The video continues to play, and the screen comes to a hotel room.

On this night, Walter Joyce had just finished watching the stars on the beach and returned to the hotel in a good mood.

He took off his clothes, put on a bath towel, and thought about walking to the hotel room.

Soaking in the hot spring is always a relaxing way to relax.

Lifting the curtain, there seemed to be an additional person in the misty vapor.

This surprised Walter a little.

He remembered that the Imperial 42 Research Institute should have chartered this place.


Noticing Walter's arrival, the man greeted him warmly.

"How are you doing, Ω?"

The misty vapor dissipated, and Walter finally saw the true face of this pen pal.

His appearance is no different from the photo, with long smooth blonde hair, turquoise pupils, and a bath towel wrapped around his waist, looking a little weak.

At this moment, the blond man was leaning on the corner of the hot spring, his arm on the outer edge, and a glass of champagne in his hand.

At a glance, it was difficult for Joyce to be hostile to this person, but he just felt that he had an extraordinary temperament.

Walter had only one thought on his mind at the moment.


Even if you haven't seen a man all day, you can't take it lightly when you're in a public bathroom.

That's right, the blond man is none other than Joyce's pen pal, Alpha the Clown.

He was also the archbishop who ruled over the Mandate of Heaven for nearly five hundred years, Otto Apocalis.

St. Freya, Senior's Office.

Himeko was drinking water, but when she saw Otto's appearance, a mouthful of water instantly spurted out.

She choked on the water and laughed as she coughed.

Teresa: "Himeko, it's okay!" "

"Although this is really outrageous, don't laugh like this..."

Himeko: "Hahahahaha!" "

"This is not only outrageous, if it is not the same look, I don't believe that this is Bishop Otto."

"Look at him, there's a blanket all over his body, and he's smiling like that... Belch... Debauch! "

"It's hard to imagine that Lord Bishop has such a side."

Teresa: "I didn't expect either..."

"The grandfather in my impression always looks at ease, and there is always a confident smile on his face."

"Although it was the same this time, the problem is... Not.... How strange! "

Teresa was also dumbfounded, feeling a thick sense of abnormality.

After so many years, it was the first time she saw this look of Otto.

However, this is also excusable.

After all, Otto will not take a bath with Teresa, to be precise, the soul steel body does not need to take a bath.

Otto did this today, there must be some intention, Teresa decided in her heart.

Himeko laughed enough, and glanced at Otto in the picture a few times and said:

"Well, Lord Bishop is a little thinner, I remember the last scene, his body is divided into 293 and has eight-pack abs..."

"I don't understand, what is Otto doing..."

Teresa looked at the rather young Otto, and recalled in her mind the clues that appeared in the video.

She knew that most of the things that Otto personally did were more important.

Finally, Teresa recalled the letters written by her grandfather.

In the last letter, Otto said that he was coming to visit the experimental subject Ω.

Visit the individual who appears to be the lawyer.

This is, implemented?

Teresa: "Grandpa, he probably wants to negotiate with this Ω..."

Himeko was a little surprised: "Talk... Negotiation? "

Teresa thought for a moment and shook her head:

"No, there is something wrong with my expression."

"To be precise, it is not a negotiation, but a process of seeking some kind of common ground while reserving differences."

"Grandpa, he seems to want to win over this Ω..."

"I'm a little confused, could it be that Grandpa has already confirmed that he is a lawyer?"

"It's clear that I can't find the core of the lawyer..."

Himeko pinched her chin and said abruptly:

"Woo the first lawyer..."

"No wonder you have to dress like this, directly and honestly meet each other to express your sincerity..."

Saying that, Himeko laughed.

"In this way, Bishop Otto is still quite meticulous, and he deliberately changed his body."

"The appearance of this body looks like it is about 18 years old, and the body is not strong, so it really does not make people too wary."

"Hmm... It even looks a little feminine. "

After this reminder, Teresa immediately found the source of the abnormal feeling.

Teresa: "I just said why is it so weird!" "

"This grandfather, he looks too young, but his temperament is so old!"

"Hmm... It's completely different from my grandfather! "

Himeko: "Hahahaha, the head of the academy looks a little skeptical. "

"It's okay, your grandfather has so many bodies, maybe one day he will appear in front of you in the form of a child."

"At that time, you still have to call grandpa, hahaha, academy head, this is so interesting!"

Teresa: "Himeko..."

"Forget it!"

Teresa shook her head and shook off the image that popped up in her mind.

