Breaking the world.

A paradise of the past.

Kosmo finally knows why Otto can still be a bishop.

I thought that Otto was forgiven by the people and beat ~ crushed his sister through political means.

As a result, Otto actually engaged in a wave of big-the-s!

Kosmo: "Otto Ta... He's a very scheming person-......"

"Anyway.... He eventually won the power struggle..."

Wilvie: "I said why he was adopting an orphan infected with Honkai. "

"As long as these people can survive, the adaptability of Honkai will be far beyond ordinary people."

"As Otto's special forces, he is a wonderful candidate!"

Hua: "In my hometown, there have been people like Otto in history. "

"After being remembered by those in high positions, they were not eager to resist, but took the initiative to show weakness and gave up their rights to return to the countryside."

"However, most of those people are not really showing weakness, but are always preparing to compete for the world..."

"Otto he... Far more complicated than I thought. "

Alicia: "Not only that, Oh, Hua. "

"I can sense that Otto really doesn't seem to have any desire for power."

"After receiving the status of bishop, Otto actually wept instead of going out to share the joy with the people..."

"I guess he remembered Kalien..."

Thousand Calamities: "Huh... He's quite single-minded. "

Sue: "That's understandable. "

"Karen dreamed of saving the world and saving the people, and Otto dreamed of becoming a great inventor who could one day help Karen achieve her dreams."

"But in the end, Otto did succeed, with the status and ability to save the world."

"It's a pity that Karen will never see such a world again."

Eden: "yes, so Otto would be sad. "

"He won the world for Kalien, but Karen left without witnessing the beauty of the world."

"What an ironic fact..."

Kevin: "At best, Karen is Otto's heart disease. "

"And Karen is dead, Otto may get out of his heart disease and better play the role of the void."

"Holding the key of the first god, and in a high position."

"Otto should be one of the leaders of civilization, why should he be trapped by the death of Kalien..."

Sakura shook her head and interrupted out loud:

"No, Kevin, you speak from the perspective of civilization, which is too grand and too rational."

"Emotionally speaking, for Otto personally, civilization may not be as important as Kalien's status."

"The people are all of Kalien, and Karen is the only world of Otto. Without Kalien's people's world, I'm afraid Otto feels meaningless. "

Phyllis: "Sister Sakura is right!" "

"If no one enlightens him and lets him continue like this."

"Otto he... 100% will drill into the horns and become more and more extreme..."

"Let him be the bishop of the Mandate of Heaven... Is it really right..."

Aponia: "In any case, Kalien's death is a turning point in Otto's fate. "

"At this turning point, Otto became the bishop of the Mandate of Heaven."

"The world will change because of him."

"I have some expectations that he will do for Kalien..."

Before Aponia's words fell, the sound of the light curtain sounded in everyone's ears...

In the picture, Otto stops crying.

Wiping away his tears, he walked out of the church alone.

The lonely back was no different from when Karen left.

Immediately, a subtitle appears on top of the video.

[Today, Otto has successfully ascended to the position of bishop. 】

The right to rule the whole country was held in his hands, but Otto was not pleased. 】

[At this moment, all that is stagnating in his heart is intense pain and sorrow. 】

[He felt that he couldn't hold off Kalien, and felt that he was the murderer with blood on his hands. 】

[At dusk, Otto listened to the crowd outside singing and dancing. 】

[In the church, his figure looks particularly lonely. 】

[He wished Karen was sitting next to him, and he wished Karen to witness the world that was about to be changed by himself.] 】

[It's just that this is no longer possible.] 】

[Otto's obsession is fully revealed at this moment. 】

[He decided. 】

[He wants to atone for his sins. 】

[And the way of atonement. 】

[That is, to revive Kalien!] 】

[At this moment, Otto's fate has appeared in a torrent, enveloping him and moving forward. 】

[With this only goal, Otto embarked on the journey of a "fool". 】

[That would be a five-hundred-year trek...]

As soon as the subtitles came out, everyone couldn't sit still.

A large barrage poured above the video, and the audience was shocked by Otto's behavior.

[Einstein: Bishop Otto, I have to remind you that death is the permanent dissipation of subjective consciousness, and philosophically speaking, Karen cannot be resurrected. 】

[Kevin: He ends... Or did you go down this path...]

[Shadow: Is there really a way to resurrect ... I also want to learn...]

