When the screen turned, it was already dusk.

Otto Apocaris stood alone in the hall of the Bishop of Destiny.

He dismissed all the attendants and closed the hall doors.

The setting sun penetrated the window, shining the last rays of sunlight and hitting Otto's body.

He stood where his father had stood, gazing out into the empty lobby.

Fourteen years ago, Archbishop Nicholas stood here and made conditions for Otto.

But today, Otto himself stands in this position.

It's just that Karen can't come back for a long time...

People outside the church sang and danced, celebrating the victory that belonged to the people.

With popular support, Otto eliminated Lisa Shanyat and her puppet bishop Marcel Apocalis.

The chaotic times were ended and the Mandate of Heaven was unified.

Today, everyone celebrates his great achievements.

Praise him for inheriting Kalien's legacy and cleansing away a hundred years of decay.

Reinvent the Mandate of Heaven.

In the eyes of all, Otto is a success, a great man, a hero.

No matter how many wrong things Otto has done, no matter how weak Otto once was.


No one thinks he is a weakling anymore.

No one thinks he's a clown anymore.

In addition to himself...

Otto knew that he was only following in Kalien's footsteps.

He knew he was just trying to transform this imperfect world into what she wanted it to be.

But he kept asking himself.

So, is that enough?

As long as this is done, will Otto Apocalis's life be worthy of the dead Karen Kaslanna?

Otto's gaze looked over to the door of the church.

It was as if shards of glass appeared in front of his eyes, intersecting to form an illusory image.

It was Karen in a strange thief costume.

It was the moment she walked out of the church with a pitch-black box in her arms.

Gazing at the sight, Otto remembered that day fourteen years ago.

He remembered Kalien's lonely back, and remembered all the things Karen had done.

Karen is a hero, a tragic, weak, unlucky hero.

She once turned into a monster to rob the rich and help the poor, but she could only fight against the powerful alone.

She had fought hard to take Pandora's box, but invisibly, spread the disaster to another corner of the world.

In prison, she decided to use the eyes of death Mingzhi, and even more in her heart, she cut out a huge hole.

And on the other side of this hollow, fate also seems to have played a huge joke on Kalien.

By mistake, her last figure on the execution ground turned out to be a spiritual totem for future generations.

Otto witnessed 937 in the more than ten years since her death.

Those who tried to change the world without exception raised her banner, or at least said that they were brave because of her.

These people have finally been rewarded for themselves, and they have indeed obtained a better tomorrow.


But Otto couldn't laugh at all.

Because those "saints" of the population can only die in the despair of the world.

The malice of fate, as well as her own hateful cowardice, gave Karen no chance to see the dawn after the darkness.

That day, she resolutely turned and left.

The malice of the world persecuted her deeply, forced her to leave her country, forced her to give up her life.

And it is precisely in this most tragic fate.

Himself, Otto Apocalis, played the harlequin who should not be played the least.

Although the original plan was not what it turned out to be, although he was toyed with by his sister at that time.

But how does this change that icy truth.

Karen was killed by the Avalanche Beast he released! It was her own self-righteousness for several years that killed her!

Let Otto turn the "holy girl" into his faith at this moment.

The "human" named Karen Kaslana will never wake up from the cold coffin.

Unless you can turn back the clock.

Unless the deceased can be resurrected.

Otto Apocaris stood alone in the hall of the Bishop of Destiny.

People outside the church sang and danced, celebrating the victory that belonged to the people.

He closed his eyes and let tears slide down his cheeks.

He knows.

At this moment, he is the only loser among them.

A man who does not deserve anyone's sympathy and deserves to go to hell,


St. Freya, College Quarters.

Kiana looked at the light curtain suspiciously, looking at the lonely figure of Otto in the bishop's robe standing in the setting sun.

She couldn't hear Otto's heart, and could only see Otto standing alone in front of the stage, with tears in his eyes.

Kiana: "Bishop Otto this is... What's wrong? "

"Didn't he win, didn't he overthrow Lisa's rule?"

"But why... He still has to cry..."

Bud Yi: "Something is wrong, Bishop Otto's mood is not right..."

"Karin's grievances have been rehabilitated, and he has also become the archbishop of the Mandate of Heaven..."

