The screen turns.

Otto's figure disappeared and turned to a coastline.

Several figures appear in the picture.

Walter, Einstein, Tesla, Schrödinger, Ryanna.

The five people looked at the explosion in the distance and were speechless for a while.

They received news of the defeat of the Moonlight Throne and learned of Princess Nancy's death.

This surprised them and made it difficult for them to accept the facts.

Tesla, who sent Edison the last ride, has not yet wiped his tears.

And the next moment, the archaeologists threatened by Otto rushed over~.

He looked at the vision of the explosion in the distance, and his whole body trembled.

Knowing that he was in trouble, he could no longer control it, and out of control he shouted what he did - out:

"It's all because of me! Because I was threatened by that person! "

"He threatened my child!"

"I didn't mean to! I didn't know the consequences of experimentation would be so serious! "

"The bishop just told me that he had modified the later data in the ancient books and would waste Nancy's time!"

"He just said to me lightly, he didn't want Nancy to take the epoch-making breakthrough for herself!"

"I... How could I have imagined that it would develop into what it is now?! "

"How did I know that the consequences of failing the experiment would be so serious?!!"

The man was emotional, and his tone became more and more intense.

Walter and the others were shocked by this fact, and no one dared to speak.

Tesla was just about to question a few words.


The sound of penetration sounded, and the archaeologist's heart had been pierced by a pitch-black spear.

"You say too much leaky mouth, stupid man."

As soon as Otto's words fell, the pitch-black spear emitted a death-like light, instantly exploding the archaeologist's body.

Blood splattered everywhere, horizontal.

Otto pulled out the black abyss, and not a drop of blood was stained on the gun.

"Go quietly and reunite with your family."

A paradise of the past.

Otto's operation suddenly stunned Thirteen Yingjian.

At this moment, even the proudest of them, Wilvi and Mebius, could not help but sigh at Otto's horror.

Kevin: "What a sinister way of fighting..."

"Once this kind of person gives him time to lay out, I think he can even kill a few of us."

Vilvie: "Oh guys, I have to be honest." "

"Although Otto can't make soul steel, the way he uses soul steel..."

"More than ten years ahead of the previous civilization!"

Mebius: "Hahahaha, Otto, what a genius. "

"I was still wondering why he was sending that Riana to North America on vacation, and I was still wondering what kind of trick he was playing."

"Now I know, ah, this person is really insidious."

Sakura: "It's like this, it's impossible to prevent..."

"Who would have thought that the companions around them turned out to be the greatest danger..."

"Leanna, turned into Otto!"

At this moment, Sakura, who was from the Chrysalis Army, should be the one who is the most proficient in assassination among the thirteen.

He looked at Otto's killing methods, and suddenly felt terrible.

Just now, the archaeologist spoke loudly.

The Valkyrie next to Leanna, her body suddenly rippled.

Then, her surprised eyes gradually became cold, and her clothes also switched to suits.

Sakura knew that these were all liquid soul steel!

It was all so fast, so fast that no one in the room noticed her change.

After that, Leanna turned into Otto and killed the archaeologist with one shot.

At this moment, Sakura substituted herself among the four people on the scene.

The most reliable and trusted teammate around him suddenly became another person in the physical sense and directly killed himself.

It's surprising and desperate!

Moreover, it is impossible to prevent it!

Thousand Calamities: "Interesting... Interesting..."

"Although the frontal combat power is not much stronger than that of wild dogs, but in terms of sneak attacks, hehe..."

"Otto, I'm ashamed of myself."

Cosmoz: "Unbelievable..."

"One person can directly become another person."

"Otto, how the hell did this happen!"

Pardol Phyllis: "Hmm... Let's think..."

"Eh! Before this video starts, there is a picture of Otto switching bodies! "

"It was when he first wrote to that Ω that he once changed his body!"

"It's the same with Leanna, Otto he directly replaced his body and attached his consciousness to Leanna's body!"

Alicia: "Huh, it seems that this is indeed the case, Pador observed it very carefully." "

"No wonder Otto let Leanna go to North America for vacation, it turns out that he has already calculated this step and specially put Leanna next to the target..."

"This also... It's too insidious..."