[Skirmishers: Huh? That's fun. 】

[Mebius: In this way, go and make replicants, and then simulate Kalien's personality and insert chips. 】

[Jackal: Not only that, but you can also transform those replicants into biological weapons, hehe, that's interesting. ] 】

[Nasida: It's crazy... Even if it can be resurrected, it is not Kalien who comes back to life. 】

[Teresa: No wonder grandpa would make clones on a large scale... It turned out to be for this...】

[Kiana: Captain Fuhua is right, Bishop Otto is true... Uh... "Damn it"! 】

[Otto: Huh? Devil? Not really. 】

[Lauderdale: This plan is really crazy enough, let the dead be revived, this is not in line with the rules of the world...]

[Zhongli: Human strength always has a limit, perhaps, you can borrow the power of collapse. 】

[Paimon: This... It's a little dangerous...]

[Otto: Hehe, it seems that Mr. Zhongli still has quite an idea. 】

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

After seeing Otto's answer, Lauderdale vaguely guessed in her mind what Otto wanted to do.

Lauderdale: "Lord Bishop, do you say..."

"Are you really going to resurrect Karen by using Honkai?"

Otto nodded: "This is one of my plans." "

"I'm not sure if it works, but I should always try."

Lauderdale: "You're messing around, Lord Bishop." "

"Ordinary people face collapse, so they are afraid to avoid it."

"And you're trying to use it, and there's a good chance something will go wrong!"

"Without this light curtain, I wouldn't know you had such a dangerous idea now..."

Rita looked at Lauderdale's somewhat impatient appearance and did not dissuade.

Because, she also did not feel that Otto's behavior was responsible.

Collapse is a terrible disaster, and Otto's careless operation may make people around the world pay for his selfish desires.

At this point, Otto needs to stop his crazy thoughts.

Faced with Lauderdale's accusations, Otto shook his head with a smile:

"Lauderdale, I'm not lying."

"Everything I do is within a reasonable range."

"Look at the scientific and technological level of Destiny and compare it with the outside world."

"Hahaha, your Lord Bishop, but he has been developing human science and technology, keeping it at a level sufficient to suppress the collapse at all times."

"Don't you think that's enough?"

Lauderdale: "That's not the case, Bishop. "

"I'm talking about your attitude towards Honkai"

"Huh? Attitude? Otto laughed and interrupted Lauderdale.

"You know me, Bianca."

"You can see from the light curtain that my determination to destroy Honkai is very strong, and I believe that I have this ability."

"This is my agreement with Kalien." (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"But if I fulfill this agreement and I don't have Karin's testimony around me, you say, is it not a pity?"

"Hahahaha, don't worry two of you, after I resurrect Kalien, I will definitely find a way to destroy Honkai."

Lauderdale: "Bishop! "

"I feel... You're hopeless..."

Otto laughed and didn't care.

He always knew that he had always been an incorrigible person.

Since God has only given yourself one way, don't blame yourself for removing all obstacles on this road!

During the conversation, the picture changed again.

The subtitles disappeared, and Otto's lonely figure disappeared with it.

In his place, Otto was dressed in a Shenzhou-style robe.

His temperament was melancholy and restrained, surrounded by a white coffin, and there was an extra wine glass shining with illusory gold in his hand.

It was 1496, and he was in Otto, Shenzhou.

In the past five years, Otto, who became a bishop, applied the most advanced management knowledge he had learned from the void to transform the organizational structure of the Mandate of Heaven.

After that, Destiny can operate on its own to a certain extent, without the need for Otto to do everything himself.

As a result, he was left with a lot of time for research.

After that, he not only carried out various experiments to resurrect Kalien, but also explored a way to use mimicry black abyss white flowers to keep himself young at all times.

But during this period, Otto faced the challenge of the Void every minute.

The consciousness of the Void was simply crazy, and it just wanted to get this body of Otto quickly.

It knew that Otto was a bit crazy and was ridiculously strong-willed, so that it had no chance to manipulate Otto.

And the most troublesome thing is that the Void Wanzo uses the index authority as a threat, hoping that Otto will give in and give him control of the body.

But Otto is even more outrageous, he just doesn't listen, preferring to turn the pages one by one, rather than give the void any chance.

At this moment, the Void Wanzang was directly stupid.

He knew that this was no longer possessing Otto.

It was Otto who imprisoned it...

Sometimes the Void wonders if everything would have changed if he hadn't rushed to possess Otto that day.

But there are no ifs.

Otto has already acquired a lot of advanced knowledge in it.

For example, the holy relics of the pre-civilization, such as the scattered information of the various lawyers.

