In 1470 AD, with the spread of Avalanche in Europe.

The world's largest anti-collapse organization, the Mandate of Heaven, successfully intervened in the political circles of European countries on the grounds of protection.

The expansion of power has brought greater prestige and power to the organization.

It also corrupts the bishop's heart.

The original intention of protecting mankind from collapse is gradually replaced by ambition and greed.

This is also the reason for the crusade.

Destiny, want more territory.

Five years on, Destiny has won numerous victories.

The experience of war, superb martial arts.

Coupled with the special weapon against Honkai, in the eyes of the Mandate of Heaven, fighting with humans is simply a breeze.

The knights of the Mandate of Heaven, who conquered all of Europe, were full of ambition.

However, on the road of the expedition.

For the first time, they encountered a strong enemy.

The strength of the Daming Empire, which dominates the land of Shenzhou, cannot be underestimated.

The armies of both sides experienced several encounters.

Finally, in 1475.

The two armies fought a general decisive battle on the Kipchak steppe.

On that day, the sky was cloudy, and the sun pierced the clouds and shone in front of the two armies.

The trumpet sounded, and two huge empires began to kill.

The killing sound was shocking, the two sides were evenly matched, and it was difficult to distinguish the victory and defeat.

The crusade fell into the bureau.

In order to break this situation, the Mandate of Heaven ordered the soldiers to use the Collapse Energy weapon secretly developed by the organization.

Bearing the risk of being eroded by the Avalanche Energy, the strength of the knights who used the forbidden power increased greatly.

In the face of an unstoppable Mandate army, the scales of victory were once again poured out.

As the screen turned, Otto sat in the camp tent listening to the reports of his soldiers.

He nodded, feeling that this victory was inevitable.

"It seems... No need for Kalien. "

"That's fine..."

Otto let out a long breath and suddenly felt relaxed.

As a commander, Otto avoided using the Valkyrie squad in all kinds of wars.

There is no other reason than to protect Kalien.

Although Otto feared the war, Karen joined, and he had to join it.

Now, the dust has settled. 13

Otto felt that he didn't need to worry about anything anymore.

However, it didn't take long.

There was an urgent report outside the tent, claiming that the Mandate of Heaven troops had been defeated and the Valkyrie squad had been dispatched.

Suddenly, Otto's leisurely disappeared.

He abruptly got up and rushed out of the tent.

His instincts told him that something was not right.

He ignored the obstruction and did not wear armor, running on the battlefield full of corpses.

The cloud was bleak, and there were corpses and weapons all over the place.

These pictures tore wounds in Otto's heart.

Long ago, Archbishop Nicolas told him that humanity had been fighting a mysterious enemy.

It is called "Honkai", and it is enough to destroy human civilization.

One day, [Honkai] will also destroy all human beings.

However, Otto doesn't think so.

Look at this devastated battlefield, look at this battlefield full of corpses.

The enemy of humanity should be something else.

That kind of thing is human beings themselves!

"Must be... Hurry up and find her!! "

There was nothing wrong with Otto's instincts.

The Mandate of Heaven army used the Avalanche Energy weapon and indeed gained an advantage on the battlefield.

But the thousands of years of Shenzhou's heritage, how can the Mandate of Heaven army easily shake it?

The abnormal appearance of Honkai Energy attracted the immortals of Shenzhou.

Her red hair and red eyes appeared out of thin air from the battlefield, blocking the front of the two armies.

In an instant, the Ming Empire army erupted into cheers.

Destiny, no one knows her true identity.

It is only known that the soldiers of the Ming Empire respected her and called her an immortal.

Legend has it that for a long time, she guarded this land of Shenzhou alone, away from the threat of collapse.

The army of Destiny was against it and was instantly defeated.

On the battlefield, the clouds change.

The banner was hung with frost, flames ignited out of thin air, and invisible swords permeated every corner of the battlefield.

At that moment, the Mandate of Heaven troops were almost wiped out.

And the immortals were indifferent and unharmed.

In front of her, even the power of [Collapse] is vulnerable.

The army was defeated, and the Valkyrie squad could not do anything.

In order to stop her, the panicked Mandate army crossed the commander and directly used the last resort.

The strongest Valkyrie of Destiny.

Karen Kaslana.

Although there are doubts about the correctness of this battle.

