"Because... Some people fly precisely to fall ..."

Listening to the philosopher's explanation, Kevin fell into deep thought.

In his mind, the scene of birds circling the sky came to mind, and the final battle in the dark universe emerged.

His all-out blow brought down the final blow, allowing him and some of his companions to survive until now.

In this way, is it a kind of "flight" ...

If we say, reaching the sun is the end of the bird.

Then crossing the end is undoubtedly the end point that mankind pursues.

In a sense, what is the difference between yourself and a bird?

Like a moth chasing a flame, like a bird flying to the sun.

Are you one of the birds of the flock? Kevin didn't know.

However, Kevin is clear.

He is definitely the tallest flying bird.

After carrying the stigmata plan, he can still fly higher...

The value of the existence of pre-civilizations, in addition to giving mankind a wealth of experience, also delineates a criterion.

As for whether future generations can surpass this standard, Kevin is looking forward to it.

As a result, Kevin also felt a little more firm in his heart about what he was going to do.

At the moment, he had an epiphany...

Genshin World.

Meru, Jozen Palace.

The skirmishers listened to this topic with a somewhat contemptuous attitude.

Skirmishers: "Huh... Boring questions. "

"Why do birds fly?"

"Because they would have flown and there were so many messy things."

"The reason why Kevin was able to ask such a question proves that he is not as determined as we thought."

"Or, he's looking for a plausible argument for what he's going to do."

"Huh... If he were on the continent of Tivat and became a true deity, he would have gained insight into the truth and would not have asked such worthless questions. "

Saying that, the skirmish smiled.

He once ascended the throne, although he was quite afraid of Kevin, he still had a lot of superiority in some things.

But different from skirmishers.

For Kevin's question, Nasida couldn't help but think about it.

She knew that what the skirmishers said was not entirely unreasonable.

The people who came out of that era were more or less lonely and confused.

Like the thirty-man regiment coming down from the front, a considerable number of people have war trauma syndrome.

For mortals10, they do not have the mind of a god, and these are normal.

And what Kevin experienced is not in one dimension compared to the group of thirty.

In this way, he did not collapse, but would take the initiative to think about his own experience, which is already precious.

Why do birds fly?

This is a collision of wisdom belonging to two eras.

For the continent of Tivat, it is the ideological resonance of the two worlds.

If it was a child who asked the question, Nasida might have approached it with curiosity.

She would tell the child that the first bird flew because of its courage to defy the wind and rain.

However, the person who asked this question was Kevin.

As a warrior with the message of "salvation", as the apex of human civilization.

The question coming out of Kevin's mouth won't be as simple as it seems.

Inside, there is a high probability that contains the determinants of the direction of the world.

After all, Kevin is indeed a being with the power to change the world.

Therefore, Nasida did not dare to despise it because of this.

She began to use her wisdom and understanding of the Honkai world to analyze Kevin's conversation with the old man.

Nasida: "Why do birds fly?" "

"Because... They have seen the first birds with a heart as noble as the moon, trying to touch the zenith, but falling to the ground. "

"Because they have seen it before, later birds have made similar attempts and flown higher and higher."

"So at this moment, the bird is still hovering in the sky."

"Icarus did not fail."

"His fall was the fruit of flight, the end of another kind of victory."

"Even if this is an extremely narrow view, it is wishful thinking belonging to romantics..."

"But this may also be the only rule that makes the world work..."

"Kevin... He is ready to set an example for future generations, like a bird flying to the dome, longing for future generations to surpass him..."

The skirmisher's expression was a little more puzzled:

"Buyer... Your expression is a little weird..."

"Why, what is Kevin thinking now?"

In the field of vision of the skirmishers, Nasida did seem quite abnormal at the moment.

Her eyes were filled with surprise, and even her voice trembled a little.

Is this reading some terrible message ...

Faced with the skirmishers' questions, Nasida slowly said what she saw in Kevin's heart:

"In order not to let the sun set, I fly into the sky and take away your light."

"I will melt and fall to the surface of the sea."

"But to take it back, you, you, must fly higher than me."

