St. Freya, Office of the Dean.

Teresa looked at the picture of Kalien's body being penetrated by the Broken Beast, and her expression became quite complicated.

Teresa: "Karin... She really died to protect the people..."

"But she clearly has nothing wrong..."

"It is really unjust for Heaven to send her to the gallows!"

Himeko: "I understand Karen, she is just carrying out the justice in her heart. "

"But Otto's approach is a little too extreme."

"He knew that Karen would not approve of his release of the Honkai Beast, but he did it anyway."

"In the end, it led to Kalien's sacrifice..."

Teresa glanced at Himeko and said with some confusion:

"Actually, I don't approve of my grandfather's approach in my heart..."

"But this is the end of the matter, grandpa what can he do, he can't watch Karen die."

"Even if Karen is bent on death, Grandpa will not agree."

"He's just doing everything he can to save Kalien..."

"Although... That method is heinous..."

At this moment, Teresa is also a little entangled.

He didn't agree with what his grandfather did, but he understood it.

As Otto's granddaughter, Teresa has always known what kind of person Otto is.

He has warmth, but warmth is only given to a few people he cherishes.

Except for these people, everything is something that can be sacrificed.

Just like the people and nobles who are watching coldly on the execution ground today.

Teresa knew that Otto didn't care about their life or death.

As long as you can save Kalien, these people will die when they die.

This broken beast, if not released, Karen will be hanged, and there will be a glimmer of life when released.

For Otto.

Which option to choose speaks for itself.

For the fact that she can empathize with Otto, Teresa does not know whether it is right or wrong.

She always felt that watching this video, her way of thinking was gradually moving closer to Otto.

Thinking of her grandfather's disregard for life, Teresa felt that this was not a good thing...

Himeko nodded, which was regarded as an affirmation of Teresa's words.

She looked at Otto's desperate expression on the light curtain, and said with some melancholy:

"Yes, Karen is bent on death."

"But for Bishop Otto, Karen is 16 is the meaning of his life."

"In order to keep Karen alive, Otto is not extreme, he is not Otto."

"It's just that he did all this, and it didn't turn out as he wanted ..."

"Okay, now that Karen is dead, what is Otto going to do next..."

When Teresa heard Jizi's words, she remembered her grandfather's appearance now, and said angrily:

"Yes, it is because Karen died that Grandpa will gradually become what he is now."

"The current grandfather and the Otto in the video are completely two people, and he is more and more like a ruler."

"The disregard for human life is far greater than 500 years ago, and you may not even know that when the second collapse, grandfather directly threw nuclear weapons into Siberia, and there were still 10 million people there who did not have time to evacuate!"

"I have reason to suspect that after this incident, grandpa went straight crazy."

"Alas, he's pretty pitiful in this way..."

Himeko gasped: "God, ten million people?!" "

"Besides, Bishop, he's a little too outrageous!"

"Hey, it's worthy of being the node of the gear of fate..."

"I'm kind of looking forward to how Otto came out of this and became an archbishop..."

St. Freya, Valkyrie quarters.

Kiana and Nha Yi had long been touched by the entanglement between Otto and Kalien, and their eyes were teary.

They understand Otto's pain very well and Karin's enlightenment.

But the mockery of fate is merciless, and the two of them cannot come together after all.

The final bleak ending made Kiana and Nha Yi fall into grief and shed tears.

Bronia and Fu Hua didn't show much.

Bronia's emotional center is damaged, and she uses chips to maintain emotional perception.

Faced with this picture, she was unable to show specific emotions.

Fu Hua, on the other hand, is another reason.

As a red kite immortal, thousands of years of baptism.

What winds and waves have you never seen in Fu Hua? The partings of life and death are innumerable.

She had long been numb.

At this moment, Fu Hua just looked at the content in the picture expressionlessly, without substituting anyone's perspective.

She's scrutinizing.

When he saw that Karen died to protect the people, Fu Hua nodded.

Fu Hua: "It seems that Karen gave the answer to that question. "

"This answer is enough to convince me."

Bronia looked at Fu Hua and asked suspiciously:


"Did the squad leader say, the question you asked in the Kipchak steppe?"

Fu Hua raised his head slightly:

"That's right, and now I'm sure that Karen knows her guardian."

"What she wants to protect is the people."

"Despite the fact that some people are watching her jokes, despite the indifference of others, despite the mockery of what she has done."

"But Karen still did not hesitate to stand in front of these people as their shield."