But as the captain of the Valkyrie Force, Karen finally chose to fight for Destiny.

She embarks on the battlefield with a weapon that only she can use, the Oath of Judas, the Key of God.

This represents the final trump card of destiny.

Facing the Red Kite Immortals, Karen immediately unfolds Judas and shoots chains that can restrain the enemy's power.

She wrapped the immortal around the spot and drew her light spear in an attempt to kill.

However -

Karen has a Divine Key, but the Red Kite Immortal has more Divine Keys in her hands.

When Yuduchen's feathers fell, Karen realized that she had not even been able to unfold Judas' vows.

Everything about Fang Cai is fake.

And the immortal just punched, and Karen collapsed to the ground, losing all ability to fight.

The last trump card of the Mandate of Heaven is only killed in seconds in front of the immortals.

Looking at the fallen Kalien, the immortal's eyes were indifferent, and he spoke coldly:

"The weapon you use exists to protect humanity."

"A person who has not made an awareness of the guardian cannot liberate his true power."

Facing the fallen Kalien, the immortal spoke for the first time.

Her words pierced Kalien's heart like spikes.

Karen, who already had doubts about this war, suddenly fell into a painful contradiction.

And at this moment, Otto rushed to the battlefield.

He saw that in the wasteland, Karen had fallen at the feet of the immortals.

He saw that Kalien's eyes had lost their highlights and lost the ability to fight back.

Otto, who witnessed Kalien's defeat, only one thought remained in his mind.

He jumped off the dirt slope and stumbled between the two.

With the body, separate Karen from the immortals.

Even though his heart was full of fear, Otto still firmly looked at the red eyes of the immortal.

I will guard her, Otto said in his heart.

Even if it is at the cost of your own life, it is not spared.

As always, as now, and as in the future.

Perhaps he was moved by Otto's actions.

The immortal looked at the man in front of him, and then turned and left.

As she left, she looked back at Otto and said in a low voice:

"The user of the key, think about it."

"What exactly are you going to protect?"

Immediately, in the afterglow of the setting sun, the immortals left.

Only Otto held Karen and fell into a long thought.

The one-sided slaughter of the immortals permanently rendered the Mandate of Heaven's Eastern Crusade troops permanently incapable of fighting. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

After this, this Kipchak battle ended in the retreat of the Mandate of Heaven.

Otto left the battlefield with Karen and returned to the headquarters of the Mandate of Heaven in Europe.

The crusade, failed.

Immediately, the picture freezes.

Freeze on the battlefield under the setting sun.

The subtitles are presented, glowing with a faint blood glow in the afterglow of the setting sun.

[In 1475, the Mandate of Heaven Crusade failed. 】

[The Red Iris Immortal left, leaving Otto and Karen with a question. 】

[What exactly am I going to protect?] 】

[And this problem is also the root cause of the subsequent contradiction between the two. 】

[Kaslana is the shield of the people, while Apocaris is obsessed with power schemes. 】

[What the two guard has a fundamental contradiction. 】

[The failure of the Eastern Crusade was precisely the trigger for intensifying contradictions. 】

[And this will push the future of Otto and Karen to each other's abyss.] 】

[It belongs to Otto's second twist of fate, which is coming....]

A paradise of the past.

Su looked at the battlefield in the picture and sighed softly.

Su: "At that time, Hua probably knew that Otto had the Void Hidden Treasure. "

"So, she gave Otto a way to live."

"After all, there is still hope for Otto's future, and he may one day be able to awaken and put his knowledge to good use."

Hua: "What exactly is the thing that guards..."

"What a tough question, Karen I don't know, but I believe that Otto wants to protect..."

"It must be Kalien..."

Hearing Hua's words, Kevin fell into deep thought.

He had planned to estimate Otto's future actions from the perspective of the survival of civilization.

However, he was stunned.

Because Hua's words seem to be talking about himself.

I'm going to protect... What exactly...

Kevin: "..."

"I feel like Otto is going to get more and more extreme."

"I... Actually, I can quite understand him..."

Sylvie looked at Kevin and laughed out loud:

"Then I have to mention my final model of Kevin Armament, Dr. May!"

"This lovely viewer has successfully realized the similarities between himself and Otto!"

Phyllis immediately understood what Kevin was saying.