Immediately, she seriously recalled the figure of the Ω in the picture, but found nothing.

At least at headquarters, I have never seen this person once.

Seeing that Himeko was still laughing, Teresa waved her hand to interrupt her.

Teresa: "Something is wrong, Himeko." "

"That Ω, I don't seem to have seen it once at headquarters."

"What about you, in which branch did you (BIFC) see him before?"

Himeko heard Teresa's words and also fell into thought.

For a long time, she spread her hands:

"Before I was transferred to the Far East Branch, I hadn't seen this person."

"Those who can be worthy of Bishop Otto's personal lobbying will not be thrown to the small branch of the eighteenth line..."

"Don't say it, it's really strange that you haven't seen him for so many years..."

Teresa was silent.

He looked at his grandfather's smile on the light curtain, and felt a chill rise in his heart.

Teresa: "Things may be troublesome, Himeko." "

"With what I know about Grandpa, when something that threatens him exists."

"Grandpa will try to woo first."

"If you can't win over..."

Teresa put her hand in front of her neck and gestured to Himeko.

Himeko, who was from the stormtroopers, immediately noticed.

Himeko: "So that's it..."

"Bishop Otto gave him to..."

Teresa said in a deep voice: "Let's take a look first, after all, it was more than sixty years ago." "

"What exactly is Grandpa here to say to him... I'm curious..."

Above the video, there is a barrage sliding by.

[Teresa: I always feel that something is not quite right...]

[Ying: Hey, hey.... Otto, a little astringent.......】

[Kamisato Ayaka: ? 】

[Smoke: Crazy is forbidden here, traveler! ] 】

[Alicia: Hmm... Is this the contrast, this Otto in the picture is completely different from the previous Otto painting style! 】

[Thousand Calamities: Weak. 】

[Sue: So that's the case, he's trying to communicate with a lawyer..."

[Pardolphilis: Is Su Ge sure that Ω is a lawyer? 】

[Kevin: It's obvious that there are many ways for the Law of Reason to hide themselves, and Otto should have noticed this. 】

[Walter Young: Otto that bastard... When I saw this scene, I couldn't control my emotions...】

[Tesla: That blonde bastard! It was here that he killed almost all of us! 】

[Kiana: Is that cruel?! ] 】

[Otto: Okay, everyone with anti-entropy, isn't this already over. Everything has to look forward, doesn't it, hahahaha. 】

[Einstein: Bishop Otto, please pay attention to your words, I can elevate your remarks to a substantial provocation to antientropy. 】

[Lauderdale: Bishop! 】

[Otto: Okay, okay, you guys really are, looking at me like that, I didn't say anything wrong. 】

[Vinina: Oh! Fight up, fight up! The show is about to begin! 】

[Navillette: Please be quiet. Ferninga]

[Otto: Okay, isn't it time to continue watching the video.] 】

Otto's barrage was flooded with water vapor. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The video is still playing.

Walter didn't know if he should slip away at the moment, and after thinking about it, he entered the hot spring with a little restraint.

Otto smiled and moved closer to him, making Joyce instinctively feel a little resistant.

Walter: "You... You were the one who sent the letter..."

Otto: "Ah, the wrong clown"

"But... Now that we've met, we still need to introduce ourselves properly. "

"My name is [Otto Apocaris], the current bishop of the Mandate of Heaven."

Walter: "The incumbent... Bishop?! "

Otto put his arm on Walter's shoulder and said with a smile:

"Hahaha, that's right, real name and surname, such as fake baggage."

Walter's eyes widened, as if he hadn't fully accepted the fact.

He remembered Otto Apocalis, who seemed to have been a figure hundreds of years ago.

Now that he has appeared at such a young age, Walter feels a little confused.

Could it be that the second and third kings or something?

Seeing Walter's defense, Otto lowered his arm and said with a smile:

"I think you may have heard some negative rumors about me."

"Some of them are real, and some of them are just pure chasing."

"It's just that none of that matters, because I'm not here as a bishop."

Seeing Otto getting closer and closer to him, Walter panicked:

"You... What are you going to do? "

Otto: "Hahaha, my friend, why are you so nervous." "

Still smiling, he looked into Walter's doubtful eyes and said slowly:

"I want you, Walter, to come and be my heir to Otto Apocalis."

"I will train you so that you can become the next bishop of Destiny after I leave office."

"What do you mean?"

Walter looked a little surprised and didn't react for a while.