"That's what she's going to protect, and she's used her life to make that answer."

Bud Yi listened to Fu Hua's description, and said with some reluctance:

"However, many of them are simply not worthy of Karin's protection."

"In the face of those who protect themselves, they choose to ridicule and suppress."

"When Karen was pushed to the gallows, even if one person came out to say a word for Kalien, they didn't know that their life was saved by Kalien!"

"Without Kalien's actions, the Law of Erosion would have killed everyone present!"

Bronia: "No way, sister Bud." "

"The root cause of all this is still because of the corrupt rule of the Mandate of Heaven at that time."

"In that case, even if people know that Karen is good, they will definitely not gamble their lives to help Kalien..."

"After all, not everyone is Bishop Otto."

Fu Hua smiled: "Bronia is right. "

"The awakening of the people did not happen overnight, it required someone to shed blood and die in front."

"There are too many such characters in the land of Shenzhou."

"The reason why Karen has to fight is that she plays such a sacrificial role."

"Because, Karen has her own consciousness, hoping to exchange her death for the awakening of the people."

Listening to Fu Hua's explanation, Kiana looked puzzled.

She didn't understand Fu Hua's meaning too much, but Kiana could understand Kalien's choice.

Because, she is also Kaslanna.

The sense of justice in her bones told her that Karen had made the most correct choice in her life.

Kiana sighed and said:

"So... It is impossible for Karen and Bishop Otto to to come together..."

"Because the things they have to protect are completely different."

"Kaslana is the shield of the people, and Karen is to protect all the people."

"But the only thing Otto wants to protect is Karen alone..."

Fu Hua smiled and said, "It's good Kiana, you understand the root of the contradiction. "

"These two people have things that they value each other, but they have to hurt each other because of this, and in the end, it ends with the death of Kalien."

"It is not an exaggeration to say that this incident is a major turning point in Otto's second fate."

"Since then, Otto's whole person has changed, becoming melancholy, becoming taciturn, becoming preoccupied."

"Because he only has one goal left in his mind."

When the three of Kiana heard Fu Hua's description, they all looked over curiously.

They know that Karen is the meaning of Otto's life.

Without Kalien, I am afraid that Otto's life will directly lose its purpose and fall into a state of decadence.

Now that Karen is dead, what exactly does Otto want to do...

Kiana: "Bishop Otto's goal... Avenge Kalien? (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Wait, the Broken Beast that killed Karen seems to have been released by him..."

Bud Yi: "In the state of Bishop Otto at that time, I felt that he would most likely not do anything. "

"He probably just blamed himself all the time and spent the rest of his life in guilt..."

Bronia: "But the problem is that Bishop Otto is still alive. "

Suddenly, everyone fell into doubt.

Kiana looked at Fu Hua and asked regretfully, "What is the goal?" "

Fu Hua smiled helplessly:

"Otto, he wants atonement."

"And the way he atones for his sins is to put Karen ..."


Bud Yi: "Huh?!" "

Kiana: "Huh?!" "

Bronia: "Huh? "

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Otto let out a long sigh with a smile and shook his head at his desperate self in the picture.

Otto: "For five hundred years, this scene often appears in my dreams. "

"I didn't expect to be here today... The full picture of events is seen from the perspective of a bystander. "

"It's a pity that Otto Apocalis didn't save Karen in the end, hahaha."

Rita: "It's a pity... In the end, Lord Karen turned out to be such a result..."

"She shouldn't have died..."

Youlauderdale was also quite unhappy in her heart:

"Abominable... Why is the ending so. "

"Karen didn't have any guilt, she just prevented a dangerous experiment....."

"Bishop Otto, with your wisdom, you may be able to use some softer means."

"No matter how you say it..."

Lauderdale was silent.

She suddenly thought that under the circumstances, the time she could give Otto to operation was too short...

The punishment imposed on Karen above was basically carried out immediately...

Otto looked at Lauderdale with a smile and said indifferently:

"You know, at that time, I had no actual rights and could do very little."

"In the end, this matter is not only a problem of Karen alone, but also involves many forces of the Mandate of Heaven."

"I'm okay, Karen or not, it's just a tool of that group of people."

"So it's not good for my layout."

Lauderdale nodded helplessly and agreed with Otto's statement.

Otto continued:

"Oh, of course."

"Lisa Shanyat prodded me to release the Broken Beast, don't think I don't know what the old fox is thinking?"

"But I listened to her anyway."