"This is the logic that belongs to [adult] after crossing [childhood]..."

Saying that, the stunned look in Nasida's eyes deepened again.

"These are the words that Kevin is saying in his heart at this moment."

"Kevin... Something is wrong with his thoughts now..."

"He was thinking... I'm about to start the Stigmata Project..."

"It would have been nothing... But..."

"According to Kevin's plan... He wants to conduct a large-scale screening of mankind and turn himself into the end of civilization..."

"And, he longs for someone to come and kill him..."

"What exactly is Project Stigmata... Why did he think this way..."

"Did you say... His goal is to control the power of the end and become the ultimate lawyer of this era?! "

Skirmishers: "This..."

The skirmishers were also confused.

He had thought Kevin was just plainly confused.

Unexpectedly, this matter was much more serious than he thought.

The end without wisdom is already so powerful.

If Kevin becomes the end, he controls the power of the end.

Under this premise, coupled with his current strength, there will be no one to beat...

What is this situation?

Could it be that Kevin was beaten stupid by the end? Opted in to Honkai?

This can't be!

Skirmishers: "Kevin... How so, he doesn't look like a person obsessed with power..."

"Honkai has taken away so many precious things from him, and he hates Honkai even more."

"If that's the case, why should he covet the power of the end and make enemies of all mankind?"

"What good can this bring him!"

Nasida: "This is also something that puzzles me..."

"In a sense... That's probably what Dr. May said... Gone astray..."

"However, Project Stigmata seems to be such a plan..."

"What Kevin is going to do... It's more complicated than we think..."

A paradise of the past.

Kevin quietly watched the next three thousand years, searching for the details that would turn his fate.

When the subtitles appeared, everyone except Kevin and Sue were very surprised when they didn't say a word.

Best friends turn against each other, and Kevin and Sue are hostile to each other.

This is a development that no one expected...

In addition to Su's guesses, even Kevin was a little stunned when he heard the news.

Of course, he has always been a very controllable person with expressions.

At this moment, he has basically determined that the reason for his detachment from reality is Su.

Mebius smiled and said, "Sure enough, it's Mei's style." "

"She was afraid that Kevin would go astray due to hatred and pressure, so she gave the task of supervising Kevin to Sue..."

"It seems that the future Su really lived up to his mission and really cleaned up Kevin..."

Sue: "..."

"I didn't expect... Kevin and I actually had that day..."

"This is consistent with the future I observed in Meru..."

Vilvie: "Wait a minute, Sue, I'll make a registration..."

"Now, you're the latest armed against Kevin! Be happy, Sue, which model you can choose yourself! "

Kosmo: "What kind of contradiction is it..."

"The two of them... is the least likely to conflict..."

Alicia: "Alas... What an unexpected development. "

"Be happy, Kevin."

"At least we can be sure that you were not killed by someone else."

"If it were Su, he wouldn't have killed you..."

Kevin: "No, Alicia. "

"Sue must indeed have killed me, because if he didn't, he wouldn't have stopped me." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Even if he did, the probability of successfully stopping me would be infinitely close to zero."

Alicia: "Yes..."

"Huh? So how exactly did Sue do it? "

"Sue, did you observe it in Meru?"

Sue: "My foresight is not omnipotent, the world is always changing..."

"It's just... This change seems to have created a gap between me and Kevin..."

Thousand Calamities: "Huh... Just by that blind man? "

"In the promised land of the past, he may still be able to rely on his own special to pose some threats to Kevin."

"In reality, even if he enters the collapse, he is by no means Kevin's opponent."


Kevin: "Unless I intend to stop. "

Sue: "..."

Kevin: "I'm not going to blame Sue because that's the mission that May gave him, and I have no opinion." "

"Compared to this matter, Su took time out of planning to accompany me for more than three thousand years, and I am already very grateful to him."

"So... In the future, if we really have this battle. I think we can also control each other and not make a fuss that everyone knows..."


"The world is always changing, and so are people."

"No one knows, but when I asked why birds fly, what was going on in my heart."

Hua: "To solve the problems of an era, we must try to use the ideas of that era. "

"In the first exposure, my experience is a lesson from the past..."

