hero? "

"But what value can it be?"

"Provide others with ladders to trample on, and use your own failures to tell others not to fly too high?"

Kevin is incomprehensible.

The ultimate confrontation of human beings is essentially for the survival of civilization.

This is a noble ideal, far from what the old man said, using his own failure to warn future generations not to confront Honkai.

Philosopher: "Quite the opposite. What he wants to prove is one thing—"

"I flew in front of the sun, where no one has ever reached."

"So, maybe someone else can cross me."

"So, why do birds fly?"

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