"Huh... At that time, I was betting that Karen would be taken away by me because she saw the momentary loss of concentration of the Honkai Beast. "

"But unfortunately, I lost the bet."

Karen was unwilling to betray the justice in her heart and was willing to die. Scold... She's really dead....."

Swing and release the Honkai beast, the old fox.

Lauderdale quickly noticed those two words.

She suddenly had an idea and asked tentatively:

"This is also a power struggle at the top of the Mandate of Heaven?"

"Bishop Otto, you... Used by your sister? "

Otto nodded and said reminiscingly:

"That group of people will only use each other and consume each other."

"That's right, in the matter of Kalien, I have indeed become a pawn of my sister Lisa."

"Lisa Shanyat is afraid that I will inherit my father's position and interfere with her plans."

"Therefore, she is looking for my handle, trying to drag me down from the position at the top of the Mandate of Heaven, huh, don't I send the handle myself?"

Noticing Lauderdale's puzzled eyes, Otto continued:

"It's complicated, simply put, my father was going to support his grandson to the throne, but because of Kaslanna's problems, he decided to act cautiously."

"Hehe, the successive wars and plagues caused Kaslana to suffer heavy casualties, and after Francis's death, Kaslanna's then head of the family could not even keep Kalian, it was a complete waste."

"According to my father's ideas, he wants to seize the rights of the Kaslana family and consolidate and improve the Mandate of Heaven internally."

Although Karen did not agree to the marriage contract, this did not affect the overall situation. Everything is moving towards my father's plan. "

"He only needs to wait until Karen is executed before he retires, when the time comes, I will be proclaimed to be the bishop, but let my nephew succeed him."

"The next game with the Castle Council will begin."

"But, father 787, he doesn't know that my sister has coveted the position of bishop for a long time."

"For this reason, she excluded many candidates for bishop, and because I was not welcomed at the time, I saved my life."

"The deaths of my eldest brother and sister-in-law are all related to my sister Lisa, and nephew Marcel's iron heart, calm and sophisticated are all manipulated by Lisa behind her back, in order to win my father's attention and get the position of bishop of Heaven's destiny."

"During the family meeting, my father personally indicated that he would give me the position of bishop, which made Lisa think that her plan was in vain."

"She is also a crazy guy, she actually took the opportunity to poison my father and began to vigorously support my nephew as the bishop of the Mandate of Heaven."

"In this way, she can obtain a puppet bishop and take power."

Hearing Otto's story, Lauderdon felt that his brain couldn't turn.

In other words, behind the matter of Kalien, there is also a black hand behind the scenes.

It was Otto's sister Lisa, who planned all this for the position of the bishop of Destiny ???

Destiny, what a mess...

Otto ignored Lauderdale's surprise, with the usual banter in his tone:

"Hmph, these clumsy tricks can't hide from me."

"My father is dead, and my work is going to start with my sister Lisa."

"It was precisely because my father once said at the family meeting that he would pass on the position of head of the family to me that I had the opportunity to meet with Lisa Shanyat to discuss the terms."

"But at that time, I was very stupid, and I didn't know that I was led by the nose by that old woman."

"She used Karen as a blackmail to let me release the Honkai Beast to rob the Arena, and kept telling me that this was the last chance."

"Who can't tell, she doesn't want me and Karen to live, she just wants to kill the two of us while the chaos is happening."

"He is afraid that I will compete with her for the position of the bishop of Heavenly Destiny, and wants to kill me like he did to eradicate the eldest brother."

"Kalien, it's just a weapon she wants to blackmail me."

"But I said yes anyway, because I had to."

"How could I possibly let Karen die? How can it be? "

"What's more, what Lisa doesn't know is that I can completely cope with that Honkai Beast, and I am fully capable of taking Karen out!"

"Want to kill me, impossible!"

"But as for the result, you have all seen it, hehe, what a irony..."

"Calculated by a thousand calculations, Otto simply forgot Kalien's personal will."

"That slap completely woke me up..."

Saying that, Otto was silent.

She looked at Kalien, who was penetrated by the Broken Beast, and fell into deep thought.

Rita listened to Otto's words while observing his demeanor.

She noticed that Otto's hand holding the wine glass trembled slightly as he said these words in a flat tone.

The red wine in the glass also ripples, just like the glass that Otto pours for Karen in the picture...

Bishop Otto, he has not yet come out of that incident.

Rita judged.....

[PS: Gou author overturned on his bike today and suffered some minor injuries, so the update is a little late, please forgive V].

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