Genshin World.

Mond, Knights of the Zephyr.

Jean looked at Otto's posture under the residual sun, and looked at the rather casual attitude of the immortals.

She was stunned.

The indifference of the immortals seemed that what had just happened was not a battle, but a joke.

Qin intuitively felt that the immortals didn't seem to be serious at all...

For a long time, Lisa took the lead in sighing:

"It's incredible."

"Breaking the world is much more dangerous than you think."

Kelly also said happily:

"Wow! Immortals are so powerful! "

"Knocking down the bad guys so quickly, Kelly thinks it's so powerful!"

"Let them bully people again, Destiny these bad guys!"

Jean: "Indeed, such a huge army is so vulnerable..."

"I'm a little worried about Falgar, and I don't know if the expedition of the Grand Commander is going well..."

Jean was a little worried at the moment.

I thought that Falgar led most of Mond's military forces to leave, and it must be quite safe in terms of strength.

But seeing the tragic situation of the Mandate of Heaven Eastern Expeditionary Army, Jean did not dare to say so.

Who knows if he will encounter an existence like an immortal halfway along the way, and directly kill the army without saying a word.

Diluc: "Falgar is not going to attack any specific country, and he does not have to worry about encountering the problem of destiny. "

"Huh... It's enough for the Knights to have me this trouble. "

Kaiya smiled and waved her hand:

"With the existence of that immortal strength, no matter how you say it, you won't do anything to the Grand Commander."

"Hmm... Unless, it's a monster on the side of the abyss..... Wait, is there such a presence in the abyss? "

With that, Kaia looked at Wendy.

"Wendy, you say?"

He knew that the bard was not simple.

Unfortunately, what he didn't know was that Wendy was also quite confused at the moment.

Wendy heard Kaia call him before she suddenly came to her senses.

Wendy: "Huh? "

"The abyss... Probably not, probably. "

"Hey, spare me, what do I know as a bard."

As a spectator, Wendy has been in a state of withdrawal.

This crusade did not make Wendy feel any problems at first, after all, as a wind god who has seen wars large and small, he actually understands the expansion of human ambition.

Like Lawrence in Old Mond, they all need some sanctions to wake up.

Therefore, Wendy felt that this crusade force formed because of the desire for power would not go far even with the participation of Otto and Karin.

In this state of mind, Wendy looked at the content of the picture, and only a thick poetry remained in her mind.

Sunset, wasteland, war.

The story told on the light screen was quite interesting, and Wendy felt that she had found a library of materials again.

The story of the people's resistance to the aggressive rule took shape in Wendy's mind again.

It's just that this psychology was quickly broken.

When the red-haired and red-eyed immortal appeared, Wendy froze instantly.

Instinct told him that this guy with a different painting style was not simple.

He did not expect such a variable.

And after the battle of the immortals, Wendy felt a strong shock.

You know, put it in the Demon God War five hundred years ago.

An army of the size of Heavenly Mandate is enough to pose a mortal threat to some demon gods.

For example, Heuria, the demon god of salt, and Diacarapian, the demon god of tornadoes.

But that immortal casually killed this army without leaving a piece of armor, or even tired at all.

This is simply outrageous to the extreme.

This shows that the strength of that immortal is one hundred percent surpass that of most demon gods.

The power system of the Collapsed World may far surpass the continent of Tivat...

So when Kaia asked him if there was a similar combat power under the abyss, Wendy chose to be vague.

He was really unsure, and it seemed that nothing was surprising under the abyss.

On the other side, Mona was silent.

She thought that this light curtain could see the turn of other people's fate, and the principle followed was astrology.

But who knows, this light curtain is more direct.

It's shown in the form of a video.

This made Mona, who had the intention to compete with the light curtain, feel a sense of powerlessness.

Especially when I saw the scene of immortals killing all sides, the sense of powerlessness was even stronger.

Mona sighed softly:

"It's terrible... I need to be quiet..... ~.."

"I don't know what the witch will think over there, hehe... The old woman must be very confused now..."

Albedo, on the other hand, didn't have much mood change.

He looked at the light curtain and looked quite seriously.

Seeing this, everyone thought that this chief alchemist of the Zephyr Knights might have seen something.

So, everyone's eyes fell on Albedo.

Albedo, who felt the gaze, looked at the room full of people suspiciously and shook his head:

"I just think it's a pity..."