Eden: "That is, Otto left a few backdoor programs when he was transforming Riana..."

"If necessary, can you take over the body..."

Su sighed: "If this is the case, then the essence of Otto is not simple. "

"His immortality stems from the self-healing characteristics of the soul steel body, but if he can switch between different bodies."

"Otto, he can no longer be regarded as a person, he is more like a spirit body, a soul body, an inhuman existence with information as the body..."

"This man... It's really scary..."

Aponia: "To be able to transform yourself into this... What a crazy person. "

Grace: "No, Otto, he's just trying to fulfill his obsession." "

"Mother Aponia, Otto should be a poor man..."

Hua: "Poor man..."

"No, in him, I only see cold blood."

Hua stared at the picture, his tone rarely tinged with some emotion.

"I was still talking and laughing with people the day before, and today I will come to extinguish it."

"Ignoring Leana's personal will, forcibly taking her body to kill her companions."

"Secretly threatening others and using despicable means to exclude dissidents."

"Otto, his ruthlessness has exceeded my imagination..."

"In reality, how did I tolerate him doing such a thing..."

Alicia: "Alas, Hua, it makes no sense to think about this now. "

"I think in reality, if you notice this problem, you will definitely take action."

"In any case, you have always been a very righteous person, Hua."

Everyone nodded together, agreeing with Alicia's words.

Hua intuitively felt that after the first exposure, everyone's attitude towards them was surprisingly respectful.

This made her a little uncomfortable for a while...

Mandate of Heaven Headquarters, Overseer War Hall.

Seeing the bloody picture on the light curtain, Lauderdale had an intuitive understanding of Otto's description a few minutes ago.

Originally, when she listened to Otto's allusion to the ship of Theseus, she did not feel much novelty.

But now after actual observation, Lauderdale realized what an accurate summary this was.

Leanna has undergone thousands of transformations by Otto over the centuries, and her body has transformed into the real ship of Theseus.

Every part of the body is no longer part of Leana's original composition.

In a philosophical sense, she may not really be called Rianna Brigantia.

Otto Apocalis is perhaps a more accurate term...

Rita had long anticipated what was happening. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

As the Valkyrie in charge of dealing with "shadows" under Otto, Rita knows Otto's style best.

At the moment, she just sighed in her heart.

Bishop Otto, your heart is cruel, and I will never be able to learn it...

At this moment, Otto was enjoying the picture with interest, as if enjoying a play.

Looking at this picture, he said with some nostalgia:

"At that time, I really didn't want to do it right away."

"I'm really not lying, you guys look at the people here, which one is not the top talent in the world."

"There are the proponents of general relativity, the founders of radio transmission, and the excellent researchers of the theory of quantum mechanics."

"These people are the best scientists in the Mandate Organization, how can I be willing to let them be implicated and give Princess Nancy a burial?"

"My goal is only Walter except for that Nancy Edison."

"I was going to give Walter some slack time to fight for it again after cleaning up the North American branch."

"That's the first lawyer, it's a pity for me to kill him."

"But blame the Finn, blame the paleographer."

"He had to say leaky mouth, he had to say leaky mouth in front of Walter and the group of doctors."

"Well, I had to silence myself."

"They know so much, I don't want the ability of the Rational Man and the world's top brain to stand directly against me."

"How troublesome this is, you see anti-entropy, how troublesome."

Otto said quite excitedly, with a smile in his words.

Rita also felt that Otto was indeed not lying.

It is reasonable that a smart person like Otto will not force Einstein Tesla and these talents to reverse entropy and work against destiny.

The anti-entropy composed of reasonable laws and a large number of scientists has developed a foundation that can resist the destiny of heaven in a few decades, which is a very reasonable development.

Otto: "Besides, Leana, the Valkyrie, was indeed a little too unruly during that time." "

"How pathetic, my Leana."

"Does she think that as the chief Valkyrie, she can be on an equal footing with the bishop?"

"So naïve to think that when I conduct experiments, I won't leave a few backdoor interfaces?"

"Alas, that group of people should actually feel honored."

"Seriously, there are not many enemies, and it is worth the execution of Otto Apocaris himself."

"Although... The effect of that execution was not so ideal..."