"The double happiness thing, he has become a winner... But why, he didn't go to celebrate with the crowd, but wiped his tears here alone..."

Bronia: "Bronia guessed that Bishop Otto was too happy. "

"He may have thought of the wrongs that Karen had suffered, and of the past when he was ostracized as a child."

"Now that everything is perfectly resolved, it is normal for him to cry with joy."

Bud Yi: "Huh? Is that so? "

Kiana: "Oh! So it is, it is worthy of Bronia! "

Bronia: "Stupid Kiana, I can't even see this." "

"If the squad leader doesn't speak, she must have seen it a long time ago."

"Bishop Otto will not be sad and sad if he succeeds like that."

"Fu Hua squad leader, is Bronia right?"

Fu Hua: "..."

Fu Hua: "I think... You're not right..."

Bronia: "? "

Kiana and Nha Yi were also a little confused, not knowing what Fu Hua was talking about.

Fu Hua: "From what I know about Otto, this man has never stepped out of the knot of his heart five hundred years ago. "

"You don't know, some year after that, probably 1496 AD."

"Otto, he is nearly fifty years old, but he came to Shenzhou alone and carrying a coffin to meet me."

"What was placed in that coffin was Kalien's body."

Bud Yi was shocked: "This? "

"Kalena has been dead for almost twenty years... Did Otto come with a dried corpse on his back!! "

"Oh, it's scary!"

Fu Hua shook his head: "No, Otto won't do that. "

"He seems to have tried many methods alone at the time of destiny."

"In the end, he really used the mimicry Sixth God Key to fix his appearance in the youth, turning Kalien's bones into life."

"Although, Karen will not be resurrected because of this."

Kiana: "I know! Bishop Otto wanted to come to the class leader! "

"The squad leader is immortal, and he can come back to life, Bishop Otto may have taken a fancy to this trait of the squad leader..."

"Miss Ben is right, right?"

Fu Hua: "That's right, it seems that the information of the light curtain can indeed make you smarter. "

Kiana: "Miss Ben has always been smart, right! "

Fu Hua smiled: "Cong is not smart for the time being, but what Kiana said is indeed true." "

"Otto, he heard the myth and legend of the immortal life of the god, and thought of an immortal like me."

"He really left Destiny behind and came to me with a coffin on his back."

"But I said before that I still have people who want to be resurrected, but I can't do it."

Bronia: "So the squad leader judged that Bishop Otto at that time had not yet come out of the death of Kalien. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"So, is his tear really because of sadness..."


Fu Hua nodded.

"Otto he... Feeling that he had killed Kalien, he could not accept this fact. "

"That's why he has the idea and motivation to resurrect Kalien."

"Otto, who is standing on the bishop's platform at this moment, is probably really crying..."

Looking at Otto's silent tears, all four fell silent.

Only Fu Hua, she began to worry about Otto's current state.

Otto, it seems, is secretly preparing some big plan.

Could it be that this is also part of the plan to resurrect Kalien...

Genshin World.

Mond, Knights of the Zephyr.

Wendy: "Well, Otto is really a contradictory guy. "

"It is clearly the winner, and it is necessary to hide in the room and cry alone."

"Karen can't actually blame him (bhad) for that incident..."

Jean: "Probably, he took the meaning of Karen extremely seriously. "

"Even if I won in the end, I still feel guilty that I didn't save her..."

"I received similar information from Lisa before, and there seems to be such a plot in it..."

Lisa: "Ahem, point it out, that's not information, it's a girl's novel." "

Jean: "Lisa, you..."

Diluc: "Otto, once again broke through my cognition..."

"I thought he would spend the rest of his life on that desert island, but I didn't expect him to actually agree to join the resistance."

"It seems that this basin of cold water from Kalien's death did not directly extinguish the flame in Otto's heart..."

Kaiya smiled: "What's the point." "

"On second thought, I think Otto had a similar idea from the beginning."

"Hehe, the orphanage he opened, the children in it are all infected with Avalanche Energy."

"And in the end, the fiercest killers on the battlefield also have the figures of these children, which are the main force of Otto's late period."

"He may not even realize it himself, but subconsciously he really does not want to succumb to fate."

"Otto, just wait for an opportunity."

Mona sighed: "I think that's the case. "

"From the perspective of fate, how far a person can ultimately go is also affected by fate."