She instinctively replaced the Otto in the picture with Kevin, and Karen with Dr. May.

Subsequently, a bloody drama took shape in Phyllis's mind.

Through Otto, she seems to see the future Kevin...

Phyllis looked at Kevin with a rather strange expression:

"Boss Kevin, let's tell you, you must not learn from Otto."

"It doesn't matter if Otto is crazy, if Boss Kevin is crazy..."

"Oh... The world could be destroyed! "

Phyllis's words made Alicia laugh.

Alicia: "Crazy Kevin? Hahaha, it's fun to think about. "

"However, if it were Kevin, there probably wouldn't be such a problem."

Kevin: "Indeed... I... There are tasks in hand. "

On the other side, Qian Qian put his feet directly on the table, looking at the light curtain's expression with some disdain.

A Thousand Tribulations: "Void Wanzang, Judas' Oath, Xuanyuan Sword, Yudu Dust." "

"The Key of God was actually used as a civil strife for mankind, hahaha.... Hahahahaha! That's interesting. "

"The behavior of this group of people reminds me of the last days of the former civilized Chrysalis Force."

"Ahhh... Some hands itch..."

Mebius sneered: "At any time, there will always be infighting among human beings. "

"The tenth collapse of the former civilization is over, but the Chrysalis troops are still rebelling. The tragedy of restraint is so sad, but the moth of fire is still playing out a power drama. "

"Human nature is such that it is impossible for them to concentrate on fighting collapse unless they are desperate."

"That's why the crusade will appear, which is very realistic."

Eden nodded: "Human nature does have a unique brilliance. "

"But it is undeniable that the darkness of human nature is always greater..."

"I'm looking forward to what kind of answer Otto and Karen will make to China's question."

"I can probably see the trajectory of Otto's future life..."

St. Freya, Room 740, Dean's Office.

Seeing the defeat of the expeditionary army of the Mandate of Heaven, the two members of the Mandate of Heaven who were here were extremely happy.

Teresa: "Deserve it!" Do unrighteous things in the name of protection, and finally hit hard nails! "

Himeko: "That is, let ordinary people use Honkai energy weapons against ordinary people." "

"This is too bad, isn't it bullying! Bully not only the enemy, but also your own people. "

"Even in Saint Freya, you have to wear Valkyrie armor to use the Honkai Energy Weapon."

"Damn, the Eastern Expeditionary Army didn't treat people as people!"

Teresa: "Okay, okay, it's destiny like this." "

"After Grandpa took office, most of them improved.... Let's go..."

"Well, in addition to not treating people as human beings..."

Thinking of the Tower of Babylon, Teresa really did not have the confidence to say that the Destiny cherished life.

Because of this, she created St. Freya Academy as the Far Eastern Branch of Destiny.

However, looking at the fate shown in the picture, Teresa even felt that her grandfather's governance was quite open.

Himeko looked at the picture of the light curtain and suddenly laughed.

Himeko: "Alas, I think the main reason for the failure of this crusade is actually the Honkai energy weapon. "

Teresa: "? "

Himeko: "The army of the Mandate of Heaven should not carry such things." "

"Look, there have been so many encounters big and small, have the immortals ever taken care of it?"

"As soon as the Honkai Energy weapon was taken out, Fu Hua immediately took action."

"This is the anti-scale of the immortals."

Teresa nodded, thinking that Himeko was right.

In the performance of the previous video, the Red Kite Immortals did not care about the change of dynasties and did not care about political affairs.

But as long as there is a collapse energy disaster, the immortals can strike faster than anyone.

Thinking of this, Teresa sighed:

"I read the description of the subtitles, this crusade seems to be the trigger for the outbreak of the disagreement between grandpa and Karian."

"Is it because the war failed, which led to the breakdown of the relationship between the two..."

"It shouldn't be, otherwise grandpa wouldn't have such a deep obsession..."

Himeko thought for a few seconds: "I think it's probably a clash of ideas. "

"The word [guardian] has different meanings for different people."

Teresa: "Probably so..."

"I can feel that the grandfather in the picture is getting more and more extreme."

"This crusade, he should not be involved in it at all."

"If it weren't for Kalien..."

Saying that, the two fell silent.

They remembered Otto now, and felt more and more that this change seemed reasonable.

All it takes is an opportunity.

An opportunity to turn the gears of destiny...

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