A paradise of the past.

Thousand Calamity was quite irritable at the moment, and he was furious at Kalien's death.

Qian Calamity: "The **** really dares, Karen she clearly didn't do anything wrong!" "

"What qualifications do those people have to hang her? Just because she told the truth? "

Hua: "It seems that Karen had an answer to the question I asked at that time. "

"She uses her life to protect civilians, how can she look like a death row prisoner..."

"Even if you encounter betrayal, you still carry out the justice in your heart..."

Kevin: "Although a little too idealistic, this does not prevent Karen from being a noble warrior. "

"Dying for the justice in her heart is the best ending for her."

"Just, pity Otto..."

"The best ending..." Sakura whispered Kevin's words, then shook her head:

"This is not the best ending, but the bleakest ending..."

"Karen died to protect the people, but the Honkai Beast continued to slaughter civilians after killing her..."

"In order to protect Kalien, Otto did not hesitate to release the Collapse Beast, but indirectly killed her..."

"Neither of them ended up protecting what they cherished..."

"Karen is okay, she has no ability to regret it, but what about Otto..."

"I can even understand Otto's pain at the moment..."

Saying that, Sakura looked at Otto's collapsed eyes in the picture and sighed.

This kind of personal pain she experienced once when the former laws of civilization eroded the chaos.

Because the Law of Erosion is her sister, the one she wants to protect the most.

In the former civilization, facing the Law of Erosion, facing the sister she wanted to protect, Sakura really didn't know whether she should wield a knife or not.

That kind of tangled feeling, Sakura doesn't want to meet again in her life.

She can only do her best to find a balance between the two.

But in the end, she failed.

Sakura knew she had died in that battle.

But death is a relief.

There is no worries in the heart, and it is often born before it is quiet.

But Otto, he's still alive.

He has to live to face the mistakes he has made and the evil deeds he has done.

Moreover, it takes up to five hundred years to wash and precipitate.

Everything is too cruel for this man ...

Sakura felt pity for Otto.

Hearing Sakura's words, Abonia also sighed softly:

"It seems that for Otto, eternal life is not a gift, but a punishment and penance..."

"Although it is not known how Otto obtained his lifespan... But it must be very painful, very tormenting. "

"Everything is rewarded, and Otto is punished for his disregard for life."

Phyllis: "Alas, both of them are pitiful." "

"It can be seen that Otto really tried his best to save Kalien."

"Karen also tried her best to carry out the justice in her heart..."

"I have to say that Karen has quite two strokes as a strange thief, if you can fool around with me for a while..."

At this moment, Phyllis couldn't speak.

She only felt a thick regret.

In a sense, he may really be able to get along with Kalien...

Mebius: "It's not interesting, Otto saved his lover like this?" "

"Isn't this similar to a thousand calamities, messing everything up..."

"If it were me, I would definitely think of a softer way, such as reforming the executioners who were hanged at the scene."

"Or, plan an assassination in the shadows, where snakes are animals that travel in the dark..."

Grace: "Grandma Mebius is getting weirder and weirder..."

Mebius: "? "

Sue: "Otto can't be entirely blamed for this, we also heard his conversation with Kalien. "

"As Pado said, Otto probably really tried his best."

"The power struggle behind Kalien's death may be more complicated than we think."

"Instead of dwelling on the withering of the past, I want to focus on the new leaves of the future..."

Vilvi: "Hahaha, Su, you treat the hall as a mustard and start observing the three thousand worlds, right?" "

"But speaking of which, I am also curious about what the future of Otto will look like."

"Since this time can be called a turn of fate, then Otto's future will definitely be completely different from this moment."

"Wait... I remember that Otto seemed to be called a bishop in the barrage! "

Eden: "Yes, there are other people who want to drink with me." "

"Hehe, I guess that must be a very sentimental person too."

Grace: "Handsome..."

Alicia: "It seems that Otto has come out of this shadow." "

"Otto, who became a bishop, will definitely be able to transform the world into what Karen expects!"

"But, hmm... Judging by Otto's current situation, this seems a bit difficult..."

Kosmo: "Indeed, he had to escape before he could move next..."

"However, Otto... Actually became a bishop? It's amazing, how did he do it..."