Seeing this, Otto smiled helplessly:

"Straight to the point, it really scared you a lot."

"But you know, Apocalis has never been a family limited by blood."

"Since ancient times, it has been absorbing a wide range of the best people in the world."

"So, if you want, you can change your surname by naturalization today and be my brother."

The sudden request frightened Walter a little.

Otto, on the other hand, seemed to see through his thoughts.

Otto told Walter his purpose, saying that he really valued him.

He gave examples of Walter's merits and talked to him about the great people of history.

Otto then summed it all up.

He told Walter that whether a person is great or not is determined by his "essence".

His "essence" is nothing more than an illusory and ethereal shadow named Kalien.

Walter's "essence" represents man himself, representing the will of 300,000 people.

Otto told Walter that you were better suited to be a leader than I was.

As long as I accept my proposal, the development of human civilization can be accelerated.

The strategy against Avalanche will be greatly improved.

This time, Otto spoke eloquently, and every word was true.

He fervently hoped that the first law would be submissive to him and be cultivated by himself.

By then, the world may indeed be better.

Of course, Otto did all this for other purposes.

All the while, no matter what Otto was doing.

He remembers his original goal.

Resurrect Karin, resurrect the saint in your heart.

The power of the lawyer of management has not yet been fully stimulated, and the core of the lawyer has disappeared.

But Otto knew it was a once-in-a-lifetime research opportunity.

If he can win over Walter, Otto can get more information and supplement his lack of intelligence on the power of the lawyer.

It can even allow Walter to reproduce the power of the Law of Death in disguise through the black abyss white flower, and make a rehearsal for future plans.

No way, the Law of Reason is too omnipotent.

Otto holds the Void and understands this even deeper.

Today, he doesn't just want to convey his true thoughts.

He also had to test Walter's ideas.

It would be a pity if such an all-powerful ability is not in his control.

But what Otto didn't expect was.

His own rare sincere words, but he could not move this lawyer.

A sudden power outage interrupted the communication between the two.

Otto was about to ask for a candle to talk, but Walter chose to leave.

The lawyer's intuition told him that he could not communicate more with Otto.

Indeed, Otto was not wrong in all his words tonight, not wrong at all.

But Walter was still repulsed.

Because Otto is too right, too aware of himself.

All his whereabouts, all the people he has contacted, and even the secrets of 300,000 people in his body.

Otto knows it all.

This left Walter insecure, unfree.

He knew that once he promised Otto, everything would be dominated.

So, he chose to refuse.

In the darkness, Otto kept smiling and watched Walter leave.

He sighed, feeling a little regretful.

"Walter, Walter, why do you say you are so stupid."

"It is good to have a personal will, but unfettered freedom will eventually lead to disaster."

With that, Otto got up, put the bath towel on his body, and left the hot spring.

He knew that his wooing had failed.

It will not succeed now, and it will not succeed in the future.

In that case, the next step had to be carried out.

A month ago, Otto sent Valkyrie Leanna Brigantia to North America on vacation.

He was waiting for this moment.

The power of the Law of Reason is too strong... If it's not in control, it can't be allowed to exist.

In particular, it cannot be allowed to exist in the North American branch.

What Walter didn't know was that Otto's image was not what he was.

Once it comes to planning, Otto returns to the rational and cold-blooded bishop of Destiny.

This separation means farewell.

On November 24, research efforts on the Moonlight Throne failed.

The collapse that was enough to destroy the whole of New York was compressed into the hands of Princess Nancy and detonated by the great scientist thrown high in the sea level.

New York thus avoided a nuclear explosion.

The failure of this experiment killed the leader of the North American branch of Destiny and seriously injured the core members.

Everything went according to Otto's wishes.

Moonlight Throne technology, from pre-civilizations.

The North American section salvaged its design drawings in the Dead Sea, led by Minister Nancy Edison.

Princess Nancy knew that it would be an epoch-making invention.

But to reproduce it, you must have the support of archaeologists.

This information was not reported by the North American branch, but Otto had already secretly grasped the intelligence.

He had already obtained the technology of the Moonlight Throne through the Void Wanzang and knew the principles of it.

He threatened the archaeologists on the research team and tampered with several data, causing the eventual experiment to fail and explode.

With this, Otto completely eliminated the North American branch.

Otto, who was sitting at the headquarters of Heavenly Destiny, smiled slightly.

Next, there's one last thing left.

Dispose of - Walter Joyce.

Dispose of this disobedient lawyer....

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