"I seem to have left something important."

Jean: "Something important?" "

Albedo: "Yes, it's important. "

Looking at Albedo's serious expression, Jean's heart suddenly tightened.

No, this one saw something.

Also, Albedo, as the chief alchemist of Mond, must have a unique vision.

Wendy: "Is it related to that immortal?" "

Albedo: "..."

"Probably, it depends on whether I want to express it to the immortals or not."

Suddenly, Wendy was also a little surprised.

Albedo must have been very important.

It seems to contain the secret of the identity of the immortal, just depends on whether Albedo is willing to express it or not!

What was the thing he left behind...

Diluc: "Albedo, does this thing have anything to do with the expeditionary army?" "

Albedo: "Yes, it will be the main part of what makes up this thing. "

"It's also something I'm about to express..."

Suddenly, Diluc also felt that Albedo saw something in the picture.

This thing is quite important, and it has something to do with the immortals and expeditionary forces in the picture.

Could it be that Albedo has a unique vision and sees some information on the immortals?

Can he answer Kaia's question just now...

Kaiya also became rarely serious:

"So... What is that? "

Albedo sighed and said slowly:

"That was..."

"My sketchbook."

The words fell, everyone was stupid.

They wondered if they had misheard.

And Albedo seemed rather regretful, a little gushing.

"Blame me for being too anxious and forgetting to bring it back from the snowy mountains."

"Otherwise, I must record this picture on the light curtain."

"Whether it is an army, a war, or an immortal, there needs to be an artistic expression."

"It's a pity..."

Jean looked at Wendy, and Wendy looked at Diluc.

The mood of the three people at this moment was as if there were 10,000 Qiliang Liang rushing past in their hearts, leaving behind a ball of yarn...

Jean: "Albedo..."

She couldn't contain the urge to complain.

And at this moment, the light curtain changed again...

Breaking the world.

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Lauderdale and Rita fell into curiosity.

This is not to be puzzled by the Red Kite Immortals single-handedly destroying the Eastern Crusade team, after all, they have already met once.

What they were curious about was what kind of answer Otto would give to the Red Kite Immortal's question.

Immediately, Lauderdale took the lead in asking:

"So, the holder of the key."

"Do you know exactly what you're protecting?"

Otto smiled and said, "Of course. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"I don't just know what I'm going to protect."

"I also know what the Red Kite Immortals want me to guard."

"But unfortunately, Otto Apocaris, he will not grant the wishes of anyone but Kalien."

Rita was a little stunned:

"Say, Lord you..."

Otto chuckled:

"That's right, Rita, what am I going to protect, isn't it obvious?"

"It's just a pity."

"At that time, I took a wrong path in order to better protect Kalien's dream."

"The reason why the divergent road is the wrong path is because it goes against the direction Karen wants, but it is the same way."

"That thing is coming..."

"That's probably my second turn of fate..."

As soon as the words fell, Otto noticed that the light curtain in front of him had changed.

The scene changes from the Kipchak steppe to a small European town...

The video continues to play.

The scene switches to the city-state, and Otto and Karen walk the main road together, just like when they were children.

Despite losing the battle not long ago, the two were not affected by the defeat sentiment at the top.

For Otto, as long as Karen is okay, everything is good to say.

However, the top management does not think so.

After the Battle of Kipchak, the Mandate of Heaven's troops withdrew to the territory of Europe, and the defeat of the war brought heavy losses to the organization.

The treasury was in deficit for a while, and the economy was also hit hard.

In order to make up for these losses, Destiny came up with a way.

They declared to the people that everyone is born guilty and that new mistakes are constantly made as life continues.

These sins will accompany him throughout his life.

Destiny is qualified to purify their souls.

Therefore, those who did not participate in the war must give the equivalent wealth to complete salvation.

This system is called [indulgences].

They forced the masses to buy [indulgences] to fill the national treasury, and the price of [indulgences] was extremely high and not affordable for ordinary people.

As soon as this system came out, the people suddenly had no livelihood.

Otto and Karen walk the streets and repeatedly see expropriators forcibly seizing the wealth of the citizens and trampling on their dignity.

The perspective shifted, to Kalien.

Seeing this scene, Karen's mind once again sounded the question that the immortals asked her on the Kipchak steppe.

[What are you going to protect?] 】

So, is it really right...

After a little thought, Karen stepped forward and stopped the priest's forced conscription.