Kosmo felt wonderful.

Otto, as the one who put the Honkai Beast on the street to cause destruction, the people should not support him.

After all, that's not a bishop, that's a terrorist!

That's illogical.


A deep curiosity arose in Kosmo's heart...

He couldn't help but look forward to the reason why Otto became a bishop...

Genshin World.

Meru, Jozen Palace.

Nasida looked at the picture in front of her and let out a sigh.

This sigh is not only because of Kalien's tragic experience, but also because everything is expected by Nasida.

Nassida: "Well, it seems that my hopes have been dashed. "

"Now that I think about it, the things behind this are too complicated..."

"Kalien's death is indeed a foregone conclusion, and this is the fate that she and Otto cannot avoid."

The skirmish sneered: "I can't read minds, who knows what you see again." "

"But I know that humans do have some skills in killing each other."

"Although Kalien's strength is not the strongest, it is at least more than most people."

"Even so, the Mandate of Heaven still wants to hang her, and I don't believe that you say it's okay behind this."

"Before the effects of the crusade were restored, Karen and Eleanor had accidents one after another, and the powerful combat power of Heaven's Mandate disappeared."

"I'm afraid that what can make the top do this is a boring power struggle."

"As for hanging Kalien, huh... I am afraid that this is not some force that is curbing Kaslana and weakening the strength of Heavenly Destiny. "

Nasida looked at the skirmishers and nodded gently:

"It is worthy of being a representative of the causal school, and your thinking is very sharp."

"I can read what everyone in the picture is saying, and I can probably piece together a complete thing."

"The Mandate of Heaven broke out in a struggle for rights, internal and external troubles, and Otto was actually in danger at all times."

"Karen will definitely die, and if Otto continues to stay in the city, there is little hope of living."

"The situation of Destiny is as messy as the wool ball that a cat has kneaded."

The skirmish looked at the light curtain, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly:

"Lisa Shanyat, right?"

"Although her picture did not appear for long, the few words she instigated Otto were enough for me to see a rough idea."

"This woman, I'm afraid she has secretly brought the Mandate of Heaven into her control."

"Yes, Bouyer."

Nasida nodded, and the skirmishers were indeed right.

She was about to express her opinion, but the skirmishers burst out laughing.

"Oh, that's true." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"It seems that this person has been plotting for a long time, how many years? Decades? "

"Ah, in this way, the old bishop Nicholas is probably also killed..."

"And Otto's eldest brother, Otto's second brother, and then Otto himself..."

"All hidden dangers must be eradicated, this wrist is really tough, just like Nicholas's grandson Marcel."

"I'll just say why this operation is so familiar, [the servant] likes to play this set the most."

"Marcel, it's a pawn raised by Lisa..."

"I see, that is, whether Otto can save Karen or not, they will not escape death."

"Lisa didn't make a move on Otto immediately, probably because of the family meeting, Nicholas verbally recognized Bishop Otto's inheritance."

"So Karen became a blackmail, and Lisa asked Otto to release the Broken Beast, in order to interrupt Otto's career, and then eradicate Otto's younger brother..."

"Hahahaha, hahaha! Human beings are really interesting, the power struggle plays tricks, but the fight against collapse has not seen this kind of wisdom. "

Nasida: "..."

Nasita: "Ahma... You really have a talent for politics..."

The skirmish laughed softly, "It's too prestigious, Buyel." I just try to speculate about the darkness of human nature. "

"Let's make a bet that Otto doesn't care about the bishopric as he appears."

"When the time comes, he will definitely kill back the Mandate of Heaven."

"Even if it's not for the sake of rights, you have to avenge Kalien, are you right..."

"Oh, look."

"The picture of the light curtain moved again..."

Hearing this, Nasida also looked at the light curtain.

She did not continue to talk to the skirmishers.

Nasida felt that the skirmishers seemed to remember some of the past and found some resonance in the matter of Otto...

These things need to be solved by himself...

The light curtain screen changes again.

The scene of the execution site has disappeared, turning into a deserted island.

Otto's figure appears in the center of the frame.

Dressed in a black and white clerical robe with a silver cross hanging from his neck, he had a plain and serene temperament.

This is dressed as a priest.

