The video continues to play.

Otto looked at Kalien, and suddenly had some indescribable emotions in his heart.

To be precise, this emotion is fear.

He was afraid that Karen would know another face behind his back.

The year is 1476.

It has been a year since that failed crusade.

As the son of the Bishop of Destiny, Otto knew in his heart what the higher authorities were doing now.

To be precise, he himself is participating as the main force.

A year ago, the Red Kite Immortal had warned him on the Kipchak steppe to let Otto know what he was protecting.

In the thoughts of the Red Kite Immortals, as the holder of the Void, Otto will surely have a lot of knowledge beyond civilization itself.

Once Otto awakens, he realizes his worth.

With this knowledge, he will improve human civilization in a targeted manner and avoid going down the old path of the Tinder Project.

Taken together, Otto has what it takes to be a human leader.

The value brought by him and the Void Wanzang is to a certain extent equivalent to half a forerunner.

Therefore, the Red Iris Immortal left him a way to live and gave him such a warning.

But what the immortals don't know is that.

In Otto's heart, he already had the answer.

What am I going to protect?

It's Kalien!

It was my agreement with Karen when I was a child!

Otto knows better than anyone what kind of person he is.

In his eyes, Karen means more than just his fiancée.

That is the object he wants to protect, that is the existence that can determine the personality of Otto Apocalis.

He always remembered that early morning eleven years ago.

The white-haired girl stood in front of her and sent out an invitation to save the world together.

He always remembered that smile and his agreement with Kalien.

But how hard it is to save the world...

It is not only the collapse that threatens the world, but also humanity itself.

All Otto can do is do his best to find a way to destroy Honkai.

That's what he understands, saving the world.

Otto acted in this way.

Whether it was the collapse crisis of the 420 common or the Black Death, he intervened and actively solved the problem.

Otto knew that he had promised Kalien.

He wants to always be the great inventor in Kalien's heart.

He has always been a partner in saving the world by Kalien's side.

Karen is the sunlight in the bright place, and Otto willingly acts as a shadow in the corner.

And the failure of the crusade was an opportunity.

This opportunity involved the magnates of the Mandate of Heaven, which made them unwilling to fail.

The picture turned and came to a dark room.

Lilac fluorescence filled the walls, and a box that looked like a void, but incomparably black, suspended in the center of the room.

Its glow flickers and releases an uncomfortable life force.

What Karen didn't know was that Destiny had been hiding an item.

Underneath the headquarters, a pitch-black box was hidden.

It was a creation from a pre-civilization that was sealed with pure Collapse power.

This thing is extremely dangerous, and no one dares to have an idea about this black box.

As the world's largest anti-collapse organization, Heavenly Destiny found it early and stored it underground.

After the failure of the crusade, the magnates and high-ranking officials could not accept such an outcome.

They want to make a comeback.

So, in the name of defeating Honkai.

The high-level officials of Destiny pushed the black box behind the scenes.

They want to seize the power of this black box in order to gain greater strength.

And Otto, too, was involved.

Despite the danger, Otto knew it very well.

In this box, there may indeed be a hope for mankind to defeat Collapse.

But the price is most likely unbearable for human beings...

Therefore, in order to stop the high-level fooling around, and to fulfill his agreement with Kalien.

Otto relied on the development of the Black Death cure, and the restoration of the oath of Judas, the key of God.

He successfully served as the principal researcher.

In the picture, Otto is still as good as he was that night.

He stood in the shadows underground, looking with cold eyes at the men, women and children who were dull in their eyes and constantly begging for mercy.

The subjects were tied to a wooden frame and placed in front of a black box.

The power oozing from the box, slowly injected into their bodies.

They roared, their bodies underwent unimaginable abnormalities, and they gradually turned into dead soldiers.

At this time, the knights around Otto will strike and kill him.

The war displaced too many people, and even if Destiny carried out such experiments, no one could find it.

This has been the case all year long.

Otto is used to it, and there is no burden in his heart.

He wants to conduct inhumane human experiments, testing the limits of the power that ordinary people can withstand.

And all this.

He didn't dare to tell Kalien.

When he heard that Karen was going to act as a monster thief and act secretly.

Otto's fear was suddenly magnified several times.

This means that Karen will actively contact the secret secrets, or will expose the experiment to the public.

The latter Otto is not afraid at all.

What he was afraid of was Kalien's disappointed eyes...

But when he heard Kalien's plea, Otto nodded anyway.


"Okay, I'll help you."

Otto struggled to respond.

No way.

He was always unable to refuse Kalien...

Otto's answer caused a brief pause in the video.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage rolls.

[Jean: Rampant conquest... Is the rule of Manifest Destiny in one's own country also so corrupted...】

[Wendy: When the oppression is extreme, the storm of resistance will rise to the ground. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Collet: I feel... Otto's view of love has been distorted...]