The two clashed, and Karen denounced the priest's behavior as inappropriate.

But the priest was tough, claiming that if you knights had not lost the battle, how would we have done this?

Seeing the escalation of the conflict between the two, more and more onlookers grew.

At this time, Otto came and joined the dispute.

As the son of a bishop, Otto was a well-deserved magnate.

When the priest saw Otto, he instantly fell, put down a few cruel words and left.

And this incident planted the seeds of resistance in Kalien's heart.

She felt that this was not right.

People are just ordinary lives, why should they be oppressed?

After that, Otto and Karen continued shopping and came to a square.

Here they met an orator.

This man, named Shakespeare, wears a red whip and wears the mask of the strange thief in the story.

She pointed a short sword, spoke generously, and criticized the work of Destiny in the form of a drama.

"A person can look like an angel in appearance."

"But you may hide yourself deep inside."

"They are like poisonous snakes, they are like hungry rats."

"For their own interests, unrestrained indulgence, insatiable greed, and disregard for the life and death of the people!"

Karen dressed in a priest's robe stood in the middle of the crowd.

She listened to Shakespeare's words and was amazed and shocked.

Ugh --

Shakespeare drew his short sword and pointed it straight at Kalien, the only person in the crowd wearing a priest's uniform.

She is imposing and her tone is infectious:

"It's up to me, the righteous one with the sword, to cut the throat of your order!!"

"The people will not be deceived by you like this again!!

Karen was calmed by this momentum.

She felt a sense of fear.

From all directions, the coercion brought by the people.

At this moment, Karen felt that she was isolated from the world in her clerical clothes.

Pushed against the people by a peculiar force.

She looked at Shakespeare in front of the stage in disbelief, and suddenly didn't know what she should do.


There was a commotion in the crowd.

The knight's voice pulled Kalien's attention back.

Several men in light armor emerged from the crowd, pointed at Shakespeare on the stage and yelled:

"Catch her! She is denigrating destiny! "

How is Shakespeare, a dramatist, the opponent of these able-bodied knights?

She was pressed onto the stage, and the mask fell at Kalien's feet due to the impact.

Until this time, Shakespeare did not stop his speech.

With aggressive words, she denounced what Destiny had done.

With a very infectious tone, she called for the awakening of the people.

Karen was touched by Shakespeare.

After some psychological struggle, she picked up her mask and rushed out of the crowd under Otto's doubtful gaze.

Otto knew immediately what Karen was going to do.

But he wanted to stop it, but it was too late. (King's)

Sure enough, Kalien's figure soon appeared near the stage.

She wears that purple mask and a hooded cloak that she brought from the vendor.

The whole person has a strange feeling of a thief.

She jumped off the roof and appeared in center of the stage in the blink of an eye.

Immediately, in the knight's confusion and the cheers of the audience, Shakespeare picked up and rushed out of the knight's encirclement.

The knights hurried to catch up, but they were stopped by the people and could not move forward...

Among them, there is Otto's handwriting.

After guiding the audience over, he left alone and went to where Karen might go.

Sure enough, around the corner of a building, Otto saw a cheerful Kalien.

She smiled as bright as the sun, held a mask in her hand, and waved high to Shakespeare.

Just like eleven years ago, on that spring morning, Karen held a paper airplane and laughed at herself.

Karen seemed to have a direction forward in her heart.

And Otto stood in the shadows, smiling at Kalien's smiling appearance.

It was as if he had seen the sun again.

He couldn't help but think.

I hadn't seen such a smile on Kalien's face in a long time.

That night, Otto went back to his room on time to rest.

However, in the study room this evening, an unexpected guest appeared.

It was Karen with a mask in hand, and she had been waiting for Otto.

Otto was surprised by her arrival, but seeing Karen holding the mask in her hand, it felt that something was not quite right.

He was just about to ask Karen what was going on, but Karen suddenly stood up and grabbed Otto's shoulders.

Her expression was excited, and her eyes lit up and said:


"I thought of a good idea, let's go steal that smelly old man's gold coins!"

"Victor, that guy must have embezzled a lot of gold coins with indulgences, I'll steal them and return them to everyone!"

"Let him know that there is still justice in the world!"

Saying that, Karen covered one of her eyes with a mask and excitedly declared:

"Help me, Otto."

"Make me a good monster thief!".

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