"I want to... You've probably encountered some difficulties. "

Sue: "Sorry... Kevin..."

"My mind reading can't take effect on the light curtain, otherwise I would have tried to decipher your thoughts at that time..."

Sakura: "Why do birds fly..."

"What if... In reality, you recognize the philosopher's words and intend to meet your victory by falling. "

"Then, Kevin, you're probably going to go down a path of self-sacrifice..."

"In this way, can it really save the world?"

"Could it be that Su chose to stop you because of this?"

Mebius: "Yes, Sakura. "

"Can the sacrifice of one person really save the world?"

"You may not be able to reach that level, but this little henchman of Dr. Mei..."

Saying that, Mebius licked his lips.

"He's totally capable of doing that."

"Only... He strengthened his faith. "

"And the philosopher's point of view seems to have made him make this determination."

"Are you right, little henchman?"

Kevin: "..."

Kevin of the Promised Land was silent, and Kevin in the light curtain had already said goodbye to the philosopher.

His cold eyes were a little more determined, and the whole person looked particularly cold.

Such a change, Su does not know whether it is good or bad.

Then, another ten years passed...

End of the fifth century AD.

British Isles.

One day, Kevin and Sue go to a mountain village to clean up the surrounding Honkai Beasts.

Unlike in the past, today's move was just a smooth hand, and after cleaning up the Broken Beast, the two did not stay for a long time.

Kevin took the lead, and Su Dai calmed the wounded here.

Then, he tread the water and sank into the Thames.

This scene 710 was seen by a teenager, and since then it has become a myth and legend...

Switch the screen to the bottom of the river.

The underwater world is not murky, the current wraps around a hidden building, and schools of fish constantly swim around.

Thames, Vault 907.

When Sue arrived, Kevin had already arrived.

At this moment, apart from the two of them, only a young woman wearing a Taoist robe appeared on the table in the form of a projection.

The high-tech projection and her classical attire look quite contradictory.

But both men present are used to it.

Originally, this decennial meeting still had four members participating in it.

The executor of the Ark plan, Grace, will also appear.

As the executor of the Ark Project, Grace broke away from Earth 50,000 years ago and orbited the Low Earth with the Fourth God's Key.

During that time, she also slept in a sleeping capsule until she was programmed to wake up 50,000 years later.

The purpose of this is actually a compromise on the final situation.

Once a new civilization began, humans no longer had the ability to build spaceships.

In order to avoid the damage of the spaceship and the failure of the Ark plan, Mei chooses to ascend it into space and enter the sea of stars after the beginning of a new civilization...

But now, Grace has been missing for a while...

What this means, it is clear in the minds of everyone present ...

Seeing Sue's arrival, Kevin sat up straight.

The two greeted Hua who appeared in the form of projection in front of them and officially opened the progress report.

Kevin summoned the projection on the conference table and found the report submitted by Hua.

Kevin: "Hua, I have already read the progress report of the [Tinder Project] with Su. "

Hua: "Then you should know that there are no surprises to report. "

"Everything is still going according to plan, we no longer teach the people of this era more knowledge than the current era, so there are no more emperor-level strength beasts."

Sue: "Hard work on you, Hua." "

Kevin: "Sue, is there still no news from the Ark Project?" "

Sue: "... Haven't received it yet. "

"The Ark left the solar system more than a thousand years ago. After that, it takes longer and longer each communication. "

"According to the plan, it was supposed to contact us five or fifteen years ago, but..."

"We still haven't received a contact from fifteen years ago..."

Hearing this, Kevin's expression became heavier.

He stood up and said in a low tone:

"The chances of us getting back in touch with the Ark are slim out."

"Other plans have failed."

Hua: "Now, there are only three of us left. "

"[Stigmata Project] [Hengsha Project] [Tinder Project]."

"If even we fail, then the human beings of this era will not escape the fate of being destroyed by collapse."

With that, Hua stood up, and the projection gradually dissipated.

"I'm going back on a mission, see you in ten years."

"Take care, fellow citizens."

Saying that, Fu Hua's figure disappeared....

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