Among these knowledges, Otto found a piece of information that interested him very much:

The Sixth Lawyer, the Law of Death!

This lawyer gave Otto hope.

He thought of the creation power possessed by the Sixth God Key, and he was suddenly a little excited.

Perhaps, the authority of the Law of the Dead can help and resurrect Karian!

"I need the birth of a lawyer of death."

"At the same time, I want to control her."

With such an idea, Otto began to put it into action.

Nicholas had told Otto that Collapse was born with civilization.

The more advanced the technology, the faster the collapse will come.

In order to hasten the birth of the Law of Death, Otto led the Mandate of Heaven to comprehensively accelerate the study of Honkai.

At the same time, he also consumes a lot of resources, searching for holy relics left by former civilizations around the world.

The appearance of these holy relics made the Mandate of Heaven's understanding of Collapse far superior to other organizations in the world.

This paved the way for the future of the world's great powers governed by the Mandate of Heaven.

After that, Otto left Heavenly Destiny and traveled alone to Shenzhou to find the Red Kite Immortals.

Otto knew that resurrecting Karen would require a variety of options to be safe.

Now he also has the energy to find other solutions.

He consulted a lot of information.

He learned that the immortal of the guardian state was named Red Kite.

She is immortal and resurrected, and even active in the thousand-year history of Shenzhou.

This is simply beyond Otto's understanding.

Perhaps, the immortals can give me the answer, Otto thought.

That year, Otto took Kalien's body and began his journey to find immortals.

Therefore, he was involved in the major event that shocked the martial arts in Shenzhou.

At that time, the strength of the immortals was no longer like the original.

The immortals tell Otto that he who is not old and immortal will also have regrets, and there will be people who want to be resurrected.

Otto once believed that such a powerful existence as the Red Kite Immortal must have the power to change the fate of others.

But after he understood the red kite, he realized that the immortals were actually similar to him, all slaves imprisoned in the past by fate and obsession.

Are immortals really free, but they are just trapped by the mission that imposes them.

Otto reverently sought the method of resurrection of the immortals, but the immortals could not give Otto the answer he wanted.

No way, Otto's hopes were dashed again.

But the journey was not for nothing, and Otto at least got information about the truth about the former civilization.

At the same time, Immortal Heavenly Dome Peak was seriously injured and on the verge of death.

At that time, Otto made a deal to the immortals.

Destiny will help the Immortal Guardian God State to complete its mission.

And the immortals will help him to seek the answer to the truth.

Seek the resurrection method of Kalien.

With the help of the immortals, Otto finally no longer had to rely too much on the Void.

The probability of being taken away is much smaller.

Although the immortals still remember less knowledge than the Void Ten Thousand Collections, they do not have the Void Ten Thousand Collections specialty.

But the immortals who should know still know, and to a certain extent, it has provided Otto with a lot of targeted help.

In return, Otto helped Fuhua protect Shenzhou, so that after the immortals left, Shenzhou was still not eroded by collapse.

After that, while controlling the development of human civilization, Otto excavated holy relics from all over the world and appropriated them for himself.

At the same time, he also mastered some basic soul steel techniques, constantly replacing his body with soul steel, so that he obtained a theoretical permanent lifespan.

As the days passed, in 1543 his cousin Vera died, and Otto's last involvement in the mundane was buried with him.

Since then, he has completely abandoned humanity.

Otto, change that.

The pictures are transformed one by one, and these are the various deeds of Otto over the past five hundred years.

There are him who stands in front of the stage to speak, there is him who directs the Valkyries against Honkai, and there is him who immerses himself in research and seeks the truth.

There are also those who look out the window and expect his fighters to return smoothly.

He used the financial and material resources of Destiny to help countless countries and make bread affordable for the poor.

He worked hard to solve the collapse disaster in various places, and greatly reduced the casualties caused by the collapse.

He used ruthless means to eliminate dissidents, took countless great powers under his command, and ruled the world on behalf of the mandate of heaven.

He is still conducting brutal human experiments, trying to develop the most effective drugs for the Valkyries.

For five hundred years, he did many good deeds and full of evil.

He has killed countless lives, but he has brought the world governance to a smooth and orderly manner.

He rarely interfered in political affairs and devoted himself to the study of Honkai.

Under the rule of the Mandate of Heaven, the world's science and technology have made rapid progress, and it has always been at the level of stable pressure collapse.

And all this went according to Otto's wishes...

He knew that the next step was about to begin.

He wants to create an obedient lawyer ..... Second..

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