"Otto, he is still gambling, betting on whether he will get the chance to turn over, betting on whether he will spend the rest of his life in confusion..."

"This man... Something scary..."

Kelly: "Kelly knows, if Brother Otto is a slime dynamite barrel, Sister Karen is Mars." "

"As long as someone can mention Sister Kalien's name, Brother Otto will explode!"

Albedo: "Well, Kelly is right. "

"Not dishonoring the banner of Saint Karen is probably just a reason that Otto uses to convince himself."

"He has long wanted to make the Mandate of Heaven organization represented by Lisa pay, but his strength is not enough, and he is quietly dormant waiting for the opportunity..."

"No wonder he looks so old..."

Wendy: "Hey, don't say it. "

"Otto, this guy, still has some skills."

"Standing in the position of a bishop, he was not carried away by the right, but directly began to feel guilty."

"This person's sanity is to the extreme..."

Albedo: "I can't imagine what his reign will be like in the future..."

"Frankly speaking, Otto this person, I can't see through it at all."

Mona: "Me too. "

Jean: "Me too. "

Diluc: "Everyone is the same. "

"It's good that such a person is a friend, once he becomes an enemy, he will be the most terrifying kind..."

Meru, Jozen Palace.

The skirmish looked at the crying Otto, but the corners of his mouth curved into a strange arc.

Skirmishers: "What did I say, you see he really came back." "

"Hahahaha, Otto, what a wonderful person."

"His wisdom far exceeds that of his father, and the level of insidence will crush his sister."

"This kind of person is the most suitable existence as a leader, and Otto proved this to me."

"He did become that Mandate Bishop!"

Nasida frowned:

"But, Ahma."

"What I read here in Otto, except sadness is guilt."

"He denounced his actions in his heart and said that he was the only loser..."

"I feel that Otto really has no idea about the position of the bishop."

"Humans... It's really wonderful..."

Skirmishers: "Maybe, Otto probably just wants to avenge his sister and rehabilitate Karen." "

"But the only way to do these two things is to become the bishop of the Mandate of Heaven."

"Even if he is not fighting for position for the sake of power, these two points are enough to turn into Otto's reasons and motives."

"I'm not telling nonsense, Bouyer."

"Otto, he actually made a lot of preparations for today."

"After more than twenty years, why do you think Otto still maintains the wisdom and sensitivity of a tactician."

"With the mental state he shows on the surface, no matter how you look at it, he will not defeat the regular army of Heaven's Destiny."

Nasita: "Because, Otto is smart? "

"Or rather, the people did not support the rule of the Mandate of Heaven and overthrew the tyranny together with Otto."

The skirmish sneered, "Huh... Do you think it's as easy as you beat me back then? "

"The core of the divine war is, in the final analysis, the strength of the two demon gods who is stronger and who is weak."

"But military, that's not the case."

"A good commander should be trained in war, not a person who decaded from a small island."

"Didn't the rebels also fail before Otto came out of the mountains? But after he got out of the mountains, everything went well. "

"The situation of defeating the strong with weakness has become the norm, and the strategy of the rebels has been greatly improved."

"But how long has Otto's combat experience been able to achieve the effect of overthrowing the rule of the Mandate of Heaven, which is indispensable to his years of study of tactics."

"Hehe, Otto, he was never a person who gave in easily."

"He is a reliable ally and a feared enemy..."

Listening to the analysis of the skirmishers, Nasida also noticed all kinds of illogical points.

Although when on a desert island, Otto's heart has always been flat.

But in his subconscious, he was actually planning these things...

At the same time, Nasida noticed one more thing.

From time to time, Otto would stare at the books and seemed to enter the illusory library.

For so many years, he has not stopped this behavior for a single day...

This is also a manifestation of Otto's unwillingness!

Thinking of this, Nasida sighed softly:

"It's amazing."

"I can read minds, but I can't even see through Otto's true thoughts..."

"And that's just now... If the past few decades, hundreds of years..."

"Otto's wisdom will eventually change from candlelight to moon..."

"It seems that the prophecy of mine seems to be getting closer and closer..."

Saying that, Nasida secretly decided.

For the next video, be vigilant when watching.

Maybe Otto will really bring some forbidden knowledge to Tivat through the light curtain....

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