At this moment, he was walking on the coast, followed by several young children.

The bodies of these children are more or less white, and you can vaguely see some lines that can be eroded by collapse.

But there was no pain on their faces, just carrying the salvaged seafood, laughing and following behind Otto.

Otto's face also had a smile on it.

But through the light curtain, you can see that deep in Otto's pupils, there is a vague sadness.

He had a faint beard on his cheeks, and his whole mental outlook was like an old man in his sixties.

And the current time is still 1477.

Sporadic barrages floated by.

[Lauderdale: Lord Bishop... Is it so old...]

[Zhongli: It seems that Kalien's death hurt Otto a lot...]

[Kiana: That's right... This is Otto??? 】

[Ying: It's only been a few months...]

[Himeko: Judging by the dress, should it be a priest? Bishop Otto would actually do this...]

[Otto: Gee... Will this experience also appear on the light curtain...]

[Otto: If memory serves, this should be the isolated island near Venice...]

[Tesla: You don't want to experiment with these children, do you! 】

[Teresa: Grandpa! I advise you to be kind! 】

The screen continues to play.

It was a slightly quaint orphanage.

After the incident with Karen that day, Otto escaped from the city with the help of his own power and that of the Void.

He went to an island that had been used as a burial ground by the Venetians and opened a monastery in the name of a priest to adopt special orphans.

As a former aristocrat, Otto did not lack money in his hands.

However, his heart is empty...

Otto felt at the moment that his life had lost its meaning.

He adopted many children infected with Avalanche disease and gave them rescue and love.

He used his own money to buy bread for his children and to provide food, clothing, and shelter.

And Otto knew why he was doing all this.

He's just filling the hole in his heart.

He was just chasing the shadow of Kalien's death...

Three years passed by Otto.

His life became more and more dull, and his state of mind became more peaceful.

Otto thought that he might stay here for the rest of his life.

Until that day, he received a letter.

Subsequently, he fell silent...

What Otto didn't know was that outside the island, there was a wave of rebellion.

As the repressive rule of Lisa and Marcel gradually became unpopular, the people raised the banner of "Saint Karin" and began to rebel.

However, they have just suffered a failure.

In despair, the leader of the rebels suddenly discovered something.

Under the high-pressure rule of the Mandate of Heaven, Otto is a word that cannot be mentioned. (Wang Nuohao)

It reminded him of the general who had led the crusade and won many victories.

So he inquired about Otto's location and wrote a letter in his own handwriting, hoping that Otto would return and lead them to overthrow the corrupt rule of the Mandate of Heaven.

Seeing this passionate letter, Otto felt a fire ignite in his heart.

Hear the people's response to Kalien's will and see their thirst for faith.

Otto's dead heart seemed to be rekindled.

That was what Karen had hoped to bring about the awakening of the people with her own sacrifice.

However, without a leader who commands them, it will be difficult for these rebels to change their destiny.

As Kalien's most loyal believer, Otto decides to go out again.

Thinking of Kalien's tragic death, thinking of Lisa's ugly face.

In order not to let Kalien's name be tainted with failure again, Otto decided to comply with the call of the people.

Otto, he wants to seize this opportunity and become the bishop of Destiny.

It's not just about taking back the place that rightfully belongs to him.

This is also, to rehabilitate Karen!

As the owner of the Void, Otto is one of the smartest people in the world.

Rich command experience, excellent combat wisdom, plus the art of warfare obtained through the void.

In 1491, Otto led a coalition army and completely annihilated the troops of the capital of the Mandate of Heaven.

On that day, he took off his priest's costume and shaved off his beard on his chin.

On that day, he changed into his Mandate costume and drew the sword that represented the bishop.

That day, he walked gloomy to a panicked Lisa Shanyat and hacked her to death next to the bishop's seat with a sword.

Otto didn't even bother to hear Lisa explain a word.

He then stepped on his sister's blood and removed the crown from his dead nephew's head.

He came to the front of the stage and opened his arms, just like his father.

Immediately, the people cheered.

The blood of my sister and nephew splashed all over the bishop's robes and on Otto's cheeks.

Today, Karen is posthumously canonized.

The crime of apostasy was also rehabilitated....

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