[Rita: Lord Bishop still can't refuse Kalien's request. 】

[Kiana: No, that's not right, that's not right! 】

[Tesla: Otto... Are you crazy! Not to mention your act of experimenting with living people, that box! I remember it was]

Otto: That's the law of erosion of pre-civilizations, I'm right. 】

[Fu Hua: Otto! You! You never told me about it! 】

[Sakura: Did you say... In that box is a bell! 】

[Walter Young:! I don't believe you didn't know how dangerous this box was then! 】

[A Thousand Calamities: The Law of Erosion...]

[Pardolphyllis: Robbery brother! ] Don't be impulsive! How I felt the room was getting hot! 】

[Aponia: A thousand calamities, [please] calm down, our (bdeg) era is over, don't damage your body with anger anymore. 】

[Mebius: Hahahahaha, interesting, Otto, we must be very compatible! ] The only people who dare to study the law of erosion are you and me! 】

[Grace: Grandma Mebius, please calm down. 】

[Kosmo: Is it dyed with the color of Aponia again...]

[Vilvie: The Law of Erosion... Did Otto play so big... Fortunately, there were no nuclear weapons in that era...]

[Nasida: How do you feel, everyone is so excited. 】

[Sue: Because the story of the Laws of Erosion is a complete tragedy and farce. 】

[Fu Hua: Damn... This kind of thing...]

St. Freya, Valkyrie quarters.

The three of Kiana looked at Fu Hua's appearance, and immediately felt that something was wrong.

They only saw Fu Hua rushing out of the room angrily and taking Kiana's phone.

Of course, no one dared to point out the problem to her.

Seeing Fu Hua leave, the three of them let out a sigh.

Bud Yi said colorlessly: "Oh my God, I almost thought that the Red Kite Immortal was back!" "

"What is on Fu Hua's squad leader is already murderous..."

Bronia: "It seems that the box that is closed has caused a lot of disasters in the former civilization. "

"The reaction of those heroes was just as violent..."

Kiana looked puzzled:

"You guys said, Fu Hua squad leader just went out angrily, what exactly is she going to do..."

"It always feels like there's going to be a big thing going to happen next."

Kiana's words did not fall, and the door opened again.

Fu Hua has returned, and the murderous aura has faded a lot.

Her breathing was still a little rapid, and the anger on her face had not yet faded.

Suddenly, the three of them silently shut up.

Fu Hua looked like this, she didn't dare to ask anyone.

And Fu Hua closed the door and sat back in his old position.

Suddenly, she realized she had taken the wrong phone.

Fu Hua: "Sorry Kiana, I borrowed your phone. "

Kiana hurriedly waved her hand: "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay, squad leader, you can use it casually!" "

"That... Can I ask... Did something just happen. "

Kiana's voice was faint.

Fu Hua sighed:

"Just called Bishop Otto and scolded him."

"This guy, who dares to experiment with the former law of civilization erosion, is simply dancing on a tightrope!"

"This guy knows better than anyone what he's doing, but he just dares to do it."

"This is also the most dangerous place for Otto, a sober madman..."

Fu Hua's description made Bud Yi feel a pang of fear.

Her knowledge of the Law of Erosion is limited to the "Son of God" shown in the picture.

The Black Death, which swept across the European continent, was terrifying enough.

Coupled with the tragic situation of the experimental subjects shown in the picture, Nha Yi felt that he might have nightmares this night.

Originally, this was all in the past, and Nha Yi was not very worried.

But as soon as he heard Fu Hua's description of Otto, Nha Yi suddenly felt that he was not so safe now.

She seemed to see Otto laughing wildly with the black box, thinking about the next subject.

Driven by this fear, Bud Yi asked carefully:

"That... Fu Hua squad leader..."

"What's going on with that box now? Is Bishop Otto still holding the study? "

Fu Hua sneered: "Huh... He said the box was lost and its whereabouts unknown. "

"It is said that the Mandate of Heaven was tracked down after that incident, and it seems that for some unknown reason, it was left behind in some stigmata space."

"However, you can believe half of this person's words at most."

"I'll continue to investigate... I hope Otto doesn't let me get to that point..."

On the other side, the promised land of the past.

Thirteen Yingyi was really dumbfounded at this moment.

They never dreamed that they would see this box again in the afterlife.

What they didn't expect was even more unexpected.

Otto dared to use this thing as a research object!

Isn't that a joke!

Once the Law of Erosion is killed, everyone has to finish playing!

Virvi looked at Mebius and smiled helplessly:

"Well, I thought Dr. Mebius was extreme enough."

"In the next civilization, there may be people more extreme than you."

"That man's name is Otto." ......。

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