Lauderdale: "Lord Bishop, have you always been so dignified?" "

"Don't you think you're sorry for each of them?"

"I don't ask you to feel guilty about them sincerely, but at least don't provoke the parties involved in this incident in the barrage."

"You don't want to start a world war again, let Honkai take advantage of it."

Otto: "Hahaha, Bianca, I am very pleased that you have a simple sense of justice in your heart." "

"But frankly, the root of this matter is actually the power struggle that I most disdain."

"My enemies have always been the head of the North American branch, and the first lawyer."

"So, I don't feel guilty about anyone except these two."

Lauderdale: "You..."

Otto: "Oh, yes, Bianca. "

"The archaeologist I killed with the black abyss, the Finn, seems to be the father of the second law of anti-entropy."

"Oh, those people are really sorry for me....."

"What I want to say is that if the First Law chooses to be on our side, then Destiny may have already figured out a set of effective methods that can make the Law all fight for humanity."

"It's a pity... Although Walter Joyce has a human heart because of coincidence, it also allows him and his successors to be angry and indiscriminate in big things. "

"Anti-entropy has always been against the destiny of heaven, let's talk about the second law of reason now."

"I also killed his father because I had no choice, but he still remembers hatred and insists on fighting me for decades."

"What can I say, he has no father, but he still has me."

"I can be the leader of his life, can't I? Just like I raised you. "

Otto's words were erratic, but as cold as a knife.

This made Lauderdale intuitively feel that the usually gentle and elegant bishop seemed to suffer from a serious mental illness.

This couldn't help but give Lauderdale the idea of putting Otto on the spot and not letting him be a scourge to the world.

However, this thought is only fleeting.

After all, Lauderdale knows that reality is not like a novel, and that a passionate sense of justice can save the world.

As one of the rulers of the world, Otto has a long lifespan of more than five hundred years and is very experienced.

The Mandate of Heaven led by him has indeed effectively protected mankind.

Once Otto leaves, there is a high probability that the Mandate of Heaven will be leaderless and will collapse directly, and humans will also spend time on unnecessary internal consumption...

Noticing the sudden coldness of the atmosphere, Otto smiled helplessly:

"Oh, how can I say it, and I am angry. It's not good, it's not good. "

"Let's continue to watch the video, anyway, in the matter of the first lawyer, I myself am also a negative teaching material."

"Lauderdale, you might as well take it as a warning."

Saying that, Otto laughed and continued to admire his heroic posture at that time...

St. Freya, student dormitory.

Bud Yi looked at the several people who appeared in the picture, and suddenly opened his mouth in surprise.

Bud Yi: "Einstein, Dr. Tesla??? "

"How could these people have appeared sixty years ago! I remember that they weren't always young ?! "

As the daughter of Raiden Ryoma, Nha Yi has always been in contact with many people and things related to reverse entropy in her daily life.

Among them, she saw headshots of Instein and Tesla and others in her father's computer several times.

It is said that these people are the "shareholders" of the father's company.

At that time, Nha Yi still felt that these two people were so powerful, not only did they have a doctorate at a young age, but they were also so rich.

But now it seems that this is not the case.

Einstein and Dr. Tesla seem to have been people sixty years ago!

Shouldn't this group of people form a club of the immortals!

Bronia: "Maybe... Research can alternating current resist the aging of the stratum corneum of the skin? "

Kiana: "Have you seen these two doctors?" "

Bud Yi nodded:

"Yes, a month before my father was charged, I also met Dr. Tesla."

"It was about two years ago, and Dr. Tesla looked very young!"

"Even though the Doctor was a little grinning... But I was sure that was me, because my father respected her. "

Fu Hua mused, "They are probably under some unknown influence of the Black Abyss White Flower. "

"I wasn't there when Otto persecuted them, so I don't know what it was."

"But since the reverse entropy is established, it proves that Otto's plan failed."

"Hehe, I played some role in this."

Nha Yi: "Huh?!" "

Fu Hua smiled and said, "At that time, Otto was both inflated and arrogant, and very dangerous. "

"Although I won't directly intervene in his affairs, it is really time for Otto to re-examine himself." ..... Hundred million..

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